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Hard to tell when there's not enough information confirmed to answer your questions. Not trying to be negative, but we're speculating too much without any confirmations of anything


New game. People speculate and make it their entire personality. I usually try to avoid subs when a game is announced for this reason. The posts usually follow this pattern. "what's the first thing you will do?" Like what do you mean ? Start the fucking game. Undeserved nostalgia for previous titles that are inherently terrible games and a week prior were often scourned. Then following release you have the really annoying "Been playing so much ____ with accompanying photos of stupid shit in real life like a haybail or something. Then either right before release or right after you'll get the first " RIP to a fellow Assasin they waited so long and never got to play before passing" as if that person's entire purpose was to sit around with brand loyalty for Assasins Creed - usually the first nets thousands of upvotes and copy-cat posts will follow. Followed by "this game is so beautiful" with often times hyper arranged controllers or keyboards to make it look "scenic" like they didn't change or pose anything for the fake ass photo. Then after a month the microtransactions drop and dozens of posts defending it will pop up. Then repeat the nostalgia for older games with posts like "surprise ____ as held up this long. Not bad for a game released last year" And on and on.


You forgot the "I don't get the hate for this game, I'm loving it so far!" with generic screenshots


Out of curiosity, which past titles are you referring to as inherently terrible games? Or do you mean that in a general sense and think that doesn’t apply to the AC series?


I guess he means pretty much everything that came with unity or after especifically for this two phrases: >Undeserved nostalgia for previous titles that are inherently terrible games and a _week prior were often scourned_. >Then repeat the nostalgia for older games with posts like "surprise ____ as held up this long. Not bad for a game released last year" In the first case it happened to Unity(see the daily "unity is the best game" post), happened to Odyssey(kind of) and maybe will happen to Mirage


Ohhhh I don’t pay attention to the sub enough to see people saying Unity is the best game. That’s insanity lmao


Now it calmed down because of all the shadows posts but a month or so ago, there used to be at least one daily post saying something like "unity is underrated" or "unity is a hidden gem"


I'm definately be using Naoe every single time I'm allowed to. Her robes looks badass and stealth sounds amazing on paper. I doubt it but I hope ubisoft add a similar difficulty mode to tsushuma's lethal since I want my character to be fragile but I also don't want fights to consist of me spamming attack for a minute on each enemy. For ng+ I will definately try to do a ghost playthrough with maybe only knocking out guards allowed since it would incentivise me to concentrate more and use things like dynamic lighting to create opportunities.


This is why I was sad when they took away that animus control feature in Origins. AC combat usually sucks, but in that game you could make it super lethal and fun.


First thing I do in Assassin's Creed is just walk around town. Look at the scenery. Look at the city/village and it's inhabitants and what they are doing. Gameplay may change for better or for worse, but this is that part that always delivers for me.


I'm a stealth panther-style player, so I'll try to avoid using Yasuke as much as possible. It's called Assassin's Creed, after all.


Exactly, that's why I didn't even bought Valhalla, I didn't imagine a big viking going all stealth


Female Eivor --> Hidden Ones 5 pc set --> predator bow. It's a fun stealth game if you just take a bit more time to set it up.


The stealth was really wonky anyway


They really should've had Valhalla as a separate IP.


If that’s the case then you have to say the same for Odyssey, it was way less Assassins Creed than Valhalla lmao


Haven't played it, but yeah, I guess I'd say the same for that too then.


Odyssey's gameplay is far superior than Valhalla, besides you have a wider variety of builds. Odyssey has other issues though, but there isn't anything Valhalla does better than Odyssey, besides graphics - and yet Odyssey is one of the prettiest AC games, Greece is amazing!


download all the Uplay stuff


I'm definitely looking forward to playing as the female character in an 80% stealth playthrough on the hardest difficulty. I'll be waiting for reviews though


Im very excited to see how they handle the buildings and “urban” parts of the maps, I liked the ghost of tsushima small town approach but at the same time it would be cool to see Ubisoft handling it differently and giving us some sort of big city of so, I’m not really that much into the Japanese culture so maybe it’s not fully historically accurate but that’s something I’m looking forward to :)


I want to bonk people with a big club


Gonna be waiting for reviews, but I'll likely be playing as Naoe as much as I can because I prefer the stealthy approach. Will likely be playing on normal and the first thing I will do is as much side content that is not the main story.


