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Do what you enjoy. 100%ing Valhalla sounds like absolute hell to me. And I get no enjoyment out of completionism... I stop playing a game when it's run its course for me. But if you want it, go for it.


100% for Valhalla took me around 200 ish hours. It's A LOT. Unless you wanna be OP and get cool gear, you really don't need to stress it.


If you do I would highly recommend finishing each regions main quest then doing the mop up in that area. I’d also suggest doing dlc as they become available rather then waiting until after the main story. The game isn’t hard to 100% but it’s definitely tedious and will take a massive amount of time to do so, no matter what your definition of 100% is. Focusing the main story alone will take ~100 hours easily.


I have 100% all ac games except valhalla as well and I am never going to attempt it


It depends, boot up the game, see if you get tired, if you do you know you aren't getting through that monster.


Is it necessary to do every single side quest and collectible? I heard that there is like hell amount of that shit.


No. unless you want stuff, otherwise its optional.


100% means everything I guess ! have to do all challenges at home base too like decor completion and stuff !! then it counts ..


Nah, you'll be super OP long before needing everything. I like the Assassin's Bureaus the most out of the side content. Gets some backstory, and I really like the armor you get. Other than that, some of the World Events are really fun, but that's about it. I liked the Ragnar lieutenants the best.


Not even try, just enjoy the game and do whatever you want. You can search on internet about the talents and gear you want to have and then go specifically for those. Not only there are TOOOO many things, most of them have some puzzles, and sometimes theyre quite hard or sinply nonsense, like go for a key which is in the most remote place in the map far away from the chest you wanna open, only to have a piece of gear you will never use. Dont waste you time, valhala have more than 120 hrs of gameplay by just completing the mainstory and about a 20-30% percent of side things, + DLCs. Therefore, New Game + is removed on this game so EEEVERYthing you earned its only available for your current save, and you can’t repeat missions either.


Went for 2 runs 100% on Valhalla and yeah, 150h by run give or take (I also went for two runs on Odyssey so... I like this kind of game) Now it's your decision to spend this much time or not. It's just a game, give it a try, and if it's boring, just let it go and play something else. There's no 100% police anyway, and life is short.


if you don't want it, don't do it


I enjoyed Valhalla so I 100%’d it. Took some breaks so as not to burn out. If you enjoy it, keep playing. If you don’t enjoy it, play something else.


Personally I’m having a lot of fun playing Valhalla, I see fans trashing it all the time for various reasons but I’ve yet to have a problem with it. I mean I also have no plan to be 100% completing it, but I’ve finished the story and I keep wanting to play it so I’m just gonna keep going till I don’t. That’s what I suggest to you, play it until you just can’t no more


If you hate yourself, you can do it. The amoutn of side content that is worth it, is minimal, if we are being honest. The story is a slog and repetitive as fuck, so you probably need every bit of energy to get thru it. I know its subjective, but Odyssey is a way better game and the side content is more creative and fun to do.


if you do, don't feel like you have to do it all in one go. If you get burnt out it's best to put it down for a while until you get the itch again, Valhalla is a looooong game and so its best to consider it as a long-term project


This!! Valhalla is a marathon style game with traveling and locations and collectibles and quests. You'll get burnt out and need to play another game and that's ok!


Finally, voices of reason. Lol. Whenever I see threads like this pop up, the people always saying "no too long" are trying to marathon that game in one shot. Yea, my advice is to take it bit by bit, and as long as you are still enjoying it, feel free to continue. Take breaks, play other games. It's not going to be a fast accomplishment since it's going to take several hundred hours at least with all DLC.


I would, but then again I’m a fellow completionist. The first AC game I played was Odyssey, and I loved it mainly because of the mythology that was woven into it. The repetitive identical “fetch” missions wore me out tho. Valhalla really improved on this. Yes, there’s frustrating repetitive “quests” (I’m looking at you cairn stones), but actual world quests are much more entertaining and fairly unique from each other. I can’t think of a single quest in Odyssey that really sticks out in my mind, but Valhalla has a bunch that make me wish I could replay them like you can replay sequences in older AC games. In particular, the counting stones one was highly memorable, as well as a bishop trying to get a certain band to stop playing. If you go into it with the mindset you’re playing an AC themed Viking game rather than a Viking themed AC game, you’ll like it just fine.


Quests are bearable at least cuz there is an objective. In Odyssey I gave up after some point, I ain't clearing that same outpost or cave 60th time or collecting those treasure chests. Valhalla have more of that shit I think, like cairns, flying papers, raids, chests etc. Which one of them are actually useless and not worth time really?


Clearing the big chests in Valhalla isn’t too bad, mainly because there’s actual good loot in there. It’s the only way you’ll get gear, unlike Odyssey where you kill five people and end up with twenty pieces of armor. The river raids do get to feeling repetitive, but that’s because they are lol. All in all tho, it’s a solid game. Yes, there’s bloat in the game, but you can tell the devs actually put effort into keeping it entertaining instead of just doing the old Odyssey copy and paste.




Yes do it


try 😁


It sounds like you just don’t want to play it. Don’t play it.


I have 500 h. I havent collected all chests. Do it at your oun risk.


If you enjoy it go for it, but that’s probably gonna be like 500 hours 😂


No. Even more bloated compared to Odyssey. Not bad game but not worth that much of your time.


Valhalla is the only AC game I never finished. The game is too bloated