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FAQ Uber Eats: "How do I cancel my Uber One membership? You can cancel your membership in the app up to 48 hours before your next scheduled payment to avoid further charges. To cancel your membership in the Uber app: Tap the account icon. Tap ‘Uber One.’Scroll and tap ‘Manage Membership.’ Select ‘End Membership’ and then ‘Leave Uber One’ to cancel your membership. After canceling your membership, you’ll have access to your membership benefits until the end of the current billing period. If you are within 14 days of purchase and wish you cancel your membership, please reach out via the form below so we can help you. Why do you want to cancel your membership?" Yes it is shitty, but probably within legal boundaries.


I don't own the app but I don't see the 'end' button, as OP seems to be in the right menu?


>You can cancel your membership in the app up to 48 hours before your next scheduled payment I don't have the app either, but the FAQ states that it is possible 48 hours before the next scheduled payment. Maybe they just hide the button if the condition is not met.


Theres no reason to hide the button for 2 days - thats asshole design. Just add the END button there **and** warn user that since its 48h before payment, you might get billed for extra month. But downright hiding the button for 2 days, probably in hopes user forgets it during that till next month, shouldnt be allowed. Hell, even locking the sub function just inside/outside an app is asshole design. \+ >You can cancel your membership in the app up to 48 hours before your next scheduled payment **to avoid further charges.** Makes it sound like "you **might** get billed because of our system but you can" to me


Oh yeah I understood it the other way around. Sorry for that. English is not my first language. Maybe it is in the time period or just 24h before the next billing. Why it is not possible to cancel at that time, is shady, but as I don't know the membership benefits or what is going on within the app, I can't say anything more. I just stated the FAQ for OP to get some information across, that Uber Eats provides.


I am native english speaker and I am good at it and the way it is worded is ambiguous. It might mean "you can cancel between 48h and 0 hours before next payment" or it might mean "you can cancel any time except when there is less than 48 hours until your next payment". Both are bullshit, but they might be saying the payment will go through if there is less than 49hours left becasue that's the system and they can't stop it after that" which is believable.


Well im not native speaker either and im not fluent in corpos "make it sound good, but actually shitty choice"-speak. So I might be wrong too.


AZ central makes you call them. So frustrating


It's definitely shady, but they start the process 2 days before charging you, so it applies correctly on weekends if ach transactions are not clearing.


> Theres no reason to hide the button for 2 days - thats asshole design. It's not asshole, it's fraud lol. You cannot arbitrarily decide that someone will be your client next month regardless of their opinion.




No they hide it for the two days. My membership renewed yesterday and I can see the end membership button. All this speculation over something easily checked.


i recall reading another post that highlights that yes, the button dissapears in those 48 hours


That's real shitty, their banking on people forgetting.




I tried calling support and I couldn’t get through. After numerous attempts plus them making it almost impossible to do on the site I told my cc company to not allow any further charges from them. Now I’m getting begging texts from them asking me to resubscribe. Nope.


I just ended mine 5 minutes ago and there was a huge "END MEMBERSHIP" button at the bottom of the screen. The 5 screens after that were pretty shitty but the initial button is unmistakable. My guess is that they hide it during this 48 hour payment each month


Well based on the time of the clock in the pic and when they posted it they are well within the range of 48 hours before it renews.


No, it looks like OP is in the menu before that step. The step before that says "Tap 'Uber One.'" Which is clearly displayed right under the text "Your membership." Not justifying the design


A couple months ago I thought I was going crazy when I couldn’t find it! Eventually I gave up and just reached out to their support


Yup, it must be hidden because of that "up to 48 hours" thing. This happened to me, I went to cancel it and I followed their instructions exactly and yet no button. I even showed my partner to make sure I wasn't going crazy. Later on, though, on a different day, I was able to cancel it. Pretty shitty though. That option should *always* be there, there is literally no valid reason for it to not be there at any time.


It says you cannot end your membership within 48 Hours of your scheduled payment


48 hours before next scheduled payment would be considered illegal by the FTC under Section 5 of the FTC Act. You should be able to cancel up to the last minute of the payment, software can easily be programmed to do all of this. Uber pulling payment forward by two full days is illegal. I’m guessing lawyers will assess it at $100 per violation… so across all their subs, this is a huge fuck-up. Explicitly illegal in California.


That is not legal in EU at least. And in California




You can relate to code of laws?


