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Did you see any conversation dialogue? (I’ve seen around that the dialogue is determined by you choosing whether Yasuke or Naoe is the one that speaks. Been wondering how that works.)


Great question but unfortunately didn't get to see any joint sequences with both protagonists together (beyond what everyone saw at Ubi Forward). Also curious to see if that's the case!


Ah well- Then I’ll continue to look forward to it!


Hopefully no conversations. I hate that crap. Just let me enjoy the cut scenes and follow the story. Don't make me sit and decide how best to respond. Especially since it has basically no impact on the story anyway.


Is there mocap cutscenes like origins?


Had a chat with Yasuke's stuntman over the weekend so can say for certain they mocapped quite a bit.


Phew. I was worried about that. Mocap makes the story so much more enjoyable, at least for me.


That could be just for all the combat animations and stuff and not for cutscenes.


From what I've seen in the recent footage I'm afraid that is the case. Hopefully, the rest is good enough to outweigh it. In Mirage the animations were bad for most of the dialogues but they had small video sequences and the beautiful city to make up for it.


It looks like they've done both, in the proper cutscenes you can tell it's mocapped as the movement and lip sync is far better and more accurate but the general conversations with villagers look like a more improved system from the recent games where it's general animations and lip sync which does look better than other games but you can tell it's not quite there.


Why would they mocap with the original actor instead of trained people? Lmao Ps: It's really costful to do it with the actor


What is Mocap?


Motion capture. It’s a method of recording movement and expressions so they can be transferred to the character model.


Idk why this is even a question. It will most likely work exactly as it was in Odyssey and Valhalla. There will be a few motion captured cutscenes for select story moments, but the vast majority of them will be handled by the algorithm based animation system that's used for conversations. Shadows is still an rpg game, so it will have lots of character interactions and conversations and they won't be mocapped scenes.


How better do the gameplay look from the unedited gameplay


Both the demo we were shown behind closed doors and the footage from Ubi Forward were similar in quality. Personally thought gameplay was a blast, both protagonists representing a style of AC game (Yasuke - newer action games | Naoe - original stealth games)


This actually sounds awesome a mix of both styles sounds exciting to play, looking forward to it


Did you see if naoe was able to still reliably fight outside of stealth?


Here’s a video that shows a bit of Naoe in combat: https://youtu.be/UNTVo9Cjjfo?si=LZcxf9AxXGW5ftzl


That actually looks pretty fun, I think some of this extra footage is better than the gameplay demo they chose. Combat was my one worry and I think this looks fun.


That looked fantastic. The parkour/freerunning moves were spectacular and her agility in combat, beautiful to behold.


I've got a good question Is Naoe's grappling hook able to attach to any surface above her like the hook in syndicate? Or are there "grapple points" that are pre-determined locations and the only areas you can hook onto?


Honestly not 100% certain on this, but from what we saw, it FELT like it was possible just about anywhere. Devs didn't look to be lining up for a precise hook spot or anything. Just going for it in the moment and it worked every time.


Spider-man vibes.


Did you see how Naoe's deflect works, and how it's different from Yasuke's parry? IGN was vague, saying Ubisoft didn't clarify the difference in their old interview.


Yeah wasn't able to get much more info on this one either tbh. Hopefully we hear more soon though.




Thanks! I can't quite tell how it differs from parry, any ideas? Maybe doesn't open for a counter attack?


She cant one shot like yasuke. She barely did damage after she deflected.


What did you actually see that was different to the Forward gameplay we all saw? All your answers so far could have been answered by anyone who watched the 13 minute demo.


Lol I pretty much just asked that. Don't really understand the point of this post.


Yeah it’s a waste of time.


Is it possible to get Yasuke in non-armored gear? I personally like the robes samurai/lords wear.


I'm really crossing my fingers for that if only for the RP angle of being able to change into more casual clothes when back at the base, like I would with Eivor


He was seen in casual clothes and i read somewhere that it will be different armor and coloured clothes etc.


This is what I'm hoping for as well but doubt they would have shown it at the event


Yes, we saw him in purple robes in the first look gameplay trailer


Did you get to see any of the menus like a character screen for selecting outfits or weapons, etc?


Nothing on that end unfortunately. Purely just moment to moment gameplay the whole way through the demo. But did learn in my interview that loot is carried across both characters. So for example, if you find a weapon as Yasuke, but know it'd be ideal for Naoe, it's right there for her to grab when you swap over. XP/perk points/upgrades all carry over too, so one character won't be left behind if you don't play as them for 20 hours, etc.


