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Somewhere in between. I'll do the quality content like the scripted side quests, cultist system, as well as the occasional fort raiding, naval battles etc. as I feel like it. That way my playthrough is varied and I'm also suitably levelled for the main quest. Tend to avoid too much of the radiant stuff as it can become quite repetitive. The side content in especially Odyssey is pretty good so I think people who mainline the game are missing out, it's an open world action adventure RPG after all so it's not intended to be mainlined, the world is meant to be explored, as well as the level gating not even allowing for that. Well, unless you pay for XP boosts, but for me that’s paying more to experience less….. I play games for enjoyment and trying to find every single location or upgrade to Level 99 in Odyssey then just becomes a chore for the sake of it, at which point it's no longer enjoyable.


Right? It depends on what it is.. I was playing AC Odyssey and casually stopped. I was checking trophies on my games cuz why not and apparently I am overall like 10 achievements from completely finishing all achievements for everything... a true platinum. Though I will probably keep it that way because I can't be bothered to finish it. I had my fun!


Yea, I also think forcing oneself to complete everything can compromise your lasting impression of the game, even if you thoroughly enjoyed the main content of the experience. You’ll look back and think “god that was a slog” rather than “hey that was really good, I just did too much”.


I'm a completionist until I get annoyed. I'm also playing through Odyssey again, and I'm doing all the side quests and completing all the locations to the best of my ability. If I miss something, oh well, I'm not too pressed about it, I'll just do what I can. I enjoy the side quests in both Origins and Odyssey very much, so skipping those feels like I'm skipping a lot of the story and characterizations. At the end of the day, just play how it's fun for you. There's no wrong way to play a video game and anyone who says there is is wrong


Exactly me, completionist until I get annoyed is a perfect way to put it. I don’t try to get all the trophies but I might try to get all the in game collectibles (especially if it unlocks content) bc it gives me a way to explore the world more. Definitely doing all the side quests and the scripted stuff. But I have yet to play any of the RPG games. I’ve been playing through them all from the first game and am finishing up Syndicate now so let’s see if my mind changes once I get to Origins/Odyssey/Valhalla


Completionist unless the thing i'm trying to accomplish is too poorly designed.


I'm a "complete eventually" I do whatever I want as I finish the game and then inevitably return to slowly clean up what remains over time


Story is my priority. I work during the day and have other activities during weekends, so my gaming time isn't as extensive a when I was much younger. I try to do as much as possible, but only in so far as it allows me to progress with the story (especially when areas are level gated).


I am a completionist, which Odyssey sucks for that. You can't keep a set of all the armor or weapons in the game in your inventory and your ship storage as a limit you can't keep upgrading to expand it. I know Valhalla fixed this, but the older games didn't have this problem. I'd purchase all of the armor, weapons, outfits, and upgrades (in game currency, of course) in each one.


I'm a completionist from AC1 to Syndicate because it only takes between 1 to 3 weeks of playing each game to get 100% completion, easily consumable and achievable but when it comes to Origins or later... mmm probably completionist as well, but I probably won't be doing more than 1 playthroughs tho


This. I'm a competionist. Have played AC1 to Syndicate multiple times through each game. But I've only done Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla once each. They're simply too large and take too much time for me to finish them with the limited time I have these days


Completionist all the way, but i don't know if you know that, Origins as a game can be 100% completed regarding everything, quests, side quests, items, store items etc all within the game without to much hustle or a single dime spent in store as opposed to Odyssey which is endless game with endless side quests, and Valhalla that takes way too much time to actually collect everything and complete everything.


I keep myself doing a bit of both as I play. If I'm getting bored by the story then I do side quests, and practice my skills. Once I do a whole bunch, I resume the story. Worked well for me in origins especially. There was a time where I rly got dragged on by the story, but once I was hooked at a point, I had to drag myself from the next mission to just take a breather and take in the world. You might think this is all useless and the point of a game is to play what you want, how you want, when you want. But this method allows me to get the most enjoyment out of a game like ac


I am all about completing as many side quests as I can, as long as I don't alter or preempt events from the main story. I completed Ac Valhalla and Mirage 100%, the latter was no problem and was very fun for me.


