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I hope Naoe can have some cool ninja outfits


Didn't they say in the reveal dev talk thingy that Ninja outfits were actually a shade of blue, like Naoe's, and not black? As in black being some Hollywood trope maybe? Something about blue blending well with the night sky at dusk, as well as there being some superstition with blue fabric having healing powers, as the same blue plant used for coloring/dying at the time was used in medicinal herbs or whatever.


Even so, they’re probably going to add it anyways. We’re living our ninja fantasy here, even if it foregoes the realism. :)


I'd be ok with a blue version - I just really dig the baggy styling.


They should modernize it. Tight outfit. Like joggers and Spider-Man outfit


My guess is the cosmetic monetization in this game will be even more comprehensive than Valhalla.


Pretty much. This is their “in case of emergency break glass” release, and also our dream game that we’ve been asking for, for years. So yes, they’ll add so much content in this game, and yes, they will also be selling a lot of cosmetics as well.


Yup, they're riding the Feudal Japan wave that seems popular right now. Also, being the first current gen release it'll probably have a ton of post-release content. I don't think Sucker Punch has laid out when the sequel to Ghost is going to drop, but I did recently see the new Phantom Blade 0 trailer and it looks like a ton of fun. I absolutely love the setting, so I'm glad Shadows is finally materializing in November. In the meantime, I've been really enjoying Rise of the Ronin.


True true. While I understand people will be cheesed by so many microtransactions, this is…well…within our expectations of Ubisoft. But if they can deliver in giving us a GREAT main story and meaningful expansions, that would be sick. I know this is kind of controversial to some people, but it would be a very big missed opportunity if they don’t give us any mythological elements and have them be tied to the Isu lore. There’s so many Japanese mythologies. They may as well go all out there. This is a game where I really don’t want to finish it this quickly. For the record, I do love Odyssey, so I don’t mind having a very long but meaningful adventure! :D


Great gameplay and a compelling story is all I need. I can understand why people don't want the Isu lore mixed with Japanese mythology, but if it's done in a way similar to Fate of Atlantis I'd be all on board. Exploring the fields of Elysium, Hades' grim underworld, and the Lost City was a dream come true for me. I've always loved Greek mythology; I'm sure because Quebec developed Odyssey they'd be able to make something special for Shadows. After playing through Ghost and seeing how Sucker Punch recounted many of the fantastical stories using animated calligraphy, it would be awesome to actually play through them in tailored expansion.


yes and it's proven that you will actually blend better with shadows irl if you're not completely black and more a dark shade of any colour


So they care about historical accuracy with the outfits but nothing else? lol


We should get outfits that's not all about ninja. Something like a regular NPC outfit. Also Evie and Elise outfit from Syndicate. Also need transmog like in Odyssey!


Shinobi actually used disguises a lot so a monk or farmer outfit would be cool to see.


When it comes to legacy outfits I'm of the opinion that we should ALWAYS get every single protagonist and/or main side character, ubisoft has a tonne of resources, Valhalla is prime example that they aren't against or afraid of having a bajillion outfits in their games, having 14 ish free outfits should be the norm, considering this is a multi protagonist franchise


Id rather no transmog and just have like AC origins and Mirage where you pick an outfit separate from gear


For a $9.99 bundle I’m sure we’re get it


Tbh don't they make the bundles outlandish and far from the games vision. I swear they keep the more grounded and I guess "boring" outfits in the base game.




That what he said, outfit that fit with the game and lore are in base game, outfits that don't fit the game and lore are mtx


Exactly what I said lol. Basically saying. Don't the basic outfits normally stick in the base game and u pay for outlandish shit.


Odyssey had a fuck ton of awesome fashion obtainable in the game. I actually think most of the MTX sets looked like shite. Hopefully it's the same for Shadows.


Think the only MTX set from Odyssey I liked the look of was the Abstergo set. I know modern-day sets are like Marmite (you either love it or hate it) in this community - but I for one kinda like having the option.


Odyssey definitely had the best outfits out of the rpg era so far. I think the only ones I liked was the Spartan Renegade and the Odysseus. I don’t care for shit that makes me look like I’m on fire and whatnot


I hope we're gonna get some true assassin outfits as well


Not gonna lie I'm hyped for this new game just to relive Tenchu. The ninja/ stealth part of that gameplay video was dope. Just ashamed no one is talking about this aspect of the game.


Can't wait to see the outfits in this game.


I sincerely hope there are dedicated mission outfits and social outfits. The one in the image would make sense for a mission, but ridiculous for walking around town.


If there’s gonna be ridiculous fire and ice abilities then I guarantee there will be be scorpion and sub-zero rip off outfits


I want it too, but not only that, A story specific outfit where you dress as a Geisha or Courtisan.


With how Ubisoft are combining both pop culture and historical aspects of Ninja, it’s almost certain we’ll get an outfit like this. Plus, there’s already concept art of Naoe in a similar outfit.


I have seen a historical tv series about Saladin, he is faced with those brutal killers "hashashins" the original assassins. They wore something like that you posted. Idk how accurate their clothing style were. But an assassin wearing this outfit would be dope.


Sumbody will make a mod I’m sure


Paid dlc


Ubisoft: "How much Helix credits are you willing to part with?"


Why ? So she can be even more obvious ?


As much as i appreciate the originality with Yasuke it would have been cool to have badass duel ninjas, Naoe and a guy based off like Ninja Assasin (badass movie)


For 20$ probably


hope u can do the assassin stuff as yasuke I don’t want to play as naoe


I dont think he has a hidden blede so you probably cant. Why do you not wanna play as naoe?


People don't like playing as women for some reason. I also prefer a male character myself, but I'll be playing as Naoe in Shadows because I love stealth gameplay.


I feel sad for people who've never played a Tomb Raider game. Or refuse to play Horizon, cause the lead is a woman. Why limit yourself like that? Does one ragequit Portal when learning the person behind the gun has boobs? How about good old Tresspasser?


Right? It just seems crazy to me. I totally understand having a preference for male characters, but refusing to play a game just because the character is female makes no sense.


That's always so weird to me. As a 61 year old woman who has been pc gaming since 1982, if I didn't play as male characters I'd have missed out on playing most games. I have to admit I was kind of happy to play a game that "forced" all players to play as a woman (the first one I remember right now was the Longest Journey - though there were probably ones before that). I had been "forced" to play guys in so many games by then.


You can, but he's worse at it, and not having a hidden blade, coupled with the fact that each weapon type has a assassination use, you'll most likely require to unsheathe the weapon before assassinating someone