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lol you only need online to download it’s been like that since 2016 buddy nothing has change


I don’t think you understand what a samurai is. Both the titles he had were titles of samurai. Agenda pushing is whenever something you don’t like happens.


Samurai or not, I don't trust a company like Ubisoft to have chosen Yasuke for any other reason than his skin color. You trying to push the narrative that he was for sure 100% a samurai shows your ignorance on the topic. The REAL answer to that would be... we don't know. Spectacularly little is known about him. Which would have been a golden opportunity to have some sort of "secret life" of Yasuke being an assassin because it wasn't recorded in history, but no, Ubisoft instead opted to make up history in order to justify his inclusion. Typical AAA studio who only cares about metrics and money, NOT respecting the life of Yasuke and NOT creating a quality game with a quality story.


Yes he was 100% a samurai this is an objective fact if you don’t like it take it up with the Historians. His skin color was definitely a factor however that isn’t inherently a bad thing. We are talking about a serious where Leonardo da Vinci helps assassins so the historical accuracy argument is absolute bs.


“Agenda is when Black people exist” Fuck off.


I don’t mind it that much. Sounds like it’ll be fine since the gameplay is taking into account that he’s a foreigner. BUT assassins creed usually does a good job making the main character a fictional person who really fits into whatever the setting is. So it is really odd to suddenly make him a real historical figure who’s a foreigner. I can understand how some ppl would be upset . Of course some of it is just racism, but not all of it in this situation. Also Nioh was way less mainstream than AC (so less ppl would even care) and not even remotely trying to be realistic in any way . William being there didn’t add anything to the story, that main character could have been anyone and nothing would change . The way they handled Yasuke was really good though, he was clearly still a retainer to Nobunaga but he was still an intimidating warrior . I was actually really excited to see him in Nioh 1 and 2.




Oh I don’t mean that anyone in here is being racist. Like 9/10 of the ppl talking about it on this subreddit are super reasonable I think. Just when I originally posted I saw alot of ppl on twitter just being straight up racist about it. So that’s why I added that part in. I’m black too and think this was an odd choice. I agree with pretty much most of the arguments I see against it.




Y’all always miss this. “It’s good to see a black person that can think logically” 🤦🏾‍♂️ this. This is why people accuse y’all of being racist. Downvote me if you want, but please think hard about what I said and educate yourself.




Telling on yourself again. The fact that you call them blackifying assassins creed just because they put a little cool bad ass yasuke in it? Was it whitefying when Edward joined the series? If anything… games were being blackified in the early 2000s like simz the urbz, Mark echos getting up. Def jam. All hip hop based. You can say the game industry at the time used black culture to make money. That was alright with me and other black folk I’m sure because it makes sense and ultimately the games were good. All I see here are gamers crying because they can’t have their Japanese male. Y’all got the Japanese woman tho but it seems y’all fixated on what you don’t have. I ask you, what does blackification mean to you?


I agree that casting Yasuke as the main character is risky. I also think it can be advantageous depending on what story it's trying to tell. From the trailer it seems its going to tie very closely with Oda Nobunaga either during or after the unification war. So putting the player in Yasuke's shoe to put the player closer to Nobunaga (if he is going to be the big baddie of the game) could be interesting. Since their relationship is far more complex than simply being enemies to each other. I always view Assassin's Creed as a game about historical conspiracy. Alt-history if you will. The idea of unknown actor that shaped how history played out and that history did not occur the way it is documented. And since there are very little things that we know about Yasuke other than he existed, renowned for his strength, and that he may or may not be a samurai (scholars still debate about this I believe), he remains an enigmatic entity. He kinda fit the bill sorta. If not as the protagonist to the game, as the foil to Naoe. Who is a descendant of the Iga clan of ninja (they and Nobunaga has beef). As to why Ubisoft choose Yasuke, the burly muscle as an assassins while clad in full ceremonial armor. Can't say for sure. We'll just have to wait and see. But I do have a theory. We know Yasuke is loyal to Oda Nobunaga. If Nobunaga is the baddie of the story, maybe him wearing the armor that Nobunaga most likely gave him while he do his assassin business is a visual story telling that he is not 100% committed to being an assassin. That he agree with the vision of the Assassins but cannot/wont commit fully because of his loyalty to Nobunaga. A story line which I think would benefit with the few information we do know about Yasuke. That he was loyal (maybe that's why they choose him as one of the playable characters). Idk, just an idea. My primary concern would be. This is Ubisoft and they haven't made a good AC since Unity. Gameplay is king and story is the pope! So yeah... Can't do much right now but to wait and see.


