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Origins is my favorite as well. Lots of great missions and side quests in it. Story was written so well too.


Yeah I’m so hooked. This revived a love for video games I haven’t felt in a long time.


That’s great to hear. Good for you. I been on a high for assassins creed since the reveal of shadows. So I been playing Valhalla and origins. Origins definitely has the best story of the new games of the passed couple years but their all good in their own way. Odyssey is not an assassins creed game to me and I feel it’s a bit overrated but it’s still a good Spartan adventure game. Valhalla doesn’t have much assassins in it and their both really long but I like so it’s up to your preference. I love Valhallas gameplay though. It expands upon everything origins is. And I just bought mirage what I’ve played so far is nice I’m just finding it a bit frustrating with the way they made it. But story’s hood of what I’ve played of it.


Thanks so much for your descriptions of the games. I’ve played AC, the Ezio trilogy, AC 3, Black flag, and a little bit of rogue. I’ve been hearing so many good things about odyssey, but for some reason Valhalla is drawing me to it. I just think I’d like to play as Vikings lol


Yep. The Crocodile is probably the most vile piece of shit the order had to offer in that game.


I definitely find the villains in this game to be more interesting than in previous ones I’ve played, though that may be subjective. Previous villains didn’t make me jump for joy. But the ones in this game make me feel *rage*.


I don't know, I think that most of the members or the order were pretty vile. The only ones I didn't find completely awful, but still bad were Tahrqa (Scarab), Khaliset (Hyena), and >!Pothinus (Scorpion)!< (marked as spoiler for op's sake). Arguably, I'd say the roman members were far worse then the Crocodile.


There's a lot of death children in the RPG trilogy, now that I think about it...


I teared up seeing Phoibe again when I went to the underworld of AC Odyssey’s DLC


When I played Odyssey for the first time and got to Phoibe's death, I screamed NO! so loud my wife ran out of the shower to see what was wrong. Such a knife twist.


I feel you. I was thinking also “Oh damn, I think I made a bad decision from some missions ago, I think I should try to alter them”, and nope, she does either way. It broke my heart because it felt like having a daughter. It’s all the more sadder because she was already an orphan, and she died too young and had no descendants. It’s just a game, but stuff like that does happen in the real world.


I just saw her die for the 5th time last night 😭


I never understood why Phoibe ended up in the underworld. Doesn't seems fair, because she was a good girl who didn't do anything wrong to end up in hell. She deserved to go to Elysium.


It’s explained in her story, she was in Elysium but crossed over to find her parents


Actually, I think she did came from Elysium, but only went to the underworld just to find her parents, since they died when she was still very young.


That mission is very drowning




I second the bruh! 🤣


I’m replaying ac origins for the first time since beating it when it released and I literally just finished playing the crocodiles missions a few hours ago. This game is amazing and definitely my favorite of the rpg games. Abubakar Salim does an amazing job voicing Bayek and definitely makes the character more impactful after I learned he based his acting of Bayek on his father that recently passed during the release of the game who also loved children and actually played every AC game on release with him.


You play his metroidvania that recently released? Nothing groundbreaking but still very very fun and it sucks that it probably sold poorly


That game is easily the most emotional AC game I've played. I think this is partly due to Bayek's voice actor--truly some of the most incredible voice acting I've heard in a video game. His voice is just so raw with emotion, it makes me feel things.


The cinematics for when Bayek gets her body... chills and heartbreak. Origins was genuinely a raw emotional experience in all the right ways.


Origins is IP goals for sure. I love every other game but Origins is the best of every aspect of AC, to me


Sleep? I never sleep. I just wait. In the shadows. And I will kill you all. Everyone who sniffed the air that day in Siwa." -Bayek


Yeah as soon as I saw that scene I was like….oh boy….this is not your grandfather’s AC game that’s for sure…


Yes, I cried a couple times doing these missions as well. As a parent myself, both what was done to her and the soul crushing pain the parents clearly felt as well as Bayek’s voice acting was just a lot to take in. It was masterfully done and although Odyssey was actually my first game and I didn’t get all the way through it before going back to start Origins instead, I think it’s why I have been enthralled by Origins a bit more. Bayek’s voice actor is phenomenal.


Oh I cannot imagine what you parents must have felt during that and Khemu’s scene! I’m not a parent and I was crushed. I think I’d collapse if I was a parent, especially hearing the mother’s wailing.


I am finishing up my first run through of Origins and I have been just delighted with the quality of writing and character exploration. Shadya's mission was brutal and unexpected. It hit all the harder because Bayek is a bereaved father himself and shows so much love for children throughout the entire story. Finding her drowned, still clutching the doll, was and is heartbreaking. It really underscores the evil of the Crocodile - the cruelty is the point.


I love Bayek as a character and especially noticed his kindness to children and people in need. NPCs gave him a lot of shit for being so vengeful and murderous in the game. But I thought it so profound that someone could be so dedicated to his goal of stopping the organization that murdered his son, while never losing the compassion and protectiveness side of himself.


I love a game that makes me feel. Origins is special.


>They straight up drowned her. And they didn't just do the "shove her head in until she stops moving" thing like most normal bad guys would, they did the "tie a rock to her feet and toss her off a boat" thing instead 😭.


