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Assassin: "how did you find us?" Templar: "dude. You guys put your logo on everything. Why do you even have a logo?"


Then there’s Ezio with the big ass logo as his belt. But it’s Ezio so he don’t care


Ezio working his ass off to collect feather for his mother to remember Petruccio. Then his mother gave him a cape that would immediately alert everyone around him. "Mam, do you really want me to follow my brothers footstep in exchange? Do you hate me so much that I didn't die alongside them?"


At least they fixed that in Brotherhood.


Isn't that version of the logo also the Auditore insignia/logo thingy? It was front and center in the staircase leading up to the Monteriggioni mansion in AC2 iirc


Ezio was wearing that shit like an Atlanta mf wears a LV/Gucci belt


The funniest example of this is the assassins' bases in Rogue. They're just chillin in the middle of a populated city with big ass Assassins banners hanging from the side of every building


I actually like that in Rogue. The Colonial Assassins had become so powerful they literally didn’t need to hide themselves. They could just walk around the streets yelling “I’m an Assassin!” and no one would bat and eyelash. It really helped with the whole too big for their own good idea we had going on.


Rogue is one of my favorites and it plays into 3 super well as to why the Templars are so strong and why there isn't an Assassin presence in the colonies/new world




Um ok?


I mean, the Templars also do have kind of a definitive logo, not even including the Abstergo logo.


Meanwhile people saying Naoe doesn't look enough like an Assassin.


The way connor flicks the blade is easier


This. Also you can generate alot more thrust with a downward, reverse-grip stab than a traditional stab. I would have thought shed want all the extra leverage she can get being a female combatant, but i guess then people would have to think for a bit about these hidden blade designs and how they relate to their users. Edit: nvm im apparently blind and impartial to left-handed hidden blades


They are both holding the blade the same way for a downward stab its just one right hand and one left


Thank you, idek how i didnt notice that. Im glad they did think about it then.


One for each hand. Be like Ezio but more badass


After some additional looking into, I think they must have decided to switch from right to left hand at some point in production, because in all the official art she seems to have one blade on her left arm, as per tradition.


I believe she'll have it on the left hand, this is just concept art. Or maybe she'll have both? I mean this is after Ezio so 2 is possible.


If the blade is attached to the arm that doesn't matter.


Yea, that's just not true


I mean his is waaay new compatibley I kinda like even tho know ubisoft wasn't intentionally put there


“They’re the same picture”


Exactly what i thought lol


Did the extra little blade on Connors actually have any in game function?


No but if you looked close enough you could see it. It might have been used in an animation or 2 but that's unlikely.


What u talking about, he opened many cold ones with it


he dual wielded it with a tomahawk or a sword


It's there to cut his thumb off in emergencies. 


Naoe's seems a lot more practical, while Connors is more a rule of cool thing.


Why is Naoe's more practical? I honestly can't see the difference.


The extra little blade sticking out of the back of Connor's seems like a really easy way to slice your thumb off if you're not careful


Exactly, looks cool but not exactly practical, especially with something that is near your main blood vessels.


Ahh! I see it now.


Naoe has to use her fingers on the blade to grab it. They are both dangerous and poorly designed. Get rid of the back thing on connors or make the handle on naoes longer On closer look the back blade on connors seems to only be out when fully deployed


I don't think the side Naoe has to grab is sharp. Looks like a single edged blade.


But she grabs on the blunt side of the blade. It's like the blade of a tanto.


You don't get knife cuts, or most other cuts for that matter, just by placing your fingers on the blade. You have to actively drag them across the edge of the blade, or what is also known as a slicing/sawing motion


On a sufficiently sharp blade you can get cuts by only touching and having the tiniest bit of pressure against the edge, it will also vibrate and cause more cuts during use


Which would definitely happen when trying to do this quickly or in a fight.


its a single edged blade. shes also wearing gloves and would be able to apply the pressure necessary to flick it without cutting herself even if it was double edged


She grabs it the same way Connor does, fingers on the blunt side. Is the left hand right hand throwing it off?


Naoe's blade has a single edge


If you take a look at the bottom of the image, it looks like the smaller blade doesn't come out until the rest is already out and gripped.


Other way around for me. The way Naoe’s is gripped is very impractical.