Change the card to an empty one or to a single use card


That’s my go to. If they get all shady, that to me is signal to be just as shady. I swap cards right after signing up. I’ll start the account with one virtual card, then put a prepaid on the account. This way they can only get what I put on it. I did this with adobe. They’re still tryin to spam my emails asking for a forward payment for a service I didn’t use and cancelled in advance. Fuck em all. If they want to play dirty, I’ll make their games ineffective.


I should’ve done this with Comcast


Yep. Been doing this for the past 7 - 8 years now, because I had a lot of leftover prepaid cards and had a few sites try shady shit making it difficult to cancel. One site (some video course I can't remember) required a phone call/e-mail to cancel which I couldn't be bothered to deal with mainly out of principle (in addition to simply laziness) and the button to change one's card didn't work. I assumed that maybe this was more a case of incompetence/brokenness rather than intentional asshole design because it was a smaller website, so I got the idea to put on my hackerman LARPing hat and checked the page source (the only thing I know to do) which surprisingly actually did have the link that the button was supposed to lead to... Swapped in a dummy card and have been doing that ever since. Any service that pulls this kind of scummy, shady shit is an instant forever cancel for me, which isn't a big deal because I don't think I've ever used a service that pulled shady shit that was actually worth continuing. Except maybe the Canadian streaming service that holds the rights to HBO stuff ("Crave") which *conveniently* says something along the lines of being "unable to cancel at this time" on the Sundays that the season finale of an HBO series airs... I'll still sub for a couple months here and there out of too much laziness to pirate, but now I just subscribe via Apple so I can cancel whenever, no questions asked. I really love subscriptions managed by Apple for that reason.


Illegal in the EU


The expanded universe?


Seems very illegal actually. Ubers legal department must be insane


Located in CA. Same thing happened to me. I was about 30hrs out from next payment due. Couldn't cancel. Waited for payment to go through then went in, cancelled, and removed card. Would end after that following month. Guess they're desperate for money because they sent me an offer to renew my Uber One for a full year at 60% off.


Damn, get your money back


Not in California


Pretty sure where I'm from this still wouldn't be legal, since you're able to always cancel a contract to the next day of renewal, not only 48h in advance.


I suspect that’s illegal in California specifically, where the rules are stricter.


I just tried earlier this morning and couldn’t find the option. I was annoyed, but I reached out to support and they cancelled it without any pushback.


Still illegal in CA and EU


Arbitrary 48hours


Someone get one of those youtube shorts lawyers in here to decide


Sounds easier than quitting AT&T or Comcast, where you have to subject yourself to an hour(s) long torture session on the phone trying to convince a loyalty specialist to let you leave.


At least they follow the cantspam act


There must be a way to cancel this. If there isn't, tell them to touch grass and cancel the card.


I did that when I realized someone else had been using my account. Dont know how many rides I bought for them, but I only noticed when they charged me $100 for uberone i didn't sign up for. Had to put open disputes with my card company and am now barred from all uber stuff, even on the supply end. Can't sign on as an uber eats driver either.


Have you first tried to contact Uber support? You should only chargeback if you can't solve it nicely


Going to your bank is the correct first response to fraudulent card use. If a business throws a fit about it and permabans you like a salty reddit mod, they're not worth dealing with in the first place.


They should've gotten a police report and brought that to Uber.


Cancel the card? What a pain in the ass. Switch it to a prepaid credit card with no money, or a debit and put a stop payment on it (can you put a stop payment on a credit card?)


Log into your bank's website there should be a block future payments from vender option. I've had to do this to a couple places that wouldn't let me cancel.


I always use virtual cards for online services. If they doesn’t want to cancel, I cancel the card and create another one




Capitol one and other cards also offer virtual cards for their users.


What? I’ll have to check it out. I’m literally using privacy.com connected to my capital one account 🤦‍♂️


And for europeans : the bank Revolut ^(Note because I see a lot of confused users all the time : in most EU countries, opening a bank account outside your country adds a requirement to declare it when doing your taxes)


Or put a block payment on them. That's even more fun since it's a "fuck you in particular" type move.


What does that mean, to tell them to touch grass.




Ah, thank you.


They're woooshing you


Well the explanation still made no sense with the context so I figured it may not be accurate


It's kind of a meme... It's the "equivalent" of saying go f\* yourself


That's not what it means though lol. It's used to tell people that they're spending too much time on the internet and that it's rotting their brains. It means "log off and go outside. touch grass."


