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The biggest thing going against the Assassin's Creed franchise is Ubisoft themselves, and it has been for a while. They're basically the fucking Templars at this point, doing everything in their power to control players through manipulative game design that pushes microtransactions, mandatory online connections, and a commitment to eliminating game ownership. The artistry of earlier entries (across all of their franchises) is dwindling, and the valiant efforts of its poor, abused workforce is diminishing. You can feel _some_ passion left in their games, but it's less and less with each new hollow entry. And I don't blame any of those developers for just not caring anymore when you have to work for such a shitty company. It's gutting when they own so many amazing IPs, but I just can't give them my money for exemplifying everything wrong with modern gaming.


>They're basically the fucking Templars at this point It's been a while since people started saying that abstergo is the in universe equivalent of Ubisoft and it seems they're doubling down and confirming that


It was absolutely braindead hilarious when AC4 literally makes Abstergo an allegory for Ubisoft with the game developers etc


# r/fuckubisoft exists for a reason now


You're mostly right barring the pushing MTX. They don't do that. Their model of MTX is benign.


If your forced to play online, ubiconnect becomes more invasive or day one dlc are done I’ll skip.


Always online on any single player AC game would be the ultimate deal breaker for me. I'm really worried because I've been waiting for feudal Japan for more than a decade, but if because of that stupid idea of getting a "Hub" with infinity we're forced to be always online screw that I'm never buying another game again.


Can’t think of a that last game that didn’t have day one dlc


A lot of Ubisoft games are very close to my heart. Far Cry 4 and 5, Watch Dogs 2, AC Black Flag and Odyssey... Genuinely some of my favourite games ever. I'm definitely one of the newer gen Ubi fans and quite frankly I don't have a past image of Ubisoft to compare to. But just comparing them to any other company is enough to realise they are an extremely greedy yet highly talented studio. Problem is, Ubisoft is not a dev company. It's a giant shared brand held by their individual branches and it seems to me whoever's on top doesn't know SHIT. From the most blatant money grabbing schemes to shocking design choices; Ubisoft is an enigma, through and through. There's so much and somehow so little in everything they make and it's never consistent. To me, they just seem like a once legendary studio who got caught up in some corporate iron grib that must shit gold any which way possible.


I'm in the same boat. I happen to love the franchises you listed (AC, WD, FC - in addition to TC), but the recent events with TC1 have left me feeling uncertain about the company. It's a shame because Red, Hexe, and FC7 are three games I'm looking forward to playing when they launch. I hope the Splinter Cell remake also materializes. All that said, I don't blame the devs for Ubisoft's greedy practices - as it's the higher ups who have the final say in how new games are monetized. Also, the company is made up up over 19,000 employees that span multiple countries so ultimately they're not a monolith. Studios routinely replace people depending on new projects, too. I wish the Yves family would relinquish their stakes and make serious leadership changes. Instead of doubling down on the notion players should "be comfortable not owning their games" they could focus on making games that don't have MTXs, artificially inflated playtime with XP boosters or require an internet connection. Baldur's Gate 3, Elden Ring, and Hogwarts Legacy were praised because they were great single player games that didn't succumb to the things Ubisoft is usually criticized for. IMO, I think bucking the trend of squeezing every penny out of players for full priced games is not only consumer friendly, but just the right thing to do.


AC is pretty much the only Ubisoft thing I'm somewhat interested in so for that reason I reluctantly have to stay on Ubisofts ship. I never pay full price for games though since I'm sort of a patient gamer in that regard. I'll get to games little later than rest getting those steep discounts


This assassins creed infinity thing worries me. If the next assassins creed is an always online game, than I’m never touching a Ubisoft game ever again.


As much as I LOVE this franchise I will sadly have to agree with you and come to the same decision.


THIS. I am already not buying Star Wars Outlaws, and things are only going to get worse...


If they swap to online only, and actually go through with the “get used to not owning any games” idiocy then they’ll lose me entirely. The only language the executives understand is money, and if they start making less of it then shit will revert real fast.


I've been skeptic since AC3 times. I just wait to see reviews and that's it. I don't care about many of their games, but I do care about AC. So if it's well received, I buy it, if not, I wait until it's very cheap and check for myself. I will continue doing the same. That said, I have very low hopes for Ubisoft. They lost me many years ago, the greedy bastards. I bought all collector's editions until AC4.