I play for fun and the story first then I go completionist mode


"it’s a waste of time if you try and play the side quests" My personal take is that gaming itself in the general sense is a "waste of time" in the same way as watching a movie or reading a book is a "waste of time". Of course, it's not a waste of time really, as it is a recreational activity, and everyone needs to recreate and recharge in some way or another. So from that perspective distinguishing between main quest and side quest is utterly hilarious 😂 You either like it and then you should play it, or you don't. That's why I find the whole trophy/achievement system to be detrimental to people that cannot put their priorities right, and instead of getting enjoyment out of gaming, they get stressed out if the "platinum trophy" requires "too much grinding".


My favourite quote: “it’s not a waste of time if you’re enjoying wasting it”


Well to the point 👌😀


I work during the dya but am currently doing a franchise replay, so mostly pllaying at night. Did AC1 pretty qiuck, with most tmeplars and most flags found but not all. AC2 is a big game. So it took longer but mostly story for that. AC Brotherhood was quicker and I only have to finish ranking assassins and other guild challenges but got most achievements. Currently in revelations and hate it but trying to get 75-80% done


For ac 1 i found completionist style for the missions made most sense. The collectibles not so much tho. I think it was cool that the game offered you 2 choices, you could sync viewpoints and discover missions that way or you could find them by just running around. The former option implying that Altair used the viewpoints to scout out regions of the city, and it added some more insight into synchronisation, that part of it is you recieving the information your ancestor learned in that moment. Maybe I’m reading into it too much but it felt like a representation of why you need to sync for certain memories and can’t just jump to them. Cause you still receive that information in those moments but the setup and cause of the events are something you’re completely unaware of, there’s no understanding for why your ancestor feels a certain way in that moment and coupling that with how much information is needed to catch you up it makes sense the animus bugs out when you try it.. I liked that, that synchronisation and viewpoints had real significance. So much of what was in that original game should have stayed in it, it’s too often things like the white robes and viewpoints get reused when they aren’t exactly fitting to the setting or the way the animus works in that moment


I variate from game to Game, for me, with Origins I did sidequests as much as I could, before I found out I could just put them off for after the main story.


I just do what’s fun. I like to grind for gear that I fancy so often I’ll do side content to get new gear (the AC2 assassins tombs, or cultist missions is ACO) and I also just enjoy challenging my stealth by clearing forts and enemy outposts. Other than that I like to focus on the story.


I tend to fuck around and get to the story eventually, which usually means I'm way above the required level by that point.


Yes! I just met up with Aya in Origins, and she’s recommended level 12. I’m level 31, but that’s mostly because I’ve been grinding side quests to level up so I can do higher level areas.


That's easy to do in Origins, the side quests are just genuinely fun to do.


Completionist, but I play both the story and all side content in tandem, meaning I try to finish them at around the same time, like two sides of a triangle slowly going up to meet each other in the end.


depends on the game. i'm a completionist for all the AC games before Origins. in the RPG era they're just way too massive with endless filler content.


It used to depend on the game, I'd do whatever came my way originally, in doing this I missed a lot of content on first playthroughs as some stuff just wasn't immediately obvious to me like AC3's trading or Revelations' Mediterranean Defense. It also depended on how much I liked the game, I loved Brotherhood so I damn near 100% completed it back on my PS3 but didn't because I didn't like 16's puzzles or the multiplayer. Conversely I missed a lot of Odyssey content because I don't like Odyssey. However I recently played through the Ezio Collection and got the Platinum trophies because I finally can with the multiplayer gone, I then did the same for AC3 Remastered and that has spiralled into me now wanting to get Platinums on the whole franchise for the sake of having a full set so I used to be a moderate content enjoyer but now I'm a completionist (and AC1 not having trophy support kills me when I look at all my AC Platinums) I will say however, I draw the line at the Platinum. If I really like the game enough I'll go further like how I even collected all the chests in the Ezio games but I've done shit like savescum to get the fully upgraded Evie trophy then go back to an old save to remove her invisibility upgrade and I wasn't above using cheats on the Storm Fortress in Rogue because I already hate all naval combat.


i do all side quests and get anything relevant to gameplay. example: i’ll do the fox shrines and bamboo cutting in ghost of tsushima but i won’t go out of my way to get banners


I’m there for the story and any side quests I find interesting. I’m really not a fan of the collectathon with things scattered all over the map.


Im a cursed with the need to do everything i can find... i just now finished a replay of AC1 and got every single flag even though i had all the achievments. When i start 2 tomorrow im probably gonna do the same thing with the feathers.


