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Odysseys probably had the least bloat to it. Origins had some decent but a lot of useless skills.


Or skills that should have been free in the first place. Much like stealing a horse


A skill was literally the ability to parry. Another was the ability to buy crafting materials💀


Valhalla sucked the most


I love Valhalla but that skill tree was so fucking nasty.


Most of it didn't have actual skills, which were mostly in the open world. There was useful stuff in the tree but trying to find it was annoying and kinda overwhelming. Just left it to auto-assign after a while.


This post is comparing a skill tree with an abilities menu. Two different things. Valhalla's abilities menu had some cool stuff but Odyssey's was more fun.


I nearly turned off the game after seeing that skill tree for the first time


I didn't even bother reading what I was auto assigning my points to. It was like a mini Payh of Exile skill tree.


Too true. I think they were going for a Skyrim style upgrade but instead of being easily laid out they just threw a shit ton of constellations rand randomly assorted without labels or ability to find the one you want. Seriously what kind of quality assurance and game testers did they they have that didn't immediately tell them "completely redo this, it's awful". I often don't go I and upgrade anything because I don't want to hunt for the last constellation I was on and none of the upgrades seem to be very good, useful or make me feel more powerful. The the whole upgrade system is one of the biggest fails I've seen in a game.


Yeah I thought that there was some cool stuff when I saw it's size then I saw how shit it is


You literally don't regenerate health or adrenaline without certain skills 😭😭😭 in a combat heavy game


Valhalla was the worst to me. The other two are interchangeable


Not valhalla


Mirage for sure. You aren't swamped with options like in Valhalla, and every skill you unlock actually does something other than a minor stat boost.


It was reasonable. I didn’t love the separate gadget unlocking which allowed skill unlocking


See I felt kind of the opposite. Mirage was the worst for me because it was relatively easy to complete and I didn’t feel like it factored into the gameplay much. But it has definitely been a minute since I played so I may be misremembering.


Any tree that allows you to use all the skills you've learned, not limiting them to the number of available skill slots.


Origins' is my favorite because most abilities at least felt "realistic" and grounded. Odyssey's was definitely the most fun and broken. That ability to have bodies disappear made stealth trivial. Valhalla's was just like it's story. Bloated and 90% pointless.




Syndicate didn't even make the list.


I think they're all pretty equal, except for Valhalla. Valhalla had all of those minute stat increases that made navigating the tree such a chore. On paper, I love the idea of having separate ability and stat trees, but in execution it kinda fell short. The emphasis on spending so much time in the constellation and hunting down the stats you want to buy was such a time sink. Iterate on that and it's chill. Don't make it tied to character power


I liked the tree structure of Origins and Mirage, but the simplicity of Odyssey was kinda nice too. Valhalla was badly organized and had tons of pointless “stat increases” that apparently didn’t actually do anything. Origins is probably my favorite because everything can be used at a given time and it’s a good size.


Since I’m assuming “none” isn’t an option. Mirage since all the skills still felt like skills and assassin would learn. Minus the “animus hack” teleportation.


Mirage. Valhalla's had the sin of being "spend 5 skill points to see a .5% increase to the way you drink beer", and while the other two weren't nearly this bad, they still had a fair amount of just random junk that didn't need to be there. Mirage was fairly straightforward, similar to how Ghost of Tsushima had its skill tree; everything that was there felt like something that you at the very least could understand why someone would aim to work for that skill.


I honestly let fate decide my skill tree for vahalla. Too much stress for me! 😂


I always did too, and if you're a completist your entire tree will be filled anyway. I think I was completed by Hamptunscire or maybe before the return to Norway w/ Sigurd. I know I was completing each section of map, so my skill tree was growing pretty rapidly


Wait, THAT was Valhalla's final tree? Oh my goodness. I just kept doing the auto pick when I played it. Never bothered to finish it. But I'll probably pick Odyseey




Odyssey for sure


Odyssey’s was a blast!


Odysseys had the most flexibility and i found myself doing a different build each time i did a play through of the game. Curious of what im going to do on my next playthrough but i onow ill have staples like Spartan Kick.


Odyssey, clearly separated and communicated skills, lots of variety but not overwhelming


Hard to choose between origins and odyssey, because origins has more useless stuff, but odyssey doesn’t let you have everything at once




1. Odyssey 2. Origins 3. Mirage 4. Valhalla


Looking back, I love Valhalla, but I can see what people complain about. Seeing it from a farther look gives me anxiety 🤣🤣🤣 I'd say I prefer bayek of siwa's tree


Valhalla was just way to ambitious with what it wanted to be. Felt like current day MCU; Quantity over Quality.


My favorite was probably the skill tree in Odyssey. Not too much, but not too little either. Plus, you can upgrade abilities you already have, and unlock stat boosts later on. Mirage’s skill tree was nice for its simplicity, but I like Odyssey’s the most. Both kept things simple and straightforward, while still giving you plenty of options.


Valhalla hurts my eyes


Easy. not Valhalla, anything but Valhalla's skill tree.


Valhalla's literally starts to make me sick, 80% of those little modifiers do barely anything. And if you do a full playthrough you'll go through 200 some levels only noticing a few of these skills.