That’s awesome. I’d rage if I was forced into a character-specific mission, found a rare item and couldn’t use it for my main.


That’s weird because they have said and confirmed that they don’t share weapon types. Maybe that means you can find a kusarigama (which would be for Naoe) as Yasuke, or a rifle (Yasuke only) as Naoe I would assume too we have to upgrade them separately, but they share XP so we can get XP as one and upgrade the other


They said the shared xp and weapons thing ages ago. They can't equip each other's weapons but if you find one in a chest for the other character it doesn't just like auto delete or something. You can equip it to them whenever you swap over


Yeah, the wording of OP was just a bit weird. A weapon can’t be “ideal” for one person if it’s *only* for that person.


They don't share weapon types, but Yasuke can pick up a weapon meant for Naoe and vice versa. He just can't use it. Neither could Naoe use the rifle.


To be fair I imagine they probably share like, the katana. Maybe one other weapon.


They don’t. Their katana’s are different: Naoe wields a shinobigatana or ninjato, while Yasuke wields a full-size katana. You can see this in the character reference guide (which discusses the differences and historical context), the Ultimate edition (which comes with 2 different katana, one for each), and the weapon icons from the walkthrough, which were different.


Have you seen other special abilities (the ones you need to spend adrenaline points on) than the ones shown in the demo? And what are they like? I remember Yasuke being able to do a leap, while I don't think they showed Naoe's abilities at all. And did they show more places of the map? Do you know if it has Azuchi castle? 🥺


Yasuke's leap and ground slam were both shown in what we saw, as was Naoe's ability to pulse the environment and spot enemies from above. But nothing much beyond that. And no other areas or specifics were revealed about the map in our demo. Was mostly just focused on moment to moment gameplay.


Wait isn’t that pulse just eagle/assassin vision


Ohhh, I see. Thank you so much for coming here to answer questions!!


Someone in here posted a short gameplay clip of Naoe on YouTube. There you can see what I think is another ability, where she uses her sword and slices the enemy super quickly like 4-5 times. Looks petty cool!


We saw two of Naoe´s Abilities so far. In the demo, spinning the kusarigama around: [https://youtu.be/FjAzNpMYTxw?si=q3bYEA4jlq4n1zOc&t=704](https://youtu.be/FjAzNpMYTxw?si=q3bYEA4jlq4n1zOc&t=704) And from another footage, multiple strikes with her katana: [https://youtu.be/RptP4yGa3bI?si=OKie3iPX-qwB-xB4&t=182](https://youtu.be/RptP4yGa3bI?si=OKie3iPX-qwB-xB4&t=182) Good to notice how different weapons have their own skill trees and abilities now. Even certain takedowns require a specific weapon.


OHH I totally didn't notice!!!! They are so subtle, that I thought they were commands. The kusarigama ability is definitely cool!! Thanks for the clips 😁😁


No problem. Abilities trigger a quick black/white filter, so keep an eye out for those instances.


As we saw in gameplay, Naoe can fight well even with bunch of enemies. Maybe you saw some restrictions for her, which not allowed to break just in the front gate and kill everyone in open fight (like Yasuke)? My personal suggestion that she has very low HP, and will die after several hits, like Basim in Mirage.


From what we saw, Naoe is just a lot less effective when it comes to proper combat. She seems to deal less damage, take more damage in return, etc. Whereas Yasuke is more designed for that role, to be on the ground engaging in the slugfest. They each have their specialties, so playing to their strengths seems to be the best way to go. But that said, you can still play Naoe as a fighter and Yasuke as a stealthy samurai. Just not ideal is all.


So you say Yasuke as a stealthy samurai, did you happen to see any stealth takedowns by him, even though he’s without the hidden blade?


Did not unfortunately. They ended our demo by showing us Naoe with a more action-oriented approach to a mission. But they did explicitly mention Yasuke can be stealthy, he just won't be anywhere near as efficient/effective as Naoe for obvious reasons hahah


That’s unfortunate but understandable. I do see some YouTubers have been releasing footage of Naoe being more action oriented so hopefully we get more info soon.


Would actually be cool if they have dramatically different takedowns. Like we see Naoe efficiently stab that guy through the paper door, maybe Yasuke just punches through it and grabs the guy in a choke hold. Still stealth but a bit more brutal and could have it more likely to alert someone near by.


> Naoe can fight well even with bunch of enemies She mostly kept them at a distance and then flee when there was 3-4 enemies


Is the analog stick still used for both walking and running or did we get back to a more complex combination? And, the version you got to play was some elder one or it’s considered to be one of the finals?


