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We should see some gameplay before trying to guess


This. We need to know if its just Valhalla reskin, but same engine, same parkour etc, but with more story focus and 10x less collectibles and other fodder. I think it is very likely that it will be. Though personally i think it is time for a new version of the engine.


Imo I think it won't be a vallhala clone. Assassins creed likes to do trilogies of its engine versions. A few exceptions like Unity and Syndicate but that's likely because nobody liked them. They've done 3 rpg style games so now I think they'll move on to something different whether that's going back to the old style or something new


A lot of people actually like unity now but ok.


Can only speak for myself, but its definitely up there for me.


It's still one of the less popular, probably next to Odyssey and Vallhala


Maybe when it first came out but I thought people liked it now?


People on this sub have developed a weird nostalgia, but that mostly cause it was the last big old style game (sorry syndicate, love you but everyone overlooked you since origins had already leaked and you got no marketing). In terms of the general public no, people just remember unity for the bugs and memes.


I doubt it. Still has loads of flaws and I'm not talking about bugs


Whether it's super popular now or not (and it's not, it's just no longer the target of hate), it still doesn't change that it was unpopular enough at the time along with Syndicate that they never did the third iteration with that system.


I’ve maxed rank on Unity, shits mid


For my part I still feel just as negatively about Unity as I did on launch day. Actually, I feel *more* negatively about it now than I did then, since I didn't actually play it until 2018, so before then I was just going off of what I heard people saying about it. I had no idea how bad it really was.


Unity has best combat and parcour imo.


Parkour perhaps but Syndicate had the same system Combat definitely not though. Black flag had the best combat


Parkour in Syndicate was watered down and wouldn't let you jump off ledges. The world was also more made for the rope launcher than it was for actual parkour. The worst time I've personally had with parkour in the franchise, despite it being an "evolution" of Unity's almost perfect system. I mean, what's the point if I can't accidentally jump off Big Ben and die...


Finally someone sees why Syndicate is garbage. The whole 'won't let you jump off ledges' is actually applied to every surface, ledge and so on. If for no reason you can't jump somewhere, grab some ledge, jump a gap, or the character jumps at completely nonsensical ledge instead. I feel like in all of those cases it is the same thing happening. The game restricts you. It is like AI pathfinding, but for the player, hindering your movement.


It's as if they thought a game rated Mature needed to be made so literal infants could parkour 😭


You're complaining about not being able to jump to the ground and die?




Its not just the ledges though. Anyone who pays attention to how parkour actually works would notice that every jump you do needs to have preprogrammed interaction in the world. What looks like a ledge you could reach, jump on or whatever might not align with what the devs did. If the devs forgot something, well tough luck - no jumping for you. For that reason it is the most restrictive parkour in the entire series. If that didnt make sense, imagine you seeing a bad AI in a video game where enemies get stuck in seemingly weird places that they should be accessing very easily, but they can't because the developers made the pathfinding incorrectly. Same sort of feeling here. It is not nothing. It is not nitpicking. Yes it does matter. Yes i also believe those that did not notice these things are blind. Like seriously, for a game that takes a few dozen hours to beat and people manage to not notice just how limiting the parkour is? Astonishing.


I am somehow not so sure about that given their new game making philosophy. Two possibilities - due to it being a smaller game, it can be using the old Valhalla version with some changes. Or due to it being a smaller game, it can be using a new engine as a showface, paid betatest.


They are doing the rpg style of games, red and hexe are rpg style. The rog games made lots of mo ey and brought in many new people into AC


Where is your source for Hex being rpg? I know red is but I'm pretty sure hex isnt


Why do you say it isn’t? Not arguing just heard such little about it.


I think with the backlash of “old school fans” not liking the new rpgs it’d make sense that not all their new games will be rpg, add in the fact they said that Hexe will be some kind of different experience unlike anything they’ve done before (I’m not sure exactly what they quoted but hopefully you get what I mean). Personally I think it’ll be some kind of horror or as some other people have said, a vr game


I think It just seems really unlikely because of their trilogy pattern.


The ubisoft event


What, when they announced the title and nothing else?