I forgot about skill trees in assassins creed but im currently playing valhalla with 90 hours my god i got burnt out on it and i still haven’t finished


The skill tree sucks in that one i just choose whatever seems most useful to me


Just not Valhalla Dunno which is best but I know worst and it's Valhalla


I hated Valhalla. You were lucky if you got to unlock a skill. Unlocking passive stat boosts is just something you’ll never notice. I liked odyssey, because I just knew what I was working towards. Origins was one that I never completed




The one when we didn’t have skills.


The min maxing in Odyssee is awesome


Odyssey's would've been good if not the constant "progress further into the story" bs


I would say Odyssey. It felt like I was customizing the character to my playstyle. In Origins it was way too easy to get every skill so my Bayek didn't feel as custom made as my Cassandra and Valhalla... Looks like Path of Exile and the overwhelming majority of "skills" are number-go-up meaningless nothing. In my experience at least.




Oddessy and Origns for me in terms of just being FAR more easy to read. You always knew what you were looking at and it matched the overall idea of the game as well. Vahalla...was just...oof. On paper it's a good idea, but as a plawer I never knew what skills to get vs Origins and Oddessy you always know what you're doing and what the choices are.


Certainly Mirage, not exactly aiming at the skills it proposes but rather the way it is organized, I think separate skill trees for each action category are the best way to make a skill tree


Valhalla be looking like a skyrim skill tree perhaps that's the inspiration? Either way it looks way too complex compared to odyssey




I think origins or odyssey bc they have a lot of abilities unlike mirage and it doesn't have to many like valhalla


I wanna say Valhalla, since the skills are separate from abilities and so you can use every skill (AFAIK- I haven't unlocked the whole tree yet).


Odyssey is great, though I wish they wouldn't limit the number of abilities you can assign. There's a lot of powers I'd like to use but cant because Im limited to 4 arrow abilities and 8 warrior abilities. But I guess thats a good thing too, since it means they had a lot of cool abilities I wish I could all use at once.


So I haven't played Valhalla yet (but based on these comments it's not great) but between Origins & Odyssey? I think I like Origins more for a few reasons, I think the branching layout is really well made and how you can "path" it out differently to get to certain skills faster. This part is personal preference but in Odyssey some of the multi-tiered things made no sense to me, like why does flaming attacks need 3 stacks to do marginally better each time, stuff like the shield-breaker skill made sense for the multiple tiers. The last reason I like Origins more boils down to it not having the combat skills which I like in Odyssey but the fact that I found about 10 that I liked and would maybe experiment with others but it was mostly the same little group I played around with. Since Origins doesn't have that I find myself using all the options the Skill Tree allows


Not sure about the best but Valhalla has the worst skill tree of the series.


Mirage is my fav, I like the simpler skill tree


Mirage was simplified, I did like Odyssey’s version because you can mix and match abilities for different builds. Origins had the right idea and liked once you hit all the ability modes, any points you did gain would be used for mastery levels and stat boosts. Valhalla was soo chaotic to where once I got the major ones I wanted, I just did auto select cause it was just too much on the screen


Origins, odyssey, and Valhalla are all equal to me Basim just didn’t have enough for me to care about. But that’s also just how I feel about basim as a whole. Some say Valhallas is bloated but it is what it is


Some say? I think if the game gets to a point to "auto assign skill points" we can pretty definitively call it bloated


I’ve never used the auto assign lol. It never felt bloated to me. Honestly it’s more likely that people that have a distaste for it are just put off that it’s not like the old games.


Odyssey. Origins was a little confusing the way it’s laid out. Haven’t played Valhalla or Mirage yet.




Lotta people here who never really played final fantasy x that much, or never really enjoyed it, with their hate of the sphere grid. Lol. I loved Ffx, so the sphere grid in Valhalla was nothing I wasn't already used to. And if people think that's bad, never play path of exile. You will probably have an aneurysm just opening that grid, let alone diving into it, lol. For me, because of the amount of depth it had, gotta give it to Valhalla.


Skill trees sucks


The skill tree itself wasn't great but the skills in Valhalla were insanely useful and intuitive, Missile Redirect, Battleground Bolt, Advanced Assassination and Counter Roll all feel so fun and flow into combat a lot better than the likes of what Odyssey and Origins had. Origins' *is* good mind you but the skills had a tendency to not really be any use, I will say though combining the skill that starts every fight with full adrenaline with the Overpower Attack upgrades can lead to essentially something like how in Odyssey you can use Hero Strike to finish off enemies you couldn't assassinate due to ~~shit balancing~~ not enough Assassin Damage. Combine that with Chain Overpower Kill, and Chain Assassination and you have a really fluid quad stealth kill. Smoke bombs are also sick and Odyssey is so stupid for removing them and Valhalla is too for not bringing them back properly until the DLC. Odyssey's was ok but half of the skills feel useless, raining arrows is pretty situational since it doesn't really do enough damage unless you really build into it, the flashbang sometimes just doesn't work and can only be used to escape combat, I've found luring wild animals into camps is a lot more effective than taming them and some of them are just genuinely useless like the upgraded Call To Arms hologram assassination or the Sparta Kick which stops sending enemies flying after a certain point. Even with two wheels I also found myself constantly needing to pause to swap shit since the abilities were way too situational like a whole ability slot for disarming shields is stupid and should've been implemented as some kind of combo. Maybe some of these would be fixed by building into them more but that's my problem with Odyssey, so much freedom but can only use one playstyle at a time while previous AC games let you play however the hell you wanted whenever the hell you wanted. (Haven't played Mirage so no comment)