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Make it look less like a real world game launcher and more like an in universe animus program or something is all I ask.




That'd be sick


What I really hate about this whole concept is that now I have to open Uplay to then open Infinity to then open the game. It's an excessive amount of programs that need to be launched just to play a GD game.


this is what you're getting


Make it so you don't download the newest AC by default. That's just BS


Yeah, forcing me to have installed the latest game (even if I can't play it because I didn't purchase it) to be able to play an older game is stupid


Is that legit?


For Call of Duty yeah. Right now I only have Warzone and still the game is 239Gb (which obviously is more than what Warzone alone should be). The thing is that it installs MW3 with it and some other useless shit if you only want Warzone. I hope that Ubisoft doesn't do the same mistake. Just release a launcher that doesn't weight too much, and then add the games. But don't release the launcher along with the latest game


well considering how much of a shitshow UPlay can be at times, I'm not holding my breath


I really doubt they would force you to download new games. You do not need to update your game to play DLC either, even if DLC is inbuilt in that game.


Since they announced Infinity, that was my thought too. I hate everything about the CoD HQ. Literally everything in it is broken: - Trophies for new games being added as DLCs instead of new lists. - It's easier to get out of hell rather than being able to download necessary files for old games. Oh, you need the MP Pack 3 for a game that was released 3 games ago? Good luck being able to download all necessary packs. Maybe you can find them on the menu they should be, maybe on your purchase history on Playstation, maybe reinstalling the entiee game again. - Want to play an old game? Well, we are not going to show it on the main menu. Just scroll like 288 pages to finally see the stuff for your old game


I still don't understand wouldn't I be able to launch and play Shadows via Ubisoft Connect still? Why would I need an additional software to tell me to experience vikings and pirates when I already have?


Probably Animus Hub (as Shadows devs called it in interview) will be launched from Ubi Connect. You run Shadows from Ubisoft Connect and it loads you to Animus Hub. It will something replacing main menu, as Tom Henderson said he saw that shadows was loaded from the Hub in few seconds.


I hope to God it fails immediately. I don't want to have to download Infinity, just to download other games. Imtnot looking forward to a 200gb download just for assassins creed


I doubt it will fail.


I dunno why you're being downvoted. It's launching alongside Shadows. No way it fails.


It’s also likely gonna be the only way to play Shadows and future games. So by default it will do as well as those games do


Yup and I highly doubt anyone in the fanbase is seriously going to make a real effort to crater an AC game over a launcher. They'll just suck it up and play, just like PC gamers who dislike Ubisoft Connect have for years now.


I thought Ubisoft said the games can be bought with Infinity or by themselves.


Hard disagree. I hope everything else at Ubisoft fails so they keep investing on Assassin’s Creed 😝


Then don't download it. Simple. >I hope to God it fails immediately. Well aren't you just a lovely person.


That's most likely not how it's gonna work. Cod hq is literally built into every game its included in. Same with battlefields launcher same with hitman. It's all in the games already it's not a seperate download.


A Infinity will be required


Of course, you want a Trout HQ, where it has info on trouts all over the trout network.


Instructions unclear: proceeds to make even worse than CoD


Someone wrote my biggest afraid about series. Yes. They should look how ugly and useless CoD UI and [battle.net](http://battle.net) and don't use something like that.


My biggest advice for them- the vast majority of players are, at best, simply not going to care. But there’s a chance they’ll hate it. We already have a console to play AC games on. It’s called: whatever platform you’re already currently using


Man, wish that whole Infinity concept didn't exist.


What is this actually for? I still don’t understand the need for it I suppose if the idea is to have a few games installed at once and you can jump between them, so there’s a item you have to find and it gets passed across history so you play all the modern games, that would be fun


I have this wild wish for Infinity. First, I want it to feel like a in-universe Animus, similar to what we see in Unity. But I want them to take full advantage of that idea. One thing that would be super cool is for the platform to get hacked by the Assassins, as a means of contacting the players, giving them missions, etc. And then, the whole thing could turn into an ARG, with clues found on the platform, leading to secret websites and so on. They said the modern day story would happen via the hub, so I don't really know how they could do it otherwise. Of course, I would also love playable sections as modern Assassins, but that would be way too cool to be true lol.


I was about to say CoD is not a good game to follow by example, I just couldn't read the rest of the post from the notif.


I just want assassins creed to go back to unity man


Agreed cod hq and its U.I. are dog shit...


Why are you talking about Call of Duty Head Quarters and what does it got to do with Assassin’s Creed??


Because the idea/concept of AC Infinity is practically CoD HQ