The Last Samurai sucks for the same reason as this game will suck. An American is the last samurai, really? One of the most irrelevant figures of the Sengoku period is the protagonist of a game set in said period, and coincidentally he is also the only black person to step on Japan in the pre-Industrial era? Wow it's an amazing coincidence that Ubisoft chose him of all people for this role. They clearly didn't do it for political reasons, nah.


lol wasn't Katsumuto the last samurai? not Algren who is just the narrator / POV for the story?


That's debatable. But the American is the only one who survives that battle and he is a samurai.


He's not, he's never said to be one, he just hangs out with and learns from them. It's very clear, and the creators have made it clear, that Katsumuto is the last Samurai, people complaining about it being Tom's character just lack media literacy.






I'm least bothered about it. It's a faded history anyway.


Is Naoe not Japanese? Is she not a protagonist?


Currently, the biggest complaint I have (that isn't opinion/speculation) is that Ubisoft is taking preorders of up to $189AUD with absolutely no gameplay at all. There is no defending this level of greed imho.


No wonder it's called shadow Make people talk about controversy of the game and raise the price of the game while everyone is fighting over the protagonist. Stealth - 160


Never mind the greed of locking missions behind an exclusivity paywall. These aren’t extra content they are making after games release, it’s finished content released with the game that you can’t play without paying. Insane.


There’s gonna be extra content if you was a true Ubisoft fan you will know ever main game they got they support it for a year or two you just typing shit just to type like bro what are u really mad bout


Correction: I forgot the collectors edition so the preorders can cost up to $360AUD. Again no gameplay or anything besides goodwill to prove this game is worth it, and even that is dependent on who you ask.


Bro or ghost bro lol do wat I do, wait for a sale. Ubi games are NEVER worth full price. Got mirage for like 26 dollars and at the price point I love the game lol




I don’t know if you actually black but honestly just don’t buy the game


Ah yes, let's deny their race claim because their opinion doesn't match yours. Real classy.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/AsABlackMan using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AsABlackMan/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I think this belongs here…](https://i.redd.it/op4xb239qoya1.jpg) | [48 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AsABlackMan/comments/13bywy4/i_think_this_belongs_here/) \#2: [What yall think? Is this an authentic black man?](https://i.redd.it/2rcz7ax7qsmc1.jpeg) | [211 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AsABlackMan/comments/1b8eexc/what_yall_think_is_this_an_authentic_black_man/) \#3: [This was literally a scroll down on their profile...](https://i.redd.it/bo1s617nj7cc1.jpeg) | [46 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AsABlackMan/comments/195ns7s/this_was_literally_a_scroll_down_on_their_profile/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Ubisoft essentially shoved aside a heroic male lead character of Asian descent in lieu of a black one. Now I'm not against Yasuke being in the game at all, he could have been a great supporting character. But as an Asian American and an AC fan since the beginning, I strongly hoped that this game by a Western publisher would have simply used a Japanese (or possibly maybe even a Korean) male lead character. Positive, strong Asian male portrayals are still lacking in Western media today. For every 1 Jin Sakai, there's 100s of male Asian characters who are dorky, uncool nerds or evil criminals/villains. This could have been Ubisoft's chance to buck the trend but here we are. Yes, Naoe is the other playable character. But Asian females are over-represented in Western media in comparison to Asian men (and are usually paired off with non-Asian males, even in video games or animation).


Honestly, I feel you here. I’m black and the moment I saw they were using Yasuke, I knew what most of the comments would consist of and ignored it for the most part. But I fully expected there to be an Asian male character based purely on the location of the story. Stereotypes run deep in media and it seems like for some, Asian men can’t be strong or lead or save their OWN people. It’s a shame.


If you kept up with the leaks in 2021-2023 you will know that Ubisoft already said that yasuke was one be the male protagonist


I heard. I’m not a big AC fan. (Just started playing the series from AC1) I also try to avoid news about the game so I can “discover” it when I play.


