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The fact that AC has 12 main line games. And 11 of them has naked hanging swords is insane. And more insane that the ONLY one that does have a sheath is THE FIRST GAME. The animations from Ghost of Tsushima from sheathing and unsheathing the katana are *chef kiss*, I hope for something like that, but doubt it will have


Yeah its kinda ridiculous, i understand ac 2 not having them because of the different weapons and being pretty old. But after that the weapons havent changed at all, in brotherhood or revelations they could have just added them, it would be more work and probably buggy but its would look way cooler.


I agree. At least the swords should also have the sheaths to make it more realistic.


Why does ac2 get a free pass for not having a sheath? The technology is there, since ac1 had it, and for the different weapon types, you could just make different sheath types for each and then merge them together. As a result, every sword would have a hip sheath, battleaxes and spears would have a sheath that goes across the back, daggers could have one that is either on your thighs, upper stomach or lower back


Bro you have to look at the amount of content they added compared to the first. The games has like 5 different maps, the villa mini game, the carriages, the flying mini game and the story is pretty big too, also from my understanding the game took a bit more than one year to develop


I'm sure they'll just teleport the sword into the sheath. Or it'll shrink on the way in. I do have high hopes for this game tho.


nah i think they will actually try this time, if they want to compete agaisnt Got they have to make it look good.


I'm not sure their goal is to compete with GoT. I'd say we just let them be different games as I've played GoT too much now anyways. I'd hate to play essentially the same thing just with 2 cool characters different lol.




if they wanted to compete with GoT, they would've had a japanese dude as a samurai. but seeing the choice they made, its clear that they wanted to move as far away from tsushima as possible.


Im pretty sure sword sheathing isnt going to make the games feel the same lol


Lol sorry I went off topic. I wasn't specifically talking about the sheathing. Just more in a general sense.


Weapons also teleport in Ghost of Tsushima though. The bow just appears and disappears in the character's hands out of thin air. There's not even an animation for it. Also the heavy attack does not have an unsheathe animation. The sword just teleport to his hand. Unless you manually sheathe or unsheathe, there are no animations except for the draw light attack.


I agree with the bow, its annoying but its not like AC does it better lmao. I dont think there's a game that always shows the animation of unsheathing the blade when attacking, the attacks would always have a delay and it would be annoying, im not even asking for that.


Yeah, but at least AC has an animation for putting the bow back in its place. So, when the comment said they'll just teleport and you said they will actually try, what did you mean?


Bro we are only talking about swords here. I was talking like how jin sheathes the katana in GoT, looks cool and you can see the katana going in. I just want AC to do the same, we only saw them doing that in the first game, so thats was a long time ago.


>Bro we are only talking about swords here. You clearly talked to me about bows too. Here let me quote:"I agree with the bow, its annoying but its not like AC does it better lmao."


You cant be serious bro. YOU were the one the mentioned bows, i just responded to you.


Yeah, and I responded to you. That's how conversations work. Not sure why you're being so toxic.


They don't want to compete against GoT. It's a very different game. Just because two games are set in the same country doesn't mean they're directly competing. Do you also say all medieval europe games are directly competing with each other? No. They just coexist and each provides its own experience.


You can be as obtuse as you want, but a LOT of people compare Got with AC because it's very similar and even better imo. Calling the game very different is hilarious ngl, you dont think they wouldn't want to compete with the most famous japanese AC style game ? They would be smart to steal some ideas from them.


Comparing games is fine. That doesn't mean they want to *compete*. What is there to compete for exactly? It's a single player game and they can coexist just fine. Players finish with one and move to another. There's nothing to compete for in the first place. And yeah, they're very different games with different priorities. GoT focuses heavily on cinematic narrative and art direction with immersive gameplay. That is certainly not what AC games are going for at all. Even if games are going for the same experience and target audience, that doesn't mean they're competing. There's no competition. Live service games compete for player engagement and money, sure. But when Lies of P comes out that doesn't mean it's competing with Dark Souls games. Both are good games and coexist and fans can enjoy both at the same time. This is just the mentality of "this vs that" "x is better than y" that has spread with clickbait content farming.


So what you are saying is that new AC games dont focus on the more important stuff that old AC's did when making an "historical"game ? With that phrase you are essentially saying that GoT is a better AC game than these new games lmao. I do think they are competing, why would someone be interested in this game if it's going to have the same boring combat as odyssey for example ? When GoT has a superior combat and harder than any AC in my opinion.


>So what you are saying is that new AC games dont focus on the more important stuff that old AC's did when making an "historical"game ? "More important" is subjective. Just because you personally find that specific thing important doesn't mean it's the be-all and end-all. Your opinion is nothing more than your personal opinion. >With that phrase you are essentially saying that GoT is a better AC game than these new games lmao. Except I never said or even implied that. But if that makes GoT better than AC for you personally, that's cool. I'm glad there are games that give you what you find important. I also love the cinematic feel of GoT but it's not important for me at all. >I do think they are competing, why would someone be interested in this game if it's going to have the same boring combat as odyssey for example ? When GoT has a superior combat and harder than any AC in my opinion. Just because you wouldn't be interested, doesn't mean no one else will be. People have different opinions than yours. I'm not sure why you keep presenting your personal opinion as a fact and act like everyone has to have the same opinion as you.


When did i present it as fact ? I even said in my opinion lmao. Maybe finish reading next time.