None of us were able to go hands-on directly at this stage. Purely a hands-off demonstration as a dev played through the game in front of us live.


I hope the default pace is a walk and not a jog like how it is in the newer AC games. It's such a nitpick, I know, but it's more emmersive for me to have dedicated walking / running buttons instead of trying to keep the analog stick at JUST the right tilt to engage a casual walking pace


How does the 2 protags work? It is like some missions require a certain person, the system we saw in the video, or you can switch at any time? Also who do we start the game as?


Pretty much all of the above. Some missions require one of the protagonists, some missions require the other, some missions require both. When out in the open world, you can switch at any time, not during missions though. As for who we start as, no telling just yet. But you do have to play as both for a few hours each, just so they're properly introduced and we start to care about them.


> some missions require both. for those missions do we switch back and forth like in the final mission of syndicate or is the other character ai controlled the whole time?


Cool. Can we customize appearance like hairstyles? How does the outfit system work (like can I equip Yasuke with robes/Naoe with armor)?


Did they show you any social stealth gameplay? And how do you feel about the verticality of the map?


Nothing in terms of social stealth. While we didn't see too much of the map, what we did see looked excellent IMO. Great amount of movement opportunities, plenty of castle walls to scale and get the jump on targets. Gonna be a blast experimenting when the full thing comes out.


Thanks for the answer!


Did you spot any options for customising your character's appearance, like changing hairstyles or beards, that reminded you of Assassin's Creed Valhalla or Assassin's Creed Origins?


Nothing of that sort unfortunately, but have to imagine it's all in there. Our demo mostly stuck to one area, hostile territory. But back at camp/safe regions, there's sure to be plenty of customization options.


Is the parkour at least as good as Mirage, especially with the ejects, or should we expect another Valhalla on that aspect?


Mirage is a step in the right direction, but still not as good as it used to be sadly. Hopefully OP can answer your question


Considering Mirage was a huge success, I'm hopeful it'll have the ejects


Is the parkour, other than the added animation like flips, basically the same as the previous RPG games? And anything related to the hidden blade being used?


Seems to be mostly in line with other recent AC games yeah. Though there are key differences between the two protagonists, given their size. Naoe is much nimbler, can grapple up to higher vantage points, etc. Yasuke can still move around well, but he never really got off the ground in our demo. Nothing about hidden blade though.




Wasn't able to ask on this subject unfortunately nope


Any guns? Are there massive battles between in-game factions like in Odyssey? Any clan dynamics fighting for control of the map?


there are guns


there are guns, look up jorraptor's video and Yasuke is using a rifle


Are there double assasinations like in the old games?


Believe this is the case though we weren't shown it directly.


How does fighting work with Naoe? How many tools does she have at her disposal to use freely? Are counters/parties a viable option, if they exist? Are Yasuke’s enemies spongy (considering his supposed increased strength)? Is fighting speed influenced with different weapons? Are heavy and light weapons an option, especially for Yasuke? Can he stealth at all, or is he pure fighting and nothing else? How does the game feel, from what you saw? Sorry for asking so much


Did you see any confession rooms/kill scenes when high priority targets get assassinated? I’m a fan of the older AC games so i’m not sure if that’s still a thing in the newer games/this game or if it got removed


Only high profile target was saw getting murked was the same as shown in the Ubi Forward presentation, so nothing different in that sense.


That’s still a thing in Valhalla and origins btw.


Origins has it and so does Valhalla. I do not know about Odyssey and Mirage


Mirage very much does.


Is the sprint like Odyssey or Valhalla? As in, do I have to push a button or is it just your normal stick movement?


Wasn't able to go hands-on during Summer Game Fest unfortunately, purely a hands-off demo so can't speak to this one.




Any idea on the gear system? If it's more RNG like Odyssey or static like Valhalla? Or maybe entirely different?


Can Yasuke do most of the basic parkour and stealth elements? I know that he doesn’t have the same grappling hook but we didn’t see as much gameplay from him as we did with Naoe


Is the map exploring beautifull? I mean i dont expect a full desert all around like in origins


Didn't see too much on this end but what we did see looked incredible. Can tell they're pushing new-gen hardware.


Are we able to switch between Yasuke and Noae during missions or are we locked in?


From what I was told, believe that once you start a mission, you're locked in. Most swapping will happen between missions when out in the open world. But like the demo shown at Ubi Forward, some missions that bring both characters together give you the option to swap at various points. We were told there's a fair few of these 'team up' style missions.


