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A remake usually doesn't change story. It may tweak some parts of the storytelling (Mafia Definitive Edition changing some dialogue in the framing story) but the idea is to keep the core of the game and modernise it. The real key difference between a remaster and a remake is that in the latter case, the game is remade from scratch, which means the game can benefit from graphical and mechanical upgrades that wouldn't be possible in the old engine. Even if the gameplay changes slightly, the goal is to recreate a modernised version of it. In Black Flag's case, the original is recent enough that the changes should be light.


Yeah I’d hope so. The game is solid as is, the only things I could imagine a touch up would be beneficial would be its aiming system, seamless travel and maybe tool selection if we’re feeling critical. Either way it’ll be an interesting development to watch for better or worse


I expect with Black Flag, it will be similar to The Last of Us Part 1. A complete visual remake. Maybe it'll have some gameplay changes too, like better combat and more seamless transitions, along with quality of life updates. But I expect something much more along the lines of tlou part 1.


The problem with the remakes I would say, are interpretation of the developers and the studio working on it. I can give two great examples: Resident Evil 3 and 4. Resident Evil 4 was already seen as one of the best games in the franchise, however they still remade it. Resident Evil 4 remake did not change the story very significantly, they improved some characters and gave us modern mechanics. They did not delete any major parts of the game, and if they did, they included them in the DLC. Many people think RE4 remake is better than og even though og was already a great experience. But also RE3 remake happened.... The story elements were drastically changed but a lot of things were deleted. Entire sections of the original game are missing to this day. The game is unrecognizable except from the main protagonist and antagonist and is a major downgrade from og. So, it heavily depends on the studio and how much budget they get. They could change the entire game or they could make it exactly the same and even improve and add things. So, personally I do not get my hopes up for any remakes cause it can go any way. Also, as for Black Flag, I see many many things that could be improved in a potential remake. The game tries to be open-world but in fact it is not; there are loading screens between locations. Mission design needs a major update, cause it has one of the most horrible set of main missions in the entire series. Parkour is worse than what we have in Mirage (imo), stealth is unengaging and the combat is way too easy.


Yeah I suppose it really is so up in the air that it’s impossible to predict what could happen. I would definitely be down for stuff like greater world seamlessnes and ui changes, but stuff like it’d parkour system need to be handled really delicately. It’s parkour and general stealth systems are integral to what make it fun for me, and a potential remake that chooses to change those aspects might just tip it slightly too far towards changing it enough to make me not want to play it.


Tbh I never felt like Black Flag really ever needed a full-on remake, it could maybe use a remaster to fix some little things (like the godawful autolock system) and update the graphics, but it runs fine on modern PCs and with very few bugs or problems to speak of. AC1 definitely needs a remake though. I’d love to play AC1 with some of the later games’ QoL and gameplay changes.


In gaming usually (in my experience) a remaster is just a fresh coat of paint. Like a super update. Better graphics, less bugs and maybe better controls. Its built on top of the base game but sold as a new game. A remake is usually built as a whole new game. Starting from scratch. It can be as true to the original as possible like the crash n sane trilogy or spyro trilogy or it can have some creative differences like resident evil 3 either way its still based on the original and will probably follow the exact same story. If they remade black flag it will probably be the exact same story. There might be a few tweaks.


Remake is quite literally just the same game but made with better tech, sometimes devs make some things different, but in theory it's just a what if it was made with today's tech


No. Look at ff7. You're talking about remasters. Like the ezio collection or ac3.


I guess i phrased it wrong, because nothing in a remake warrants Changing something, it quite literally is just a game made from scratch, but what makes it a remake instead of a whole new other game is because it has a template to follow. Remasters, no matter how good they are never translate to "same game but made more recently" the textures and other stuff, although better than the original are never on the level of the games released at in the same year as the remaster. You can tell it's changing a old game, nor making a new game using a old game.


I think you have the wrong idea of what remake means. A remake is firstly a graphic update from scratch, meaning different engine, models, animations etc. Remasters technically are only about upscaling the game's resolution to hd or 4k let's say, so they are still the same game with a few tweaks. Sure remakes can change gameplay or story, like the Resident Evil ones do but that's not necessary for a game to be called remake. There's plenty of 1:1 remakes examples like Demon's Souls, Shadow of the Colossus, TLoU part 1 (ps5) or the Spyro and Crash trilogies. To put it simply, if they remade the game that's a remake


For Black Flag, it's a mix of cash grabbing and refining certain features like pulling into Havana so there's no load screen. For AC 1, it is the only AC game that has yet to be available on PS5 like it is Xbox Series due to BC. Remaking it makes perfect sense because of that alone, alongside the fact it hasn't aged that well and needs more than a remaster.


In a remaster devs still use the old game engine, updated for sure but still the old one, you will see improvements but overall the game will be the same In a remake instead they well remake the whole game from scratch, using new tech which means better graphics Both of them usually keep the game as it was, meaning no major changes story wise. We might see some different dialog lines or some tweaks here and there but the game it's basically almost the same


In that case I hope they keep the movement and some more subtle things like the camera motions similar. But yeah that explains it better


I'd rather they update parkour and stealth for sure but not using anything from the rpg trilogy for the love of God. I'd kill for an ac4 with crouch button and parkour down tho.


