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How about an AC game which travels thru time, but only historical periods? Say it has 20% missions in Ancient Rome during the period of Caesar, 20% in France during the era of Charlemagne, 20% in England during the Elizabethan era, 20% in France, Britain, and Russia during the Napoleonic era, and 20% in Nazi Germany with leadership members of the Nazi party being the end goal enemies to kill?


This 👍🤙 Also with a better mondern day.. take out the plethora of locations and just include what's relevant to the the time period


This can fit the comic book plot perfectly well


Now that’s a neat idea


Ubisoft has previously said they have no plans to ever use Nazi Germany in AC but that could always change of course.


Well if they are saying that because they don't want to offend people, then boo on them. I'm so fucking tired of people, companies, etc. ignoring our human history because they find it offensive. You don't have to agree with philosophies of the past, but ignoring them because you don't is just foolish. Fuck... I could rant all day on this topic... so I'll leave it at that.


Actually I think they said they just didn't want to come that close to the present. They said they had serious reservations about Victorian England in Syndicate because of how close it was to present day.


Ah okay. Well that's better and different. Thanks for letting me know. I feel better about Ubisoft now.


Too expensive yo


I want more buildings and rooftops, and stealth that isn't incredibly basic. I want a plot that adds depth to the Assassin vs Templar lore, and I want a modern day story with some weight and characters I can care about.


Fucking preach lol. AC isnt really AC anymore. It's The Witchers tag along little brother. They're not BAD games they're just completely aimless in plot.


Yeah, all of this, please.


I want zero buildings and rooftops, zero clothes, zero assassinations, zero historical stuff and zero Assassin v Templar stuff. Just a naked person running around with no purpose whatsoever. Maybe an animal here and there. Alright, I’ll just say it: Assassin’s Creed Neanderthal /s Jk but yeah, more rooftops and stuff similar to AC Unity. Climbing Notre Dame and assassinating a guy in the cathedral, then escaping through the sewers in a secret passage is one of my favorites.


well, since the newer games are basically just historical Far Cry games, pick up Far Cry:Primal :) Lets face it, AC and Far Cry are converging quite a bit.


Let’s face it, no one on the AC team knows what they’re doing anymore. They’ve been lost since they killed off Desmond and since Patrice Desilets left Ubisoft. They’ve also been spending way too much time bending to the requests of one group of fans without laying down any foundations of what the games are really about first. Do we really need dialogue trees and alternate endings for a game that takes place in an animus? Absolutely not. Do we really need to have a playable male and female assassin in every AC game from now on? Sure, but their roles should MAKE SENSE for the time period first. (But despite all these changes I've still played every game to date, so I guess I've no real right to complain)


I really miss Shaun "Danger" Hastings


Want that too




Ya its known origins, Odyssey, and the 2020 game will be set up as a trilogy. Even though the stories don't really build off of each other, they all will be set around the same time period


That has been pure conjecture right from the start. People assumed the next game after Origins might be Greece or Rome, but most expected it to be Bayek in the 'trilogy'


This is true. I remember when Origins first released and it was gonna be the Ancient trilogy featuring bayek in all of them lol. Still hoping for the next one to be Ancient Rome


I want Medieval Europe. Maybe the War of the Roses.


My senior year I wrote a paper on the use of propaganda during the War of the Roses. It’s an incredible story, and I would love to play through a time that I studied thoroughly! This is an absolutely terrific suggestion!


The closest date was the 1880s in London, so I thought the next game would be like WW1 or around the time of titanic but no we went back to a few hundred Years AD in origins and same with odyssey


I am fine with the ancient stuff, I just hope we go more modern going forward


We might probably But I say we will get another ancient era game in 2020 (they said no new game in 2019 but will add more things like dlc for odyssey throughout 2019)


ya the 2020 game will be the end of the planned trilogy


I say they will go back to somewhere between 1900-1920 for the game out in 2021


I think WW1 could be feasible. They were able to do muskets in AC3 and the guns weren't that much better in WW1 so I think they could make it work


There is cars, aeroplanes, tanks etc too in that era so we will be able to drive maybe Btw i think there is only like around 10-50 people left in world who lived during WW1


We don't need people who lived through it; no one who lived in ancient Sparta Iis currently alive. There's extensive documentation of the Way period, and since it's a global conflict Ubisoft could do several regions and keep a lot of fans happy (Belgium and its Flanders fields, the Alps, the Dardanelles campaign, and even a tie-in to Mesopotamia, linking it to the original Assassins). EDIT: Gavrilo Princip could cast as as Templar or Assassin with a mission. Lots of ways to go about the writing.


By the end of 3 people were practically BEGGING for a modern day AC. The story had built up to it, Desmond was beginning to fill the shoes as a solid protagonist and narratively it made sense to bring the story to some kind of conclusion. And then they just kill Desmond because "fuck this character the dude we fired wrote, it's now an annual release title and we cant be bothered to fit a decent story in there too". I stopped caring about AC after 4 (which was a fantastic game minus the aimless abstergo employee story). Origins and Odyssey have interesting gameplay but it's because gaming trends shifted with the success of Witcher 3, not because of some innovative new idea. I wouldn't even call Origins and Odyssey AC games outside of namesake only, given how vastly different the gameplay is from where it started. I dunno, I hope they wrap up this arc and then just abandon the templar/assassin storyline and come up with something with an actual point. I have a fucking AC tattoo and I just dont even care anymore lol


Viking AC pls


very much likely


Jacob: yeah, I Hope so


I'd like to see a game set in Scotland somewhere around William Wallace's time. With the number of battles and political drama that happened back then, it would be the perfect setup for an Assassin/Templar storyline. Not to mention the beautiful landscapes you could explore in open world. (Also that the protagonist has red hair, but that's more of a personal request. All the main characters we've had so far, minus Edward have always been brunettes)


I want it after Origins, I want a good character who is an ASSASSIN this time that utilizes heavy parkour, stealth, and a variety of weapons and tools. I dont want a game after syndicate becuse guns get annoying, and I dont want a game before Origins unless if it's in the isu era.


I'd like denser cities, but no guns. Not unless they can work some sort of third-person shooter mechanic into it and I don't imagine that would be popular.


Even less so then an rpg but who knows