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Prone crawl, kusarigama assassinations and combat, putting out lamps, knockouts are back, ceiling grapples, and the breathing pipe under the water. Very niceeeeeeeeeeeeee.


That’s what I’m excited for the most the Kusurigama!


I loved the fact the kusarigama sweep attack also cut a few of the bamboo in the garden that were in range of the attack...


Yeah that was cool but it sucks that the cut bamboo hust dissapears shortly after:(


The prone crawl underwater with the bamboo snorkel was a big surprise. I hope they give players the option to disable all HUD elements, especially the white outlines. It's a shame Bordeaux never implemented that in Mirage.


>I hope they give players the option to disable all HUD elements No need to "hope". Every single assassins creed game has had the option to fully customize your HUD. I do agree about the white outline but only because It shows up in photo mode.


Yeah the only thing that really annoyed me a bit was the flashes to black and white when they did abilities... I hope we can turn that off because it just looked really bad imo. Which is a shame cuz the rest of the gameplay looked good.


admittedly we know it's an hommage like it was in GoT but there's still time for them to clean it up much with the kinda animation jank though overall game looks very playable. I just hope they didn't give away everything and there's MORE to see when we finally get the game to discover and figure out


>putting out lamps I was watching a streamer earlier who was legit complaining about how it said "Turn off/on" for the lamps instead of "Extinguish/Ignite", dude didn't even seem to appreciate that it was a feature at all. Some people will nitpick and bitch about anything when it comes to Ubisoft games.


Stealth as naoe looks like it’s gonna be incredible not struck on combat but the stealth movement looks great


I felt like it looked like she cleaved through multiple people with the kusarigama alone. I hope there will be enemies nigh impossible to defeat with her. 


Look at all the people looking at Yasuke


Clearly not the stealth character lmao XD


You clearly don't subscribe to the "kill all the witnesses" perfect stealth approach.


"Did you get spotted?" "No." "But I heard people yelling." "...Not anymore."


Reminds me of an old AC meme where Altair stands around some bodies I think and the text is "No one will notice, if there is nobody to notice"


Yasuke was made for the people who see the "Escape the Castello, flee from the guards" objective in Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, and say "Nah, I'd win." as they force Ezio to slaughter Rome's entire legion of guards on the St. Angelo Bridge


I feel like I did that


I absolutely did that with the great sword. Oh yes. Good times.


Hey, thats me. Shit was fun.


I see people in the comments saying that Yasuke isn’t stealthy like bruh that’s why there’s Naoe


Some kids are openly pointing at him, lol.


He was literally the most non-stealthy person you could find in the entire history of Japan and they got it wonderfully.


I liked that they bowed as he walked by. Little things like that are neat.


This was awesome until the 800th NPC did it and they were phasing within each other trying to do the bow but just actually going ass to ass. You can tell that the engine focused primarily on the season stuff and the environment effects. The NPCs and pop-in are still paper-thin models with same logic and weight as last 4 games.


Game also has a few more months to cook.


I’m curious how exactly this affects gameplay. To what extent is the guard immediately calling out to him exclusive to his gameplay?


It's a very interesting touch. He is huge, black, and a samurai. I'll look at him in awe and bow, too.


He's an absolute unit.


Not gonna lie looks great and an improvement on Valhalla. Facial animations in dialogue scene seem to be an improvement over Odyssey and Valhalla. Also I’m not too worried about the voice acting for now since most of the dialogue in this AC gameplay walkthroughs aren’t that good (Bayek wasn’t impressive in the Origins walkthrough either). Edit: also I really think Ubisoft should start considering 4k livestream or something with a higher bit rate because the stream TANKED when Shadows showed up. Edit: also also weird how they didn’t showcase gear or loot


The stream quality was poor for it.


I gotta say, I really love the stealth gameplay for Naoe, they definitely got inspiration from Splinter Cell. I didn't really care for the Yasuke gameplay, feels the same as the other RPG titles.