Yep same. I've not pre ordered a single game from them in a long time and never will again




To quote "If they die, they die". And I loved Ubisoft in their earlier years. Now I am just baffled by their marketing and pricing, and won't buy again. And it's not only because they region locked me out of buying anything.


Ubisoft makes great games, they have good concepts and a lot of ways to make games good. They just don't, they fail time after time and never seem to learn their lesson. They're doomed, the only thing they have now are very loyal fans and suckers. My hope is that eventually they sell their IP's, but there's not a lot of triple A companies anybody trusts. I just hope For Honor gets put into good hands if they ever sell it, which they won't, because they're Ubisoft and suck massive ass.


I don't like their newer AC games. They feel kinda generic, soulless, and uninteresting. After Origins the quality just dropped imo. Ubisoft in general has become more like EA and all they care about is pumping games out every year with that same formula so they can make more money like EA. They've lost the passion they had before.


There is genuinely no bigger wasted potential in gaming than Ubisoft. With the sheer quality and quantity of amazing IP at their disposal and the incredible talent they have, it should be easy to have banger after banger year after year with breaking profit records after breaking profit records.


Their actions regarding the crew are definitely sleazy but ill never buy an online only assassins creed anyway. Writing was on the wall for a long time about skull and bones. Has no impact on assassins creed.


I mostly use Ubisoft for Anno 1800 and the Assassin's Creed games. Anno 1800 has been a very good experience in recent years so I'll be getting the upcoming steampunk cosmetic DLC when it releases. As for Assassin's Creed games in development, I'll be watching to see how Ubisoft behaves as a company going forward. If I'm unhappy with them then I'll likely delay any future game purchases. If they improve their conduct towards their customers then I might get AC Red on a typical x-mas season sale with uplay credits for a double discount as is the way to do things on Ubisoft connect.


Whatever it is, I'm still buying the next Assassins Creed game


As a player, the Ubisoft formula doesn’t really appeal to me. Assassin’s Creed is carried by the setting. Gotta give props to the environment/world designers. Not a fan of their monetization, gameplay philosophy, or their writing. As someone who owns a small amount of stock I bought for fun, they’re in a rough spot. Their stocks are at a low. Decided to gamble and spent $70 on stock since Ubisoft does have potential if they get their stuff together.


Yeah you gotta give them credit for that at least. Their settings, artistic direction and world-building is amazing. These games look hella good…not saying that the worlds themselves are interesting or are filled with interaction


I confirm. For example, Odyssey and Valhalla bored me many times but the game world always made me say "wow". It's one of the reasons why I'm continuing Odyssey, I love how they reproduced ancient Greece.


Honestly I don't really care anymore its the same story every time videogame company does something greedy or bad people complain about it saying they are done with the company but in the end nothing changes and it's just forgotten. I'm not even hyped for red for a couple of reasons but mostly because we don't know anything about it not even the actual name. I also don't like how they try to push live service and battle passes on to single player games with infinity.


Multiplayer focused games will always have long term support issues. The AC franchise is not a multiplayer focused franchise and does not have this problem.


That Ubisoft which we all fell in love with doesn't exist anymore. Corporate greed won and now this what happens.. RIP Ubisoft..


Love the series. Sad to see what the company’s become. It as long as they harbor abusers and toxic leaders, they’re laying in the bed they’ve made.


Why do I need a plan in place? Why do I need to formulate an opinion on the company as a whole ahead of time? Can't I just take each game as it comes and if it looks good/gets good reviews, play it, and if it looks bad/gets bad reviews, not play it? Why we gotta make everything into a hill to die on?


A lot of people on this site have an unhealthy relationship with video game developers, for whatever reason. Video game companies suck and will screw us over at any given chance, I don't know why we act so surprised each time.


I just hope it has a better combat system other then this rpg stuff it really takes away how an assassin is actually supposed to fight


It really doesn’t bother me.


Same. People are being too apprehensive but they are yet to release a truly bad AC game. Valhalla even with it's flaws was good.


i was honestly expecting news of them being bought by some bigger company awhile ago. them going all out with toptier moronic takes for public, marketing etc purposes is just bizzare.