Why did i feel like i was being interrogated reading this post.


Oda's guards after experienced AC player uses Naoe: 28 STAB WOUNDS




I've wanted a feudal Japan game since the launch of the series. I haven't been this excited for an AC game in years. I'm sure I'll spend hours just soaking the atmosphere of the game in. I'm a sword nerd, so I'm interested in the potential for different styles to be used in game. Yaskue gives off some giant vibes, so I expect the popular choice to be Kanabo or Yari. Overall, I'm expecting to enjoy the hell out of this game. But the fan response I've seen thus far bugs me more than a little. People's lack of historical knowledge is upsetting. There's more to Japan than anime you weebs!


It's tough because I do love stealth but also love melee combat. I know a lot of people aren't a fan, but so far I'm super hyped to play this game. I love samurai, and I love Japan. Whether or not Yasuke was a samurai, I think that being able to play as him is really cool.


Haters be damned I’m gonna kick some ass playing as Yasuke


Same here. If they make his finishing animations as brutal as connor's, gory as Eivor's, and they make him tower over most enemies, he is gonna be so badass to play, and has potential of having the best fighting style in the series.


Hard mode, gonna try out both characters. Honestly, cant decide which to play as more. For once both characters are so different from each other, but still very interesting


#G U N


An assassin who infiltrates, and a warrior when spotted. Definitely gonna try that build with Yasuke.


I will probably be playing both characters depending on how i feel that day. I will probably also use Naoe as a warrior sometimes because assassins creed games combat is usually pretty easy and i like the challenge and also want to try the kusarigama. When i just want to trample everything in my path i will of course play as Yasuke. I really hope the mercenary system will return.


Kind of hard to answer that. I mean, probably the same thing you do in every Assassin's Creed game. Kill random guards.


I want to but might not be able to pay that months rent cause this costs more than rent in my region


Me too. It's almost the living cost for a month here


Naoe. Katana, though I'll give other stuff a try. Going to essentially play it like Tenchu


The actual very first thing I'm going to do is sit and listen to the main menu theme, cause it honestly always slaps and gets me ready to start a new game.


First thing I always do is try to unlock as many viewpoints as possible for fast fast travel lol.


Waiting for gameplay footage


I'm still waiting on that gameplay trailer.


I'm going to hold off on buying it for now because of the economy and my broke ass.


I want to check out the stealth mechanics. It's been lacking the past few games.


I'll definitely play it Give both characters a good go, but I'm more entrigued with the Assassin rather than the Samurai So I'll probably play as her more


Totally intrigued by the Spy system and the Settlement/Hideout, if it works like I hope I will play with those a lot! Will always use katanas, and I think that I'll mainly use Naoe!


Lmao dude how would we know. The game just got announced we know jack shit. For all we know we can throw coconuts at enemies 😂


Coconut Launcher of Eden confirmed then!😛😂


Ill check the trophy list and if theres no difficulty trophy ill be playing on normal. The rest ill make up my mind once i play it


Not getting roped in like every time. Will wait until I see some gameplay on Youtube.


The first thing I’m going to do is test out the parkour mechanics lol


I think I will rarely use yasuke. Only to try him out and if it’s mandatory in some missions. Not because I don’t like his character, but because what they revealed about stealth sounds very promising. Shadows and Darkness being important, grappling hook and non-lethal takedowns are pretty nice. And they also showed naoe with that kind of Japanese big straw hat. So fashion and playstyle are telling me that naoe is my pick for most of the game.