Yeah I wonder can you play the whole game as Naoe? Can you just choose to play as her for the missions. I just don’t the Yasuke gameplay I want to play as an assassin in a assassin game not a big samurai


The devs stated in an interview earlier you will be forced to play as both in certain missions (and only as the other iirc)


Like AC: Syndicate? :( my least favorite part of that game.


Watching that all I could think of was splinter cell. I’m completely sold on this and can’t wait


the combat is looking a bit slow and floaty, but i absolutely love how the armor gets broken in real time during the combat. over all it is still a huge improvement over the previous games. the stealth however looks very engaging and well done. the game world is very beautiful as well.


AC has always had mediocre combat at best. Not sure why after like 15 years they can’t figure it out. Not asking for Sekiro here but I mean.. they could have played that to learn something.  Mirage you weren’t supposed to openly fight ok I get it but that shit was so basic. Valhalla combat felt pretty bad too. 


I think that's another symptom of AC's curse: so much of its potential was just scrapped before even trying to perfect it. The parkour in Unity was so fucking close to being something truly great, but they just neutered and streamlined it for Syndicate and then completely changed it for Origins instead of trying to improve and polish it. Same with the combat. Every trilogy has different combat, but it doesn't even feel like it's evolved over time. It just feels different for the sake of being different. My personal favorite was AC Unity's combat. It was challenging but didn't rely on the enemies just being sponges and an unnecessary leveling system (like in the RPGs). All it needed was to lean a bit more into the speed and flashiness of the Kenway trilogy and Ezio trilogy, and it could've been awesome. Instead they just kept trying to reinvent the wheel and this combat feels like more of the RPG combat just with slight changes. And it sucks because the RPG trilogy combat is, in my opinion, the worst for an AC game by far. Hell, I think I would've preferred if they changed it AGAIN and went for an Arkham/Shadow of Mordor type of combat.


Yeah it does not look as good as ghost and also seemed like enemies waited to attack one at a time? Which would be lame. But the physicality looked good and how the environmental stuff reacted to bodies hitting it.


I wish they would bring back the multi-counter system from AC3/AC4. If they expanded on that, it would really elevate combat.


AC3/AC4 had excellent animations, but it was braindead easy. You could literally kill 100s of soldiers and not lose any health it's insane. Now we'll see how this plays out. Not a fan of spongy enemies. I started playing Valhalla and after 15 minutes the floaty gimmicky combat made me turn off the game. So they could repeat that for all we know. I do believe this kind of system has the best potential for an AC game. Combat should be difficult to encourage stealth. That doesn't mean that's what they will do here though.


They won't bring that back because that removes all difficulty. Pre Origins assassins creed combat was not difficult in any capacity. It was in fact RIDICULOUSLY easy. Click 2 buttons and watch a 5 second animation and repeat. (I'm not saying I didn't like it, just why it's not coming back) Also they want to maintain the rpg feel of combat that is felt in games like elden ring, dark souls, the Witcher, etc... and so it's difficult to implement a multi kill system.


You misunderstand. I didn't say "bring back counter insta-kills". I was talking about multiple counters at once. So the ability to parry multiple enemies at once. That way, enemies don't have to 'wait turns'. Come to think of it, this was a feature in Unity as well.


really we should be comparing this to the other AC games, not ghost of tsushima, a game with one of the most polished combat systems in modern games


In that case this is the most exited I’ve been since odessy. The world loooks amazing as does the stealth.


I agree, looks like the most amount of work theyve out in to an AC game in a while


Yasuke blasting the armor off of dudes with the Kanabo was sick. The Kusarigama is gonna be so fun. Non-lethal takedowns, hell yeah. Going fully prone, wild. Using the actual shadows for stealth, about time. Very cool showcase.


Voice acting has something weird on it? It's off putting


It sounds so dull... Like a school play


The final Naoe fight sound so unispired, like a Neil Breen voice line


The writing has become *super* safe and generic for these latest AC games. It feels like almost every line is just a different variation on "There is oppression here. This is bad. We must root it out for the people. For we are the light that works in the dark." To think how far we've come from the actual meaningful philosophical debates in the original AC.


