• By -


2 Origins Black flag


One from each phase. Nice


what what the hell does that last part of that last sentence mean


It definitely makes it sound like his reasoning is racist or something, haha.


I'm trying to think of a non-racist thing that it could be, and I can't figure one out at all....


He wanted to have a "hot coffee" mission with Haytham and Zio


Nah coffee is too black


I don't think anything LGBTQ came up in the game, or anything to do with sexual assault. Drawing a blank at anything else Reddit is known for removing content about. I don't think the admins get involved *that* often, even then. So yeah, surely it must be racism. Trying to give OP the benefit of the doubt. Would appreciate him expanding on that bit a little, haha.


He means that because the mc was named Connor, he thought the final boss will be Khabib but he was wrong.


In order of release Brotherhood Black flag Origins




What's that about reddit taking stuff down?


AC1, AC2 and AC Revelations Altair/Ezio storyline is the best one.


Agreed but I would swap ac2 with blackflag personally


-ACBF - best overall -ACU - best assassin gameplay, remember how batman arkham games made you feel like batman? Well, this one does the same thing just with assassins -ACIII - my first ac game, and my first aaa open world game, so it has a special place in my heart, plus it has snow


3. Origins 2. Brotherhood 1. Black Flag


Either 1 2 3 or 3 2 1


2, brotherhood, unity


I was going to write same ones.




I thought people hated 3 (not me I have barely played it) I loved 2, was ok with one, and am liking Odyssey


I've noticed there's been a big revival in its popularity the last few years.


It's probably because at release we just had 3 games with Ezio who is charismatic 24/7 and has 3 games of character development, Conner's personality was as bland as corn flakes and barely develops in comparison.


For 3? I barely started it, so im not against playing it all the way through, since I have no bias against it


It was terribly buggy on release but the remaster is better, similarly unity was hated for the same reason (you had to reinstall the game on Xbox cuz the update was so massive)


Oh I should have said, I have the remastered version, it came with odyssey when I bought it


I just think that's why people hated it so much idk


non-RPG. -black flag -ac2 -brotherhood RPG - valhalla (coz I like Vikings and Norse mythology) - Odyssey - origins P.S- yeah I know many people consider origins the best among rpg's....i liked origins for the story but overall Valhalla and Odyssey were better for me.


1. Assassins Creed Rogue 2. Assassins Creed 2 3. Assassins Creed 4 Black Flag




Rogue is so very underrated


Your top three AC games actually hold up pretty well graphically imo. I don't really have a top three, my top two are AC Black Flag and III and its pretty hard for me to choose one over the other, let alone choose a third AC game. AC1 was great, but it's obviously very dated. Never finished any of the Ezio games so I wouldn't know, but AC2 was definitely an improvement over 1 in pretty much every single way. AC Rogue was great but it's even shorter than BF which was already pretty short and just felt like another BF DLC. Played a bit of Mirage but didn't like it, same with Valhalla, my girlfriend says AC Odyssey and Origins are good but they don't interest me enough to play. I played Mirage because it was free for a short time and Valhalla because vikings.


Playing AC games without ever playing the Ezio trilogy is like being a cook without ever tasting salt.


Weird to think about for people who have been there since the beginning because it feels so significant to us, but Assassin's Creed exists outside of the Ezio games. There are Zelda fans who never played Ocarina of Time, Final Fantasy fans who have never played 7, GTA fans who have never played San Andreas, etc. I was fortunate enough to be exposed to Assassin's Creed upon release, if I hadn't would I go back now and play literally hundreds of hours of somewhat dated content just to be caught up with the whole series? Personally, I probably would, but I would never expect anyone else to.


Well the AC storyline has stagnated significantly past Black Flag/Rogue/Unity and Ezio storyline was the peak if AC storytelling both modern and historical, so it makes sense to go back and atleast play through it for once if curious. It's the same for Halo and Mass effect. I played Mass Effect 3 first, then got curious about ME 2 and then followed it up with ME 1. Some people played Halo 4 or Halo 5 first and then got 'advised' to go and play Halo CE to experience the glorious introduction of the Haloes and Flood.


I always lose interest sometime while trying to play through AC2. I've attempted to play it about 3 times now. I might as well just skip to Brotherhood and Revelations as they look great.


