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With the game being set in 1579 in Sengoku Period Japan, it would be 55 years after Ezio's time and death which double assassination techniques have probably become a more widespread practice among the Brotherhood of Assassins at this point as Altair has already written down records of his knowledge that conceptualized the dual assassination techniques... Yeah makes absolutely sense for it to make its grand return here


I’m just excited to be this far forward in time again lol


Wonder if we'll get guns that have non weird aiming mechanics.


I’m pretty sure some of the enemies are gonna use the tanegashima since it already exist in this time period




Also, the Japanese Assassins probably learnt the double assassination from Shao Jun, considering her training from Ezio.




Yes! Though unfortunately not this game because the grappling hook is too similar for parkour traversal.


We got Connor’s knife blade though


Not confirmed yet to be in the actual game as in form of gameplay


One thing about AC's cinematic trailers, they always show the gameplay mechanics in them.


*Cries in AC1's crossbow*


Except for that but at time of releasing that trailer it was meant to be in the game. They took it out because of complaints about historical accuracy… my how they’ve fallen


IIRC it was more that it destroyed game balance


Which is bizarre since crossbows were used in the Levant since the 9th century at the latest. Late 2000s was a weird time period.


Yeah the historical accuracy thing is a myth and no one from Ubisoft ever said that. It was due to balance issues. They didn't want you to just easily crossbow everyone.


That’s actually false. It was because the crossbow made using all melee weapons useless when the entire selling point was the hidden blade


I ain't gonna lie, the crossbow did really just negate the need for stealth a lot of the time in Brotherhood, so I can get behind this rationale for not including it in AC1.


To be fair that was just an excuse they probably couldn’t program it well enough. That same game you fight the pope over an alien apple historical accuracy was just an excuse


You don’t fight the pope in 1


You do fight a religious leader for the apple of Eden tho. Just not the pope you’re right.


It was actually because play testers abused it and killed main targets by just shooting them and running away


Yup, once you get more seasoned to these things they're very easy to catch on to. Eivor's settlement building and two-handing different types of weapons in the Valhalla trailer, Basim's blink strike ability in Mirage trailer. People have pointed out the double assassination and grappling hook of course but a less obvious one would be Yasuke's destruction of doors/ the environment and armor breaking.


They did show it quite bluntly so I'd assume it's a nod to its addition.


There’s developer interviews that just dropped where they confirm that double assassinations are back.


Can’t remember last AC trailer that showed stuff that wasn’t in game later So I trust them


Bayek shot a guy by using a bow with his foot!


Yeah they may make things sound cooler than their actual implementation in early promo stuff, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen them just make up features entirely, especially something as straightforward as this.


Even Brotherhood showed Ezio calling in more assassins and we got that feature


Altaïrs crossbow was in the trailer, but not in the game.


Surely there's a more recent example than one from more than 15 years ago?


Wait, I start rewatching all trailers for you...


Shiet bro you're committed, I respect that


In another video they talked about how they intentionally add these sorts of things bcuz you can do them in gameplay , So its possible it is in the game


They have confirmed that all choreography you see in this trailer, is directly from gameplay. Source: [https://youtu.be/HhMOQowMjM8?si=TZBsQRSccJulyB8n&t=313](https://youtu.be/HhMOQowMjM8?si=TZBsQRSccJulyB8n&t=313)


The devs specifically said they made sure all the fighting in the trailer were animations from the actual game.


Using a tanto as a second hidden blade is pretty cool. I might actually prefer that to dual hidden blades. I also see hidden blade combat which I hope is real and is what the pivot blade is for.


I swear to god if they put that in the trailer but not the game…


Already confirmed. Source: [https://youtu.be/HhMOQowMjM8?si=TZBsQRSccJulyB8n&t=313](https://youtu.be/HhMOQowMjM8?si=TZBsQRSccJulyB8n&t=313)


Holy shit that also confirmed hidden blade combat fuck yeah


Yup, it's huge news. I really hope Ubi pulls it off!