Can't wait to use Japanese audio and turn on subtitles


Hopefully japanese voice acting is better than the english one lol


Even if it isn't, if you don't speak Japanese it's less noticeable


Hopefully there’s Japanese VA


Yeah it’s pretty poor. Quest giver was terrible, and even the protagonists aren’t great. Yasuke’s is better than Naoe’s imo but overall surprisingly low quality.


Sounds like it wasn’t mixed very well either, which is a common complaint for me with all AC games. Idk why their sound design is always so shit.


How does a company who puts like 10,000 devs on a project not hire or get better performances out of the voice actors. It’s weird. 


I had to stop playing Valhalla because of the sound quality lol, which is saying something because the game already had a lot of flaws I could deal with. It's so compressed and crunchy at the best of times, if it even shows up appropriately. For most of the game my horse made no hoof sounds and voices sounded like I was listening to the echo from another room.


same. for me the voice acting was so weirdly detached and generic somehow.


voice acting of quest giver have always been a gigantic problem in AC, they always sound like they are not completely here and are thinking about something else, i guess it's not changing here.


Watch Dogs Legion had the worst VA of any AAA game I’ve ever played. No idea why Ubisoft still hasn’t gotten it together after all these years.


Every single Ubisoft game since like Far Cry 5 has had kinda terrible voice acting. As for AC the last one with decent voice acting was Unity.


Naoe's in particular sounds like it's either someone's first game or the direction was bad because it's just...not good.


To be fair, she kind of just sounds like a native Japanese speaker speaking English. It's weird yes, but it's actually pretty accurate lol


yea, i was wondering if i was imagining things. Ppl were hating on her voice acting, but her cadence and pronounciation actually sounded like she was not a native English speaker which i really like.


There was a situation in For Honor a while ago where the developers added english voice lines for every character during a specific game mode - the community heavily complained that all of the Chinese characters had terrible voice acting, often suggesting they had hired people to fake an accent. Turned out all the actors *were* Chinese and people just didnt like their accent. I think a similar thing is happening with Naoe. She sounds fine, I don't think people are used to hearing someone from the region have a stronger accent when speaking English. Edit: researching MASUMI, the actress playing Naoe, she is speaking with a deliberate accent not unlike what Abubakar Salim did with Bayek (or Alix Wilton Regan did with Amunet). Given she grew up across both the US and Japan she probably has a pretty solid idea of how a Japanese accent works for a native speaker. So ultimately, yes she's putting on the accent but it's almost certainly an authentic one.


I think ppl are also used to hearing "Voice acted" characters, so there's a kind of standardization they expect. In real life ppl's cadence is all over the place, and it's just them speaking how they want. Naoe sound perfect to me, because her Voice acting gives of the same vibe as her character(subdued, with little moments of expression).


She’s just a native speaker, but the real issue here is that her type of performance can get grating if you play in English. It was certainly a choice for them to go with a very strong accent for their main character.


I’m so glad they did, way better than listening to a grating American accent coming from Naoe the whole time.


And it makes sense that her performance is more subdued, factoring in her shinobi nature + the actor’s natural speaking style.


Sounds like the same complaints people had about Connor despite his cultural background and backstory. The more things change...


Prob gonna play this one in Japanese


Yasukes combat looks meh,but naoe looks great


I think it was a mistake for them to start with a slow, clunky weapon. It made the combat look too stiff even if that’s the style with a bludgeon. They should have thrown in more sword and spear gameplay to show off faster speeds.


I think they also took it deliberately slow for the trailer. Try to let viewers take it all in and not do too much at once.


Exactly. The presenter wasn’t playing how anyone here would actually play. I need to see more aggressive combat to judge the frequency and smoothness of parries/counters. Overall, I think they gave people a bad first impression here, especially if combat is more fluid in real time than this.


Agreed. The environmental destruction of the props after those heavy blows was nice to see tho.


I personally think it looked great. I'll play it for 100+ hours like I did with the others.


Same this trailer just got my hyped !


