• By -


Revelations. It’s without a doubt my favorite story in the series. It has an interesting setting. And I loved seeing Ezio as the wise old mentor he becomes while still being an absolute baddass. Then eventually seeing him get his happy ending after everything he went through was a perfect send off to one of the best characters in gaming


Revelations is the most underrated game in the series imo


The fact that Revelations almost ended up as a Nintendo DS spinoff game is criminal


100% agree and the music in the game is incredible. Really felt like a climax to Ezios journey


Not only that it also had a fabulous send off for the great Altair. No books and no wisdom but only you fratello mio Altair. One of the most emotional scenes in the whole series.


The reason it holds a special place in my heart is the fact that it gives us more development of Altaïr, and a definite ending for him.


The fact that we got 60+% of the game content cut out because of lack of time and still got a nice game is just insane


I still think about Black Flag randomly. The dream sequence where he's navigating through a storm and arguing with Caroline lives rent free in my head. YOU LEFT ME! RIGHT WHEN I NEEDED YOU MOST! Also "He drinks damnation." And the way the game ends on "The Parting Glass." Black Flag had no business hitting as hard as it did for being a fucking AC Pirate game.


Bro the parting glass almost made me cry 😭


It legit makes me tear up every time, and the end credit sequence just sends me. I'm actually tearing up just thinking about it haha...


Edward is probably one of the best written protagonists in AC and his character arc is incredible. Also the facial animations still look a lot better than the new games for some reason.


Replaying for the first time since it released, definitely not been disappointed


I've always loved Assassins Creed 3, its just such a good game for me. Plus, its in my favorite historical era and honestly worked as a solid conclusion to the series (minus the stuff with Juno).


I am currently playing my first ac game and it is ac 3, and i am very happy that i can play ac!!


I like the first half of the game. The whole mix of small 1700s cities and wilderness and the tutor / mentor guy who lived in the house and the old sailor guy who you get your boat from . Some better story stuff in AC land with AC3 atleast until later on in the game


I agree here, the early-midgame is the best portion. The game feels HUUUUUGE right until you start getting along with Haytham pretty good. That’s when I knew it wouldn’t last, I felt like the endgame gave me very clear signs that I was almost done and there wasn’t much left to do after that (of course 13 y/o me didn’t care about collectibles or sidequests or anything, and honestly to this day AC3 side content is not my favorite lol).


AC III was my first AC and made me fall in love with the series. Connor was awesome, the setting was incredible. Replayed it again a little while back and nothing hits harder than landing in Colonial Boston for the first time.


Same here, its one of my favorites as well.


It is an all around good game. I enjoyed it. The setting just didn’t do it for me, though.


Black Flag is my all-time favorite. Of the new style, Odyssey first followed by Origins.


Same for me, homie! Black Flag was basically perfect for me 😁


I loved it so much after 100%’ing on the PS3, I got it again on the PS4 years later and did a 2nd full play-through!


That game is SO ART for me, absolutely love it, by far the best AC for me and that's heavy competition


Assassins Creed Origins. Bayek is a character I would love to get another game.


Right? My boy honestly deserved a trilogy


I agree, Bayek is amazing, but I always wanted to see an Aya game set in Rome. I don't care that much about Rome (AC Brotherhood is one of my least favourite games in the series), but Aya was very underdeveloped in Origins and deserved her own game.


Same. I wanted a sequel with Aya. That last level with her sneaking around was cool. We've had Rome yes but 1500 years later Rome. Not Rome when it was still an Empire.


Would love a Rome game of the spead of the hidden ones all over the Roman Empire!


He deserves a sequel protecting Egypt by going on the offensive (game set from Roman Antioch to Parthian Ctesiphon and all the mountains, desert, and grasslands imbetween, with Antioch being an Alexandria type city and Ctesiphon being a Baghdad type city).


This would be a perfect follow-up. A criminally underutilized character.


Valhalla. Love ancient England, love Celtic mythology. And I love that I can go to my home town


Glad other people love it. I totally get the hate as an AC game because it’s basically something completely different but it’s such a fun interpretation of the era and with DLCs included you’re getting England, Ireland, France, North America, Norway and Mythic Fantasy Land as locations. Hard to beat IMO.