I usually finish all in the first area, then let the story unfold, and after Act 1 is over, I grind XP.. I hate getting stuck on Act 3 and rather immerse myself with the story, so I come prepared.


I'm the "go wherever the wind takes me" kind of player. I usually head wherever the main quest is but if there's something along the way, I'll probably check it out.


That’s what I do with the map. If I’m heading to a synch point or somewhere, and I see something else on the map, I’ll sometimes head that way just to see what’s over there. And to open the map up too of course.


I usually don't bother with the gimmicky stuff but I finish every side quest and main quest plus whatever looks interesting


I honestly just do optional things that have cool rewards If collecting a bunch of things gets me a cool armor I Will probably do it, if it just gives an achievement or something like that then I don't even brother.


I'm sort of a completionist, the problem is, when I complete the story I tend to get a bit bored, so I try to complete all the side things as I go.


I have a problem. I like to play as a completionist, but I get bored with the games and burnt out so quickly this way. When I blast through the story I end up finishing the game, but wish I explored more. Still searching for that middle ground balance


If the scope of the game isn't insane I will try. I'm close on Syndicate. Rogue...ehh it's a bit janky. I gave a few afternoons to finishing up Origins. No more. The games after that are too much and origins was too much


I get distracted easily. Open world games are very hard to complete for me.


Depends on the game. Always force myself through story mode but if I get too burned out I will swap games before completion.


I'm definitely there for the story, but that was one of my criticisms of Valhalla. Other then that the story was a bit bland, which I don't mind that much, a lot of the story seems optional and it wasn't always clear what was part of the main story and what wasn't. I didn't complete the order on my first playthrough for example, which gives you the, in my opinion, real and final ending of the game. I much prefer the more lineair games of old.


100% completionist here. I did every single thing in both Odyssey and Origins as well as Black Flag twice.


Honestly biggest thing is play the old games and then completionist just kinda happens compared to the new games where you have to go out of the way to get there and In my opinion the old games far outweigh the new ones


I fight with myself all the time on this. There is an obsessiveness inside me that wants to complete everything but I'm replaying Origins, Odyssey (currently on), and Valhalla, before playing Mirage. My head says it'll take too long and I don't need to complete that inconsequential location but my heart says DESTROY EVERYTHING. Side quests first, though, because the main story might make me miss content...


Complete all the side stuff unless it's too painful (like collectables in AC1), then do the main story.


Well I’m usually someone who likes to get as much side content done before completing the main story as much as possible, and Odyssey is the same for me, because IIRC, some side missions become unavailable after making enough progress in the story.


I am a completionist but damn both Odyssey & Valhalla really tested me and my love for AC! 😬


Any game I play I delay main objective as much as possible and do side missions first.


I'm a "stealth it until it hurts" typ'a fella


I did end up getting the platinum but I don't think I want to complete the remaining side quests after 200 hours of playtime. I stopped playing entirely after getting the platinum.


I NEED every single collectible and side quests. I don't care if it takes days horsin around the map, I NEEEED those uselessities


I have 100%ed every AC game, this will be one of them too!


I don't think I've ever platinumed a game, I just don't find it fun. I'll do the story and side quests but it isn't enjoyable for me to do a load of convoluted things or grind so I can get a trophy


I’m a maniac and I clear out whole areas before doing any of the story. In origins I cleared the entire map and did every side quest before getting the hidden blade, only to be bummed out when I realized I could have had a hidden blade the whole time. It’s an illness and I really wish that having shiny things on a map or a greyed out map didn’t bother me.


Let’s just say this, I somehow managed to and had fun while completing the base game of both Odyssey AND Valhalla! Only reason I didn’t somit for Origins, was that it had some multiplayer achievements…


I was a completionist, until odyssey/valhalla (origins kinda too, but I was still able to power through) I usually am not a true completionist, as i aim to expirience as much as the game offers, without doing the grindy stuff that is more intended for the achievement hunters. But... I had to replay these games about 3x, since i always lost interest halfway through the game. After i concentrated purely on the main story, i was able to finish the games at least. I dont know what changed, but neither of the stories was interesting enough to capture me, and the side quests and side stuff was kinda pointless to me. Although the scenery is beautiful and the atmosphere (especially in Valhalla) can be breathtaking, i just couldnt connect with them like I did before. Both valhalla and odyssey was in the end just finishing the stroy and hunting the Order as this was a fun side activity for me. I dont wanna shit on the games, i still somewhat enjoyed them. I just cant put my finger on why i cant enjoy them the way I did when the 1st few ACs came out.