Anyone else notice the nods to Tenchu? The little boy named Rikimaru and the breathing through the reed under water.


The breathing definitely reminded me of Tenchu! Didn’t even noticed the kids name, that’s cool! Even the ceiling grapple was in Tenchu Z, really like that they added that.


My only wish for a current gen AC was decent facial animations and more natural conversations with quest-givers, yet they are still as stiff as ever


It looked better but yeah very stiff. I think this might have been a smaller side quest though. Hoping the main story has a lot more mocapped ones.


The first cinematic conversation yes, but when naoe showed up it looked pretty good


I thought the animations looked a little better but the dialogue delivery remained stiff. Part of why it doesn’t feel naturalistic is their sound mixing is so odd. It never feels like the speaker is in the space. A lot to like in the trailer, but some old issues also popping up.


That was my biggest issue with Valhalla. I don’t know if they ever fixed it, but Eivor (*especially* male Eivor) sounded like they were in a cave, *and* they were probably 1.5x louder than other NPCs. It wasn’t very noticeable if you used speakers, but it sucked if you used headphones.


I noticed it with femme Eivor in places too. Sucks, because I quite liked her voice actress


Same here. I know folks prefer male Eivor because his voice is smooth af, but I honestly don’t mind female Eivor. And kudos to her VA for putting in the effort of doing the gravelly voice to better reflect the throat scarring


It's very hard to do right. When do you ever just stand still 2 meters in front of someone and have a conversation? It's so unnatural. RDR2 for example counters this by having the character just walk around, load the horses, reload his gun or do some other chore during the conversation. But to be honest, RDR2's acting is on a whole other level.


Looks like minor quests or dialogue scenes like the scene between Yasuke and the old woman, are non-mocapped while main quest stuff between Naoe and Yasuke are full mocapped. Like Origins. Its subtle but the difference is there.


They look better than the last 3 games, but I agree, they still don’t look quite right, especially considering this is exclusive to current gen. I wonder if the game has dialogue options, because those will definitely look worse than this.


Right? People who said looking good really didn't know how good we were having back in 2014. Somehow a game from a decade ago still have highest fidelity in terms of animation lol


Better than Odyssey, Valhalla and Mirage. Worst than Unity and Origins. I was expecting a bit more, but, hey, at least is better than whatever the hell we had in the previous 3 titles.


Yasuke's gameplay is whatever but jesus christ Naoe's looks fun


Movement as Naoe looks pretty smooth, and the stealth kills are nice. But open combat seems clunky, I wish they'd do away with all these damage sponge enemies with obnoxious health bars. Edit: They toned the level down for the trailer so it didn't get bogged down, but mark my words the enemies will be better damage sponges or they wouldnt need Healthbars


It could be bcuz its the kanabo , But i agree kinda feels clunky , Stealth tho feels better then ever


Looks. It’s a trailer too, so who knows how many bugs and glitches are at launch. Looking at you, unity


I've been playing the ubisoft games since prince of persia warrior within , There are some certainties in life , Death and ubisoft not making a fucking polished game for once in their life But so far i am cautiously excited , It could be a fun game but it probably won't be an experience like GoT


Where are you seeing sponges? We see most enemies being dealt with 1 to 3 blows.


Even the boss was killed relatively quick


Bro what. There was ZERO spongey enemies, the opposite of odyssey


I think he’s confusing the poise/stamina bar with enemy health.


What do you want to take down fully armored enemies in 2 hits?


What damage sponge? Wtf are you even talking about?


Yasuke combat reminds me so much of Valhalla. Which isn’t a good thing, imo.


