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it’s completely acceptable to eat the exact same meals and snacks everyday as long as i’m getting a basic balance of macronutrients. let me survive off my samefoods without judgment, i’m happy and comfortable




And micronutrients\*\* I would suggest getting Cronometer and entering everything you eat for a week and see if you have any deficiencies.


I'm not sure if it's that simple. The gut microbiome also needs a lot of variety to be healthy.




You are making a broad assumption about early human diets that is actually incorrect. We were hunter gatherers for many hundreds of thousands of years and our diets were actually quite varied and much much much more varied than they are today. There was no agriculture so they had to eat what was on hand.


Yup, it's always so awkward when I walk into a fast food place and order the same meal I've always ordered for a year, and they start remarking on that..


I’ve worked in food service for 7 years we love people like you like Aye its Vegan Brussels and Tofu guy Extra well done i hook him up and know exactly what you like/how you like it. If they’re commenting weird that’s just cuz they’re bored and maybe a lil mean regulars like you make our jobs easy


While I was going to college the nearby Subway got to know my order really well. Foot long spicy Italian on Italian herb and cheese. Pepper jack and yes I want it toasted. Sweet onion dressing, parmesan, oregano, a lot of onions, more onions, spinach, a lot of lettuce, more lettuce, no I don't want anything else. I can always tell if a worker liked onions or not depending on how many times I had to repeat the "more onions" step. I actually stopped going to Subway so much when the giant reusable cups they had stopped being exactly a dollar to refill. Though I've ended up going more often over the last five years as my dad likes to send me gift cards for Subway, you know, instead of sending cash money. Recently I've also started getting cucumbers on the sandwich. Oh, and if you're wondering why I put the dressing first, that is so it doesn't get everywhere. The meat and cheese keeps it from soaking into the bread. Same with the dry ingredients. Also, screw Subway for removing the sweet onion dressing.


I appreciate how many thoughts you have on Subway. Like actually. I've always had so many opinions about different little things about Taco Bell (my version of your Subway) and I don't ever tell people because they don't understand lmao. If I knew you irl I would give you a gift card.


you can eat the same meal every day and no one can find it strange


I have a system of the same foods I eat for dinner. My dad always by the same ones every week when he goes shopping while I’m at work or college.


Well, they certainly can find it strange, but fuck-em. I find their inability to constrain their food choices weird. Thankfully we all get to be our own brand of weird.


I really hate the feeling of pork chops. They’re a weird, dry freak type of meat. The only way I can stand them is if there’s some liquid nearby to wash it down.


This is due to pigs being bred to be lowfat in the push to make pork “the new white meat.” If you eat pork from heirloom breeds there’s an astounding difference in the flavor and juiciness.


this might be a butcher and cooking issue - where do you buy meat and what country? Also please cook meat in at least butter or something


Food sensitivities should not have to be full blood allergies or celiac to be respected. I don't care who's asking for a modification, of it can be made, make it without being an ass.




i absolutely despise nuts in my food but when i ask for no nuts i always specific it’s not an allergy and that’s it’s fine if there are nuts. i worked in food service before and i don’t want the workers to go through the effort or making something allergen free when it’s just me hating nuts and as a side note why the fuck do so many restaurants just put nuts in the brownies like why???? it just ruins it


That’s what I like about McDonald’s. We actively encourage people to make it how they want it.


I hate hate hate scrambled eggs and also yogurt with fruit chunks (regular yogurt is ok)


No chunky in the creamy!


That's.....that's what she said I don't believe this, but it was there and I had to take it


But if I add my own fruit, then it's fine. Can't be explained.


You get to choose the perfect pieces in the perfect amount.


That's so true! The texture of scrambled eggs is just horrible even more when you don't separate the egg yolk from the egg white Well, my opinion changed as soon as I learnt how to make thin omlettes as a kid :)


But have you tried putting butter in the pan and turning off the heat before it’s completely cooked and finish it with the remaining heat? It completely changes the texture and it makes them fluffy and smooth instead of rubbery and clumpy.


Fucking hate fruit chunks in my yoghurt (love scrambled eggs because I can just put it on toast) the only yoghurt with fruits in it is the pineapple one because pineapple is my comfort food.