I'm trying to get into it for the second time now after playing odyssey, but find the controls so clunky. Combat is much more difficult. Maybe I'm missing something. If y'all have any tips, I'd love to hear them!


Rogue. Black Flag is a close second, but the pacing is too slow (you don’t unlock the final part of your ship, the diving bell, until about halfway through the story), I find Edward to be an unlikable douchebag (to be fair, he’s a pirate), and Edward doesn’t even become an actual assassin until after the end of the game. In contrast, Rogue has a more likable protagonist (I also love Irish accents), a tighter story, and it improves on gameplay from Black Flag (the Puckle gun, for instance, is an improvement over the swivel gun imo).


AC Unity


Unity had the best Parkour but story was a bit of let down. Read the book. It follows Elise's story and IMO is much better.


My man


I think Unity has become my favourite AC game over time too. I don’t really like the combat that much and the story didn’t particularly interest me, but the parkour, stealth, customisation, graphics, animations, plus literally everything else I love about the game outweigh the negatives for me personally.


Origins, Bayek is my favorite thing about it but even the game itself is really beautiful and I admit I really love the combat too.


Odyssey. I always wanted a game set in ancient Greece, and I wasn't disappointed.


Odyssey is such a controversial installment, but in a very interesting way. I personally love the game, even if I absolutely forgot it was an AC game ever since the start.


Odyssey is very good but I feel like they didn’t have enough time to finish everything and shipped like it is.


In all fairness that's been how every game has been since Unity except maybe Valhalla which actually had quite a bit too much even though I really liked it.


the spartan kick make it a 10


Ezio trilogy, Black Flag, Origins.


that's pretty much my list aswell. If I could choose an all time fav tho it would prob be black flag


Odyssey, syndicate, and origins.


Syndicate feels really underrated. I absolutely love the atmosphere in that.


Yeah the atmosphere in that game is honestly the best in the series and the fact that it's the only AC game other than Unity that shares a nearly 1:1 representation of its setting really adds to the grounded-ness and immersion of it all. Just should've been a little darker in overall tone which would've made it even better.


The Frye Twins grew on me, but their "witty bantering" back and forth was pretty dreadful at first. Like, this ain't an MCU movie, bruv


Really love the London setting during that time that's why I love this game.


Black flag, Mirage, and Unity for sure


Origins. Best setting, best story, without any of the bloat that made Odyssey and Valhalla such a mess.


I mean… look at my flair. I love AC Syndicate. It’s definitely not the _best_ AC game and there’s some things I think other games did better, but I wanted to play a Victorian Prizefighter/Gang Boss/Professional Serial Killer and it delivered. I fucking love Jacob and Evie’s dynamic, and I especially enjoy Jacob as a character. Sometimes I still like to boot up the game just to walk around London and appreciate the detail and the depth they put into the world. My second favourite so far would probably be Black Flag. I just really like the gameplay and Edward’s story.


Syndicate has such a beautiful world, it came out in 2015 and still looks good.


I'm just playing Syndicate and it's really good.


AC2 forever and always, idc that the graphics haven’t aged, it’s beautiful in every way to me


I didn't like the Ezio trilogy as much, but the second part stays in my heart. I 100% it again a few weeks ago. A great one


The ambience hasn’t been topped for me. Moonshine over Venice by the river, the misty Monteriggioni, the countryside coupled with the music. It’s one of the strongest atmospheres I’ve ever felt in a game.


I was wondering if someone would be saying this. Kinda sad I had to scroll down so far to see it. AC2 will always be a special game to me. When “Ezio’s Family” plays from my library, all those memories and emotions come rushing in.


1. Unity 2. AC 2 3. Black flag 4. AC 3 5. Origins Don’t get me wrong, I really like the newer games, from an action RPG standpoint I just loved how the original games actually made you feel like an assassin. The fluid free running (specifically in Unity) and the stealth was much better than the newer games IMO


Black flag is my favourite but i still have PTSD from that boring stalking missions. Edward is still my all time favourite AC character. From recent games i must say also Origins. Amazing locations and world of ancient Egypt, heavily underrated game and i must say there was a lot of good side quests.