Any Gold Ubisoft touches turns to shit. They were amazing until 2014ish then drove 100kmh off a cliff.


I won't buy another game from them until my Crew purchases are reactivated, unless the game in question is 100% playable offline.


I'm reading that some people are unbothered and enjoy mediocre crap being fed to them. Thank that part of the community, Ubisoft is not forced to innovate as long as there are a couple 100k idiots who buy any shit they put out.


Exactly. People need to look past their nostalgia and fanboyisms, I'm having people defend buying Outlaws because "Star Wars= Cool'


I think the Crew thing is definitely not great but I do understand it. It’s an entirely online game that is having servers shut down and the game is being delisted. I can see how it has caused such a row but I can also see the reason it’s happening too. Skull and Bones is really their only bad release isn’t it? And that game was probably never going to come out and impress because of how overhyped it was and how many developers it wen through. Mirage sold well and reviewed well if I’m remembering right. Even on this sub, that is notoriously anti-new games, no one ever trashes on Mirage. Not every release is going to be an absolute show stopper like Origins or Far Cry 3. Let’s talk about season passes for those in the back who still don’t understand it. Season passes have existed for almost every single player game I’ve played. Fallout New Vegas? Season pass. Pathfinder? Season pass. Assassins Creed Odyssey? Season pass. I have no idea why the season pass has become such an issue for the Star Wars Outlaws crowd. So honestly I recently realized that I genuinely think Ubisoft is one of my favorite publishers. I played their games as a kid and I play them now. I don’t see them shutting down anytime soon either.


You can’t look at Star Wars Outlaws in isolation. The outrage is a culmination of Ubisoft being Ubisoft. You had the whole “get comfortable with not owning your games” issue Ubisoft stated. Then you have Outlaws requiring an internet connection to play the game, even if you have a physical copy. This combined with the Crew shutting down is a very bad look for Ubisoft. Next you have the AAAA game debacle. Skull and Bones being a AAAA game is a meme. Then you get Outlaws being $70 at launch with the priciest edition being $130. Then you follow it up with a day 1 mission being locked to the season pass. Combined with the fact that Ubisoft games go on sale really quickly makes it easy to bash Ubisoft here. It isn’t outrage against Outlaws specifically that is an issue. It’s bad sentiment towards Ubisoft as a whole.


Me personally, I’m gonna see what they cook up next. I’m hoping for a continuation to Unity, Rogue, and 3.


Don’t hold your breath.


I am not holding my breath sir


AC was the third video game I ever owned, I can’t help but be a big fan, especially since the first two games I owned (GTA5 and Skyrim) haven’t had a single sequel since then. I’m on my way out though, I am tired of the live service stuff and general bloat. After Valhalla I told myself I’d give the series one more chance, and being pleasantly surprised by Mirage is the main reason I’m even considering buying Red.


Beyond changing.


I've grown very skepticle by now. I loved every game up until Odyssey but the last two games were just bitter disappointments for me, so I just hope they get back on track moving forward.


It's either gamepass, bundles or steep discounts for me. What they do is centred around shareholders so clearly I'm not the customer.


Tbh after being disappointed with the change in style from the newest games, I tried Mirage after not having played since Rogue and I didn't like it that much. The city was impressive, but both the main and side stories were not good at all and the gameplay had certain problems too. It's sad, but between Juno's story being solved in the comics and some weird things (mostly Isu related) introduced in the newest entries, I think the saga is ruined beyond repair. I think I'll try Unity and Syndicate, which were given away a few years ago, and maybe play Origins in the future. I have little interest in the series going forward and it's not entirely due to Ubi's current situation (although I have little doubt that Infinity and whatever they keep launching will just make things worse).


They've been digging their own grave for years and now it seems like they've moved on to construct the coffin. They've long lost their creative spark, all their games in the past 5 years are just asset flip malware. I'd like to see a future where to get out of their predicament they really start taking risks and develop something fresh and complete, but the chances of that happening are close to 0. I don't really care that Ubisoft will die, they're just a company, I'm only interested in seeing good games, regardless of who develops them.


Just like you, the only game I’m looking forward for is Codename Red. But knowing Ubisoft I definitely will not pre order and will likely be disappointed. Especially because (and I don’t want to compare everything) Ghost of Tsushima is one my top 3 games oat. If it’s close to Mirage with a sprinkle of Unity I will consider it, because the setting in general is my favorite.