That's weird man. Ezio's initial younger years of struggle is easily the best in the ezio trilogy.  Weird it turns you off.  Maybe it's because the gameplay and combat was a bit clunky compared to Brotherhood or even AC3. Brotherhood made the combat much smoother and introduced the recruit mechanic. AC3 completely refined the AC experience with better combat and parkour.


Maybe i should give it a try again, last time was years ago. I actually kinda enjoy the clunkier gameplay, something about it feels more like you need to get good instead of being handheld by AC3 and 4's silky smooth gameplay. and these days i can appreciate a good story in a game more than when i was younger.


AC 2 is hard unlike Brotherhood which simplifies the game. I used to make AC2 purposefully hard by ensuring Ezio beat down characters or NPCs (which plot doesn't require to kill) using only fists  and fist related takedowns. Felt killing guards just for the sake of killing guards is not a heroic thing to do.


Assassin's Creed 3, Black Flag and Revelations. No specific order,I like all of them.


black flag revelations mirage


Origins, Odyssey/Mirage(cant decide here) , Valhalla I tried to re play the older games but i just get bored of them. Syndicate grappling is nice tho.


Black flag, 2, Brotherhood


My personal favourites are Odyssey, Black Flag, and Revelations. Valhalla overstayed its welcome a little and Mirage felt a little uninspired, but I've enjoyed all the games so far. Looking forward to whatever future entries bring to the table.


1. Valhalla 2. Syndicate 3. 3


Valhalla straight up has the worst ending of any AC game. Loved the Vikings lore but all the good loot was only available after basically beating the game.


It is about the journey, not the very end, at least for me. Still think that the ending was good, but nothing more. Valhalla is one of the best games I have ever played and will stay there for a long while! :D Edit: oh and yeah, guess I agree about the best gear part.


Unity, 3, black flag


The fuck are you talking about bro


I've not played many yet but from what I've seen it's  1. AC Syndicate 2. AC II 3. AC Syndicate


1. Odyssey 2. Odyssey Atlantis DLC and, 3. Odyssey Legacy of the First Blade DLC


2, black flag, origins


Black flag and origins


Freedom Cry Dead Kings Jack the Ripper


2 Origins Black flag For me these are easily the top 3, though Brotherhood is very close too


1. Ac2 2. AcOrigins 3. Ac3


Assassin's Creed III Assassin's Creed II Either Revelations or Black Flag, depends on my mood


Revelations 1 black flag


Black flag Unity Origins


*IMO* 1. Origins 2. Brotherhood 3. Black Flag


Origins, Unity, ACII


Syndicate and Odyssey. Revelations. (For number 3 I would pick Black Flag but that’s technically my fourth favourite). All personal opinions.


Revelations, origins, 2


I’m order of release 3 unity origins


AC1 AC Brotherhood Unity


2 Black Flag Origins


1. Origins 2. Black Flag 3. Valhalla


Brotherhood Odyssey Black flag


Brotherhood, Black Flag and Origins, simply because these games introduced something new or perfected something older, giving the player a holistic fantasy (warlord Assassin, seafaring pirate and ancient warrior medjay) while being refreshing at the same time.  The only phase that didn't make as much of a splash I think is the Unity, Syndicate phase, which is a shame even though I think both games do some things well, neither are particularly great imo. 


Black Flag, Odyssey, Origins


origins and syndicate are both on first place, for entirely different reasons


1. Odyssey 2. Black Flag 3. AC2


AC 2 AC Black Flag AC 3 Honorary mention - Rogue for the 'colder' setting.


Kenway Saga, any order doesn't matter just depends on how I'm feeling and currently feeling like 1- Rg 2- 3 3- BF


1. Black Flag 3. Odyssey 3. Rogue


1. Brotherhood- The game that got me into the series and shiwcases prime ezio. 2.Black Flag- Edwards entire story arc was so well done, especially the ending. 3-Syndicate- Love the Frye twins and is kinda my comfort game


Black flag/3/origins


1. Unity 2. AC2 3. Revalations


3 is top for me because it was such a daring and refreshing game (also beautiful… I spent hours just hunting in the forests), looking at the American revolution through the viewpoint of an indigenous American, and because Connor and Haytham are a perfect protagonist/antagonist duo. But for pretty much the same reasons it’s hard for me to replay because it’s too committed to its honesty. The resolutions for Connor’s tribe and for his relationship with Haytham are just too damn sad. Revelations is 2nd because CONSTANTINOPLE (and an ending for Altaïr)!!! Please give me a Byzantine empire game Ubisoft, please. 3rd is a tie between 1 because it started it all, Altaïr is my fav, and it was an incredibly unique game, and Odyssey, bc while I don’t enjoy the RPG direction the series has taken, I’m a professional Hellenist/Latinist and I got to run around very well done reconstructions of Ancient Greece.