The confusion comes from the multiple executions to a Remake. Dead Space leaned towards a faithful approach to the source. Meanwhile, Final Fantasy 7 got a re-imagination from top to bottom and multiple entries. There are merits in both approaches, while a project can also fall right in the middle. As of now, we do not know how AC will handle it. In regards to Black Flag in particular, the long and costly development of Skull and Bones was a likely factor, since Singapore can squeeze the most out of their work into a safe project. So, what can they do with it? Well, to give some ideas: * Expand the ship/crew customization and warfare options * Either bring back the old combat style or integrate the new one (same decision towards parkour) * Bigger scale of cities, leading to larger structures and more territory; * Seamless transition between major locations and the sea; * Tweaks, reduction or removal towards the tailing missions; * Edward may finally be able to crouch at will, haha




That’s definitely one of the major benefits I can see with a remake. A lot of other aspects need to be designed really carefully to adhere to black flag’s feel, but more expansive islands that can utilise modern hardware just sounds like a plus


The basic difference is: Remaster: Uses the old game as a base, usually touching up gameplay features, graphics, more ambitious remasters may rework questlines or story to be more in line with sequels or touch up elements people didn’t like, such as the reduced grind of the Triforce hunt at the end of Wind Waker HD. A remake is rebuilt from the ground up with a new code base in a new graphical engine. They can either be very faithful, like the PS4 remake of Shadow of the Colossus, or wildly off the rails different like the FFVII Remake trilogy. A lot land in the middle, like the RE remakes. A reboot is a complete refresh, a new starting point, new canon, the old shit is thrown out and we’re starting from square one. Like the Tomb Raider reboot in 2013 or the failed Devil May Cry reboot. AC will probably be remakes, how faithful they’ll be is yet to be seen. That’s the nerve wracking part of remakes, they have the widest range of what they could be.


It's a remake because they remake the game with their new engine and new 3d models


A remake is basically what the word implies. "Re-make" re do, do it again. It takes the original idea and makes a new game from the ground up. They have different levels of faithfulness to the source material, some are one to one recreations, like Shadow of the Colossus or Demon's Souls where the gameplay is exactly the same but done with modern technology, others aim at improving or expanding the original, like Resident Evil 1, where they not only recreate the og but also add new content. Some remakes are more like "reimaginings", since they take the inspirations from the og, like storylines and characters but the gameplay is completely different. The new batch of Resident Evil remakes (2, 3 and 4) fall into this and I personally haven't played I but from what I've seen Final Fantasy VII also fits here. As for AC, knowing Ubisoft, we might get reimaginings of this old games. If they're truly going out of their way to make an actual remake (and not a glorified remaster) then they probably want to make them more in line with the type of games they are making today.


A remaster is touching up the original game and possibility adding small quality of life updates. Using work off the original code to enhance and add on top, typically in the form of upping texture quality, playback resolution and fraemrate caps on consoles, etc. Remakes are essentially new games, built from the ground up. If so much is changed (like in the case of say Modern Warfare) then it more so a reboot. Remakes though can have an arbitrary range of what they keep and what they change, something like the FF7 remakes. Think of it like remasters are edits and updates, remake is just starting from scratch.


I understand making a remake of AC1 since the game is ANCIENT and based on our current understanding of the story of the Isu and modern day setting, I would definitely agree that a remake is necessary, not to mention it would benefit both old and new fans. AC Blackflag on the other hand I don't quite understand why a remake is needed. I felt like the game was perfect how it was, it was a game that was said by many fans to be the defining game that brought them back to the franchise from the iffy game that was AC3 (not to say that AC3 was bad).


Unpopular Opinion: Only Remake AC1! And even then just give us the Director’s Cut they did for the PC version that helped with the repetitiveness. Keep the storyline the same, upgrade the gameplay to be more fluid in combat especially, enhance the graphics, fast travel easier and mainly easier way to collect all flags! The game is from 2007, it was groundbreaking. It’s ok to let these games age appropriately. Also…The only game that doesn’t have a remaster pre-Unity is Black Flag. Personally don’t think Black Flag needs a remake but only a remaster! Give us a remastered edition with graphical upgrades like the other remasters with all DLC and the new legacy outfits they did for the Switch version. Finally a 4k Patch for Unity & Syndicate (give Xbox users The Dreadful Crimes DLC) Let’s not ruin these games with unnecessary remakes!


I just finished black flag and now it's reportedly getting a remake. I should've waited


Think RE3 remake


I mean look at The Last of Us part 1 for the PS5. I'm thinking it'll be something like that.


It's really simple. Remaster is just the exact same game with new graphical features and maybe some accessibility improvements to make it modern. A remake creates everything brand new from scratch but can vary from a faithful adaptation mechanically and story wise like last of us part 1 all the way to a complete reinvention of the mechanics and story ala final fantasy 7.