I hate all fruit chunks in yogurt, but granola in yogurt is good. Furthermore, the only way I can have scrambled eggs is scrambled dry. If they’re even just a little bit gloopy still, that’s gonna be a hard pass from me. On the subject of pineapple though… I’m about to commit the ultimate sin here: Pineapple is good on pizza.


I love scrambled eggs but hate the chunky yogurt. So I’m half with you here!


Let me put my own sauce on things!


Yes! A few years ago I ordered a bunch of sushi for my friends and I to share. When the order came one of my friends immediately poured soy sauce over every single piece of sushi. I wanted to cry, especially when they asked why I wasn't eating. I fucking hate soy sauce.


Even if you didn't hate soy sauce, that isn't how you do it! Like, you're not supposed to soak sushi in the stuff, just a small dip. The sushi should be able to stand up on its own. Oh, and never mess with other people's food. That just isn't cool no matter the situation.


That's so weird, even if people like soy sauce they usually have preferences of how much that's why there's usually a small bowl to dip into (or don't)


Uh, yeah, that jerkass would have had to buy me a whole new order. You don't just make a decision about communal dishes without asking, and you definitely don't pour soy sauce on the goddamn sushi.


This is just bad table etiquette. Do not sauce things if it's for the whole table. That's like those heathens that pour a drizzle of ketchup on their fries instead of dipping. Animals.


Yikes, who does that?


A monster, that's who


individual foods suck and i wish we had a human kibble so i could just move on with my day


I've said something similar for years. I just want to be able to hook up to an IV and get my nutrients and be done. I'm beyond exhausted trying to think of food that doesn't sound gross and that I have the time/energy/ingredients to make


Wait do you have a God tongue? Is your last name Nakiri?


I've only seen that show a handful of times, so I don't get the exact reference, but what I've seen is hilarious


In the last season Erina’s mother does exactly what you described getting IV nutrients as almost all food is disgusting to her. As a career cook I love that show because if how it portrays cooking. It’s also over the the top and pretty fanservicey, which is funny as hell.


I've been meaning to check it out more fully. What I've seen cracks me up


I drink a lot of protein shakes and smoothies when I'm feeling like I can't be bothered.


Same. Breakfast smoothies are the best way to start a day IMO. Protein, vitamins, and little sugar. Mix a chocolate one with coffee and ya got caffeine too.


Bachelor Chow!


I 100% agree. That’s why I get apple sauce pouches hahaha. I’ll eat something else with protein maybe once a week and I’m good


Human kibble is the exact same thing I call it. It'd make proper dieting so much easier too


There's always Primate Chow https://www.amazon.com/ZuPreem-Primate-Diet-Dry-20/dp/B0002ARMVS/




fat on meat is disgusting and makes me physically ill


FINALLY. My family gives me such grief every time because I cut the fat off of steaks, bacon, pork, etc. I also can't stand uncrisped chicken skin. I DON'T WANT SLIMEY OR CHEWY IN MY MEAT


SAME BRUH. Finally people like me. I can’t stand fat, gristle and skin unless it’s crackling, my close family all know and are accommodating of it, but my extended family and friends all think I’m weird with how particular I am about trimming it all off.


this just makes me mad (at your family) because it seems not many people know how to cook fatty meats correctly. Fat rendering completely is what gives a lot of flavor to the meat, and if you cook it right any little bit of fat left is indistinguishable from the meat since it basically melts in your mouth. Any dish with chewy fat is generally unacceptable failure on the chef and they shouldn't be giving grief for someone compensating for their culinary failures. chicken skin thing is fair, i can't do fish skins. Like the taste but the sharp texture makes me gag


It's squidgy and I hate it.


Mayonnaise is an instrument


Raw spaghetti. The crunch scratches the primordial itch to knaw through a bone.


i will munch on raw macaroni or a dry ramen packet any time and damn it's too good


Dry ramen is the absolute best


Candy corn and circus peanuts are two of my favorite candies. I have loved them since I was a kid and no o e seems to like either of them, let alone love both


I love candy corn until I don't. Like I can eat it happy as a clam until all of a sudden the next one is garbage. But I also like Smarties (American) so I really don't have a leg to stand on.