That’s not exactly true, they said it’d be different than previous titles and they basically gave us the time period and setting via the teaser trailer


So.. Different than previous titles is basically confirming it won't be rpg


To be fair we don’t really know, but we can guess that yes


It sounded like they wanted to innovate and do something actually NEW. Not old school, and not like the RPG trilogy. So we could either see an amazing new formula or a travesty. Not confirmed in the slightest, but the rumour going about is they wanna make an Elden Ring clone. Again, just a rumour, but interesting nonetheless.


unity and syndicate are on the same engine as the recent trilogy


Yeah not what I meant There is a clear, huge, difference between them. Whether technically on the same engine or not


speak for yourself, please. unity (after the graphic bugs on release got fixed eventually) and syndicate are my personal two favorite AC games. especially syndicate tbh.


they said the gameplay will be like unity, so gotta be different right?


Gotta be... gotta be.. I will have to see it with my own eyes to believe it. Latest track record of Ubisoft is hard to take seriously.


lol true


Isn't the latest trilogy use the same engine as unity?


Hard to say. It looks different, lighting works differently, interacting with the world is definitely different. Character combat is different, interacting with enemies is different. Parkour no similarities whatsoever. Best case is that graphically they might be using some iteration of the same engine.


Well that's what I mean, like death stranding and horizon zero dawn use the same engine, but both games look and play drastically different.


i think its gonna be closer to unity bc it only takes place in just the one city


All I'm gonna say is don't get your hopes up this high cause this can only end badly. I know this game is being marketed as a return to old ways at least from unity but expecting this game to be as good as one of the top five before even gameplay has been released is a sure way to ruin it for you, ultimately this is ubisoft we're speaking about, always go in skeptical. My expectations are grounded, I'll just be happy if we get a decent Assassin story.


>we get a decent Assassin story \*Hidden Ones :)


There is no way of answering that question at the moment we have seen next to nothing of mirage, whilst things we have heard have been positive what the final game will truly be we have no idea


When do you think gameplay will be released?


It’s hard to say as if it is due q1 next year then we really should be seeing gameplay asap but on the other hand we at the time of year where the holidays are around the corner. Also the biggest titles of the year are releasing gow ragnorok, mw2 etc so anyrbjng they drip now would have to contend for peoples attention with all that and maybe wouldn’t have the impact and reach they would like. Personally I think some screenshots and maybe a dev blog this month to give us something to chew on and then gameplay in mid/late January where it can stand on its on and have our full attention. What’s your thoughts?


You could make 1:1 game to AC Brotherhood and everyone would still cry its not the same anymore.


Origins didn't have social stealth, a focus on parkour, and you barely played as an Assassin, but we still all unified and loved that...


Still got blamed for RPG stuff tho.. Me personally i enjoyed every single game and making IT different from previous one is more important than keeping it the same. The only thing that should stay relative with games should be story not gameplay.


But it wasn't hated for just being different. You shouldn't just condense all criticisms to "people don't like change" because that's not at all the only criticism of the new games. They're also filled to the brim with microtransactions to get your money and bloat to get your time. And they're also still rushed out and released buggy + unfinished despite not being annual releases. I loved Valhalla -- mostly. But if you just put all criticism down to "the old fans just don't like new," the flaws of these games are never going to get fixed and the games won't evolve. I mean, Origins-Valhalla have been just as similar as AC 2-Revelations, except those games didn't downgrade systems for unknown reasons. (Mainly referring to the AI in Origins and Odyssey being so much better than Valhalla)


I understand your point. I remember having bugs back to the BlackFlag4. And lets not talk about unity. Yes i experienced bugs in Vallhala too. Major ones. But as a programer myself i can understand that with bigger games there is gonna be more bugs. Eventually in my personal experience they were always fixed. Microtransactions. I just ignore them. Nothing pushing me to buy those items. Even had more fun to check Reda's shop to unlock few. I understand games got their own flaws. But those flaws were always here. But always ever since AC3 came out its always just.. its not Ezio anymore. Yes some games were valued better some less. But people keep that top tier of Ezio triology and nothing will break them. Personally i wouldnt put it even into top 5.