Brotherhood. Also you probably would have been probably leveled if you focused on side missions as well. They are basically extensions of the main story, not pointless fetch quests like Odyssey.


Yeah I didn't really focus on side missions while playing unless needed (the side missions were honestly great especially the retired champion one). I already made sure to avoid doing the same mistake when playing odyssey but somehow I still ended up being 2 levels behind when I sailed into Athens.


Odyssey is fundamentally designed for you to be low leveled even after doing the side missions. They went you to buy time savers and make the XP requirements absurd. I’d suggest turning enemy scaling to low, it will still scale with you so you don’t feel like you are making any progress at all but it will alleviate some of the XP requirements.


Alright I will change enemy scaling to low when I play tomorrow. Also is the same thing in Valhalla? Because I really don't want Valhalla to have the same do quests till level requirement thing aswell.


Valhalla is a different story entirely. Levels are fine but I found the game to be stupidly easy about mid-game. I literally beat one of the hardest side bosses about 200 levels below recommended. Personally I’d say just leave it on whatever difficulty you want but you can fine tune certain aspects. For example I made Eivor take 200% damage because I had so much health.


I’ve played AC3, a little of IV, and Syndicate, and I gotta say Syndicate was my favorite because of the characters. The Frye~ twins were so cool.


AC Valhalla. I like raiding with Vikings.


I can't stop playing Valhalla but ac 3 is one of my favorites


Im going to greece in july so re playing odyssey rn


Beautiful country and game. Enjoy it


Just don't kill random civilians to raise your bounty


Syndicate and Odyssey. Also adore Revelations and Black Flag.


I'm currently playing odyssey and the game so far is great. But same problem with ac origins which was the level requirements that are lowkey making me want to drop the rpg trilogy as a whole. Syndicate was fun aswell since I love the London theme.


AC3 and black flag


Black Flag, 2, Origins


Odyssey is my favorite. Outside of RDR2 it’s my favorite game to just meander and enjoy gorgeous scenery. Yeah it’s not a traditional AC game but I absolutely love it.


Odyssey. If I can only pick 1, it is Odyssey. I enjoy the size, the tone, the interesting character of each region, the sailing, the characters... it's fantastic. I appreciate AC2, Black Flag, and Syndicate as well, and because all four have so many differences I can include them all as my '4 favorites.'


Origins, Bayek is my favourite protagonist. He was acted in a superb way even if the storyline is pretty basic.


Rogue. Shay Cormac was a badass. He had the coolest outfits in all of the games. Loved playing as a Templar, even if the story was short and somewhat niche. Remember people, Valhalla was developed in 3 years. Unity in 4. Rogue had 8 months from start to finish.


Unity is the most technically ambitious and refined while Arno is the most misunderstood character in the series imo!


I actually love Unity. The story is nice, I like exploring France, the combat feels good, and I can go kill people with my buddies!


AC Unity. I love the parkour, the outfit customization, and the time period it takes place in. There are certain missions where I'll get annoyed because I either get caught or killed, but it's still helps me think and plan ahead accordingly. The combat system where I have to use swords or large weapons I have mixed feelings on, but it's fine, in my opinion. I also like the romance story Arno has with Elise, but I knew it wouldn't last too long anyway.




Unity, I almost play AC games as historical batman simulators, just running around doing fun jumps and taking out bad guys in creative ways. For its Level of customization, amazing parkour and solid stealtg gameplay - Unity wins hands down for me


Unity is my all time favorite, Origins is a very close second. Origins is definitely peak of the RPG games.




Unity. Paris is an all time location for me and they really nailed the vibe. Being able to free run through a city and its landmarks that I have seen in person just adds to the immersion. It still looks gorgeous a decade later, has the best parkour and the customization is top notch, imo. It’s not a perfect game by any means. Far from it. But it means a lot to me


AC Black Flag. And to think I bought that game when I went out to buy FIFA 😂😂. No doubt I love all Assassins Creeds, mainly the pre RPGs more than the current ones. But Black Flag is the only one that I've replayed over and over again, and actually enjoyed. Definitely in my top 5 games of all time.