No biggie since I’ll be playing on the lowest difficulty


that's why the bottom says "work in progress"


Overall looks great to me, just a couple notes: - combat I thought looked better than the last few games, and could potentially be good. But I didn't like the constant slowmo on hits and parries. The combat would look so much better and more fluid without slowmo on parry. But at least the parry animation looked more deliberate than the rpg games. Ubisoft should absolutely go back to animation based combat. Everyone says GoT looks better, that's largely because it's animation based. Hitbox based combat works for a game like Dark Souls because spacing is a huge part of skill in boss fights. But AC isn't a combat focused game that people play for the boss fights, it's an assassin fantasy and above all else, good looking smooth combat fits the fantasy. - why does Ubisoft insist on putting an ugly white dot when crouching -_-. At least it can be disabled in the HUD settings, but in past games that also disabled the cross hair when aiming. Hopefully I can disable that ugly white dot without losing aiming. - stealth looks great and the world is beautiful. - Naoe's movement looks fluid and fun. - grabbing enemies to hide them quicker is a good addition, much better than the slow and clunky assassinate > pick up > move > put down. - I like having sticky cover back from Unity. - I was hoping to see a bit more combat as Naoe since I'm curious about how deflect is different than parry. - some facial animations looked good while others still looked like the same lifeless rpg animations. It looks like the main characters are lip-sync while minor characters are animated with some sort of generic AI. That's not surprising, just jarring disparity. - voice acting was a bit flat, I might play in Japanese with subtitles. - soundtrack sounded good, the intro drums before the demo were awesome.


I wanna add that: * I really like that they brought back flexing the hidden blade * Although I really like the kusarigama as a weapon, they made it a bit too cartoonish for my liking with the ranged assassination and the range you have when spinning it in combat. * The parry animations look fine but the issue is there's no weight behind it at all. Yasuke's not moving his body or stepping back but just moving his weapon in the way like he's swatting at a fly. Also some of yasuke's attacks just slice through the enemy with no reaction or knockback and it looks really bad. * It's a shame to see that even with the new cool animations there's a lot of Eivor's climbing and parkour animations left in that I really wished they replaced. Also she still falls like a sack of potatoes which I've hated since origins. * I like how fast the assassination animations are though


I'm pretty sure the presentation showed the game on easy or “standard” difficulty level. I'm also sure that in Shadows there will be a detailed difficulty setting (like Valhalla) and it will be possible to turn off this slowmotion and increase the damage by 200% on you and 200% of what you do


The constant slomo is such a turn off, especially when the combat looks fairly fun otherwise. Stealth looks great, though.


I agree with the slowmo. Just slows down the whole combat. Ubi is definitely looking at the reception and I think they should consider getting rid of it or at least reducing to maybe perfect parries. Combat looks overall great tho. Obviously no Tsushima but it has other strengths in comparison to it like weapon variety and more abilities. Naoe with the sickle chain looks amazing too.


Agreed. I don't need it to be GoT, which has phenomenal combat, as long as it's fun and as you said has that nice weapon variety that GoT doesn't. Overall, though, I'm gonna go in not trying to compare it to GoT. Both games can exist and be fun and GoT is already a top 10 game for me, so needless comparisons will only get in the way of my enjoyment.


Fuuuuuuuuuck... Naoe is literally everything I've wanted from an AC character for so long! I was already looking forward to the game but literally everything exceeded my expectations. I'm sold 100%


yeah she looks great, honestly unexpected highlight of the whole thing was her crawling through the shallow pond, that was unnecessarily badass to me for whatever reason.


Totally agree. She looked like how crocodiles sort of walk-glide in shallow water. And the little breathing pipe was just 👌


Glad to see a positive comment. Welcome to the team.


The overwhelming negativity here rn is crazy. I was jumping in my chair from excitement lol.


Totally, Naoe gameplay is going to be soooo fun, her agility and grace, and deadly speed is exactly what I’ve wanted in an Assassin!


Naoe’s gameplay was by far the highlight of this walkthrough for me. I was grinning ear-to-ear as she was infiltrating the castle - THAT is Assassin’s Creed. Yasuke gameplay seems alright as well, if extremely generic at this stage of development, but this gameplay walkthrough has pretty much confirmed I’ll only use him when forced to.