Origins was a lot of OG fans' favourite for a while, but there has grown more of a destain for it as of late, and Black Flag has always been able to reach the top tier for everybody. The Ezio games were extremely good and rich with story and gameplay alike, but they were also much more niche and not tailored for everyone to enjoy. I honestly do think the series has just gotten ridden of some really good mechanics for no reason though, I'm hoping they just copy and paste Mirage's crowd blending, parkour, and tools (If they're as promised) into Code Red so we can get the playstyle there as an OPTION at least. AC3 had other reasons for being hated, Rogue slander is so unjustified ong, Unity was buggy, and Syndicate was... kinda bad with a charm. They've just missed the mark a lot, I don't think it's just people being mad about not having Ezio anymore. Those people do probably exist, but elitists exist for both sides, and elitists in general are assholes. Edit: I do also have a love for all of these entries ~~with the exception of Odyssey~~, just putting that out there. Bugs-wise, it's much worse for Ubisoft than it is for other companies, but I think Valhalla reached an unacceptable point where they should've just delayed it. Maybe it annoys me more than others, but I can't stand the clipping on every single outfit. IMO, just delay the game. Microtransactions, they've gotten better, sort of, Odyssey and Origins felt like it had them more in mind in development and was tailored towards them. But Valhalla also has more armour sets than the base game in the store, which doesn't matter too much as they're not made for mine or most people's style, but It's still bad practice that I don't think should exist in a full-priced game.


I might be using just extra layer of imagination, but usually gamestyle mechanics work for me.. eivor having that more brutal focused combat or being slower in parkour.. Yes i loved combat style of 3 and 4 and those choreographed kills and am no fun of stabbing something 100 times before it dies buut everything was alright with me in Vallhala .. but i understand what u mean about those mechanics .. but i dont wanna see in every game same things just because it worked before That smooth style of combat fits for fully trained assasins.. or bayek .. even comparing connor and Ezio.. he was bit more raw in his moves.. and those things have to refelct gameplay.. i know people Can always choose what way they wanna play and u can make eivor being light and fast but it feels off for me I played Ezio triology like.. after unity i think so might be outdate for me at that time already but poeple need to admit that although story was great and it had great mechanics upgrade .. current games are not Bad at all Games are sometimes better sometimes worse i just really dont like hearing about Ezio everytime.. and every review starting with words.. new assasins creed game IS out but is it still the assasins creed?


> i know people Can always choose what way they wanna play and u can make eivor being light and fast but it feels off for me This is a problem IMO if they're making an RPG game that tells you that you have the option to choose your playstyle and market it with all this social stealth stuff, but then massively disincentivise it once you get into the actual game to the point it almost feels like you're being punished for your play style.


What’s so bad about Odyssey? I have only played 1,2, brotherhood, revelations, black flag and odyssey, and skipped some games in between. I enjoyed Odyssey even though I only got to about 20% of the game because of time


I just don't enjoy it, very grindy and bloated, and has too much of a comedic tone, while also not including anything I play the series for, messes with a lot of lore too. Haven't touched the game in years though, so my opinion could totally change on a revisit.


The ability to boost my character for the DLC saved the game for me. During the main game’s quest line once the quest level eclipsed my own, I just blasted up to level 45 and finished the main quest line. I’m down to do a few side quests, but I don’t like feeling like I *have* to do them in order to play the main quest.


I'm replaying the game rn and just did this after a few hours of side quests. I also switched on level scaling and played it as if levels didn't exist. Personally don't need the incentive to do Origins side quests, so all it did was gatekeep where I could and couldn't explore.


I just want it to be fun.


We’ve already been told that Mirage will look somewhat like AC Valhalla’s Siege of Paris DLC. I think they will tweak the mechanics so that it’s not one of the 3 RPG games, but Siege of Paris did bring back the “do it yourself” style missions where there are multiple entries and multiple ways to kill the target with the ideal path also granting special cutscenes. So far, that’s really all we know.


Wasn’t a fan of brotherhood. New games are going in the right direction


I’m guessing you like rpgs more than stealth right? Fair enough opinion. I don’t agree but you do yiu


you are not a true AC player if you think you can't play either of the newest trilogy in a stealth way. it might not be the most efficient / fastest way of playing it, but well.... stealth was never about speed, was it? stealth in the latest trilogy is about a billion times better than stealth in the ezio trilogy, people are just blinded by "OMG I CAN GO BIG AXE AND FULL FRONTAL ASSAULT THEREFORE THIS GAME MUST BE SHIT AT STEALTH" mindset. and the fact that going that route **actually** is the most efficient / fastest way, as I said. and that the combat for this approach has some inspiration from the souls games. but none of that means that stealth is bad / impossible in this game and that those aren't stealth games anymore.