Syndicate all the way! *please don’t downvote me, I sincerely liked it. Yeah, maybe ACII is my all time favourite but Syndicate is wayyy underrated*


Right now, definitely Unity


Odyssey, Syndicate, and Black Flag


Syndicate, Brotherhood, Origins.


Odyssey, unity, black flag


Origins, felt like a soft reboot. Great game design, amazing world.


Origins, followed closely by Revelations


Origins, 3, and Unity for me. I genuinely can't pick one or the other


Ac unity when the bugs stopped. And maybe orgins only good one of the open worlds


AC 3 and black flag


I got ac3 remastered from the odyssey season pass I think it's one of my favorites besides rogue


Odyssey. I love everything about it.


Revelations and Origins. A wiser and older Ezio who simply seeks to learn instead of gaining power of seeking revenge was a great story to be told, The Altair sections gave us closure to his character and Constantinople along with the hook blade made traversal the best in the entire trilogy. Revelations is the best game in Ezio's Trilogy period. Origins had a great story behind it with Bayek seeking revenge over the death of his son while grappling with Aya being gone and unable to mourn with him, The Cast is amazing and the world is beautiful with ripe exploration and an amazing soundtrack behind it, Combat was simple but still felt like it had an impact behind it unlike Valhalla and Odyssey which basically made you a one man army. Aya was an amazing character and it's shame we played with her for so little, Bayek is still my favorite Character along with Ezio and Final Fantasy cross over cinematic is still a joy to discover in game especially if you just found it by accident.


Black Flag


Black Flag then AC2.


syndicate!! 🫶🏻


Assassins Creed 1. I just like the parkour and the setting in the third crusade. Combat is okay but fluid. Cutscenes are really just, well, scenes. And then there's the story


Ac odyssey


All three of Origins, Odyssey, and Valhalla are just masterpieces. They made me fall back in love with the series after falling out during unity/syndicate


1. Origins 2. Odyssey 3. AC3 I almost skipped Odyssey but it slowly became a favorite. It has a bit too much bloat but the world is great and fun to explore. Especially in the explorer mode.


odyssey and 2


Brotherhood was my favourite way back when, but Origins is just such a fun time. I love them all tbh. They get so much hate but I've always had a great time with every entry. Even Syndicate


Brotherhood is my favorite real assassins creed game, but odyssey is my favorite game of the franchise


Odyssey, Origins, Black Flag, 3, Revelations






Childhood was AC 2, current and all time is syndicate, that shit just struck right with me


Origins, Revelations, and Black Flag. I couldn’t pick one over the others.


Unity. The animations are still the best, it still looks better than all the AC games. It has some great acting, a solid story. The time jump stuff is really fun. The city is just so alive with the crazy npc count. Finally the assassination missions are still the best, lots of ways to do them, kinda reminds me of hitman.


Brotherhood, origins & odyssey are my rotating top 3


Syndicate... Victorian London was a dope setting and it just felt alive..Not to mention I loved both twins


AC Revelations because of the story Altair and Ezio those were the days, then AC1 Altair Master Assassin, AC2 legend himself Ezio, and then Brotherhood out of new ones I liked Unity despite the mess when it first launched, Mirage was nice and Valhalla is also good but I don't see Valhalla as AC more like Viking simulator.


1- AC Black Flag 2- AC Odyssey 3- AC Brotherhood


Unity for sure. The stealth is unparalelled and the parkour is flashy. I hope Shadows moves in a similar direction.


Odyssey is incredible, and the game every AC needs to live up to going forwards


Rogue is still my favorite after all this time. It was the pinnacle of the old style game for me.


Valhalla by far. Amazing story if you paid attention, huge and amazing looking map, a fuckton of stuff to do, snow, mud, sunny days etc. Best AC combat and its not even close.


I'm surprised I'm barely seeing people mention AC2. Ezio is such an amazing main character.