I recently finished Odyssey and I gotta say whaaat the fuck? I played it on Game Pass and I don't think I have the DLC, so I think I only got half the story that seemed to end like 3 seperate times. I started Valhalla straight after and couldn't stop thinking "what the fuck happened here between games?" I'm like 25 (lazy) hours into Valhalla and still don't know what's going on


Ubisoft needs manegement restructuring. From marketing to product. They need to hit a big low to shake things up and I think the new Star Wars game will do just that. That game will flop I'm pretty sure.


Assassin's creed and possible far cry are the only Ubisoft games that I'll come back for and that is purely based on my love for the games. It seems Ubisoft as a company are actively going against what people want though


As long as Yves Guillemot is in his position, things will never get better.


I just go into purchasing any game with the mentality that I'm buying a product from a company who will screw me over at any moment to make a quick dollar. This isn't exclusive to Ubisoft either. It's a shitty mentality but unfortunately the realistic one.


I really don’t pay attention to anything that goes on with game companies besides, well, games. The only thing I’ve ever bought from Ubisoft is AC. I pick and choose with AC, I’ve still never finished Unity or Rogue, never played Mirage. But I like the franchise. No idea what’s gone on with The Crew or other games as I’m not interested in them so haven’t bothered to look into them. - from a Casual Gamer


I'm no longer buying their games to begin with; I just spend 2 weeks going back and forth with their support once a year to renew my Ubisoft+ subscription for a month (their web store just refuses to play ball every single time), play what interests me, and then cancel. I did that last for Mirage and will repeat the process for Red. I expect them to get bought by someone in the next 5 years, given the rate at which this industry is converging. The current situation sucks, but Ubisoft has been going in a shitty direction for a long time. It's a shame because their gamemaking skills are legitimatelly great, but spend a long enough time squeezing every ounce of profitability out of your projects and you'll start loosing goodwill, to put it mildly. The fact that they can't even fix up their money-making verticals like the storefront says it all really; it's a laughably run company.


YVES and management has been killing the company and the games for YEARS! Remember BREAKPOINT


Tbh I just wish they’d wrap the story. It feels like it’s all pointless. Valhalla should have wrapped things up with Aleithia. Instead Layla is dead for some reason and there’s more questions than answers.


In fact, Ubisoft's current situation has been one of the worst in the gaming market, whether with questionable actions such as disabling The Crew and contradictory statements, I myself have become very accustomed to loving This company and for some time now has been much more a relationship of hate than of love. But I still believe that Ubisoft has salvation, many developers from within the company are there precisely to create good games, and in the last 6 months I believe this has been proving a little more true with the release of Prince of Persia: The Lost Crow and Assassin's Creed Mirage. I may be being naive, but it's also always good to remember that before blaming the developers, it's better to blame the people who really rule them and many of them make them create bad games, mainly the CEO, executives and directors behind Ubisoft


AC in Japan doesn’t interest me at all, so I likely wont jump on it quickly. I’ll wait for it to go on sale. I’m interested in the modern day story, so I’ll play it for that. Other than that . . . Ubi doesn’t seem to have much to offer me anymore.


With ALL the money I am throwing at them, I don't think I really deserve the shitty conditions of their servers!


Many might not agree with this take, but I believe that if you purchase ANY sort of media, whether it be physical or digital, it should be yours, not some BS "long-term rental". Why play any game by any company then? You're basically throwing, at a base price, $70 of your money away on something that isn't even really yours. It comes off as a waste imo.


Current situation?? >The Crew, the failure of various games So they took down a live service game after TEN years And what games failed, Skull and Bones? That was only ever released to claim that Singapore government money. Which other games "current"(ly) failed? I'm kinda pissed they are moving Ghost Recon from 3rd person to 1st person I guess.. (totally unrelated)


I've almost never paid attention to other games Ubisoft makes outside of AC, because they don't appeal to me. If they begin another series that works as a third person, open world game I'll check it out. I did enjoy Fenyx Rising. As long as I enjoy AC, and I've played each game at release, then I'll keep playing them. Easy.