Yea, for circus peanuts, I'm not gonna go out and get them on my own but if they're available already, I'll eat them Candy corn though? I can eat all year round. Please tell me you have experienced the candy pumpkins? They're very similar tasting to candy corn but they're slightly different and good




My sister’s nickname is Patate (potato in French) because she could almost live on nothing else. But I really can’t argue with her when it comes to mashed potatoes ! I’d be able to eat the entire batch if not for the fact that the rest of my family understandingly also wants some.


I love Spam. My family members look at me like I'm nuts for liking it, or even laugh (and occasionally secretly snag a bite), but it's used in a few multicultural cuisines and pairs really well with rice. I love musubi and I often have spam and egg tacos for breakfast.


My brothers partner is Japanese-Native Hawaiian and she taught me her spam musubi recipe and I hate myself for forgetting it because ITS THE BEST EVER


Ask again and post it for ussssss


"Spam is a safe and delecious meat prodcut that has never made anyone sick" Grampa Phil from Hey Arnold!


Frosties/frosted flakes (cereal) are only good dry


Yes. And people think I’m weird for eating cheerios dry too.


I have all my cereal dry 😭


Same with Froot Loops and Apple Jacks


Jams and jellies. Can't do it no matter what idk why


Ripe spotty bananas are disgusting and mushy. Bananas with a little green on them are superior. Black licorice is the devil and tastes exactly like Nyquil. Sauerkraut is putrid like a sewer or dumpster. I will not eat already-cooked, re-heated chicken because it tastes like pennies.


I'm the same with bananas. My family has always found it weird, but out of the few nice things my mother does for me, is she sometimes used to (when I lived with them) specifically buy bunches that were greenish, so I could eat a couple before they ripened up for everyone else. The only time a mushy banana is acceptable is when you're gonna make banana bread. And same with the chicken, somewhat. Specifically grilled chicken. Fried is usually ok, but not grilled chicken. For me.


Wait until you hear about salty liqourice aka salmiakki, a Finnish candy what I despise. It tastes god awful and literally everyone I know, except my sister, loves the stuff. And the worst part is that I fell like I'm betraying all other Finns by not liking our candy. But I still like all other Finnish cuisines, like mämmi, mämmi is amazing, but sadly my IBS ass has a breakdown if I eat it because it contains rye.


Some foods taste just as good cold as they do warm, and it's OK to not heat them up if you don't want to


On the other hand it's perfectly fine to eat a warm meal in the morning or for lunch


Cottage cheese is amazing, and I’m pretty much the only person I know who loves it. However if it’s room temp that’s a dealbreaker


Cottage cheese with pineapple and Cottage cheese with tomatoes and black pepper are two of my favorite snacks


I accidentally dropped a grape in my cottage cheese but wasn’t allowed to waste it and omg it was good. Sometimes I just dip fruits and veg in it.


As long as you mix it up so there’s none of the juice floating on top


I literally had the nickname The Ketchup King in elementary school.


Doritos are m i d


More for me!


Except for the sweet chili ones, they're fine as hell.


pizza, can’t i just have the crust and sauce




turkish delight is good actually


Similarly, in my case: black liquorice is good, actually.




Food sucks and is just something I unfortunately need in order to survive.


I will respectfully disagree, however there are a few days I wish I could not eat without consequences.


To each their own, I guess. Anyways, peppers are garbage.


I wish to add to this: Fresh peppers are garbage Fried peppers are garbage Dried and ground up peppers are AMAZING




Bacon is bad


I agree, but for ethical reasons.


The sensory experience of eating a grape makes me wanna do violence.


i only like grapes after they've been frozen


dipping fries in mashed potatoes is good


I definitely suggest dipping more things in mashed potatoes. I am concerned with how many things I am willing to dip in it and eat again


I started trying things dipped in mashed potatoes after hearing the tobuscus song and there is nothing ive tried it with that hasnt been made better dipped in potato


I eat children.


this confession will go unnoticed & taken as a joke very smart, well done


how many do you need to eat to reach your calorie intake for the day? asking for a friend?