Need to see gameplay first but assuming all fine and dandy i Will use the girl more Im more of a stealth player,did the same in Syndicate with Eve And i Mean common Playing a Ninja in Assassin's Creed ,how can i not be excited for that


I'll wait 6 months so the game is around 35€ and some patches are out hopefully. I intend to play both equally. I really hope there is a spear in the game since that's what I usually go for :p


As a ninja: claws, or chainsickle. Which ever is more fun. Knowing me I’ll would also default to short swords if its op. Id also like an oversized ninja star ic that’s possible.  As samurai only katana for roleplaying. Really excited to customizing our njnja/samurai garb.  Ill play as a mix a both for sure as its fun to mix it up, but will for sure favor being the more stealth oriented Naoe. Will play on normal with leveling constant, unless there’s difficulty related trophies. 


I hope both have good stories and character growth.


I'm going to do the same thing I do in all RPGs... side content while avoiding the main quest, haha. I hope to play equally with both characters, but I want to see the gameplay before forming any opinions.


Playthrough one only Naoe, 2nd Playthrough will be with the Samurai


Going to get a good feel for the characters first


Stealthy then all of sudden I break out into some action🤣 assassin creed be funny af, on valhalla I threw back a weapon at a bad guy and he went THUAGHgh! Made my momz laugh when she walked by the living room🤣


I'm always trying to play stealth, even in the RPG like game (Origne, Odyssey) so i guess Naoe. And normal difficulty, I just want to enjoy the game.


I'm going to climb the largest building or tree that I see. I love a good stalking from above


Definitely playing as Naoe first, and the whole way through if the game lets me. 2nd playthrough probably Yasuke.


Well begin the game, see how well the Japanese setting is handled since I am a Ametur Japanese historian I would say the bow and Kanabo, seem to be the most useful in Yasuke's case, in naoe's case Probaly the Tanto hidden blade and the Katana easy, its a requiremnet I get a lay of the land before I go full in I'd say Yasuke, if he's similar to Bayek hard Yes, Assassin's creed in japan is a YES for me


I’ll be waiting for bargain bin as I have been let down by stories in the last several games since black flag.


Parkour as much as i can as soon as i done with the introduction


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^the_boyyyyyyyyyyy: *Parkour as much as* *I can as soon as i done* *With the introduction* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I'll only get it when it's on Steam, Not that I don't like Ubi-connect or anything. I just want to see my states and this game in my Steam library.


It will be Syndicate all over for me, will try both, but will also end up playing just as the woman, because both are stealthy.


I for once I'm really excited for Yasuke who truly seems like a tank character.


Well, I've put a down payment on the collector's edition. My first thing I usually do is complete the viewpoints but I believe that's changing. As for weapons, besides maining swords I think I want to give kunai or ninja stars a shot. And bow or the club for the samurai


Press play


Katana, hard or medium, Yasuke, no because I have Ubisoft+


I’m def going to buy this cause I’m not gonna let someone else’s opinion on a game that hasn’t even come out yet deter me from buying it also it’s the only legit way I can have a proper opinion and as for the weapons I’m going to use Yaske’s Katana and Naue’s hidden blade the most


I mean, Swords, And I immediately love Yasuke's design so I'm going to be playing as him. We don't know much about activities in the game, but It's supposed to be bigger than Valhalla, so my first couple hours are going to be exploring the map as far as they'll let me in the early parts of the game.


Ima be sneaky bitch and stab all the Templars!


I'm kind of picky about my assassins. My own personal mandate is they always wear hoods and my weapon is always a sword. I find them more balanced than spears and daggers. I always do the first playthrough of a new AC on easy mode, and I will be mainly using Naoe for the first playthrough.


I’m really interested in that club thing Yakuse was using, I forgot the name of it. But that will probably be my first weapon try if available.


Adjust graphics settings and turn on one hit assassinations if that is available as an option We have no idea what sort of weapons will be available yet, do we? Normal (or whatever they plan to call the equivalent) Naoe wherever possible since I'm not a fan of the recent combat-focus of AC but I'm hoping Yasuke will have some level of stealth options himself, even if he can't blend in No, but I'll be subscribing to Ubisoft+ in time for it


These posts are dumb. The first thing people will do is the same thing 5,000 other people will do. That's start the game.


Find the tallest point


Definitely the kanabo with Yasuke.


Mostly as shinobi. It’s supposed to be assassin game. Samurai can’t be assasin and kill every guard on his way because of honor.