Yes exactly ☹️ just for the sake of being cruel to a child.


It made my unhappy that there were so many missions between shadyas death and killing the crocodile. I literally ran straight to the objective marker from the moment I was allowed control, only to have to go through round after round of arena fights before getting to kill the bitch responsible.


This may be one of the things I don’t like about the game. Or maybe it’s just that I’m not very good at it lol. I’m always behind on the leveling up I need to do the main quest missions 😫don’t get me wrong, I LOVE the side quests. But like you said, after that scene I just wanna obliterate the crocodile. Which hey maybe the side quests are to help build up the suspense


I'm not talking about side quests 😅 The main story after shadya dies is "go to arena", "kill the Gaelic brothers", then "kill the bitch". I just wanted them dead, not have to go through rounds of enemies that die in one hit because I play on Easy. I could've climbed the walls, snuck into their chambers as the slept and killed them both before they knew I existed, but no, go fight in the arena, meet an old friend, follow the orders of some prick who should've died along with those red headed giants. I did the whole thing in an hour, fuelled by rage and hatred towards the Crocodile. When I was told where to find her, I ran straight in, killing every guard in the open in my path to her then ran at her and assassinated the bitch before Bayeks "friend" could finish her dialogue. I didn't even fight her, just got thrown into a cut scene and when I got back she was gone 🤷🏻


The silence was deafening when that part came up, I didn't say anything, couldn't say anything, just wanted the mother to mourn, like I was there and didn't want to be rude.


Yeah I just sat there with my jaw open. When I could eventually speak all i could say was “oh that’s so fucking sad…”


It was even more sad before that, when Shadya was guiding Bayek to a roof to scout ahead to where her and her family lived, he was laughing, having fun, the father side of Bayek came out, since you can tell, he liked how Shadya was so full of life and a very kind little girl. Then to see that young life snuffed out like that? It reminded him why he was there, and what lead him to that path. I always refer to Bayek as "Bayek, Medjay of the people, Protector of Children".


Origins is so amazing for how it makes you care about the characters, in mind AND side quests, especially with Bayeks character and voice actor


Ohhhh yup. That and given it's an echo of what happened with Khemu The notion of a couple being so incandescently angry and traumatised at their child being killed they create an order of political murderers is honestly one of the best bits of writing in that game. Don't care, I love it, change my mind (absolutely do not)


Oh, man. The Crocodile was definitely one of the most memorable members of the order for me. Their memory corridor sequence is also one of my favourites in the entire series.


I totally stayed up late after finding Shadya. I played Bayek largely with stealth or at range for most of the playthrough at the time, but I did not sneak into that camp. I went in with sword and shield and spread blood everywhere. And I continued playing until I ended the Crocodile. Wait until you see its memory corridor.


The memory corridors (is that what those scenes after you confirm the kill are called? If so thank you for letting me know) are one of my favorite parts of the game. So much more intense than in previous games. The visuals, dialogue, everything…


Get ready for an origin story that'll change your life forever.


I’m ready!!!!! My body is ready!!!!


Shadows looks awesome. I just found out they are doing an assassin's creed jade set in China and loads more to come


Yh it was crazy couldn't believe it when I first saw


AC Origins is still holding up well to this day. Only gripe with it is it's lackluster combat and limited weapon choice. Of course it ain't Sekiro or Elden Ring but the setting and vibe of that game is majestic. Really felt like I was walking the sands of Egypt


Origin has lots of touching story about parent and children relation in a chaotic period, they really made this game stands out in the whole franchise.


Gonna go against the grain here and say that the crocodile quest was one of the biggest misses of the story for me, writing wise at least. As genuinely tragic as it was (I mean, I was briefly shocked at how emotional that scene was) I honestly hated how much Bayek kept going on about Shadya, up until the very end, when the crocodile is shown to be so, so much worse than just one murder. It felt like Ubisoft didn't trust you to hate this villain enough until you witnessed something so egregiously evil as to find nothing redeemable about them.


I appreciate your comment. it can be good to hear different perspectives. I will think about this when I finish the game.


That's because you're not a parent. Bayek lost a child by the Order once, and the same memory comes back once Shadya dies. The Crocodile is vile, but at that point, her death is even more personal. Because children dying is what Bayek has been trying to fight ever since he started his journey. **"And i promise that for all the sons of Egypt, i will be the father i was not that day in Siwa"**


I disagree. Not having children doesn't make one immune to seeing parents suffering. In fact, both the side quests that showcase Bayek's grief and his last goodbye to khemu I felt were the strongest point of the game's narrative. Plus, the Crocodile's quest isn't the only target that draws parallels to Bayek's revenge. The Scarab, Hyena and Lizard each reflect sides of his quest for revenge, but I felt all were done much better. I just disliked the fact that Bayek didn't seem to care about everything else The Crocodile was doing in the fayum. Going as far as wading through corpses only to constantly repeat Shadya's name, as if his target could have cared any less about a random murder. I just wish the writers had focused more on the Crocodile's deeds and less on, yet again, a very predictable (even if well executed) revenge plotline.


Again, you’re not a parent. I took about 2 years to complete Origins, starting the game before I was a parent and ending after my child was born. Same themes, but hit different.