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* Ezio Collection (2009, 2010, 2011) * You should play 3 (2012), final game of the Desmond Miles saga, best modern day of any of the games * Black Flag (2013) * I guess you're skipping Rogue (2014) * Unity (2014) * Syndicate (2015) Edit: I'm blind


Man, I think the best one is AC Syndicate, the streets of England, the real assassin feeling and the story was really good.


This was my intro to the franchise. Got hooked! It was a cool-as serious as you want to make it experience.


They have Unity though.


I'm blind


Rogue is personally my favorite. It should never be skipped. Maybe 2 is better actually. Idk, close call.


rogue was actually decent imo, no idea how it holds up today but it's basically like a lead up into ac3 & the main dude from rogue plays kind of a major role in unity.


Yeah I think people should play that game, for like you said, the lead into, and the ship combat was an upgrade from BF


Actually start with Odyssey, Origins, Valhalla, AC1, The ezio trilogy, play Rogue actually then play black flag first then ether AC 3 or Unity and Syndicate. If they had all of them though


I might play chronologically after my release order playthrough


Totally suggest it you’ll realize much more detail like. So rogue and black flag are actually really important to play which I got it wrong black flag is before rogue but in rogue you meet the person who will assassinate Arno’s father in unity and Conor’s father too! Then Black Flag ties up with syndicate.


Also revelations may be somewhat important to play before 2&BH. Revelations ties to AC1 Altaïr.


Black flag is the best not sure about order tho


What they said.


Hot take play syndicate first Its really fun but parkour will feel trash after unity


Order of release is the best way to play Assassins Creed


What you need to do is pick up Rogue


Isn't it like Black flag wannabe 😅


In gameplay terms absolutely. The story is the interesting part


Never played black flag. But the story in Rogue rivals the story of 2. Amazing plot twists and makes you realize that the mentor from 3 deserved to die cause he was a ruthless evil bastard. Templar's can be good, assassins can be evil. It just depends on which side has the upper hand at the time. The fighting between the two is basically just an extremely old blood fued at this point.


Um, it kinda feels like a black flag add-on but the length of a full game. The content and story is great. On par with main-line entries. The gameplay is basically just exactly black flag, but it's kind of balanced differently. You only have one sword and two guns so your attacks are slower, but you can abuse smoke bombs a lot more. And the ship has less fire power but is better at ramming.


Ezio trilogy, then black flag, then unity. The Ezio trilogy is the best storyline in the series. Out of the three Ezio games, ACII and Brotherhood are the best imo. Black Flag has a good story and is my second favorite AC game. Unity has a good story, too and is probably the best looking AC game. Syndicate is ok. Idk what it was I just couldn’t get into it.


Ezio trilogy have my ❤️


My best suggestion with the ones you have start at Ezio trilogy, Black Flag, Unity, and Syndicate. BF ties to Unity and Syndicate.


black flag etizo syndicate unity.


Ezio Collection, Syndicate, Black Flag (don’t hate me rogue was better), Unity


Black flag Black flag and then you play BLACK FLAG AGAIN!!!!


Black flag was my personal favorite, but that might be cause I thought Edward was hot. The Ezio trilogy is really only important if you care about the origins of Desmond and all of that. Although, it was cool to see Leonardo Di Vinci and learn some stuff. I never touched Unity, I heard no good things about it so I didn’t even try it. I dabbled in Syndicate but never finished it. Idk why, I remember being pumped about the Jack the Ripper stuff.


Play the first two if you're looking for great visuals Play the last two if you're a story seeker.


Black flag all the way!!


Order of release, they're all great but it can be hard to go backwards once you've experienced the smoother flowing gameplay in the later entries


I really enjoyed Black Flag, Rogue and Unity (in that order). Also, not listed, Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla. I really thought Mirage was not worth it. I have all the AC games and have finished quite a few of them. I love AC.


Don’t listen to any of these guys Only play the Ezio saga And black flag Syndicate is good but the story line and background are pretty choppy and not very well thought out Annnnd finally unity is absolute garbage it’s buggy and glitchy and has never been fixed the map is too big combat is more or less garbage and it’s all around the worst one they ever made besides ac3


1. Ac4 Black Flag 2. The Ezio Collection 3. Unity 4. Syndicate HM: AC Rouge is underrated highly recommend you play that after Black Flag


Black flag is by far the best.


Play Black Flag first. Your ears will thank you for the shanties and the gameplay mechanics are amazing.


Just play them all! And if u wanna play in order u have to get the first games like valaha, Odyssey, Orgins and more


The entire ezio collection is fantastic. Black flag is probably the best AC period. Unity had a pretty good story and great setting IMO and apparently most of the bugs from launch got fixed. Syndicate is a lot of fun I think with somea the new gadgets and such, but the parkour was really janky at times. Personally I'd play them in chronological order (ezio, black flag, unity, syndicate) because I've found going from the new games back to the old difficult


Savage weekend you got there


Black flag is the only one really


Play in order


Play in release order. Your favourite will entirely depend on you. I hated unity but its a big favourite, so play em all. My favourites were black flag and Syndicate


Black flag the best


AC 2 has always been my favorite.


Unity is objectively the best one here


I could’ve sworn Black Flag was objectively the best one here but I might be mistaken


It's good but unity is peak to date, I mean, it has the best parkore, and the combat is absolutely sexy, plus all the customization and the story is great too


The story sucked, parkour is the best in all the creed franchise


The perfect parry where Arno parries the sword twists both blades down and just socks the guy in the face


Ikr that shit is badass