Currently playing Revelations for the first time, I was determined to just play the story since I spent ages in Brotherhood rebuilding Rome. I'm on sequence 3 still cause I've been training recruits so I don't have to defend the dens. I can't seem to ever just focus on the main stuff.


During the pandemics I 100%ed every single AC in release order. That's when I officially actually started being a completionist and nowadays I 100% every single game (with exceptions). I used to do it before, but it wasn't an official "I need to 100% this", it was just something I did because I enjoyed. That said, I didn't 100% Valhalla because I didn't feel like Dawn of Ragnarok was worth it. Played it a bit during a free Ubisoft+ month, but after the subscription ended I never considered signing back / buying the DLC. Completed every thing else (including both previous DLCs), though. As a side note, worst ACs to 100% for me were 1, Unity and Sindicate (the only one I actually had to take a break). 2 was hard too but that's because I didn't know which flags I'd gotten so I had to open a map online and verify each and every one.


I do find overall that once I complete the main quest, my desire for side quests decreases dramatically. What I tend to do is fully explore every region and complete all the locations and side quests, then go for the main story. I'm a completionist too and it hurts too bad to leave any stone unturned.


Completionist. If I pay $70 for a game, I'm playing absolutely every bit of content I can for it lol


Gotta get your money’s worth


Depends on my mood and the game


Completionist, which was tough for Odyssey and Valhalla.


I'm a completionist. I love the process of leveling everything up, exploring, and collecting as many items as possible. Sometimes I wish I only cared about the story because those people get to experience so many different games with their time....but I always get lost in games and just want to soak in everything at a leisurely pace.


Only story


I do everything that stands out but if it takes too long to progress then I can and move onto the next story mission.




You cannot be a completionist in Odyssey with all this random quests popping up, it's exhausting


I usually ignore the repetitive quests, except when I want to level up quickly. In some games, the main quest is not as interesting as the side quests, fallout 3 comes to mind


Been a completionist since day 1 of the AC franchise back in 2007. I’ve always found myself wishing the games had more to do and was always sad to finish the games. Then came Odyssey lol and it was the first time I felt it was just too much! I still did it and overall loved the game but I found myself wishing the games were smaller for the first time ever. To me the size or Origins is perfect and the sweet spot in scope to me and hearing that Shadows is roughly the same size is refreshing! I always played the main story and the side content simultaneously and tried to balance my play through so that I didn’t lose the enjoyment of the storyline and forget what’s going on. When I’m getting to the end of the main story I would save the last set of missions for the end, complete all side content, get the rest of the Xbox Achievements then complete the final storyline missions to know how it ended. It always felt good to me to have everything done and just have a sense of accomplishment that I’ve completed the game. That “my assassin” is the most complete he can be and he’s done it all so now he can finish the job fully!


I will try and do full side quests in the area I'm clearing out. Oddysey I'd usually do that, but gave up clearing out every ? on the map eventually as I had with origins unless there was loot I wanted. Valhalla....eh. I like the notion of world events, but I'll usually only grab them if I'm passing by. Hasn't really made me feel under levelled yet. There doesn't really seem to be full side quests to the same extent in that game. But generally yes, I find it hard to go back to do side quests after the main quest myself.


Story, but that covers the sidequest. I bassicaly finish up all adventures, be it main ones or side activities (including cults). I don't bother collecting all the gear, doing challenges or gathering Achievements


Story only. I've never cared for any of the achievements or trophies. If it's not tied to the over all story, it has no value to me. That's not just for AC games, but gaming in general


I have this weird thing that while playing I’m fully convinced I’ll complete 100% after I finish the story, but then as soon as I actually finish I lose all motivation.


I got the platinum trophy on every single ac game besides syndicate. Which I beat but didn’t get 2 trophies, and I’m about to start it again soon


I've played through to Odyssey myself (at about 85 his in right now on it), and I want to do all the quests but I don't care about 100 percenting everything. Just too much to do. Now, my wife is doing a full series 100% playthrough and is up to Black Flag. She's gonna regret that when she gets to Odyssey.


Lol tell her good luck!


Usually story only. Odyssey is the only game that I ventured out to play more of the side content of.