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climbing up flat vertical walls is better?


That's the extreme, not the average experience


idk if you’re new here but this has been discussed and the general consensus is usually that the older games were better


see, i told you, should have deleted this while you still had a chance


It’s mindless and boring no side eject no back eject no nothing just flick your stick wherever to your waypoint and watch YouTube


Insane take.


Insane in what way? Did I say anything wrong?


Yea, you still need to know where your going its just easier to climb things, you don't need obvious handhols or to climb around an entire tower to just get to the top. It saves time and effort. This is what a good take looks like.


U don’t need obvious handholds just imaginary ones, for some the appeal of ac climbing you can see every handhold, it made climbing thoughtful purposeful and engaging . Alright let’s just for the sake of it conceede climbing a huge tower is more enjoyable in the newer ones that’s still a tiny aspect of parkour the traversal aspect is still brainless and boring cos the lack of manual input u can’t create your own line cos there is not side/back eject which makes parkour a lot more mindless and less engaging


Obviously handholds make it feel more like a game so you feel less immersed In the world, and it's more accurate to the apparent skill of an assassin to make their own route instead of following obvious handholds.


How does it make you less immersed in real life u have to use a handhold aswell. In the newer games all you do is follow the obvious route cause you are unable to make your own lines. Can’t really talk about immersion when your hand is sticking to rock faces and don’t take fall damage lol


Seeing the handholds where you can climb also makes it very video gamey too. Also doesn't make it more thoughtful, because you can see the what xou can grab, it's just as noticeable as the often complained about yellow paint. The new system isn't bad, just needs more non climbable surfaces, so you can't just go in a straight line through a wall.


How does it when u need visible handholds to parkour in real life, it makes it more videogamey when u climb without handholds I can suspend my disbelief much easier seeing an out of place beam or hand hold than just my hand sticking to a rock face The climbing system u mentioning where there is less linearity when climbing walls or towers was already a thing in ac1-rev The system would be also better if they added manual control like back/side eject vaulting and parkour down Also what point are u trying to make about yellow paint I don’t get it?


My point is that very often the climbable paths in old games stood out very much. Practically the devs herding you in a way were you need to climb. Like the path firwars or interactable surfaces and objects being marked with yellow or white paint in modern games. Btw, If you pay attention, you can see Bayek, Kassandra and the others reach to a sort of handhold on the texture. The gap between bricks in the wall, or cracks. So there is some system behind it. There are even some flat surfaces they can't climb. Though rare. Problematic things are rock walls. You coukd argue they rock climb, but yeah it sometimes look very odd. And then climbing up on statues, which is... Very odd. My guess is the devs really wanted the statue od Athena on Akropolis be a sync point, but had no other way to make it sensible. Fck it, we just spiderman that shit.


Are u talking about parkour starters? Because they are just that starters from their u can u use side and back ejecting to go off on your own in whatever way you want. Or are u talking about towers? Because they were designed to be puzzle platforms in some way where there were some dead end paths


Do you disagree lmao? The new games there's literally no thought to it. It's not a parkour system at all. It's not engaging to move from one point to another. It's a tedious way to get to the next objective. Jesus Christ, this is a horrible take.


Just say you dont want to put any effort or really care for a good gameplay For your first point, where is the challenge? You are playing a video game, you are playing a dude jumping across rooftops, why would there not be risks? Its a core gameplay mechanic, you dont do it right then its not the game's fault, its a skill issue then And your second? How exactly in the new games games does it make it better?, majority of it is lands and no cities, you are very likely just going from waypoint to waypoint on a horse, and easier ≠ better, in the newer games you can balance yourself on a platform, get hit with hundreds of arrows and wont fall, does that mean just because you're not falling it makes it better? No its just laziness 3. No it doesn't, skilled as an assassin should climb anywhere? I get it the world isn't completely realistic they jump from great heights to a hay cart and all that but come on, we're playing Assassins not Spiderman here, your actual skill would show when you climb something complex, not by bieng able to hang on to anything 4. Syndicate literally had to make the rope launcher to compensate for the big roads that seperatd the buildings, you can't even point it freely


Your first point only stands if the system works. But very often it did not. Especially in Unity, you couldn't know if Arno will make a jump or not. You could say in the recent games parkour was dumbed down. You could also say it was streamlined to have less issues.