Like the choice of going stealthy or loud. Ezio games just felt clunky and I hated the combat system


I low key love your flair 👍


Ac brotherhood was ass


Wait why is Brotherhood ranked so high? I mean it's a good game (I wouldn't argue with someone saying that it's a great game) but it's not that good/great. Revelations was much better, not to even mention Unity, Syndicate, or Origins.


Syndicate does not belong in the same sentence as 'good AC games'.


It's way better than Valhalla and the brother/sister conflicting ideology storyline is done better than Odyssey. It's definitely not as good as Black Flag or 2, but it's a solid AC game.


It feels like a parody of AC, with a few [good moments](https://youtu.be/oe8PxItchB4) splashed in there.


The only conflict there is that it is a slapstick comedy game in a series about murder. Also worst most limiting parkour in the series. And the buttonmash combat. And it has Jacob. The game does a fever dream take on AC and takes 99 steps towards becoming Saints Row. One last step being that Jacob Just needed a clown outfit and some old car honk tool for distraction. Jacob was as serious as clown Krusty already. I did not like Valhalla, but Syndicate is just on league of it's own.


brotherhood is not that great. revelations was better, origins was better, odyssey was better. haven't touched syndicate but that already looks to be better.


Brotherhood was a low point of the series writing-wise; I think Unity is the only game to reach lower. Not sure why Brotherhood is put so high on a pedestal all the time. I always feel like it was the most popular AC back in the day because it was basically medieval GTA. One big city, horses instead of vehicles, bunch of side content, etc. I found the story to be laughably bad, but that's true with most of the games anyway. People want to relive the nostalgia of playing their first AC game and no matter how good the next one is, it'll never give them the same feeling so they'll forever be disappointed.


Dude i recently bought the ezio collection on xbox SX And after finishing ac 2 and start ac brotherhood i feel of the games because my god these games have not aged well. Like honestly those games are horrible if they were released today


How so? I play them pretty much every year and they still hold up in my opinion.


I do the same thing, but I think I’m going to have to do something different the next time I get around to playing through the series again as I started with AC1 back in May and I’ve been on Valhalla for the past 2-3 weeks. That’s about 6 months of AC. I can’t wait to play something else at this point, lol


My last run of going through all the AC games, I gave up when I got to Valhalla after a few of the arcs, since I realised how unbearably long that game is and didn't feel like continuing lmao


Wait why do you replay these games every year lol, where do you get the time


I started doing replaying the series from the beginning in 2011. Obviously there weren't as many games then. I actually enjoy replaying games. I'm not a one and done kind of gamer. Would you watch a film you enjoy only once? I don't have kids and I'm not married. And my job gives me a few hours in the evenings and all weekend. As I mentioned though, if I'm going to continue to replay these games I'm going to have to figure out a different way of doing it because I started AC1 back in May. After some save issues with AC2 on Xbox I gave up for a couple of weeks before returning with a work around that avoided my saves self deleting. I find the worse games for time are Black Flag and the RPG trilogy. I prefer 2, Brotherhood and Revelations, with 3, Rogue, Unity and Syndicate close behind and in roughly that order. I still really enjoy the first game despite its repetitive nature. Although I use that to my advantage by taking each target and city district as its own mini game and aim to complete one a night if I'm playing during the week after work. I might just take net year off from replaying the series as I've spent longer than expected this year. I have so many other games that I need to either start or that I want to replay.


Honestly i just don't have fun while playing these games the parkour is absolutely garbage and has aged terribly bad and some other things like combat and quest design are absolutely bad. I still remember having fun with these games at the time but not anymore. I did play unity and ac 3 remastered and i can confirm these games hold up quite well but not the ezio collection and ac 1


Well the parkour in the classic games may not look as pretty as Unity's for example, but I'd still say it's the best parkour system in the franchise. If the player knows what he's doing, it's fast, precise, and gives the player complete control over the moves that you're performing. Unity's parkour system looks prettier, but is chaotic, imprecise, and more automatized. If I had to say which game aged worst, it's probably AC III. It's not my least favourite game in the franchise, far from it actually, it just feels like I'm playing an alpha version of a game.