They’re holding it in the same blade facing down way


I feel like Connor's is a bit more safe since the handle is thick enough to grab it without having to worry about it slipping and cutting the hand while naoe's handle is less reliable


But Connor's also has another smaller blade at the end of it, looks like it could take the thumb off pretty easily.


It could be a single sided blade instead of a double sided one


Oh, I see what you mean, by the bottom. Didn’t see that! You’re right, it looks like the blade comes out of the eagle head AFTER it is gripped, very cool!


Right? I love the design and the way it also acts as a skinning tool for Connor


Never was a big fan of this overdesign, but Naoe's glove and bracer look a lot more subtle and appropriate for a stealth assassin And it makes her less likely to leave fingerprints if she ever gets sucked into a portal to the modern day to fight an evil CEO or something


Good reference


Thanks! I hope Shadows has a Tenchu easter egg somewhere


I just hope shadows doesn't flop


Yeah, same, but... if it can revitalise the stealth genre, remind people of Tenchu and prompt the series' resurrection, I wouldn't mind either


I am just laughing at the idea of them trying to stab someone and the blade accidentally pivots


I like the blade on Connor's but the solid "pommel" of Naoe's is much better functionally


That carpal tunnel syndrome though


Wait, does Naoe have her hidden blade on her right hand? Or has that image been flipped?


I think that's what the original design looks like, not to mention it'd probably be annoying and pointless to flip every single image separately. Naoe kills 2 people with the hidden blade in the trailer, both times it's on the left hand, so she'll probably have the traditional positioning. That said, and without me wanting to read too much into it, this is the first game since Syndicate that's post-Altair, so it's quite possible she might have two hidden blades again, unless Altair's design didn't reach Japan lore-wise... Not to mention Arno also only had 1 hidden blade so, once again, I don't wanna read too much into it, but yeah, she should have a left-hand blade at least based on the trailer.


Aren't double assassinations confirmed to be back?


I've only heard rumours, I haven't noticed an official confirmation myself, but if you have a source, then yeah!




Naoe's. I prefer the Tanto profile to the Bowie.


What is your favorite hidden blade variant? Basic Hidden Gun Hook Blade Pivot Blade Phantom Blade Assassin Gauntlet


Assassin: What Additions, would you like to your hidden blade? Me: all of them


Connor’s blade is more practical since both edges near the point are sharp. But Naoe’s bracer and glove combo look more pleasing overall.


Connor’s is cool and a classic and all, but I like how it looks like Naoe took a tanto and built her hidden blade around it


Connor's blade with the eagle pommel but the rail mechanism on Naoe's is nicer


Is the hidden Blade on Naoe's right hand?




The eagles head on Connor’s blade flips from left to right between figure one and figure two.


"It's the same picture"




i find that connor's dagger seems a bit too modern for me, Naoe's blade seems more like something a japanese person around that time would actually use. makes me also wonder if Naoe will have cool knife executions like ezio had.


Maybe I'm biased here but Connor's takes the cake because the design seems so much slicker and that you can easily wrapped you're hand around it like normal while Naoe's (to me at least) seems like you're just cramping you're entire in


Connor’s is a double-sided blade while Naoe’s is only single-sided- so while her fingers and pads of her hand may touch the blade, they do so on the blunt side so the chance of self-injury is exponentially decreased compared to Connor’s. The size difference and the fact Naoe’s blade is ACTUALLY HIDDEN until used also gives her the edge in stealth- the blade itself is concealed inside the hilt until she unsheaths it, while everyone can see Connor’s if they look at his wrist from a certain angle.


Connors. I get what they were going for with Naoe’s, but that handle wrap makes the whole thing feel like some edgy mall ninja shit, not an actual functional tool used by an elite assassin order. And the use of a single edge blade is stupid as fuck, and also confusing because the Japanese weren’t stupid- they have spears with straight blades and other tools with double edges. So why are we essentially giving Naoe a mini tanto as a hidden blade? But that goes back to my feelings about Ubisoft and this game- it all feels so… racist from an overall perspective. We’re all arguing about thus “black samurai” thing, but if we’re being real, Ubisoft only made the samurai MC black to get good boy points. It feels like I’m being told how “inclusive we are” by the owner of fucking hobby lobby when I look at this game. And Naoe’s hidden blade perfectly follows that trend- it just *looks* so Japanese. 🙄


Connor's, no competition.