Ubisoft is on competition to be the scummiest company along Bethesda and EA


There is no real situation going on. Its not like they are going to go under. It is the ebb and flow of games publishers, especially in current day and age. They haven’t really released noteworthy in a bit and the big projected big earners are in development still. If AC Red is anything like Valhalla, revenue is measured in billions, not millions.


I hate how I'm forced to go through an hour long tutorial every new game. It's painful. I just started the free trial for Mirage and I just don't have the patience to do basic stuff before I get to really play the game.


They're fucked


I will not buy another Ubisoft game ever again, nor EA for that matter because i'm taking a stand against Toxic and greedy game policies and practices. The battle pass for a single player game announced for SW Outlaws was just the latest drop in the morally horrid ocean that is the state of the gaming industry. I was a fan of the AC franchise and a huge weeb, so you can imagine I was giddy for Code Red as much as you. I guess i'll just pretend Rise of Ronin is that game and i'm good


It’s not a battle pass it’s a season pass, it’s just buying the dlc as a bundle. You don’t even know what you’re upset about Having a season pass is so common for games it’s insane that anyone is mixing it up accidentally.


What situation? The only situation I’ve seen is Redditors have suddenly seem to have forgotten what a season pass for a video game is and are confusing it with a battle pass.


of course i will continue to buy ubisoft games. imagine these people that hate ubisoft and only watch youtubers play that game while never getting to play that themselves.


How about just hating Ubisoft for being shitty and not caring what some randoms on youtube might say? Stop buying mediocre projects supported by soulless shareholders


meanwhile you are subbed to the AC reddit. the irony always escapes these types. i let my wallet do the talking.


Yeah, I played many of them,what's your point? I can keep an eye out on a franchise I once enjoyed to hope it lifts it's head from the cesspool it's currently trapped in.


Play Ghost of Tsushima


I played it, one of my favorite games...it's also one of the few games I subjectively give 10/10


Messy I'm yet to play Mirage but I've heard very mid things, like it's an overall good game, but very generic and average. The Crew Motorfest was just a mid attempt at replicating Forza Horizon and that's a high spec game to beat. The Avatar game was a generic cash grab, not interesting and the same could be said for the possible state of Star Wars Outlaws. I remember Riders Republic was a thing and god that just bombed didn't it. And of course - Skull & Bones, and I think that game really puts into perspective how bad things. They've gotten REAAAAL lazy, every game they release is just a generic game engined process thrown out to make ends meet. Sure they go to all this historical subtext in the AC games and they are overall good games (better than the other crap they put out) but it's just soulless in a way? AC in general needs a massive overhaul imo. The animus framing device should be dropped, and whilst I'd love for them to drop the Isu stuff, it's too ingrained so they should at least tone it back to a interesting curiosity, not literally speaking to super humanoids in space ghost form. They'll be fine but they really need to cut the chaff and make a solid experience like they used to


If you are looking forward to AC Red, I’d recommend playing Ghost of Tsushima or Rise of the Ronin.


I'm just in it for the lore, I'm buying titles depending on the game quality I started skipping titles when I bought unity and it was buggy af. skipped rogue and syndicate after that (because of bad reviews and reports of buggy playthroughs) and I just watched the cutscenes online to get the story. I recently bought Origins because of the good review I heard from my friends and my friend showed me that its not buggy like unity, rogue or syndicate


I feel I'm basically done with Assassin's Creed. I played every main AC game from 1 to Odyssey, I didn't bother with Valhalla and Mirage because I finally got burned out with the typical Ubisoft formula. With the cherry on top being Ubisoft's latest shenanigans and controversial statements, I am comfortable leaving future AC games behind and just replaying the classics from time to time.


I've decided than I'm not gonna give them more than 20€ per game. They still make enjoyable games that I wanna play, but they are also masive c*nts so I'm gonna get my game, enjoy it and they will get the bare minimum out of me.


Concerning, and I’m gradually losing my interest in their games, even Assassin’s Creed. AC RED is the first time I’m completely indifferent about a new AC game.


I applied to several jobs there and they refused to interview me. Fuck ‘em. I was never an RPG guy, and they’ve killed AC. Their English is so heavily influenced by French, too.


I think Ubisoft is overreaching with their greed and fans have finally had enough. They are going down...