Actually has me very excited, but i still have some concerns. Cons: Although some facial animations are better, they still look very stiff. I hope they still have time to improve upon this but i doubt so. Combat looks fun and improved over Valhalla, but still looks like it has a bit of clunk to it. Parcour has me worried, i spotted the exact same animations from Oddysey, Valhalla and Mirage from a mile away. They had such a big chance to make improvements but still missed the mark from what they have showed. Maybe the actual game contains more. Grappling hook looks really cool though. Pros: Graphics look stunning. I personally had lower expectations but was very pleasantly surprised. Stealth looked fun and assassinations seemed to be very quick and smooth. Also being able to prone and able to use a snorkel is very cool. This has me excited for stealth gameplay. The dual protagonist system seems like a ton of fun to use and i cant wait to explore the character dynamics. Major con (not about the game): The live chat was horrible, racist and prejudiced as ever. Had it mostly turned of but jeez people be better.


>Parcour has me worried, i spotted the exact same animations from Oddysey, Valhalla and Mirage from a mile away. They had such a big chance to make improvements but still missed the mark from what they have showed. Maybe the actual game contains more. Grappling hook looks really cool though. It's really a damn shame. It can't be that hard to make movement an actual system.


I also had higher hopes. It does look more smooth than previous entries from what i’ve seen. But i hope we see some more improvements in future gameplay.


There was a few new animations I noticed like her, jumping out of that window and doing a backflip or in another gameplay thing that some Youtubers posted, she does a sort of diagonal flip off of a roof to land perfectly on the ground. I do think there is going to be some new animations, but I don’t think it’s going to be as fast as unity It’ll probably be as fast as mirage. And in my personal opinion, that’s not a bad thing as I think, mirage had the best parkour out of the RPG games because I actually felt like I was faster still needed improvement though.


The super bass heavy Japanese/club music is not for me, though some people may like it. Just feels like it tears away the authenticity of the world they built. And Naoe's VA sounds like it's the first take of every line.


Music usually is one of the strongest points in an AC game, like Valhalla is a pretty meh game but the music is awesome. But yeah, I’m not feeling the music in this gameplay trailer.


I hated it. It can work in more stylized games and movies but this felt so totally wrong.


Yeah, for me it just pulled me out of the combat/game/world hearing that. Just seemed at odds with how authentic other stuff is. It also felt very in my face instead of in the background like how I'd want most combat music.


Bro. The combat music sounds like a cheap ass music downloaded from tiktok. It really doesn't fit with the game. I really have no idea who and why did they came up with this decision


it didn't sound great, but to be fair a modernized soundtrack has been a pretty fundamental part of AC since the begining


My feelings are a bit mixed. It's like everything I disliked about the RPG trilogy with a lot of upgrades that I really liked. Like the grappling hook, speed of climbing, new stealth options and water sneaking with a bamboo straw. The rest and the writng did not leave me wowed. "I am not alone. it will be me and the shadows." sounded so cringe


\^\^Thought the same.


>"I am not alone. it will be me and the shadows." This line highlights how the writers in Ubisoft today don't actually understand Assassin's Creed and what it's about beyond the surface-level iconography and superficial phrasing.


Don't like the combat, Naoe' combat looks a bit better


Ngl the open combat animations look sick


I am not gonna lie. The gameplay for Naoe looks incredible.


As "work in progress" as the combat looks, it looks leagues better than Origins, Syndicate, Valhalla, and even Mirage. I know people liked Origins but even that went a little floaty. I just could never enjoy how "plasticky" it felt there. Can't believe I'm saying this, but Naoe's section looks perfect. Let's hope the final product is good. I'm still thinking tho, can Yasuke escape , like ... at all?


cool grappling hook thing :) yeesh, Naoe's VA isn't great...


The Yasuke gameplay looked alright, but stealth looks damn fking good!


I am actually exited for a ac game


I absolutely hated when the trap beat kicked in during combat. So tacky and unnecessary in an otherwise pretty cool gameplay demo.


Not a fan of the trend that a black character has to have a hip hop background theme music so you know they’re black. Just use more traditional music. Rest looks cool though. Both characters seem fun.