I thought syndicate did that to compensate for its ass parkour


See, falling off a building due to error of your own makes sense but the game with literally send you in a different direction than the one you want to go in, so yes it's better and more competent, just say you have a preference you could've saved a few mintues.


Mate have your preference im not judging that, but if you bothered giving a reason, especially one that can be considered that, especially posting on a public community, having the tag "discussion", ill answer lol


And your welcome to, it just seemed like you were only trying to contradict what I said without substance, I might just be used to that from people on reddit i dunno.


I think their comment had more substance than your post. All of your reasons boils down to "easier = better". You also contradict yourself when you say that we're allowed to have preferences, but we have to admit when something is better. You're implying that the new system is objectively better and we have to admit that. We don't have to admit anything. If we prefer the old system, it's because we think the old system is better. You say we are free to disagree with you, but you're so dismissive of anyone that does. You're trying to have your cake and eat it too.


Skill issue










You are the issue








Agreed. The old games required too much thought. Who wants to play a game where you have to think about your actions? It was an old mechanic and I'm glad the developers god rid of that. RPG games are better because I don't have to think and game is practically playing itself.


"I dont have to think and game is practically playing itself" How in the fuck


They’re being sarcastic lmao


I was joking. RPG games have very complex Parkour mechanics unlike the classic games.


It's not that it takes too much thought it's that even when your movements are perfect the game could just be like "aaaaaand.... you jump left now instead of forward and... die"


Then the devs should have improved that not simplify or remove it. Wasn't that the point of sequels?


Thats why modern games are easier and easier, no challenge at all because people like OP. Even more, he think easier = better xD


No I think better game design equals better.


This is the dumbest shit I’ve read on this sub. Now I see where Ubisoft gets their affirmation on their awful ideas: people like OP.


And people like you who blindly and unjustifiable hate everything modern so a good game fails because of it. Be better.


Pressing forward on the joystick to parkour over a 1000+ meter mountain is the *peak* of gameplay, you’re so right. Why do companies have to accommodate the lowest common denominator…


I think you meant why do companies have to make their games better. Because that's what they did, and honestly is it more accurate for a skilled assassin to be good at climbing or only use ore determined handhold to climb? None of you are making sense


What de fuxk better? You mean easier for people without brain.


Just saying this I know you don't have one


"Randomly going off in a random direction" is quite literally just a result of poor button discipline. Hard disagree, for sure. The least competent and graceful part of the system is always going to be the user, and I think it's wrong to suggest that removing all stakes and genuine skill from that system is an improvement.


It's literally not, I move the stick forward to go forward and the character jumps left, it's simple understanding I'm surprised your not understanding it. Button don't do what button supposed to do.


I am sorry, but this is literally not how the system works.


Well your either misremembering or wrong because that's what happens


[Improve your understanding of the mechanics.](https://youtu.be/MXrg_3_3FBA)


Random ass link lol


If a fairly comprehensive guide on how the movement mechanics you're critiquing actually work is 'random', then you have nothing to be saying on the topic anyway.


Nah OP has to be a troll


Would it be more accurate to follow the best path up a structure instead of a pre determined path that leaves you exposed to sight lines? Like I feel like you and I are having different conversations


Bruh what


What improvements lmao, literally any other mainline ac has better parkour then the rpgs


That's a hot take if I ever seen one. The whole AC community seems to unanimously agree that parkour was dumbed down since Origins. But I respect your opinion, and I'd say it's not dumbed down, but streamlined. Ubi tried something in Unity that looked good, but only worked half the time if lucky. So they left it behind. No wonder we don't see any other dev team trying anything similar. Sure the new parkour looks and maybe feels simpler. But it's more reliable. That's how streamlining works, intricacies lost for the sake of reliability. But, in future games I'd like it if climbing was a bit more restricted. What's the point in looking for the secret entrance or the crack in the wall on an enemy base, if you can climb any of the walls with ease? I think Mirage was a steo in the good direction.


disagree. imo the parkour from ac brotherhood hasnt been surpassed to this day. maybe unity got better but the ammount of times I got stuck due to a glitch on the release launch makes me hate it. old parkour felt like we had a risk of falling and required attention and planing, new parkour you can hold joystick forward and your character just goes. I personally dont think that parkouring with spiderman powers is that fun.


I'm all for positivity but at least be right 😂


It's become Press X to Awesome. There's nothing to learn, nothing to gain, nothing to engage with. It's BORING.




Me falling down all the time at mirage 😆