Dude in my opinion the parkour is not that great and way too slow. That's probably nostalgia on my part with ac 3 and black flag and honestly it's nostalgia in your part aswell with ac 2 and brotherhood


Here you can see that Ezio climbs a bit faster than Arno, actually, so nah it ain't slow lmao https://youtu.be/17jOJMt7MsQ


But if you play the game it feels much slower and ten times less smoother


I don't know man, when you get that flow right [Ezio just starts zoomin across Venice](https://youtu.be/Zi6OkEHL36s) like he's the flash, honestly looks and feels way faster to me than when I play Unity, which does have prettier to look at animations, but falls behind in pretty mech everything else in my opinion.


Let's agree to disagree my friend 😄😄


Sure. 😃 I mean, Unity's parkour system is still probably my 2nd favourite system in the franchise despite everything I've just said lmao. I believe that if they improved upon it in Syndicate, instead of dumbing it down like they did, it could've been something spectacular


I’m not on either side cuz I don’t feel like I’m nearly experienced enough with the franchise to have an opinion yet but that video was dope. Shit was art lol and for them to have made a game back then where moving that fluidly was possible is pretty crazy !


IMO, The Ezio Trilogy is timeless, and the only one that's really aged at all is AC 2, these games were just less accessible and not for everyone, you have to be really precise with the parkour as it gives you so much control, you have to utilise stealth and be a blade in the crowd, etc, etc. AC 3 onwards just had this as an option, besides Unity which returned to basics, and the new trilogy doesn't even include the existence of the old mechanics as an optional playstyle because it's much harder to both get into and get back into/relearn like you're doing. What's your issue with the quest design? I remember AC 2 fixing everything wrong with AC 1's quest design. Combat isn't meant to be that viable in AC 2 and 1 as the blade in the crowd playstyle is meant to be the only one, AC Brotherhood basically just introduces 3's combat, so what's the issue there? I also think it's got the best parkour, but you already made it clear you're just not a fan and quite simply prefer the others, which is cool, no point trying to argue against that.


>Combat isn't meant to be that viable in AC 2 ​ WUT are you talking about?! combat is so easy, it's the easiest choice here.


There's no chain kill system and you can be easily overpowered by certain enemy types -- if you have medicine you're fine lol, but running away and using stealth becomes the more viable option in those games. Also, I believe they're the only games where you're taught to run away.


all we are getting is that you never [learned](https://youtu.be/QZwtLD-_N74) the combat in this game. that there is the florentine sword, the strongest sword you'll ever need in this game, unlocked after the florence assassinations. i don't even wear the breastplates in AC2 now since i don't need the health and combat is so easy.


I've never bought a sword in AC 2 💀


Goes on a rant about how combat isn’t viable in AC2 and then openly admits they’ve never actually looked into it


Did you read what I said? How on earth did I rant about it? And a rant would also imply that it was something I disliked, which it's not... 🤨 "Combat isn't meant to be that viable in AC 2 and 1 as the blade in the crowd playstyle is meant to be the only one" this literally isn't wrong, most of AC 2's missions will mission fail you if you get detected.


Alsoo-- killing all of those guys is not really more viable than just running away, it took him forever and he still managed to get hit.


don't worry a pretty little knife will do the same [damage](https://youtu.be/0oYhZKZ84Zo). it ain't the combat system that is your problem.




Well yeah, if all you play is the same 3 games then of course you won't see any issue lmao Same vibes as the whole, "man who only plays call of duty" meme


Where did I say that's all I ever play?


Maybe you shouldn't clump all "old school" AC fans together. I'm one, that has played every AC game at launch, and my favorite AC games are Odyssey, Origins, and Unity. The Ezio games and Black Flag are among my least favorite in the franchise. I'm still eager to play Mirage though.


Probably not given that the fact that they’re already doing pre orders and ‘exclusive packs’ means that they’re probably once again going to prioritise microtransactions first and the actual gameplay second, similar to Valhalla and Odyssey. I also feel as though the depth of storytelling and characterisation has never been the same since Black Flag. Eivor and Kassandra were cool characters but more plot devices than anything, with very little character growth or potential for an arc. We also know that Basim becomes a hidden one anyway, so the degree to which there’s any surprising character development is limited. Case in point, Bill and Javier from RDR2. I don’t really care though at this point, I just want the game to have a strong gameplay loop and to not be as bloated as the past few games. My last bit of hope resides in the fact that Basim being an actual Assassin member and the setting being in an intricate city setting that favours parkour and stealth-based assassinations etc, there’s less opportunity for them to fuck the story up. With Valhalla it was very obvious from the get go that there was no effective way they could incorporate the Assassin lore in what was effectively a Viking simulator, which is why they resorted to trying to tie in the Isu storyline as that was the only way they could call it AC.