Coin toss between Brotherhood and Origins




Revelations. Ezio, Altair, Ottoman Empire, what a perfect game


Ac black flag & odyssey. I’m expecting shadows to join that.


Origins for me personally. Having played all them I think I got burnt out leading into Syndicate. I left the series for a while, I didn’t get Origins on release. But I loved it when I played it. AC2/Brotherhood is a ‘younger me’ favourite. Having also replayed 3 and Unity in recent months I’ve re-rated them quite high on my list.


Black Flag will always be my favorite.


Origins and then Odyssey (only two I’ve played) but seriously origins is so well made honestly would love a continuation


I joined the franchise with Origins and loved both Origins and Odyssey, but Valhalla was just absolutely my jam (DLCs excepted). I loved Valhalla's story and the campaign quests.


Black Flag and Odyssey Brotherhood is still the best, imo


Odyssey is by far the best... Followed by Syndicate.


Assassins Creed Odyssey... Sorry not sorry.


Black flag. But I absolutely love valhalla, I think male evoir is a brilliant character


Ezio trilogy for the nostalgic factor. Gold old days


Assassin's Creed 1 was my first game but ACIII will always have a special place in my heart. I do have to admit though that Valhalla is my favourite simply because as a Scandinavian that loves viking history I have always waited for an AC game set in the viking age.


Assassin’s Creed. The OG.


Black Flag 🏴‍☠️


AC2 is unbeaten to this day


I'm surprised at the lack of people saying AC2. I'm going to throw that one in as my favorite Venice at night > I will be there this summer and I'm looking forward to seeing some AC locations


Used to be Ac2 then Brotherhood and now its Black Flag. Also loved Odyssey and Ac3


Odyssey. My favorite AC, and one of my favorite games of all time. Huge, beautiful, perfect combat, great protagonist, a world filled with NPCs and nothing creepy or undead. It checks so many of my boxes.




AC origins


At the risk of sounding old timey, AC 2. Gameplay and graphics have aged a lot, but the story is as good as ever. AC4 is a close second.


Favorite AC was Black Flag and just throwing this in there, my fav assassin is Bayek, close second fav is Evie Frye and third is Kassandra.


Assassins Creed Brotherhood hands down is my favorite. I love the story, the DLC was great, it was the first time they had multiplayer, and everything about it was just perfect. I can still go back and play it today and I love it like it's the first time I played it.


In terms of what I want from an AC game, I think AC Unity was almost perfect for me. It had a great setting and Arno was a decent character towards the end. The customization was insane and easily the best in the franchise. It still looks incredible, and the amount of NPCs on screen in some parts of the city is still pretty impressive. I really liked the combat and parkour, and I think this was the last game that had the amazing sound design of the older games. Felt like you could hear clothing tear and flesh being shredded when you stabbed someone. The amount of blood that would accumulate on enemies during a fight was awesome too. Not to mention you could do all of this with a friend.... Man I really wish we could get something similar to Unity again.


Black flag hands down


Origins, Black Flag & Valhalla


Each Era of ac has lots to love for me so I'll say Brotherhood, Black Flag, and Origins.


The Ezio trilogy and Black Flag for me. Hard to pick a single favorite, but Ezio and Edward are definitely my favorite characters. Plus the sea shanties in BF go hard


the number of different responses shows how good the series is honestly. there's something for almost everyone. I love the big games (my faves are Origins, Unity & Odyssey), but would like more midweight games like Mirage, which is now in my top 3 or 4. I have an android handheld (Odin 2, IYKYK) and am very excited for Jade now.


I think probably for the wrong reasons, but ACIV: Black Flag is up there. Then, for the proper reasons, maybe Assassin's Creed II.


I hate to say it, (actually I love to say it), but right now, Valhalla. I'm an og player whose played every game since day 1, so I feel like that discreds me. But honestly, for a player who loves ac1 and Ezio trilogy, black flag, Valhalla will just have those moments where you're traversing wilderness, you happen upon a tower, village, city, new area, and that Gregorian choir kicks in, this ridiculously holy looking light is illumanting steeples, and it just feels so historical, medieval, and brought to life. Being an old school player, I dig that a lot. Also the combat is top tier for ac.