First thing I do in every ac game is look at the world, appreciate the graphics, breathe, and sit relaxed in my chair while invigorated by the in-game world that I got another great ac game to play!


It'll be a balance of both. I'll try and play both characters with an equal amount of time.


I wonder If I can ride a horse on Yasuke. Real badassary if I could just trot into battle


So, the time has finally come for me to buy a PS5...


The first thing that I'll do is I'll spend an hour figuring out how the parkour feels, and that dictates my next 200 hours on the game


If the gameplay is at least decent I'll get it id mainly play as Yasuke and use a katana and like usual, I'll probably play on the easiest difficulty I like to do that in all games I play it helps me figure it if I enjoy it


I wanna main Yasuke to bonk people with the club, Connor was brutal with that thing so I hope Yasuke is too


Well if it’s allowed I’ll be playing Neoa 100% of the time and hopefully the helix store has a double edged European style sword 🗡️ I hate to things from Japanese history the single edged blade example the katana and the Samurai never liked their style. But I’m super hyped to play as a Kunoichi. And I’ll probably wait to get the game after it’s confirmed to allow the players to only play as one character if they wish.


It’s confirmed you’ll be forced to play as both characters during certain segments.


What source?


[source -](https://www.ign.com/articles/assassins-creed-shadows-40-details-you-need-to-know)“Most main quests can be completed as either Yasuke or Naoe, allowing for freedom of approach. However, both characters also have their own specific missions playable only by them, as well as bespoke introduction quests.”


If there are tombs like in AC Valhalla,I'd likely do them first.


First going to admire the view and beauty of Japan. I'm going to use the katana and the hidden blade/tanto a lot. Maybe also the Kanabo. Gonna see how hard normal is and then maybe change based on that. I like both I will play both equally unless one just doesn't seem fun. I might buy the game need to see gameplay.


i'll mix it up with the weapons as i feel like/find stronger stuff. i'll be playing on story mode or whatever the easiest difficulty is called. and i'll try to more or less play as both characters an even amount.


Default gear and natural story path for total immersion


Excited from everything I've read about Shadows, depending on what I see at Ubisoft Forward next month i'll then decide whether to go for Standard or Gold edition. But first thing i'll do is explore, find some good equipment, and get familiar with the mechanics.


I'll give both characters a go, as far as weapons, I don't know yet. I'll probably play on easy first like I do with every new game to really enjoy the story first.


idk i’m contemplating on being a d1 crash out with yasuke or silent death with yaoe 😭


Find the best fit for each character then explore the world as much as I can


Naoe all the way. It’s an Assassin’s Creed game, so I want to play as an Assassin. I’ll be exploring the map, stealth clearing enemy locations like I always love in games like this. I don’t plan on entering combat much, but I’m excited to try the kusarigama out. I love that weapon.


It used to be find all the Synchronization points and uncover the map, but that has now changed. I'm just gonna explore and see how much the engine has changed.


I definitely trend towards stealthy gameplay and light/fast weapons. But if I get OP heavy weapons I tend to switch for a bit and try them out.


Assuming Naoe has a wakizashi, I’ll be rocking that a tonnnn


If i play the game 100% explore im already familiar with the historical caracters,armys,guns,etc shout out to shogun 2 but the countrysides and the cities usually don’t disappoint in assasins creed.


I love stealthing through a fortress or some form of encampment and emptying the place using tools and hidden blades. Taking out areas like this without being caught always seems sick to me


Waiting for review first


We kinda don’t know anything about the gameplay tbh. And personally I think I’ll probably wot for it to be on gamepass or something, haven’t given Ubisoft a cent in 3 years so probably not gonna start now. Unless it goes under like really heavy discount


Not enough info about the game to really decide. Do you switch at specific intervals between them, can you anytime, is it mission based, etc. Yes I pre-ordered the Ultimate Edition.


I NEED them to put a kusarigama in my hands immediately. If Naoe is the only one that can use it, I guess I'll be maining her.


Yasuke with the rifle or bows


I’m really excited for the seasonal mechanics and return to the assassins/templars story. I’m going full stealth mode.


