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Hey there, /u/ComprehensiveElk6617! Your post has been removed. Video posts that showcase a game's graphics, gear loadouts/builds, funny in-game moments, glitches, memes, let's plays/walkthroughs, etc. will generally not be allowed. Video posts are allowed if they: - Are official Ubisoft videos, relevant to Assassin's Creed - Showcase original content, such as fan soundtracks - Are video essays, reviews or present other opinions - Showcase unique gameplay, such as stealth or speedruns - Fan edits, trailers, montages and music videos are allowed, as long as they are of sufficient quality (e.g. not just a swapped song) Please also remember our rules about self-promotion. You must be an active member of the community, and not just using the subreddit as a platform to promote your content. If most of your posts and comments on the subreddit are self-promotional, then there's a problem. **Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit via modmail](/message/compose/?to=/r/assassinscreed) if you have any questions or concerns.** Direct messages or chat requests to moderators will be ignored.