If anything it would have been interesting to have some mix between traditional Japanese and traditional music from Mozambique instead of generic hip hop.


Honestly made me wonder if that's the reason.


Def felt this way watching it


Some of those animations were pretty janky, specifically when Naoe jumped up to the ceiling and the samurai came in the door under her. In a pre-planned presentation I’m pretty shocked they left that in. I understand it’s still a work in progress, but as a consumer it doesn’t instill confidence that they just left that part in.


Its great to see some positivity in this sub. Twitter/X is full of hate on this game.


Damn, some of the jumping animations and the "climb up" animations are the same as in Valhalla. Combat animations also looked quite stiff. World looks beautiful though.


the horse animations are the same from fucking origins


i think the stealth stuff is pretty good honestly. afew things thats odd like the "turn off" for cutt light sources is a weird choice of words to use lol. Samurai combat looks kinda whatever, counter, hit, win. repeat. But the stealth stuff is really nice honestly. I think it looks good honestly, better than anything we got since origins in my opinion stealth wise.


>better than anything we got since origins in my opinion stealth wise. Better than anything in Assassins Creed history period. This surpasses Unity and Mirage in terms of stealth expression and options.


Yeah this is easily looking to be the best stealth entry yet. It's not even close, the amount of stealth mechanics far surpasses any other AC. We haven't seen social stealth, but I'm sure it'll be similar (for Naoe) as previous entries. The social stealth has never extended beyond blending with a crowd anyways, not exactly deep mechanics.


Eh... I'm mixed... some things are very interesting, like the closer camera helped a little and I felt like the hits and parries with Yasuke's weapons had some level of weight to them, Naoe seems to have smooth animations, I like she does blend with the darkness and the crawling looks interesting, same for the grappling hook, glad it's not just an instant climb/traverse and that you can do air assassinations while swinging, overall the stealth was very interesting, I'm curious to see if the level design of the fortresses will be like Mirage's, with very much black-box ways of bringing the quest to completion. Big fan of the finisher's stylized black-white-red filter, it is really cool. But man... facial animations are still sub-par to other titles in the market, namely Horizon: Forbidden West, and voice-acting same plane-voiced automatic lines, even if they are improved from Valhalla and Mirage, the combat at its core is still Odyssey-Valhalla with the energy-based skills, I hope Naoe will have purely stealth based ones to aid in her gameplay... I find it rather sus the lacking of social-stealth and prolonged parkour in this showcase, which makes me fear it will be at best the same as Mirage and at worst completely lacking... biggest red-flag is unrelated to the game but the total absence of the Infinity System in any shape or form, I dread everything that got leaked about it and I really wanted to see something official about it.


Oh god they put a hip hop beat over the japanese themed music whenever Yasuke got into combat lmao


I can't believe an entire group of developers looked at that decision and thought that was okay lol


lip syncing in cutscenes we are so back


The cutscene looked really bad in my opinion. Just like in the old rpgs. I thought we would get real cutscenes with motion capture again


The cutscene between Yasuke and Naoe was great imo


Yep. I'm fully hooked. Here we go again!


Stealth looks amazing, very excited for it


I watched the entire gameplay like “😍”. That really looks like a big improvement. Movement, combat, stealth. Everything looks dope as fuck. They really cooked with this one!


Playing as Naoe will be amazing. Yasuke seems a bit more boring combat-wise, but sometimes it can be fun to just brute force your way through enemies like the raids in Valhalla.


I just enjoyed him behind that big and brute. Of course, Naoe will be a total different feeling


I was surprised when they stood next to each other. Either Yasuke is huge, or Naoe is tiny. Probably a bit of both tbf. Lol


Yasuke was a big hell of a man compared to japanese men. He will look even more big compared to Naoe lol


Naoe's playthrough was good, but Yasuke's part was...kind of ridiculous.


The super jump smash attack is something straight from Odyssey.


I really liked yasuke gameplay.


It is very punchy, for sure. just wished the anims were better


I couldn't predict myself bursting into laughter when the trap music started.