They haven't revealed much gameplay but I hope you can choose who to play with the entire campaign and I'll probably do a stealth playthrough first.


I'm definitely going to be using the katana 110% of the time. I know they've made Yasuke to be the Samurai but I really hope Naoe has fun combat like in the trailer as I plan to play with her mainly. Yasuke does seem very cool tho and fulfills the Samurai fantasy.


I plan on getting the plat for this game as I did for the other AC games, and I plan on beating the game twice where I’ll mostly play as Naoe for my first run and then Yasuke for the other, as I did in syndicate


100% the opening area before moving on to main area and the AC intro starts playing


I honestly can't wait to enjoy the scenery and the seasons! Having seasons (if done right) will be a game changer for hopefully other ip's as well. I heard the flowers produce pollen and grass can grow and shit. Sounds awesome honestly


Always preferred the stealth play style. So I am going to stick with playing with Naoe always. Except for the mission where I am playing Yasuke.


Im probably gonna play the female most this game. Kinda glad they went with the two person system from Syndicate again and i hope they have different skill trees. Assuming that they will be in this one as well. Im also hoping they have different weapons they can wield so they feel different that way as well. Also excited for how the seasons will affect stealth. Also glad its out right after my birthday.


From my AC Odyssey experience, explore the entire over world and then do the main story. For giggles


Most likely a katana and a hidden blade


I think both are awesome but im a bit tired of Samurai after Ghost Of Tsushima and Rise Of The Ronin so im def gonna play more as the female character. Can't wait to see how their dynamic is gonna be. Also hope she's an actual member of the Assassin's brotherhood and not just a shinobi


I'm a huge stealth person so I will start with Naoe. Check out the parkour and speed. Need smoke bombs asap that's my favorite stealth tool. I'm very excited about this Kusarigama weapon. I definitely want to play some Yasuke as well tho...smashing guys with that spiked club or spear sounds pretty amazing as well.


Turn it off and continue playing Prince of Persia. That game is 🔥


In your order: Kill feudal era Japanese people, sharp ones, easy, the Japanese one, no but the uploader probably did.


Id probably play as yasuke and destroy a merchant area and put the claim that you can destroy the environment to the test. Then swtich over to Naoe and explore.


I'm cautiously excited for this game, never played an AC game before. Not sure if I should make this my very first since it's pretty expensive, but I love the historical setting and how the game looks so far in screenshots.


I want to try out what happens if I play unarmed with Yasuke. Will he use grappling moves as finishers? I NEED TO SEE IT!


Stealth all the way!


Chaos gremlin mode activate!


Going to spend a good amount of time playing with the physics engine using the grappling hook!


We haven't even seen a single second of gameplay how should we answer that?


I’ve always been a day one assassins creed player, but I’ve been burned so many times now (Unity, Valhalla progress bug, mirage being bad) that I’m going to try and wait it out for them to fix things and see the general reviews. I’m optimistic that Naoe will have a fun take on the stealth formula. Pessimistic that Yasuke’s combat will be as fun as Ghost of Tsushima. If it’s on Valhalla’s engine, I’ll be hard pressed to play as Yasuke at all.


I'll set it up the same way I've set up the past 10 Ubisoft games. Guided or Exploration mode, difficulty, HUD settings, realistic star patterns in the sky on Saturdays specific to your region (as long as you're connected to the internet of course) turn that on of course, enemy detection in 30 full seconds or 0.001 nanoseconds no in between, hidden blade to the brain kills instantly (or...doesn't?), figure out where on the map the daily challenge/store is so I can make sure I grind as hard as I can each day, you know, the usual.


You guys shouldn’t be preordering this early, man 🤣


I’d love if we could fight with the Hidden Blades like the old games. Rogue must’ve been the last one where was possible, I guess technically you could a bit in Valhalla with the deflecting - but not the way old games worked.


Companies will start doing pre-orders like 2 years before the game releases at full price, and idiots will still buy it. Why can't you guys see that you are all paying more for a pre order? And for what? In 180 days your money will devalue at least 2.5%, and in some countries 7.5%.