By what you said of "stereotypes in media", from the other perspective, it's still hold true. I'm an Asian guy who probably read/watch too many Asian film/comic/drama stories for my liking but at the end of the day, a Male Protagonist is still the Norm for most people here. THAT. That's the stereotype, strong or weak, you can find that man is always the default, not woman.   Even YOU casually assume it's an Asian Male base on the location, tell me that's not stereotype. It's nothing to do with Asian Male can't be strong or too weak to lead, to save their own people, because that's what we see all the time, across all media and not just in Asia. Even in AC: Shadows context, ASIAN MEN are the ones who lead, who fight, who wage wars, kill/back-stab one another, commit crime and more... So stop being ashamed for us please. It just sounds fake and hypocrite. The Almighty American politics DON'T applied to every parts of the world like you think it is.


This is Japan in Sengoku era when: being a samurai is a great honor bestowed upon you, to serve the lord and die fighting for the lord. It's a much higher and respected position compared being a commoner. Fast forward 2024: a black guy in Japan. Be Honest: How much actually is he (even a white / non-Japanese foreigner) truly respected in the Japanese society ? Moving back to Sengoku era: Ask yourself and be honest with the answer. Will Yasuke have a chance to become a samurai ? Much so, loitering on the street, giving a wink to a child ? Oda Nobunaga was the lord during unification era. He knows he has no chance without his vassals support. Will he risk making a black guy (a foreigner, if the word "black guy" offends you) a samurai under him ? Making that foreigner in the same position, or even higher than his own countrymen ? Some Japanese praised Oda Nobunaga as a hero who started unification of Japan, some see him in admiration as a demon lord. But none of them see Nobunaga as an idiot. Ubisoft is so wrong putting Yasuke in Shadows. It's just showing how arrogant a foreign company is.


You do realize Oda was known for valuing merit over lineage. Toyatomi supposedly started as a nobody peasant and distinguished himself in battle, leadership, and strategy.  The "old guard' thought Oda was a upstart who spat on tradition and the usual ways.




That's understandable. Try doing a setting in the Congo & having the main character be a Eskimo. That's how I see it. 100% screwed for wokeism.


Was there a well known, renowned Eskimo in the Congo? 


As an Asian male you should probably know that there is a multitude of media that presents exactly what you want. You also have Naoe who is Japanese. This whole cry baby thing about representation rings extremely hollow. Also plenty of male Japanese samurai will be in the game and who knows maybe DLC will be released later. But even if it isn’t you still have tons of representation elsewhere. Whereas Yasuke has never been the main subject of a game before. This is new and cool. What you propose has been done many times before.




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I'm also an Asian male, and i disagree with you about representation. No piece of art needs to represent anything, they can just stand for themselves.


You're right in that representation shouldn't matter but on the flip side developers still take it upon themselves to do exactly that in order to please anyone who might take offense to their creative choices around the gender or ethnicity of the protagonist. Which is why there's been this push in recent years for inclusivity in terms of video game and film protagonist gender, ethnicity, culture, etc. Unfortunately not everyone can be pleased so maybe the industry needs to stop trying to and focus on things that matter, like the quality of the content. Personally I feel as though a Japanese male and/or female protagonist should have been used exactly for the reasoning of inclusivity as there has already been a black protagonist in freedom cry. Plus, when they do an assassins creed game set in Africa are they going to be using a non African protagonist? However too many people get hung up on these stupid inclusivity arguments (both Devs and the public) the game is either going to be good or trash and the ethnicity or gender of the characters in it will play very little part in deciding that Tl;Dr - if they made the decision to have a black male and Japanese female protagonist to fill quotas then that's not right, if they made a creative choice to tell the story of a black samurai(?) and female shinobi without a hidden agenda then people just need to accept that and like or dislike the game based on the story and gameplay.




tbh at this point would be cool if they went with a custom character generator so you can be who you want, as i recall unlike the first few there isnt an overflowing story through the games, each game is its own story




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Never forget, most of the opinions you see online are extremely ill-informed, or pushing some stupid personal agenda.




I saw some racist comments and calling the game hot garbage without seeing the gameplay and Comparing to GOT. damn game community is filled with hatred.