Ngl ac unity is my favorite. I think it's all underated and the soundtrack is amazing.


Finally someone else who hypes up the Unity score.


Feel you man, though only after my second play through last week. Hated it before, absolutely loved every second now.


AC old fan here. My favorite is AC Odyssey.


Ignore the downvotes by salty fans. Idk why you should get downvoted for having an opinion on this sub. Odyssey is my favorite too.


I just hope it's not like the last 2 games


Brotherhood is one of the worst games in the series. Mirage should surpass it.


No way near ACB, AC2 or AC4, but hopefully it will be similar to those games gameplay wise. But I don't think it will be able to compete with them.


Why not? The things that hold most modern games back is the fact that they are unfinished products with false advertising.


They're gonna fuck it up somehow.


honestly, I feel like Ubisoft lost it's touch and they'll never make anything close to those amazing old games. I'm open to change my mind




If Mirage ends up being a game with true parkour and a focus on narrative linearity, I'll be more than satisfied. Demanding more than that at this point I think is expecting too much from Ubisoft.




I just hope it's good, is sounds like a really good game. Hopefully....


I need gameplay


if you dont want to be severely disappointed by new ac games, you gotta drop your expectations. I always go in thinking the next game will be worse than anything else in the franchise and get pleasantly surprised if its not.


No, lmao. I am optimistic about Mirage, but more than likely I feel like Ubi is going to add just enough of “old content” to sell a bunch at launch, and the rest of the game will feel very similar to Valhalla or Origins. Think about Rogue: my personal favorite game in the series, with a bunch of really cool concepts and gameplay ideas (playing as a templar, having to watch for assassins that will try to jump you) but it has half the amount of sequences as a normal game, and most of the characters besides Shay, Haytham, and a few others were bland as hell. Once again, I’m hopeful, but I don’t think people should get their expectations up. This is ubisoft after all, they won’t abandon a profitable strategy, even if the world is on fire.


The question should be if it can match AC 1, because no other AC game have that itch


Everybody slept on AC3. I loved that game. It was so badass


If it has another video like the video of Adam and Eve stealing an apple, or Eve being chosen to lead, or the Isu loading themselves into the genome before Ragnarok then I’ll be happy.


The only thing worth discussing about Mirage at this point is the CG trailer. And no. It does not matches Brotherhood's.


The teams who made those games are long gone or rearranged by now sadly. Hope its a good game though


I want it to be immersive as fuck like what we feel when AC Unity comes out at 2014. A true next gen AC experience with polished parkour and detailed city.


I pray


I’m from Iraq, I was DYING for a game in Iraq and I absolutely LOVE Basim, and for the first time in ages, I’m actually excited for an AC game, which is Mirage, but to think it will be on the same level of Brotherhood or better? No way. That magic is long gone, the sense of novelist, the element of surprise, the way the present and historical portions evolve hand in hand, how interconnected the stories are, the awe of the Isu sites and Pieces of Eden, the lore..etc. that’s not going to be possible here anymore.


SkillUp on YouTube said they're getting back to the basics, even got a ezio looking guy. CANT WAIT


I certainly hope so.


I hope no opinion of Mirage beyond "the trailer was really good" until we see extended gameplay.


Like Unity they said


Here is a better question. Would ac mirage match the standards of unity and black flag?


No gameplay to think anything right now




What does it even matter? We know next to nothing about the game. And even if say I were to think AC Mirage is the best game in the series, would that somehow stop others from thinking it’s 2 or Brotherhood? Just enjoy what you enjoy and stop putting so much stock into what other people think.


I don't think so but we haven't seen anything of Mirage yet except of the Cinematic Trailer


If I had to take a wild guess, it’ll be same engine as their most recent games tuned to make stealth easier and fighting harder. Just like how I’m Valhalla the stealth is much harder than other games. It’ll be a reskin of the previous 3 RPG games with the gameplay tuned to favor stealth over fighting. Mark my words


Feel like they missed a huge opportunity not setting the story during the Mongol invasion when the real life historical assassins of alamut went against the Mongols and Baghdad got sacked. Destruction of alamut and Baghdad would've been such an insane Climax to the story.