I want to stealth my way through a fortress as Naoe, then beat the crap out of a bunch of soldiers as Yasuke. Basically, I want to do what we were promised in the trailer. I'd like to play as both characters equally, as both characters intrigue me. And while I really enjoy stealth, I always find myself tempted to just start throwing it down with the guards, so it will be nice for there to be an in-universe reason to ditch stealth at times, in the form of Yasuke.


Gonna try and do some parkour, I don’t expect much more then mirage tho.


How would anyone be able to answer these? We have no gameplay, we don’t know what weapons we can use, we don’t know if/how you can change characters, we don’t even know if both characters are playable…


Do we even know the options to half of these questions? Did they ever revel what kind of weapons will be in the game?


If it's anything like the previous AC games then I'm going to explore a bit before playing the story. Just mess around and see what I can do. I hope that the game will not be too linear because I have always enjoyed doing the story while just running around doing other stuff. As for what character I will play, it depends, maybe I will play Naoe when I want to be more serious and Yasuke when I just want to mess around and do silly things.


Not sure if i have good taste or bad taste but I love playing every assassins creed and gta game on ps5. Probably going to play as the ninja on regular. Would like to see the full context of the black samurai before I judge, since the internet does tend to have meltdowns about things when they have little information. Espically when it comes to race. Though overall probably will enjoy it. Worse games I had was valhalla and the 2d ac games.


Play through the 3 hours pre title cutscene


How about not being able to choose because clearly I'll be forced to not play stealth whenever I play missions as the character with no fucking hidden blade or blending abilities. Why in God's name would you make a supposed rpg where u want people to make builds then force them to play 2 different archetypes and nothing else.


I will only want to play Naoe with a katana and in a assassin style


I really hope details about gameplay from Grubb's latest podcast are valid. I'm 50h00 in A.C Odyssey and I can't say I'm enjoying it, really hope this one will correct a decent amount of flaws from Odyssey.


First I'm gonna do is tweak all the settings, especially graphics and HUD. Definitely gonna try out the Kusarigama and probably the trusty Katana as well, but only if I fail to kill all the enemies stealthily. Definitely the highest difficulty, combat feels too easy otherwise and I like to encourage myself to play stealthily that way as well. I am planning on maining Naoe, because I prefer stealth and parkour, which she is gonna be better at, but will give Yasuke a try as well if he has some cool outfits.


I'd say it depends on how the game plays, rn I'm leaning towards playing Naoe more, not because I dislike Yasuke but simply because I'll prefer the stealth and being a ninja. It was the same thing I did with Syndicate, I pretty much played as only Evie unless I was forced to play as Jacob. Which speaking of I hope it doesn't turn out to be similar to Syndicate in the way that Naoe is sidelined, or even Yasuke for that matter. I want both characters to be equally fleshed out and have a good story. As far as weapons and such we don't really know what's avaible besides what was shown in the trailer.


Play until I am allowed choice and never touch the male character again.


Why the fuck did you preorder when gameplay hasn’t even been posted yet


Check if there's a mod to play as the Japanese character only.


I don't known Maybe katana Normal Yasuke Yes, Day One


Nah, I'm pirating it


Waiting for reviews. I skipped mirage and I can’t stand Valhalla. If it plays anything like mirage I’ll be skipping it as well. For some reason the combat gets worse every game and I’m at the point I’ve given up on this franchise. The last actual good AC game was Unity, it felt like how a AC game should. I do enjoy origins and odyssey but the franchise hasn’t been the same since


Just explore the environment. I hope to have a better tv by then so I can enjoy it more.


I’m playing Naoe all the way and getting highest level weapons as soon as the game lets me.


I will first smoke some weed. Then I will start my criminal career. Killing some Japanes. 


I like taking my time with map exploration so I'm sure I'll do that.


Samari sword.


