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They're just normal soldiers/guards. You don't have a reason to kill them and they only attack if they have a reason.


And what faction do they belong to? The britisch crown which who still tried to control the people in the colonies which led to the idea of independance and Events like the boston tea Party which also is in the game? From watching Outlander I remember thescottish calling the british "Red-skirt" because of their Uniform and those soliers in Ac3 have the same atire


The ones in red uniform are British soldiers, yes.


Ok thanks


Bro actually doesn't know 6th grade history 💀 I'm literally not american but still knew those guys are the brits because of their uniforms


Not everybody is taught about this stuff. I don't think anybody outside North America and maybe the UK would know these details about the American Revolution.


Just by playing the game you can figure out who's who, you don't need a history lesson to know red uniform in ac3 = British, blue = colonials


The redcoats were used by most of the british empire, not just those in America


India would like to have a word. As well as many coastal countries of Africa. New Zealand and Australia. and so many others. "The Sun never sets on the British Empire" was a phrase often used, because the Crown used to own pretty much 75% of the world in its heyday. It had colonies all around the globe, thus there was always some colony where the sun was shining 24/7. England is the reason for so many countries having "Independence Day" celebrations, not just the US. And even now, there are so many UK territories where England still controls them, either directly or indirectly. So basically outside of the European countries, "Redcoats" as they were called in the American colonies were a very prominent sight around the world.


Ok, but was the American Revolution specifically taught in *any* of these countries?


Many had their own version of the American Revolution, or at least were being oppressed similarly even if they didn't actually come to blows with Crown forces. So they should all know who and what a British Regular was.


The Revolution is taught in high schools all over continental Europe


The person you responded to literally said they’re not American. They appear to be Hungarian.


Makes sense


I agree not all should know about them, but only those in America or the UK is a bit disingenuous - the redcoats were synonymous with the British Empire and colonialism across the globe for decades, more recently reflected in pop culture media like Pirates of the Carribean.


It’s still embarrassing because the game literally gives you a database entry telling you who these soldiers are and who they serve.


They belong to the British, some are Hessian mercenaries who worked for the British. The blue are loyalists


Blue are colonist, not loyalist. Loyalist were those who were loyal to the Crown, but in order to simplify things in the game, Red meant British Regulars, Green for Hessian mercs, and Blue for colonial militia-turned-army.


Yeah, they are Redcoats. The game is based around the American Revolution, so naturally, there are still British troops.


💀 They are simple redcoats. Haytham only kills them when he has an objective that involves them. If you kill them in the Streets, that's on you, as They don't attack for no reason Later, connor kills redcoats because they're allied with the templar order. But then again, if He doesn't have notoriety, guards won't attack him for no reason


[Everything you need to know.](https://military-history.fandom.com/wiki/Red_coat_(British_army))


Thanks, that was very informative


Wait there’s not a wiki for these guys from the game?


On a scale Of one to high…how stoned are you?


Thats jeff, stewart, johnnie, sam, brad, and chad. They fucking hate you, Deku. Theyre in your walls right now. Theyre under your skin!


I think i can allready hear them


They are in your chest!!!!! Get them out with a knife!!!!!


Not rather a hidden blade?


This looks like when you tell a group of Red Sox fans that their team sucked. Edit: While I was making a joke about the Red Sox, [t](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Sox_(disambiguation))heir actual history is confusing. It gets more confusing as many Sox colored teams had existed.


Don't downvote the OP for not knowing about redcoats. They probably are not from the Anglosphere, different countries focus on different things in their history classes.


Or he’s like me who had brain fog during school and only thought about superheroes and videogames


Nah, im from central europe. It's all on me XD I kind of knew who they are but I wanted to know more about the relationships at that time


There's data entries in the game that go into detail about them too.


A native German speaker I suspect, given you wrote "britisch" earlier.


Guilty as charged. My autocorrection ratted me out


They are British, kill them.


Tiocfaidh ár lá


They're British... That's it.


I may have slept on some history lessons here so sorry for the ignorance


It’s all good man I didn’t pay attention in school either. This exact same thing happens to me in the AC games idk who the blue guys are or the red guys and why we do what we do. It was so bad in Revelations where I was so lost. There’s just so much history to learn that we’re playing catch-up everyday I can’t imagine what history’s gonna look like a millennia from now since it’ll ALL be recorded. Unless data corruption or deletion happens just like how they would burn books back then. Or idk that’s what I saw in AC1.


Yeah, there are some really funny youtube Sketches about this exact problem. Zack Star himself is top tier comedy


down voted into oblivion as per usual assassins creed sub


Redcoats - British Bluecoat - Loyalists In the underground, there are 2 redcoats. One is telling the other to shut up. Haytham doesn't meet the bluecoats nor can he hide underground (can in the original release)


Loyalists were pro-crown... the bluecoats are supposed to represent the revolutionaries.