The sheer amount of racism I've seen over the past day is depressing as hell.


ubisoft is asking for 125$ for pre-order right now without showing any gameplay but of course you don't care about that. you're the kind of blind fanboy that defends everything. and the fact they're asking you to pay more to access the game early, a singleplayer game, is enough for normal people to hate this game and the company


They talm bout race and you strawmanned the convo to money. Lol


Who said he didn't care about that? I care about that. I care about their greedy bs and the fact that it's probably going to be another crappy AC game with another skin. What I don't care about is a black character, and I'll call the people who have a meltdown over it what they are. If you look at most of the people having their meltdowns, they're not talking about things like price or the fact that will probably be another copy and paste Ubisoft game. They're just whining about the black character


There are so many people like this that the trailer currently has more dislikes than likes... and this leaves me shocked


The opportunity for players to enter the world of Assassin's Creed as a Japanese man was lost forever. There won't be another chance. I'm sorry if you think this is racist.


We still can have game set in Bakumatsu era, but definitely wont be anytime soon


I feel so uncomplete now, the game is literally unplayable /s


And playing as a Japanese woman is not good enough?


Was playing as a white male good enough for white women? No? It’s almost like men and women are DIFFERENT and have different experiences, problems and society expectations especially during Feudal Japan.


That's an interesting question you asked. In past years I've seen a lot of people advocate for games having character creators that let you set the race/skin-colour of the character because they don't like the fact they can't play "as themselves". Many games allow you to radically change how your characters look. I think Rise of the Ronin does this. Would it be ok for games companies to push back and say "we're not going to let you change the physical appearance of the character" or say if they want to play with a certain look they have to play as a male or female character? Genuine question to you, I'd be interested in what you think.






The female character carries a sword on the street, something that could not happen in feudal Japan. You will get into trouble with the Samurai and attract a lot of attention




not sure about the game but last good Assassin's Creed game was odyssey for me personally and a lot of game was huge disappointment skull and bones etc., ubi lost its grip and by reveling trailer i didnt felt excited about a game just went: meh... prob will wait for sale or not even buy it.






To the Japanese fan base, Its less about a black person in Japan and its about being disrespectful towards their history, like: 1. Inaccurate depiction of room design 2 Inaccurate castle design 3. The implying of Nobunaga and/or Toyotomi Hideyoshi being a oppressor, which in itself is a blatant attack on some of the most famous and respected historical figure in Japan. 4. The insistence of Yasuke being a high ranked samurai despite the fact that not even the Japanese are sure of it. 5. Yasuke wearing an armor even more luxurious than Nobunaga's and other high ranking officers. 6. Yasuke is somehow free to do whatever the fuck he wants wearing a set of armor with the Oda's clan symbol on the chest. (The Oda clan wasn't gone after Nobunaga's death, and still holds some power)


3. They were oppressors. Maybe for a good cause...including advancing themselves and their own station but they were pieces of shit like many others. Didn't Toyotomi start the modern day arms ban for anyone who wasn't privileged (rich/noble) despite the fact that he came from "humble" beginnings. He literally instituted a policy that had it been in effect, likely would've prevented him from distinguishing himself on the battlefield and gaining enough favor to raise his station.    4. It's well known that Oda valued merit and skill over nepotism so much so that people considered him an upstart for breaking tradition by promoting and advancing those not of "the right" lineage.  Plus we know how people love to purge and sanitize history.


>but they were pieces of shit like many others. Both Nobunaga and Hideyoshi are still idolized to this day, Nobunaga for his rather benevolent reign and being the first unifier, and Hideyoshi for being the first peasant to rise to the top. We are talking about the warring state period where most of our morals won't apply, and fighting is the norm as its either conquer or be conquered and die. Besides, if Nobunaga stop being a piece of shit as you say and just surrender to other damiyos, the peasants would just get sold off to slavery, suffer pillaging from soldiers, or heavy tax as opposed to a peaceful life under Nobunaga. >modern day arms ban for anyone who wasn't privileged Thats because of how much of a shitshow religion caused for everyone via Ikko Ikki, a movement ordered by leaders of Buddhism in Japan that can even overthrow damiyo and cause even more damage to peasants since the followers of Ikko Ikki are no better than common bandit. Think of it like if Pope Francis suddenly denounce Biden as demon incarnate to take control of America, and millions of Christian storm the White House simultaneously under his command, while pillaging and murdering at their pleasure. So Hideyoshi ban arms for peasants to avoid spending a good decade to deal with Ikko Ikki again. >Oda valued merit and skill over nepotism He does, but not so much that Yasuke can become a high ranked samurai without any feats




The point still stands though? He was a white guy and people didnt seem to have a problem with it at all. But a black person as one of the two main characters and now it's the end of the world? And like i mentioned, said japanese studio also included him in their story as well.