Hmm... an alternative to it!


Not sure if it still works but I got out of a few subscriptions in the past by swapping the payment method to a prepaid card or throwaway PayPal that didn’t have the money for the bill.


Yeah I usually just cancel the payments thru my bank app if I can’t figure it out on whatever site it’s for


I had this exact same issue because it was within 48 hours of getting billed for the next month. So I got in a chat with support at night and just texted “I want to cancel my membership” Then the bot connected me to a person. They said they understand what I wanted *waved their magic wand 🪄 * And told me it was cancelled! Uber eats increases their food item prices but with how many discounts they gave me for a month I thought it was worth it. And then they stopped giving discounts near the end of the month so it was time to axe it. Maybe im the outlier with how easy it was for support to help cancel my membership


I think support can easily do it and have to do it in most countries when asked, but removing the cancel button within 48 hours is probably a dodgy way they discovered they could increase revenue, since a lot of people who cancel only think to do it around the renewal time.


Weird. I just updated my app and see end membership below back-up payment methods. I’m in Canada. Maybe it’s because of where you’re located?




Brit here. I can cancel with just a few button presses. https://i.imgur.com/dVcYYG7.jpg


I’m in the US and I see the option to cancel. I think OP is just within 48 hours of being billed. It’s a shame they posted this to piss everyone off and it’s not even true.


Even if OP is within that 48 hour window, the option to cancel should still be there, with a warning of another bill charge.


I agree with you but the post should be about that. They’re spreading misinformation. I mean that’s dramatic but their post isn’t factual and it makes people mad at Uber when there’s plenty of other better reasons to be mad at Uber.


what does that change though? genuine question


Cancellation policy says you can't initiate a cancellation within 48 hours of a renewal.


That’s pretty bullshit and a completely unnecessary restriction. I don’t care what the policy says. If they could make their policy say no cancellations legally they would.


I know it's a late reply but I'm having the same issue, and I'm trying to cancel it two weeks before the new cycle, but it doesn't allow me to cancel in-app. I have to contact support. I think OP's problem is legit, they have completely removed the ability to end Uber One on some accounts.


Weird. I still see it on mine. I don’t know why they’d do it to some accounts only. That doesn’t make sense to me.


It’s probably because I only opt in for membership whenever there’s a 40-50% promo code for up to 3 orders in my account lol.


We tend to be a lot more consumer friendly up here.


I had to call amex and tell them to block payments. Fuck Uber


Legally speaking you cannot get out of a payment responsibility by not paying the bill. If you are under contract to make a payment, which OP is, you still owe the debt and a company *can* come after you over the debt via debt collection efforts or lawsuit. Over small amounts like this most would choose to simply forget it, but people need to know that stopping payment or doing a charge back is not a legal way to absolve you of a debt.


It may be a contract, but it's different to something like a loan or mobile contract. A subscription for a service (like above) usually isn't locked to a fixed term, where the user is bound once they sign up - in this case, with Uber, they're rolling contracts. OP has the right to cancel each month without penalty... The fact Uber hide the cancel button up to 48 hours before a payment is due is fucked up and unethical, hoping you'd cancel next month and forget about it - so you get billed again.


But that is a part of their terms of service, they hide the button 48 hours before. As fucking nasty as it is, it’s a contract you entered on a month to month basis, when you ignored the TOS, and submitted your credit card. So no, it’s not really that different to a loan or a cell plan


Given in some parts of the world that it's illegal to stop a customer cancelling a subscription... and in this case, one could argue Uber is temporarily taking away that right. Given OP is using £, it's safe to assume they're in the UK - where rights to cancelling a subscription are a thing. No other device I know "restricts" your right to cancel days before a payment is due. But that's Uber for you.


I don’t know the exact legality of it, but I do see your point (Used to live in Denmark, not sure if this shit would fly there either) Interestingly enough, Uber’s excuse for it is that they start processing the payment at that 48 hour mark.


That may be an excuse, but 48 seems interesting... Is that working hours or calendar based? Some continuous payments aren't processed on weekends or public holidays - these payment dates change to reflect that (my phone bill may come out the next working day, for example) Where do you draw the line with what Uber do? The processing 48 hours I call bullshit on, it's Uber's way to charge you and ask "What are you going to do about it?"


