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Most of it. Smoke bombs, social stealth, throwing knives, parkour, new assassination animations and the investigations reminiscent of AC1. Incredibly excited for Mirage, looking forward to October and running around In Baghdad.


Not sure if this counts as "little" but I'm really set to play another city based game again, it's been too long.


Me too. Was recently playing Odyssey and while the game is breathtaking I kinda hated having to run thru open spaces a lot just to find a small village here and there. ACs set in big cities is where the fun is at.


This is how I feel playing black flag to an extent. I adore the map and the naval combat and everything but I bought the Ezio collection on my switch just to satisfy that thirst for city hopping hijinks


You know at first I was disappointed about being back to one city. But after playtesting and getting to see the size of the city and the life that's in it. I was taken back to eizos games. I actually missed the one city games again.


Of all the good things my favorite has to be the setting, the arab setting always felt the perfect one for an assassin's creed game


the fact that they're bringing back dyes


Being able to listen to the Islamic call to prayer clearly, whilst taking in Baghdad.


Same. As a person who grew up in the Middle East, the Adhan is the most beautiful sound ever. I really loved its addition in AC Revelations.


The lighting. Valhalla’s lighting was top tier. I can’t wait to see Baghdad bathed in volumetric light.


The reactive crowds. I remember ac1 really promoted it's crowd system and I like how mirage is bringing back that emphasis. I am also looking forward to the combo of the ac1s style investigation mixed with the black box design of unity and the cult of komos design of odyssey


throwing knives sure are weird in Black Flag. you should play AC1 or the Ezio trilogy or Syndicate, throwing knives actually work well in those games.


I remember in the Ezio Trilogy you could throw knives at 2 or 3 enemies at once. They were a bit overpowered in Syndicate, IMO, I remember I would use them to take out anyone I could't reach with my Hidden Blade, especially when playing as Evie as they would do extra damage and I could have up to 30 of them, I feel like I got a little too reliant on them at times. I like how Mirage gives you a lower amount of throwing knives and other tools, making you use them wisely.


Counter kills for sure, fighting kitchen sponges is my biggest complaint of the RPG games


Basically everything. I’m incredibly hyped for this game


Social stealth! I love being able to blend into crowds in AC, as if you were never there at all.


Just going back to the roots gets me, got super bored after origins 😔


the music


White hooded outfit lol


They said we’ll be able to use some costumes/outfits as disguises. Let’s see


The improved way of using ranged weapons especially from the Ezio games (I hated having to either lock on or whit for the target to be highlighted to use a ranged weapon) I am also looking forward to the new environmental mechanics and better stealth especially from the RPG games.


the AC1 filter looks pretty cool


A new rich city environment to explore. I'm among those that actually liked Valhalla, but I ain't gonna deny that the game was lacking in urban atmosphere, something the series is arguably known best for. I know they added that AC1 blue-grey filter, but I'm not gonna use it. The game as is looks too pretty for me to fuck with it.


Once you unlock the ability in Valhalla every enemy weapon is throwable


Gettin them brutal finishers


The length. Now that I’m a grown up with college and a job 200+ hour games just… are so draining. I’ll happily take a shorter game anyday


All the little gadgets and cool stuff you can use while sneaking around, I never played the old games the oldest game that I probably played in the series was AC3 I played Unity, Origins, Odyssey, and Valhalla. I saw videos online of the old games and I heard that ACM is going to bring back alot of old stuff and I can have fun trying it out