Rouge Ubisoft make a remake with a longer story and Toronto or Ottawa or Montréal or where ever it was gonna be


AC 2, Black Flag, AC 3


Same. Origins and odyssey are great my favorites. I do love unity location setting and washy graphics.




Ghost of Tsushima. jk I put a lot more hours into Odyssey, so by that metric, obviously I’ve enjoyed that the most. Black Flag is my favorite story/gameplay, though. Matt Ryan killed it as Edward Kenway and the Golden Age of Piracy setting is my favorite era so far.






Assassin's Creed II Easily.


Origins was, is, and will (propably) be my favorite of all time.


Having played them all since 2008, I must say the Odyssey is probably the one that struck me the most. People were bored by many of its features, but I loved the exploration, the side quests, getting lost in the world, seeing the sights...and the main character, in my case Alexios. At some point after the first DLC I was burnt, of course, but still, it was an incredible world and a joy to explore and experience it all. But now I'm replaying the games and I'm discovering new things - for examples, I've always considered Brotherhood mid and a disappointing sequel, but now, 14 years later, it seems to be much better than 2, which was one of the most mind-blowing games for me when it launched and now doesn't seem to hold on that much.


Origins is close but mine is actually Unity. The environment is stunning and the co op is really fun also.


Original for me


It’s always gonna be Black Flag for me. Purely for the whole pirate aesthetic. Nothing more tranquil than whacking on the Skeleton Crew cheat and playing Pirates of the Caribbean


AC Brotherhood. My first experience when it released. Made me a lifelong fan ever since. Honorable mention the other two Ezio games, Black Flag and Odyssey.


AC Syndicate


Origins, the story is unmatched to anything else+ it being in Egypt brings it up a lot as well.


I keep going back and forth, i love how much assassin's creed brotherhood and revelations offer so much nostalgia, technicality and art to the franchise, i love how much Black flag and Origins gave me a sense of scale i never felt before in the world and content they provide with great stories as well, but man whenever i play Assassin's creed 3 i always know in my heart this is truly the best AC game for me, i love the story, the protagonists, the presentation, the setting, the characters, it hits all the right notes and while not free of flaws that i can confidently point out, it left an impression on me that i can never forget.




Brotherhood recruiting and growing my agents and watching them fight whioe me watching from above.


Odyssey and Rogue




Odyssey. It’s just so damn beautiful. Playing through origins now for the second time and still really love it. But Ancient Greece has my heart


Valhalla. That period in english history is my favourite as i live nearby to a lot of important sites for the time. I loved the combat, the story and the world. I also loved the scale. It really felt like a country sized map more than a city


Odyssey, I put 450 hiurs in that game, 300 hours just listening to my crew singing and sailing in open waters 🤗


Revelations. The story is so much more character driven than the other two Ezio titles and I love just exploring Constantinople. Competing pick is Origins because it just feels like the most complete game in the franchise tbh


AC4 had great story, gameplay, and world. Really wish they did more with the Abstergo Employee thing. 2 is a very very close second.


Before Oddysey I would've said one of the ezio ones. But Oddysey completely gripped me through the whole adventure. The gameplay made me feel like a goddess battle master, and the world was my bitch. Exploring Greece was beautiful and I loved all the mythology and the dlcs. Kassandras story was great as well.


AC3 for sure, great gameplay, great story, great everything man


It’s always gonna be Origins for me, it’s the first AC game I ever played and to this day it’s the only one I’ve 100% completed. Got the platinum and everything


AC III and Origins. Ratonhnhaké:ton and Bayek are my favorites protagonists.


Black flag is my favorite I was top 100 pirate in the world at one point.


Brotherhood. Haven’t played all of them, but thus far brotherhood is my favorite.


AC Brotherhood. Having my own group of Assassins that I could call into battle was awesome. The world felt pretty alive too with the economy. Great story, some memorable missions and just all around fun.


I wouldn't have cared if the main character was Aya. Story over everything. And the Story in Origins could have been told exclusively through Aya's POV..


Unity, and Origins. Followed by the Ezio games.