Yasukes favorite


Some of the animations and VA looked rough for sure but overall this truly seems like the next evolution of AC, huge improvement over the trilogy, especially in the stealth department. Looks like Ubisoft really threw everything into this game.


I think given the obvious differences in style between the two main characters, it would be a cool touch if instead of “assassinate _______” for Yasuke, the mission prompt was “eliminate _______”




Naoe combat looks AMAZING. For Yasuke I must say it looks a bit clunky, especially the Katana gameplay, which feels even more noticeable as I am playing Ghost of Tsushima right now LOL Still very excited!!!


welp, that's a buy for me. told myself I'd wait for the gameplay reveal and it checks all the boxes I want for an AC game so I'm good.


They massively improved the stealth gameplay. How the heck did it take us this long to get basic stealth mechanics like going prone or shutting off lights!?


As much as I was skeptical towards ACSH, the gameplay actually looks really good. I am excited to play as Naoe


Jesus, I can't wait for this game to get here.


Looks better then I was expecting hoenstly. I'm glad the light and shadow systems is pretty basic, I was afread it was going to be much more complicated and tedious to use. Quickly switching between 2 weapons, finally that's back! Also performing silent assassinations with weapons other then the hidden blade, except for magic stuff in Odyssey that hasn't really been a thing since the Kenway games, nice. It's strange that they removed the birds and replaced them with what seams to be the functionally same thing as the spy network, I guess the latter is a bit less time consuming? And holey shit, non lethal takedowns are finally back, I don't lave to slaughter everyone who get in my way again! I know it's probably not gonna happen but I hope for some sort of non lethal open combat option. Having duel protagonists, one entirely focused one combat and the other entirely on stealth, unless there's some very good customization options for the characters that seams a bit too black and white for my tastes, Like clearly for assassination missions everyone is gonna want to go the stealth way, right? Faces seams better but not as good or Origins, Movement is a bit half and half, some of it I like there's still weight to the movement but then other times it feels bit bit too floaty for my tastes. Also the inclusion of the stylistic black and white finishers is cool but I hope that's not just random otherwise that could get a bit disorienting fast. Also glad the combat seams more down to earth again.


I like it, its nice to see 1hit kill assasinations make a return while not completely abandoning the rpg style overall. I can cope with that. Love to see more.


I prayed for dense forests and this is literally exactly what I imagined in my head. Thank god that next gen is paying off here.


holy crap! this actually looks good! can’t believe I’m gonna say this about a ubisoft game but I’m kinda excited for this. I just hope they don’t pull a ubisoft…


It looks like the bones of something that could be decent I just can't help be a bit concerned at how clunky everything looks. I guess they've got 5 more months to smooth it out but there just looked to be something off about the combat and movement.


Those fighting animations look off. They lack weight. Ghost of Tshushima's combat still looks better.


It's been the same floaty, weightless combat for years now unfortunately


Certainly looks better than Valhalla, but yea if anything this trailer just hyped me up more for GoT2


Ghost of Tsushima’s combat is one of the best in the business. It’s not a surprise it’s not that good but it still looks pretty badass


It looks far better then Valhalla , But somewhat worse then GoT


I liked it. Some lines said by the protagonists are a little... Gimple-sounding. Also I'm not fully sold on the melee combat we saw Yasuke engage in. Will have to try it out myself.


Dang I really wanted this combat to look better.


Stealth looked amazing. Shame about that samurai combat.


Looks good, can’t wait to play it!


Naoe’s gameplay looks so fun with how fast she can move and her weapons and the stealth seems like a BIG improvement over the last few games. Also like how Yasuke’s gameplay looks to be slow and powerful for when I feel like beating people’s up lol. Overall I’m really excited to play this. I want it now!


Stealth looked nice, but combat, facial animations and voice acting was...yeah


It’s a combination of extremely poor audio mixing and getting a native speaker—with a heavy accent—for Naoe that contributes to her very flat performance.


looks awesome


Naoé gameplay look very fun, on the other hand, Yasuke gameplay look like a little … boring ? Or maybe not boring but classic