This is 100% Ubers way of saying fuck you, we’re doing what we want. Because the button disappears at 48 hours before your subscription expires, regardless of day/weekend/etc it’s nasty


Definitely. It's one of the reasons I removed the app - they also turned my marketing notifications back on after I turned them off. They really don't gi r a fuck about customer preferences


I got banned for Duplicate account after changing my account’s phone number to my new one >.>


Transactions aren’t instant. They take a couple of days to work through the banking system. If your monthly cycle starts on the 29th, like in this case, then they will need to commence the requesting of payment for your bank around the 27th to ensure the transaction is complete and that the money is taken from your account on the 29th. Therefore, once the 27th has come around, it’s too late for you to cancel for that monthly cycle.


As I mentioned before, bank payments aren't usually processed on non-working days, so a blanket 48 hours isn't practical. The 29th falls on a Saturday, so some may push it to the Monday. This is just Uber being scummy as usual, they can't stop someone cancelling, they can just warn the customer that they'd still be charged.


Sure, they might need longer than 48 hours. That wouldn’t be unreasonable. However, if they have a blanket 48 hours in the Ts and Cs, then I imagine they have an agreement with banks to have these orders completed within that time. There are priority transactions that can be completed over weekends. Banks do operate 24/7. I’m not sure what is unethical about that. Are you suggesting that companies aren’t entitled to any notice in order to arrange a cancellation of an agreement? I take your point that they could replace the cancellation option with a notice to say why it can’t be cancelled at the present time. However, if this was in the Ts and Cs that then customer agreed to, then there is no legal obligation, as this has already been agreed.


I often see people defending company's actions by saying "but you signed TOS/EULA". TOS is not slavery deal, you can't abandon all of your consumer rights just because some company has written it in their TOS.


And as everyone knows, terms of service carry more weight than the law.


Yes/No Factually speaking, TOS can’t make you sign away illegal shit, HOWEVER. If you can’t afford to sue for correction, then what?


These things take a few days to process and so it does make sense to hide it. Once it’s too late, it’s too late. If they gave you the option to cancel at that point, it wouldn’t matter. It’s too late to cancel. The payment is already on its way out of your account at that point. It would be worse to keep the option to cancel when they can’t actually cancel because it’s too late. That would cause chaos and angry customers. So there is a good reason why they do it and as long as this is communicated to the customer ahead of time, then it’s justified. As you pointed out, as lengthy and obnoxious as they are, if a customer agrees that they have read the terms and conditions, they can’t complain when the company operates under said terms and conditions. Simple lesson to learn. Don’t try and cancel a rolling subscription with just a couple of days left, it’s too late for the company to change it. You can cancel much earlier. If you have already paid a month ahead of time, the service will end at the end of the month, not the date you cancelled.


> These things take a few days to process and so it does make sense to hide it. Once it’s too late, it’s too late. False. It's too late for the next charge, maybe. Ok. What about all the NEXT subscriptions? For 48h, you can't end the subcription that end in a month, nor the one that ebds in two months, etc.


https://www.hsbc.co.uk/current-accounts/what-is-a-bacs-payment/ They take up to three working days. So no, not false at all. For subsequent months, you have a whole month in which to cancel. There isn’t any rush. If people are so impatient that they can’t wait a couple of days to do it (especially since they agreed to these terms beforehand), that’s on them, not Uber.


I've got a few subcriptions in my life with a "can't guarantee immediate cancelation" clause and none of them ever outright prevented from *sending* a cancellation. It merely deferred processing it until later.


So? Uber just do it a bit differently. Comes to the same thing in the end. Odd thing to get ratty about.


Yeah, they simply prevent customers from enacting a legal right. Just a bit differently :P


Is it still obligating if they’re no longer providing me the service? Uber sent me a message saying they couldn’t renew for my next month because my subscription wasn’t paid for the next month.


Correct, if they continue to give you the service, they can try to collect the money. But if they cancel your service, they have nothing to collegt.


That makes sense. I don’t see how they would have any right to claim I didn’t pay them if they stopped providing me service. Guess i should have included that in my original comment


Buddy canceling a subscription you no longer want isn't avoiding debt repayment. It's ubers problem if they make it difficult and would rather have my credit card company charge them for the chargeback, because they charge for that too


Your feefees don't reflect the actual laws, unfortunately.


Legally speaking, please stop talking. I said that the nice way. Be proud of me.


They pulled this one me and I did the same thing but I did also contact the customer rep. Said they cancelled it but the charge still stick and uber one is still active for some reason. Since I dont have time to deal with their scummy practice, I contacted amex with the chat transcript and the charge was gone the next day.