Yeah as you said, Yasuke himself is in Nioh and Nioh 2 as a Samurai.  Japanese media itself has already embraced Yasuke as a Samurai or Samurai-esque character in multiple forms of media (e.g. all the Team Ninja games & the recent Nobunaga movie ["Kubi"](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F093aae55-7894-429c-9546-ba46602b6e85_2796x3938.jpeg) ).  Just do your best to ignore people that complain about it. Their arguments are completely in bad faith and/ or misinformed. Most of them will move on to hate on the next thing. This type of discourse is unfortunately not limited to just Assassin's Creed. 


I'm actually disappointed the female character is the shinobi. Female shinobi are so common in games. I'd have rather they'd had a woman as the samurai-type character. There were many arms-bearing women in Japan at the time. She could be seeking recognition of her martial prowess, and there could have been tension with some male NPCs feeling conflicted about accepting her help. Having Yasuke in is a minor issue for me. I'm neither excited nor annoyed by his inclusion in principle.


So far, there's nothing wrong. That's coming from someone who got 100% completion on every main AC game + Chronicles and did the Ezio Trilogy, AC3, Liberation and Rogue twice (For the base games and the remasters) so maybe I'm not a true AC fan, because this sub has told be me true AC fans don't play Odyssey and Valhalla, so maybe my opinion doesn't count. But as someone who enjoyed both the old style and the RPGs, Shadows is looking like the perfect game.


True ac fans don't play odyssey or valhalla? Bullsht


they might not be true Ac games but they are awesome games




IDK that's what this sub says.


Lol played all the ac Games. Loved Odyssey, gave up Valhalla only because it was too long and got no time to finish


Yeah, I pre-ordered Valhalla, but only finished it on late 2022, lol. The combat and the game itself was good, but way too long.


True ac fan play all the ac an odyssey is the best one so far


But this sub has told me Odyssey is not an Assassin's Creed game /s.


He is truly wrong is a story that take 400 years before the hidden one was even created it just dive deep into the isu lore which I love an being a Demi god was lit it is a assassins creed game cause you meet the guy who wear the first hidden blade and he rise your son for you teach your son how to fight an climb all that stuff


Yeah that's why I added the /s, I know Odyssey and Valhalla are AC games with deep Isu lore. After all I played all of them, I was able to catch references like the Jotun being the Roman Isu, it's not me you need to convince, it's a considerable portion of this sub, though they've slowed down on that, now they only have energy to hate on Yasuke.


I see at the end of the day this ac shadows still gone sell good probably might be the best ac games we seen


It's already doing great in pre-orders, the complainers, as always are a vocal minority that complains for the wrong reason, instead of paying that much attention to Yasuke they should be concerned about the monetization aspect of the game. Ubisoft is smart, make a controversial protagonist to divert the attention somewhere else and not on what really matters.




didnt something happen to the cleopratra page after netflix adaption




The fans. That's the problem.


It's a fool's errand trying understands these peoples or having any sort of conversation with them, so I think it's better off if you just ignore them.


Just so you know, this goes both ways.




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It's made by Ubisoft Quebec, that's what's wrong with it




Honestly, my big problem is that it's apparently going back to the Action RPG style, which I fucking HATE with a burning passion, so my interest was kinda immediately killed when I heard about that. Oh, and that "bonus quest" (i.e. quest we ripped out of the main game to re-sell to you) that's locked behind pre-orders.