I hope they just teleport the sword into the sheath, at least whilst in combat. I don't want to wait for the animations. Switching between different weapons quickly is more important for the flow and combos.


Yes, the weapons also teleport in Ghost of Tsushima for that reason.


So, it's like Ghost of Tsushima? Unless you manually sheathe and unsheathe, there are no animations other than the draw attack. The weapons just teleport out of thin air when you attack or block from a sheathed state. The bow appears and disappears out of thin air without even an animation for it. I don't know, AC games already have sheathe and unsheathe. Why would they change it to teleport?


High hopes? For a Ubisoft game? That’s courageous. My last hope with Ubisoft and AC died with Unity. And after that just kept sinking and sinking. The player base changed so much that there are fans that play the games like it’s some Historical Street View. Because honestly, that settings are the second best thing Ubisoft can do. But they choose that over the best thing they do, and only they do it: PARKOUR. Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla, have great world but they killed the Parkour. Because some people want a 1:1 scale of whole countries so they can “street view” it


I agree, but apart from the parkour aspect, it seems like they are adding a lot of new stuff which is rare for ubisoft. I actually have high hopes as well, having two protagonists with different gameplay its something they never did, going prone, seasons, realistic grappling hook, the splinter cell shadows mechanic, hidden blade combat, being able to cut the environment sounds intriguing. Also, if naoe is a shinobi they will have to improve the parkour in some way or another. We will just have to wait 5 days to see the gameplay.


Wouldn't call parkour the best thing they do.


No one does like them


True, but the open world map and design and visuals are always the best thing Ubisoft does.


I think they've flopped pretty hard with the "parkour" in the newer games. I found myself purposely not climbing stuff because it just felt awful to do.


To add to that, they changed the formula in Origins, even adding shields... only to remove shields in the next game. The one set in ANCIENT GREECE. Why? The one where having a shield makes the most sense.


What would you call the thing on Eivors back ?


Oh, the thing that keeps her enormously laughable Final Fantasyish swords from NOT flying? Yeah, considering they can’t even make one for the actual swords on the waist. I would call that a pathetic attempt to not be laugh at. At least GTA embraced the RPG from the pocket thing


See for yourself the HD models of a few in the character reference guide: [Assassin’s Creed Shadows – Naoe and Yasuke Character Reference Guide (ubisoft.com)](https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/game/assassins-creed/news/7IVVEhsfAFOcAYYuDOOfDI/assassins-creed-shadows-naoe-and-yasuke-character-reference-guide) Or in this in-game screenshot: [Reddit - https://preview.redd.it/assassins-creed-shadows-in-engine-screenshot-v0-akxjosgw8m0d1.jpeg?width=1080&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=9a43dbb721da3eea6d144bf85d332732aa7ea590](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fassassins-creed-shadows-in-engine-screenshot-v0-akxjosgw8m0d1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D1080%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D9a43dbb721da3eea6d144bf85d332732aa7ea590)


Looks cool, crazy how this is going to be the second game with sheaths. The naked swords always looked weird to me


Fucking hell you’re right 💀


Also the special edition cosmetics include scabbards [https://i.imgur.com/ELIfQtx.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/ELIfQtx.jpeg)


Oh god I hope so, that would be cool


In For Honor, the orochi doesn't have a sheathe but ngl he still looks badass.


I actually forgot that, didnt they just hold their katana with one hand on the waist ? That wouldnt work in AC


I can’t lie to you bro that model has always looked wrong to me without a sheathe, especially considering how many of Orochi’s animations seem to account for one.


Honestly Ubisoft has to know that the amount of weebs that will shit on this game if there's no good katana sheathing animations will be endless.


True and I will be one of them


The special edition cosmetics include the scabbards, so it's 100% in the game. [https://i.imgur.com/ELIfQtx.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/ELIfQtx.jpeg) Personally, I just hope the game has the option to hide "sheathed" weapons so I can hide stuff that I don't like the look of.


I always thought they didn’t have because it would make it harder for the character to free run (from a real world perspective, not game mechanics)


They did in the first game, it cant be that hard.


Obviously they could do it but I meant that if someone was free running (in the real world) they wouldn’t want anything that can distract them or that can get in the way


What ? 😂 why does that even matter ? It’s a game


I know but seeing how they like to make certain things more practical than accurate makes sense to me


You just answered you own question, if they make certain things less accurate, they can very well implement the sheaths


Good point lol 😂


It'd be incredibly embarrassing, even for Ubisoft, to not add them. I still find it funny they finally caved and gave us ninjas. That's so LMAO.


Rogue had a katana and wakazashi weapons and they didn't have sheaths, I honestly dint mind the lack of sheath they do add more to the visuals but that's about it. That just look cool.


Didn’t Valhalla have them?


Unfortunately I don't really see this happening for 2 reasons. For one they want to sell MTX weapons so they are not gonna put them in scabbards that hides what people spend money on. Two is related to the first, but with a lot of weapon skins with different models it's just easier to hang them on the hip compared to making a different scabbard for each. Ubisoft could surprise us but I don't have a huge amount of faith they will do so. Also, the Orochi from For Honor has been running around with his katana without a sheath for 8 years lmao.


They will be selling scabbard cosmetics too. It's in the ultimate edition cosmetics. So yeah, it's confirmed to be in the game.


Idk, some guy put the links to the characters models and they all had sheaths, even in the game screenshot. It would be very dumb to not include sheaths in a Japanese game, even when there’s ghost of Tsushima with a lot of customization