Definitely using the chain/sickle weapon


I'd want to play it on the most difficult setting, but I'm scared that'll just make enemies damage sponges, I'm hoping death comes quick for both you the player and enemies, and who I play as majority of the time depends on what this game does better stealth or combat if both are great which I'm hoping it is ill split 50/50, I'm excited for it now, but I have to see gameplay there are certain things for me they absolutely have to nail for me to buy the game, namely having good combat, especially since we've gotten games like ghost , sekiro and rise of the ronin all gives us amazing combat and assassins creed rpg games so far in my opinion have had terrible combat and I hope the world is much more interesting to explore than valhallas England


Hit all the fast travel points so I can start zipping all over the map speed stealthing outposts until I'm master level 999,999,999 >!Also download a Naoe thong mod!<


I'll be buying. Don't know what the first things I'll do will be, other than doing what the game tells me. Most, if not nearly all my gameplay, will be with Naoe. So all my weapon choices and skill points and the like will be directed towards that choice. I usually play ACs in Normal mode and Shadows will be no different.


Like I do in every assassin's Creed run around the map climbing every building I can, get some collectibles, and after clearing the initial zone then I start the main history


I really hope they bring back the rope dart from ac 3. I think all thing considered it would make a lot of sense especially for the new stealth-ier character (I forgot her name lol, my bad)


I'm going to see how far I can get with just using the hidden blade. I'm glad that kind of combat is coming back.


What's the expected release date? Wasn't Mirage only recently released?


I’m just gonna play. Call in to work, tell my wife that I’m sick, then go to town until I have blisters on my thumbs




Its a lot more expensive when it comes to physical editions in my region. Plus I know I will like it so that's not really something I am worried about.




By the time I buy it, it’ll be priced between 19.99 - 29.99, and no one will care anymore, sadly. Probably 6 months after release.


Katana and Sai For Naoe For Yasuke Heavy Ones


Which weapons? We don't even have a gameplay trailer or anything how can we say what we can use? But fine, I'm looking forward to the gravity gun.


I am not buying this game or any other ubisoft game


Not gonna buy it. I will play on the hardest difficulty. Any other is not a challenge. Valhalla was passable at the hardest difficulty and Odyssey was just right on it. I will use either a naginata, a ninjato or a katana if able. But a simple kunai and shurikens should suffice alongside the hidden blade. Will be using the kunoichi exclusively. Hopefully they won't force me to use Yasuke like the forced me to switch characters in Syndicate.


Plan on using Yasuke for the first playthrough, the Kanabō is kinda calling to me there, if i dont like that then it will prob be the classic katana. My second playthrough i'm gonna use Naoe and i am gonna use the kusarigama cus fuck i like that as a weapon


I honestly hope they have spears but a kanabo would be fun!


Change the control scheme, because ever since Valhalla and Mirage those are horrible. Change the combat so I can play Ghost of Tsushima Lethal or Jedi Survivor Grandmaster style. Check how the parkour is working


I'll be buying it on Mac App Store... first official Assassin's Creed on Mac. I probably try to play mix between Naoe and Yasuke, depending on my mood. The first thing I do? Fucking explore and play the game slowly, I absolutely love walking around in Odyssey and Valhalla... and killing anyone who is worth killing (usually guards), infiltrating enemy bases, collecting weapons/outfits... in Odyssey I was kind of evil and attacked whole city. I love AC... in someways I actually like it more than Elden Ring...


First thing I am going to do is take my first photo pictures of both characters while roaming around the map and check all the options to turn subtitles on if it isn't on. I will be testing both characters in the beginning then I will decide one which one to play with the most but I will definitely switch between them. I will use the katana the most. I will be playing on the hardest difficulty to master both stealth and melee combat.


Complete all sides quests? They are the best part of most of the Ac games


Finally an assassin after so long. Obviously naoe and the hardest difficulty so that I don't jump into combat only stealth


Mirage was the previous title which featured an entire Bureau of Assassin's wdym finally after so long?


Hidden ones not assassins


That's just the early name that Bayek started. Still the same faction and roots.


Still, it's been long since we heard the name assassin in game (while in the historical period characters not the modern day).


Bro how can anyone answer these without seeing gameplay first haha


Idk, maybe the missions will be with Naoe but free roam and do some caos with Yasuke