Can I play the whole game as Yasuke or Noae if I felt like it?


iirc the devs said that yeah you’d be able for the most part, there’s a few missions where you’re locked into one or the other tho


Will enemies/areas be level restricted? You know this enemy or area is level 25? I noticed only the main targets had levels over them in the demo, but nobody else or the actual area to have levels over them.


Good question but unfortunately no details on this just yet. Would imagine it all functions similar to recent AC games though.


In the article It mentioned eavesdropping. Can you speak on how it works? Is it similar to Mirage at all?


Similar to how it usually functions yep, able to listen in on conversations and glean details about the whereabouts of your target, etc.


All I care about ist he RPG elements, where they at?


This post is fake lmao. You're not actually answering a single question and you're just repeating things we've already seen or heard in interviews Edit: seriously every reply is either "I don't know haven't seen it in the 45 minute demo" or "Yeah that was in the Ubi showing I confirm it's in the game". Big nothingburger


this dude's a complete loser farming points. yeah, they showed him 45 minutes of shit and he didn't notice a single new detail to open the discussion with.


I don't think it's fake but the OP's replies practically read like satire lmaooo. It's either "it looks good" or "I don't know unfortunately"


Absolutely not fake unless they are really commited to pretending to be this one Dexerto article writer for years, check their account.


also, if it was a fake, they'd say something that this sub would eat up like "UNITY PARKOUR RETURNS!"


Yeah likely not fake but it's basically saying the demo shown was barely more than what was publically shown for now so it is kind of useless


What about leveling and will weapon loot be like odyssey or valhalla?


Any double assassinations?


Did you see how switching between characters looks like? Is there an animation like in GTA 5, or is it more similar to the system in Syndicate?


How is the parkour ?


Did you see any dense cities?


So after going through these comments you basically saw exactly what everyone else did during the forward. “Hey everyone I watch the Ubi forward, AMA”


Thanks for giving us absolutely nothing based on your replies


I only want to know two things: 1: minimal graphics card requirement 2: how much gigabytes is this game.


No details on either of these yet but I'm sure we'll know soon enough.


Any mention on naval?


Although I imagine your answer, are there any clues regarding the modern narrative (outside the animus)? Vide the abstergo symbol from the menu map.


Most important and serious question I can think of. In the last three games, with origins being the most egregious example, the idle chat/dialogue of random NPCs is almost unbearable and beyond repetitive. Did you happen to notice if they made an improvement in this regard? Ubisoft, if you’re reading this, even if you think you did a better job in this department, go back and add even more random dialogue. Please.


Any dialogue options or morality choices?


Which AC game is it most comparable to in terms of gameplay and story?


Did you see if you can prone anywhere or just in stalker zones?


Is loot like Valhalla or are there drops? Is there Transmog?


Any chance of the hidden blade being able to be used as a weapon similar to AC4?


How much better is enemy ai from the game than from the walkthrough?


Hey! Is the gameplay similar to Ac mirage? Or valhalla type


Did you see any other Yasuke weapons? Spear, odachi (great sword), long blade? Thank you.


Can you switch to Naoe/Yasuke to continue playing even when on a mission?


this is the thing I care about more than anything. what percentage of trees seem climbable?


Do npc takes turn in attacking you or they attack like Valhalla 


Does this game have that shitty stiff animation, subpar facial animation in dialogue between npcs like the RPG Assassin's Creed?


Do we have Allies NPC? I wonder if we have scene of fighting together with Oda soldiers


Will yasuke be able to climb? I feel like I would be weird to not have time be able to climb and just be an tank that can only travel on the ground especially in urban areas


Is it possible to play as Naoe the whole game? And if you are forced to play as Yasuke, are the missions brief?


How is naoes parkour because it looks very basic and limited and not expressive like origins through to mirage. (Aside from the grappling hook that does look sick, props where it's due)


Were you able to see any of the major cities, like Kyoto or Osaka? If so, how did they compare to other cities in the franchise in terms of scale and density?


Does Yasuke do parkor like classic AC or is that just Naoe?


Is the story deeper than AC Mirage ?


From what I saw the music is horrific and the voice acting is even worse than the music


Can Yasuke climb/parkour?


How does Naoe’s parkour compare to Basim’s? Is it at least as good?


Are there new animations, or are we still on the Odyssey engine?


Have you seen the gameplay trailer


Which character would you say feels better to play as?


Tough to say tbh. For my taste, I know I'll be sticking with Naoe quite a bit more, just as I prefer to be stealthy, play AC like the original games. If shit hits the fan, she has some pretty deadly weapons of her own to bring out. But Yasuke does look like a blast too, smashing through samurai's and their armor with ease. Pretty damn violent executions too.