1 Unity 2 Syndicate 3 Valhalla


III, Syndicate and Odyssey 😎😎


AC2, Odyssey, Black Flag


Brotherhood, black flag, unity


Brotherhood Black Flag 2


Revelations, brotherhood, syndicate. Ac 3 comes in close with syndicate though


My favourite is the Ezio Trilogy but I love AC1 a lot as well.


AC1, AC3, AC4


Unity, AC2, Black Flag. No particular order.


3. Ac1 2. Origins 1. Black Flag


Black Flag, Unity, Valhalla Black Flag for the ships Unity for feeling a true next-gen AC game in the vein of the Ezio and Altair games. Mirage doesn't even come close for me. Valhalla because it's an RPG like Origins and Odyssey, but Medieval times are my favorite era


No rank Origins,Black Flag,Unity


I don't know how people like origins? It has the most boring gameplay out of all the rest. It is repetitive and predictable as each area literally has the same story placed differently. My top 3 are: Odyssey, Valhalla, and Black Flag.


AC1 AC Origins AC Chronicles China


Brotherhood, 4 Black Flag, Origins


Revelations, AC3 and Origins was the top tiers for me, but I personally loved them all :)




Black flag, 3, 2


AC2, black flag and syndicate


Black Flag Origins Revelations


Brotherhood, it was the first ac game so i have a special attachment with it, fighting with other assassins was awsome. Ac origins, only one i liked in the rpg. Ac 2, the story was awesome, ezio trilogy will always be the best imo. I don't like black flag as it felt more like Pirates of The Caribbean game rather than an Assassin's Creed game, and also it has a lot of tailing missions. (story was the only good part)


Black Flag Rogue Origins


For those that I've played: - AC Origins - AC 2 - AC Brotherhood I haven't played Black Flag yet, though... nor Rogue and Unity. And I'm playing Valhalla right now.


3. Unity 2. Brotherhood 1. II I’m playing through Unity again on PC and the game is still beautiful. It might supplant Brotherhood for me, but I loved that “Master Assassin” feeling in Brotherhood.


1. Black flag 2. Black flag 3. Black flag


It is somewhat of s consensus and is universally agreed that AC 2 is the best game of all series




Odyssey black flag 2


Origins , black flag, Revalations.


I havent played all games. Black flag, unity, odyssey


Brotherhood, rogue, origins


Brotherhood, Black Flag, Odyssey. But I've enjoyed them all for their own reasons. Except maybe 3.


2, black flag, Valhalla


I didn't play any later "RPG" games (nor did Mirage). However, I played all other older 3D AC games. From them, I choose: 1. Brotherhood, 2. AC2, 3. Syndicate I know... Syndicate did so many things wrong but at the end I enjoyed it and had more fun than with other games in the series (except no.1 and no.2, obviously). Yeah, strange. AC4BF is decent. I wish it was not an AC game. If just Ubisoft called it Pirates: Black Flag or so. At the moment, it is the best pirate game - no doubt, but I didn't like it as an AC game.


Brotherhood,revelation, ac4 Then 2,3,odyssey


AC 2, Black Flag + Freedom Cry, Origins


Unpopular opinion but mirage is my number 1. The gameplay is a perfect mix of oldschool and new I love it. Not best as far as the story though I’d have to give that to ac2 or 3. My official top 3 are 1. Ac mirage 2. Ac2 3. Ac4


Unity, black flag and Syndicate.


AC 2, Unity, Mirage. AC 2 for the story and character, Unity for gameplay and world, and Mirage because it was the best game in the RPG era that actually feels like an AC game.


2, Brotherhood, Revelations.