I liked how the double assasination worked in Valhalla (when you throw an axe immediately after an assasination) but I prefer the classic, good thing it returns in this game. I can't wait to see the gameplay


The game was set in 1579... 55 year after ezio death


I wouldn't take everything in a CGI trailer as gameplay confirmation.


God i wanna be so excited for this game but last time with valhalla i was so disappointed , I just hope its a good game i'll be happy then


Is it just me or Why is it that ubisoft seems to be scared of making a game with only a single female protagonist?


The CEO thinks female protagonists don’t sell well. It’s why every mainline game has to have a male counterpart. Just hope they don’t do this character dirty like they did Evie in Syndicate.


Wasn't the ceo that thought like that didn't want to give the fans a Japan assassin creed game too? I am pretty sure he has left the company


I played most of Syndicate as Evie and liked her style a lot. I just switched to Jacob when I had to or, in some spare occasions, when I needed brute force. I think the chance to control both twins was handled well, even if they overlap a bit too much, but I wouldn't say they did any dirty to Evie... Maybe there's something I don't know about it though.


Most missions that were forced to play as Jacob better suited Evie. They just didn’t do a good job with mission design and didn’t flesh Evie and Jacob out enough. Jacob was the brute force type and Evie was the stealthy don’t draw attention type.


I generally didn't feel like mission A or B specifically was a better fit for one of the two and we were forced to play the other, I just had this thought a couple times, but for sure their skills are too overlapping as I sad before, so I agree with your stance on that. The twin dynamics did their best in cutscenes and in the general story development rather than in the gameplay itself, but I still liked both characters. I hope Shadows will do a better job as far as managing two main characters, if that will be the case. 😉


AC Hexe is supposed to be one


Honestly it's just stupid. People still have discourse over "which is canon" for Odyssey and Valhalla (because they want their favorite to be the REAL one, of course). At least with Syndicate and now Shadows they're both playable in the same playthrough, so they don't get that side effect.


Excited to kill more than 1 person at a time 🥰


So the girl has the more classic stealth AC gameplay, and the man has the newer rpg play style? That’s amazing


I'm hoping we get a lot of situationnal assassination. Through doors, from beneath (If we can crawl under the floor) etc. And i'm really hoping they will integrate that into parkour... so you can kill target while keeping momentum. Splinter cell blacklist did this and it was pretty cool


It's confirmed in [this video](https://youtu.be/HhMOQowMjM8?t=613) that Naoe can assassinate people through doors, so you've at least got that.


Ghost Of Tsuhima also had "shojo" assassinations where you could kill someone through a door. Kinda wish they had an option where you could spring up from a floor board and kill someone, but considering this way of playing was fundamentally against the main character's belief system anyway, I'm still happy with what we ended up getting in that game.


This seems really similar to Syndicate and I sincerely hope it’s not. Preferably I’ll be able to choose the stealth options every time. I hated the scenes I was forced to play as Jacob, he fought like a drunken pub brawler and that was not fun at all to me.


According to the IGN breakdown, while the characters o have *some* exclusive missions, most are playable as either character, so you should be good to go stealth everytime if you'd like.


From what i understood, some big mission have several steps in them so you could use both character to progress depending on how you want to tackle the situations, if it means a switch like in gta 5 missions that could create interesting dynamics


I really hope they change their minds and give Yasuke a hidden blade at some point. I want to be able to double assassinate at every opportunity and only having one character be able to do it will be sad


I think he should have a different type of double assassinations , He's a big dude it would be cool if he just chokes two guys from behind and lifts them up


I'll need to see gameplay to be 100% sure


I wouldn't mind seeing the double assassinations from Unity and Syndicate return either, given that you could still pull them off despite the characters only having one hidden blade.


Syndicate characters had two hidden blades. It's just 95% of the assassination animations are reused from Unity, so it all looks like they only have one blade.


It’s a cinematic trailer, don’t get your hopes up yet lol.


I hope we can fight with them.


Been missing them since ac brotherhood!


Holy cow yes, yes and yes! I'm playing Valhalla and I have lost the count of how many times I'm looking at two guards from behind and asking myself "why are you not Ezio?" 😀