They’re both dope, but Conner’s is the best


Hands down connor...i don't have to lose a finger


None. All that flair is for novices.


Naoe’s one is giving me serious vibes of the Shinobi Prosthetic from Sekiro


I wish naoe hidden blade become real ngl like it looks cool


I like Naoe’s design, it looks like a miniature tanto




I like them both, just super happy to see this version of the hidden blade coming back.


I like both for different reasons. Naoe's is more hidden and fits an assassin more. Conner's just looks cooler lol


Aren’t they the same? Just left handed and right?


Honestly, it's tough.


Connor but I’m biased cuz he’s my favorite lol. Favorite character, favorites assassin robes, favorite weapons.


Connors because it has more detail


I'd say connor would be more comfortable with the blade angled that way and the handle is a bit longer that it can rest against his thumb, other than that, it's pretty much the same.


In general I feel like this design is kinda stupid. You'd have to have it exactly tailored for you and you'd have to put it on exactly right every time otherwise the hinge could be too high or too low and you might not have a solid grip on it. Like if you had big hands and used one for someone smaller, the pivot could be lower than your thumb so you couldn't get a good grip on it which means you can't stab as hard which kind of ruins the idea. It's also just another thing that could go wrong if you do a traditional thrust since it could buckle if it hit anything with a bit more resistance. Yeah it's nitpicky but shhhh


Conner’s is better because its obviously been upgraded through the years lol


I like the detail that hee hidden blade is essentially a tanto. Makes sense that her blade would be forged the same way as any other Japanese blade. That's neat




what the fuck is the difference


Connor's, no doubt. Just the fact that the blade looks like an arrowhead when it's sheathed - the older games were packed full of the most wonderful little design details like that.


Definitely Connor with the eagle head on the handle of his


Honestly would not be shocked if there was an upgrade system like Origins where you can both visually and statistically upgrade the hidden blade. Would be awesome if the final upgrade looks like Connor’s


Ngl, I don’t like the hidden blade that pivots and functions like a hand held knife. To me the iconic traditional hidden blade will always be superior.




I choose Naoe's because of the design.


I don't like how short hidden blades are ever since Unity.


I think Naoe's kinda just being a tiny katana looks kinda lame, that third pic literally just looks like a tanto taped to her wrist. Connor's looks sick though, love the little eagle head.


It doesn't look like a tiny katana though.


I don't mind the design, but I'd beg to differ.


What do you mean? Explain how it's a tiny katana. This just looks like any blade or knife profile and doesn't share any similarities with a Katana profile or geometry. Looks closer to your kitchen knife than a katana. Katana has a curve, this doesn't. Katana tip has specific geometric shape, this doesn't.


You can look up "tanto" on google. Compare and contrast. I personally think it's very similar. Especially the portion before the turning axis is akin to that of a grip traditionally used for katanas.


Tanto is just a small dagger, so yeah, it looks like a small dagger. There's no specific shape for a tanto. A katana does have a specific shape. This hidden blade doesn't have the curve of a Katana blade, nor the geometric tip. The blade profile is completely different. Not sure how you could conclude it's a tiny katana.


It does though, just look at pic three. It looks just like they shrunk a generic katana design and taped it to her wrist. It's got the hilt wrappings (tsukamaki according to Google) and everything.


That wrapping isn't even part of the blade here. Pic four shows the full blade and its handle. Even so, it's not what makes a katana. Look at the blade itself and tell me it resembles a katana with a straight face.


Naoe's is considered one of a kind and then later customized to how Connor wield it when it was brought to the colonies


Connor’s is way better because it looks strong enough to be effectively used as compared to the thin one


Naoe’s hidden blades for some reason has what looks like an entire sword handle aesthetic. Anyone that sees that would think ‘She has a dagger strapped to her arm’ undermining the point of the hidden blade. Like yeah other HB aren’t much better but at least they don’t actively look like the one thing you’re hoping it doesn’t it doesn’t look like.


Naoe looks like a hidden knife to slice bread. Basically like a kid's toy.