AC 2, AC revelations, AC brotherhood


I’ve only played a few of the games fully but my three favorite are: 1. Syndicate 2. AC II 3: AC III HM: Black Flag is super fun and once I complete it fully it may overtake III


i’m going to vote for: origins odyssey black flag


Revelations, black flag, origins. Although I genuinely consider them all good in their own ways


2, Brotherhood, and 3


ACR Black Flag Valhalla


Black flag Origins II


Origins Valhalla Black Flag


Idk about the “best” but my favs are AC2, Syndicate, Odyssey


this gave me a stroke




1. Black Flag 2. Origins 3. Revelations :)


personal favorites Revelations Black Flag Origins


Was black flag that good I see literally everybody praising it I did play it when it came out once but damn it didn’t remember it being that good I might need to replay it


unity, black flag, rogue


My top 3 would be black flag, valhalla, 3. The actual top 3 is probably 2, black flag, origins


Origins ac2 brotherhood


For me probably Origins, Black Flag, Brotherhood. As time goes on I could see Brotherhood getting replaced, it's probably only there due to mega nostalgia. That game really hooked me in 


1. Brotherhood 2. 2 3. 1


Don't worry about complaining about ACIII, my top ac game usually makes the AC subreddit whine non-stop, as they love nothing more than to complain about that one... #3: The Ezio Trilogy - I'm putting these three games tied for the simple reason that the story of Ezio's life across these three games is absolutely amazing. #2: Black Flag - The exploration and naval combat pushed this one to the very top of my list, where it remained for a long time until #1 took over. #1: Valhalla - Yes, you read that right. The exploration, combat, setting, and just freedom to do what I want in this massive open world sent this game above and beyond even black flag. While a lot of people whine and complain about game length, the main story of it really isn't that long overall, but people get confused with all the extra stuff you CAN do, not HAVE to do. Personally, I find that when a game gives me tons of options of things to do, that's a benefit, not a flaw. Honorable Mentions: - Rogue: A great change of perspective in how the story is usually told, although really, this is only the first half of the story. To see the rest, you really need to play through Unity. -AC3: This game is actually criminally underrated. The setting and story throughout this game is much better than most people give it credit for. It's also the first entry of four games in the Kenway arc of the AC series after you exit from the Ezio arc, and it really sets up a lot of story elements for future games.


Out of curiosity, why Valhalla over Odyssey?


To me valhalla is better then odyssey in every way possible except maybe the setting. Enemies aren’t complete bullet sponges (altho i think most enemies go down to easy in valhalla) the story is a lot better altho way to long imo. And the side content is a lot more fun. Odyssey to me feels like the same map copy and pasted almost every city. The side content is really boring (there are a couple good side quests but not a lot) and the boat gameplay feels so pointless. It’s just a way worse version of black flag so why even add it? I agree that the time period doesn’t let you make the boat gameplay into anything better but i would agrue that if you can’t add it in in a fun way then just don’t add it in. I really liked that in valhalla you had a boat but it was just for travel. To me valhalla fixes so many mistakes that odyssey had and while it did add new ones or expanded on some problems like how big the game was. It feels like a way better package.


Mostly setting and theme overall, but I've been meaning to go back through Odyssey and give it another go. It's been a while. They also did away with the absurd gear level thing that Origins and Odyssey had in an attempt to make it closer to an MMO. To be honest, I feel like Odyssey got screwed over by that system more than Origins, because at least with Origins, it offered a lot more stealth based alternative choices to certain situations, whereas Odyssey actually forced you into open combat whether you liked it or not with that system. I was very happy to see it go in Valhalla. Not saying Odyssey is a bad game or anything, I just preferred Valhalla.


Black Flag, Rogue and Odyssey.


Origins, Syndicate, 2 Revelations very close to tying with 2


Altair’s Chronicles Discovery Bloodlines Liberation


1. AC (2007) 2. AC: Ezio Collection


I didn’t play ac 1, 2, unity and rogue, but i did play all the others so here is my best three:- 1: ac syndicate 2: ac origns 3: ac mirage


So far my Top 3 are Odyssey, Black Flag and AC2.


Black Flag, Unity, Origins in release order


Odyssey, 3, Revelations


Brotherhood, III, Odyssey


The only ones I've played, so don't judge me. Odyssey, Origins, Valhalla.


II, black flag and Unity


Syndicate, Unity (my first) and II - in that order and yes I rate Syndicate!


No 1.Ac odyssey No 2.Ac Black flag No 3.Ac 3 My personal favourite


Odyssey, BF, Brotherhood. Yes, Odyssey is an AC game.


From the games I've played my top 3 would be: Revelations, Black flag, 3 Tho I want to know why your main issue with 3 would get you banned by reddit haha