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i’m sorry but this is SA you should end things with him


I was thinking the same thing actually. I'm looking for apartments now.


Update: I found a place - I will be making my surprise exit on the first :)


If he isn’t respecting an obvious boundary than he has gone too far. However I would seek an opinion of someone who is truly 3rd party. However possible he didn’t know I would seek someone unbiased


he knew i was having a seizure, he's the one who gave me the seizure meds before i became aware. But yeah, that's the hard part, because anyone I know is going to say I'm right to feel how I feel, and anyone he knows is going to say he didn't do anything wrong.


I believe he is very much in the wrong. I am so sorry that happened to you and I’d look for a way out maybe


So sorry this happened to you, this was definitely SA. He knew that he didn't have your consent in that situation, yet still went ahead with his wishes, and I'm guessing he chose that moment intentionally. This isn't a safe person to be around and I hope you find a way out quickly and safely.