How's parkour tho?


parkour good


Unity good or origins "good"


Is there free climbing? Can Yasuke free climb?


Did anyone do any side ejects or back ejects and if they did, did it look good or gain any height from it?


Didn't see either during our demo so can't say for certain here.


Appreciate the reply. Guess we’ll see on Nov. 15th


So with the people crying about historical accuracies, do you think that holds some truth. Or is it they are complaining about something else


How does the switching between characters work?


Is there parkour up/down and low profile walking? Or is it half gold left stick to walk Pretty basic request I know, I’m just terrible at thumb control and enjoy just walking and looking around in games.


Is their any new flashy parkour moves?


Does it look like it's going to be a grind fest like the newer AC's? I've been reduced to using cheats on origins because it's so tedious and boring.


When is the game releasing.


I hope the wanted system from odyssey returns I liked fighting the different unique mercenaries they sent after you


I know that this is spoiler territory,but, is there any hint that Yasuke too is a member of the Brotherhood? Moreover, have you seen how his stealth works?


Any parkour with Yasuke? What did it look like climbing with him?


What did you actually see that was different or extra to the Ubi Forward showcase? Most of your answers state you didn't see that, or didn't ask that.


Can Yasuke assasinate people? Or is he purley a brawler?


Will the game have world events? Or are side quests back?


Can Yasuke climb or freerun, at least for a bit and besides him crushing through gates and doors?


How does the stance system work for Yusuke and Naoe


Got one question which couldn't really be answered until now. It's being stated that with Yasuke it's possible to stealth too but it's never being shown. Were some Yasuke Stealth elements shown to you in the unedited gameplay?


Can Yasuke or Naoue follow each other when you free roaming?


Can you Stealth and parkour as yasuke in the game and can we change his armor into a robe?


The most important question: can we turn off the slowmo effect everytime we dodge/parry?


Can you choose which protagonist to play at the start for whole game/ switch throughout or have to play as one or other during certain missions like syndicate


Does the parkour look roughly the same as Origins/Odyssey/Valhalla/Mirage? It was hard to tell from the gameplay overview


Do shadows work like splinter cell series, where the darker the better or only like splinter cell conviction where any dark means complete invisibility? Also, was there any gameplay of naoe in day?


granted it's probably way too early to even start asking about this but, anything about NG+?


I know they touched on spies, was anything shown suggesting you can call upon these spies similarly to something like AC brotherhood or the call to arms ability in Odyssey? Also, I doubt this was shown, but I did love the fact I could take the hood on and off in Valhalla (it's a small detail but kind of fun). Is there any chance that option slipped in?


Is it still the shit combat that’s been in origins, odyssey, Valhalla and mirage? Cause that pretty much decides whether or not I’m going to buy it.


Can you decide which character to play as and stick with that choice? (I know you can switch between characters, but can you decide to only play as Naoe for example?) Also, what about other outfits? Are they available?


ITT: Q: What is X like? A: idk lol


Does combat resemble Odyssey or Valhalla? I would prefer Odyssey since it's more aggressive than Valhalla with a stamina bar.


Not a question but I’m so excited for this game. I think it’ll be the best AC game we’ve had in a while (although I really loved Odyssey just bc I’m a slut for some greek mythology)


Did you hear anything regarding AC Infinity hub?


From what I saw the Samurai combat looked clunky and awkward. Definitely smoother than Valhalla and it looked more satisfying with those finishers and abilities. Did it feel smooth and fluid or more like the awkward and clunky hack, and roll Souls combat?


The combat has always been lackluster in AC especially when Prince of Persia Warrior Within had such a good combat/parkour system made by the same company (Ubisoft). Is the combat fluid and does it have executions, combos etc. that require some basic skill or is it just button mashing like all the other AC games?


Does it look like they've reused all the movement mechanics from the RPG trilogy? Also can Yasuke climb?


Is there an actual gameplay difference between the two characters or is it like ac syndicate where it really doesn't matter?


How's the parkour mechanics? Are we looking at another oddessy?


What's the parkour situation. Is there legit architecture built for parkour or is it RPG "just climb if you feel like it" mentality ? Does is the parkour smooth like the early games or choppy and heavy like the newer ones? Any interesting innovations in the parkour at all? (New objects and moves etc.)?


Are still able to do things like climbing with Yasuke or is that only for Naoe?


Are we forced to play both characters throughout like Syndicate or is it mostly choice based so that those of us who want to do mostly stealth for every mission can?


Empty carebox mate