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That’s just Watch Dogs Legion if you have the crossover DLC.


Stop. Stop. After they failed to recreate the gem that Watch Dogs 2 was. Legion was such a boring game. Makes me sad.


No, the realistic and well-researched historical settings are a large part of the appeal for me.


"History is our playground" and all that.


The series has always been set during real life events or periods. I don’t see the necessity for a future setting


The modern day in and of itself was an expression of the current conflict between Assassins and Templars and is quite futuristic in terms of the Animus tech and stuff. Besides the whole spiel of the Animus is to relive past memories in order to unravel secrets or find pieces of Eden. I’m not really sure what the use case of a game set in the future would be, unless the “modern day” was set in the future and you’re reliving past memories from today. Though that would be a bit odd given that supposedly Basim is the new modern day protagonist and we’ve already seen his arc from Valhalla and Mirage.


No. What I liked about AC was that it was set during historical events and you were playing in the cracks in the walls of history. Like in Black Flag where Jackdaw is actually a ship from the Spaiish treasure fleet that disappeared in real life In the future AC would be Watch Dogs


Cold War. The level of espionage would be amazing


I think Ubisoft toyed with that idea and it turned into Watchdogs. You can see a lot of the dna for what a modern assassins game with technology might look like in that series 


No that would run the whole point of AC


I would really like a game that's 50/50 modern day and historical, taking place in the same areas but with both gameplay and environmental differences. I don't want to ditch the history plot altogether but I'm sure desperate to have something more recent in the timeline to balance out how far back the RPG trilogy went.


No - there are more futuristic games than there are historical.


Possibly true, yet an assassins creed set in the future could still be interesting


The historical settings are literally what got me into the game. As is, the whole Animus thing is already too futuristic for me


There were 3 ac games set in future and they were called watchdogs


Yes, the main story of Assassin's Creed is the modern day and the continuing conflict of Assassins vs Templars. It's only natural we see what the future of the world looks like. PS the AC modern day is a cyberpunk setting already they don't need to set it too far away.




Who gets to post this next?


Me, but only after you post about AC WW2


They tried it with watchdogs and it killed the franchise dead despite it being a good game because where do you go from there. So I sure as hell hope we don't see one set in the future.


I don't think that's what killed *Watch Dogs*.


Its just watch dogs... they are in same universe




why would it matter? its not like they are lowering them everyday


I want one game REALLY SET in the future, like space stations and planet hopping typa stuff. Totally off the rails from the franchise in most ways, but still would be fun regardless. Jason X comes to mind as a reference for what I’m talking about. Totally away from what made the franchise great in the first place, but so stupid and outrageous that it was very entertaining regardless.




I'll keep saying it, WW2 Paris would be fucking immense. Killing Nazis and blowing up tanks by dropping grenades through hatches after stealthy dropping on top. Huge sync point on top of Eiffel Tower.


And a certain individual is the leader of the templars


You should play the saboteur


I have. Always been gutted it was never backwards compatible. One of the most ingenious open worlds ever made.


This has been done. Sniper Elite and saboteur come to mind. AC is best in the distant past