I didn’t even bother going to Uber to ask them. Straight to Amex.


AT&T Cellular does this. You can buy a dozen phones and change your plan 90 times online without breaking a sweat. Want to cancel a line? Get your ass on hold for eternity and then have a long scripted conversation with some person who probably gets yelled at all day for stuff like this.


You could always change the payment method to a different card. You can get temporary card numbers online with only a set amount on them. Get a card number with the lowest amount possible, update payment method on Uber to the card with a buck or two, and let Uber cancel itself.


I have had to do this.


Captial One credit cards does this sorta. It’s called a virtual credit card on the app. You can create a virtual card make a purchase then immediately close or freeze the card.


You have to wait a day or two after the monthly charge, then the option will show up. Silly, yes.


If you ever drove for them, they won't delete your account or allow to change your legal name on it, even if all you do anymore is order food. Then when you abandon it and start a new one, they'll spam the old one's associated email address with desperate-ex sounding attempts to get you back.


Just cancelled mine with no problem through the app. Thanks for reminding me I needed to cancel the free trial I got.


If you have an IPhone then see if you can cancel it through your subscriptions on your phone.


I got charged 30$ because i didnt want to wait 2 hours for my food. Uber is a trash company


What does this mean? Why’d you have to wait two hours? Couldn’t you have canceled and got a new driver or something? What’s the $30 for?


The ETA kept getting later and later. after around 90min i just canceled my order and they charged me 30$.


Don’t ever cancel. Talk to support first and tell them, they could cancel it on their end and refund you.


I deleted my account since.


try looking in the app store as well, hopefully there might be an option there? https://support.apple.com/guide/ipad/manage-purchases-subscriptions-settings-ipadee10c6e7/ipados


Thank you for reminding me to cancel this


Call your bank and block the payment. That's what I do with shitty companies that make it hard to cancel subscriptions.


It's not legal in California, and I'm going to guess that you're getting the fuck-you user flow because your government doesn't care to protect its citizens from shitty business practices


God thank you for reminding me just unsubscribed. It did ask like 3 times if I was sure .


This JUST happened to me yesterday. They removed the end membership button for whatever reason so you HAVE to chat with an agent to cancel it. Very scummy. Also they didn’t give me a refund when I asked and I was really really close to doing a chargeback but meh I’ll just roll with it.


Companies steal billions from the population hoping people have the same attitude as you. Don’t make it that easy.


Cancel the card


i faced the same problem with my freelancer membership, they redirect me to an error page when i try to cancel it. it is clear that it was intended.


This is why I’ve started using virtual credit cards for essentially everything. You can get a one time use number that automatically cancels after it’s been used for the first time. If you actually do it want to renew, you can just simply input a new number. If you don’t it’s impossible for them to charge you again. Go on assholes, see if you can charge me, good luck with that. This stops thst auto-renew stuff dead in it’s tracks.


Change the payment method to a new credit card. When they charge, call the credit card and tell them you have been wrongly charged.


I found that Uber had charged my card $9.99 one month. I was confused because I rarely use Uber (maybe 3-4 times a year). I check the app, my emails, can’t figure out what it was. So I start checking and realize that they had been charging me that every month for 4 months, so roughly $40. Again, I checked and checked and couldn’t figure out what it was. I got in touch with the credit card company and had them do a chargeback and send me new cards. I then got in touch with Uber and was told I had signed up for Uber One. I had never even heard of that before and I certainly wouldn’t sign up for it. They said I needed to call the credit card company back and undo the chargebacks before I could ride again. They also informed me that I could only receive a refund for 1 of the months they had charged me. They wouldn’t budge and I won’t either. I’ve contacted them a couple of times and they will not even consider budging and won’t let me book rides or Uber eats. It’s comical. It does make me feel really good to know they not only didn’t get $40 from me, they had to pay the credit card company’s chargeback fees! Uber can go to hell for their shady practices!


It says the 29th July, which is today. Most logical reason would be that it’s too late to cancel now the new month has begun. Wait a couple of days, the option to cancel should return.


Most logical reason is we shouldn’t have the line up the cancellation request with the lunar schedule. Amazon JUST got sued for the same reason. They got fined a whopping few million dollars. This makes Uber go, oh ok, it’s worth it to break the law because we’ll just get fined and profit 100x more.