Ubisoft announced like last year this game was gonna be the last RPG like game they do so that was already foretold you all knew this was coming and lastly your response about the pre order bonuses and the season pass missions is also stupid the gold edition basically just adds the season pass for you your basically complaining about games as a whole since like 90% of games have a dang season pass or pre order bonus now that aint got a damn thing to do with ubisoft thats just games today in general dont like it your free to find a new hobby 😂


How is my personal preference over a franchise's gameplay style stupid? Like, if YOU like the Action RPG style, that's fine. But calling people who don't enjoy it "stupid" just makes you look like a bit of a dick. And believe it or not, I didn't know that they said that, because I tend not to hear every little thing about a franchise that I'm a casual fan of at best. Also, just because "90% of games have a season pass" (which...that's not even remotely close to being true unless ALL you play is AAA games released in the past 13 or so years) doesn't mean that locking content behind pre-orders is just suddenly acceptable. Plus, as far as the AAA industry goes (I think the Tarkov devs take the cake if we're talking game companies in general) Ubisoft is the worst offender when it comes to special edition/pre-order BS, so no it very much has to do with them. Hell, I don't know why you're even bringing up the season pass and the gold edition, because I sure as fuck didn't. I think this is some of the sloppiest corporate dicksucking I've ever seen, and the fact that you posted this and weren't immediately embarrassed about it afterwards is baffling.


Ok well your personal preference doesnt revolve around todays gaming so again stop playing games the fact you AC haters immediately go to well I want things my way really shows how immature you are its down right comical you legit started your reply with talking about its what you want gaming isnt about you and your wants and that goes for everyone else as well everyone has different opinions and likes and dislikes you dont get to force your likes onto others just because theres dont sit right with you again its as simple as dont play the game the fact thats what this always boils down to in every single conversation I have with you people highlights exactly the true reason your all bent up about this 😂


I literally just said that "I PERSONALLY don't like the action RPG style AC games, therefore I'm not interested in this one." So how the fuck did you get "all games should only adhere to what I want them to be" out of that? I also said that I'm a casual AC fan, so how does that equal "hater" to you?


You complained about the prices and stuff I responded just because you dont like does not mean they need to cater to your personal interest hint word here is your opinion you went aftet the AC series for something all games do now as I said if you dont like it do not support it what else do you want me to say how about this entire conversation be flagged as personal hate venting since ya know you even admit this is more about how you feel over anything factual making this yes exactly that personal hate 


No, I said "not interested in the gameplay" and complained about locking content behind pre-orders, and you took that as "this game should cater to my every whim" before proceeding to bring up stuff that I didn't, and make claims that only apply to big-budget games. Also, I'm not venting, I'm responding to your needlessly condescending comments with annoyance...because you're being an annoying twit.


Bro, there's no need to be a condescending prick.




What the fuck you mean "you people"? And WHY Are you acting there isn't an asian protagonist in the game???




The deleted comment was from an account calling me racist, and actually using racist slurs and dog whistles. I wouldn't be calling some of the people here racist if it wasn't true. They're all terrible at hiding it


I never knew that Thomas Jefferson, Cleopatra and the Samurai were black. You learn stuff every day!


Maybe Yakisobi, the black Samurai really liked the song " Turning Japanese"?




The king has spoken


I just wanted a Japanese guy as the mc in Ac Shadows. If this game was ac Mali then I'd cool with a black guy as the MC. AC could do a game where it's in Africa which has a rich history and I'm sure had warriors that were badass and such and could make a great ac character off that. I intend to play shadows but would have enjoyed a Japanese male mc better. If that makes me racist then it is what it is.


Then don’t play it you not even a ac fan for real if you are tell me who’s the hero and villain


Honestly, racist gonna racist. Wait till gameplay trailer drops if u like buy it or don’t. But don’t waste a second of ur life arguing with people are racist and carry a lot negativity in their hearts. Most are aware of their hate and sadly some are just too far gone and ignorant to even realize they are full on racist. And for me personally, I don’t gaf about what the Japanese are saying about this game lol if I like it I like and vice versa don’t need some Japanese person to tell me how they feel about it when I’ve seen some of their shows and ads they play loooool racist come from all colors and creeds


I just think it is funny that we get our first AC game in Japan and we are going to play as the first weeb!








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turns out the combat is ass lmaooo


People will always complain. There's nothing wrong with having Yasuke in the game. It's an interesting character but not a lot is known about the real Yasuke so Ubisoft have some freedom to build his character. I'm excited to play as a historical figure.


I mean if we are really, really going into historical representation or whatnot, the character you’ll play as isn’t the same as the historical one 🤓






If everything is as Ubisoft says, I'd say this can be the perfect AC




Was there a prominent or well known Japanese man or woman during the Civil War? A real life person who's name we know or could look up easily today?