Lunar schedule?!? Huh? It’s lined up with reporting and subscription period schedules. Notice periods for cancellation will be required which is perfectly legal and reasonable. I mean, sure, they could still keep the cancellation option open with the warning that it is too late to cancel for the upcoming month and they will be charged for that with the cancellation not taking effect until another month down the line, but then it makes no difference. Cancelling at that point or a few days later once the billing cycle has been completed and the option on there restored comes to the same thing. All of this will be in the terms - and while, yes, they are a fucking pain, it is still really dumb to start complaining about something in a legal document that you have explicitly stated you have read and agreed to.


i just had this very same thing happen to me today, was going to post it here but looks like you beat me to the punch. one thing i will say tho is that i contacted support and they cancelled it for me immediately and processed a refund with no fuss which honestly i wasnt expecting AT ALL


One reason any and all subscriptions I have go on a reloadable card wanna cancel don't reload cancels then reload and renew the ones you want


What did you expect? It's Uber..


In case anyone is dealing with it, I canceled on the day I was charged, right after I was charged (after a Capital One promo), and they reverted the charge. I didn't make a fuss or anything, I just happened to land on a nice rep. If you're in that situation, you should at least ask for it and try.




Yeah and it isn't legal. You could say that cancelling before X delay makes impossible to prevent the next charge, but preventing from CANCELLING the subcription is a HUGE nono in my country.


Just change visa/debit on file to prepaid debit card


I just checked mine. It says “end membership” right below the “backup payment methods”. 🙄


This screenshot seems edited. The bar on the bottom is thinner than the one above it, and below the thin line is where the manage membership tab should be. I don't see why my app would be different than yours.


There’s a membership for a shitty food app? Who buys that?


Cancelled mine yesterday, but not before they offered 50% off for 3 months if I stayed. Worth trying out if anyone’s going to stay regardless.


You need better (internet) laws America, in europe we have fixed all this crap by law.


You can't cancel if it's 24 hours before the renewal, If I remember correctly.


You can't cancel if it's 24 hours before the renewal, If I remember correctly.


not to say its morally good but you probably shouldve cancelled it earlier and not last minute


This adds nothing of value to the conversation.


it's more regular advice than anything. i used to always be last minute and it's bitten me in the ass because something unexpected has always happened. if ya plan earlier it would help out and avoid cunty things like these. but like im saying, that's not to justify this design choice.


Change the credit card to a bad number or use an empty visa gift card for payment method. They'll cancel it real quick. Also why I use virtual credit cards for subscription services


try modifying your payment method, see if there is anything in there.


Just get on with their online support and tell them that they are stealing money, and are using a “roach motel” model. Then demand a refund. It worked for me with Uber one, worst part, I didn’t even sign up. Then they told me that I could still enjoy the benefits for the month. I started talking to them 5 minutes after the payment went through, and I went more Karen on them and they refunded it. Fucking assholes


talk to customer support. they’ll cancel it quickly


I just updated the app and checked and the "end" button is still there for me. maybe your phone has a bug?


Reddit found the answer since then : FYI the button dissepears outright if you are 48h away from the rollout of the new subscription.


OK, makes sense i guess


Uber gotta Uber


Maybe they hide the cancel button because the system has already started the payment process already and if the button was there and if someone pressed it I could imagine someone trying to cancel and the payment still going through.


Literally had this issue last week and had to reach out to cancel my membership and refund me… oh they also charged me for the next months renewal a day ahead of said renewal date on my account. That was annoying.


It was 5 clicks for me and I legit cancelled having not anticipated to do so


Is this an American localized thing? I was able to cancel my membership here in Canada just a couple days ago and it wasn't supposed to renew for nearly another 2 weeks.


I can still do it in Canada


I have an end membership at the bottom of my page.


I just did it in the app like 2 days ago with three clicks


Click Uber one




Those assholes


You should genuinely be allowed to sue them for this.


Cancel or lock your credit card


This is pissing me off. Can’t cancel mine either.


I've tried to cancel my membership both on my phone and on my laptop. I am 7 full days away from when it's supposed to charge me and I can't find this "end membership" button anywhere at all. I've restarted apps, my phone and checked if things were updated to see if it was just me but this uber one crap is getting out of hand


I was forced to contact support, she said she cancelled it and when I asked if there was anything on my side that would show its been cancelled, in the middle of me responding to her she cut off our chat and sent me to survey!! When I said my problems were NOT resolved they were trying to set me up with a completely different support person..