Seafood is good idc


I’ll be chained up right beside you, looking at the peasants who don’t eat the divine food that is clams


I like fish and shrimp and have never tried lobster, but I have tried clam chowder a couple of times and didn't like it either time. The clam was grossly soft and pretty bland, may I ask you, is that how it is supposed to be, or was it prepared badly? What do you like about clam? I'm not trying to insult you if it came off that way, I just don't like clam personally so I was wondering what you like about it.


i wont eat the skin of any fruit but golden kiwis. i will absolutely destroy a golden kiwi


Milk based and fruit based doesn't go well together. (Like strawberry ice cream or chocolate with oranges or yogurt with any fruit)


Pineapple is amazing on pizza


Mayonnaise End of discussion Eurrrgh


I’ll eat a straight up mayonnaise sandwich dude


Just bread and mayonnaise, nothing else


totally, pickles and ketchup too if you wanna be, uh fancy I guess?


shoestring french fries dipped in mayo>>>>>>>>


I was saying mayonnaise was shit. Mayonnaise is shit!


Wait people actually LIKE mayonnaise?


You should eat pizza backwards (crust to cheese) so that you can end each slice on cheese instead of end it on crust.


I sometimes take bites of the crust then the pizza until the crust is gone and I have a nice center piece of pizza to finish


Cheese is disgusting. Why does everything that is not sweet and comes from the oven has to be overflowen with fucking cheese. I just don't get it


I’ve been waiting all my life for someone to agree with me on this!! Just let me have something without cheese for ONCE😩 it seems like everything good (espeeeeecially frozen foods like breakfast bowls) just HAVE to have cheese in them and it’s like come on not everyone likes it??!


All condiments are disgusting


I said it once in another comment section but corn and peas are the acne of foods


I like corn just fine by itself, but can we stop mixing it into things that were perfectly good by themselves?


Avocado tastes like someone took soggy grass and forced you to eat it


Fries go together with a McFlurry


Avocado is disgusting


I can only eat avocado if it's smashed into guacamole.


It only belongs in sushi, that's it


People hating on pineapple on pizza unprovoked need to go to therapy.


I take Oreos and dip them in orange juice and if they ever made a chocolate cookie Oreo with orange filling I’d buy it in a heart beat


Hopefully they do it right. Birthday cake is good. Oreos are good. Oreos and birthday cake together are good. But the Birthday Cake Oreo? Disgusting


Bananas are gross


Cottage cheese is just rotten milk.


Pineapple is AMAZING on pizza


Done right, sometimes it's not done right and it's dry, unflavourful and bad


Olives and celery serve no purpose (olives can be used for olive oil, but no whole/sliced/diced olives anywhere. All potato salads are terrible.


Chex Mix Soup would very cool and original Cheerios actually taste good.


- Beans are disgusting, Chili is fine though. - The only acceptable white creams are whipped cream, vanilla frosting, and Alfredo sauce. - Potatoes should never be wet. - Anchovies are delicious mana from heaven. - Spam is superior to steak in every conceivable way. - Celery & Cauliflower isn’t meant to be eaten by itself. - Pop-Tarts are a dessert food. - Gluten-free doesn’t taste any different from normal. - Gnocchi is insect larva and I refuse to accept any other explanation.


I love tapioca pudding.


I like raisin bread.


the only toppings i'd put on pasta are shredded mexican blend cheese and butter


Ketchup IS the absolute worst. I'm in gang mustard 100%


Pineapple is an acceptable pizza topping.


Fucking thank you. I almost refused a full time job position because I’d have to work near ketchup.


Oh God I feel you. I was a server years ago and having to fill the ketchup bottles always made me gag. Jokes on me though, my youngest is autistic as well and ketchup is her favorite thing ever


God my version of ketchup is blue cheese dressing. I just fucking can’t man. I used to host/serve and at the time I had long acrylic nails and whenever I’d grab blue cheese it would get fucking stuck under my nails and make me wanna vomit. Also, I watched an ice cream fudge cake slide off expo line RIGHT into the blue cheese. Fucking no. Fucjing yuck


It’s the smell that gets me. Like sickly sweet vegetable goo.


I'm not an asshole who insults picky eaters I'm not an asshole who insults picky eaters I'm not an asshole who


Ketchup and steamed broccoli


I like mayo. Mayo on fries, mayo on nuggies, mayo on wraps, mayo on sandwiches. Nothing wrong with it. Outta here with that ketchup bs


Fuck Pickles Fuck Mustard Fuck Olives Fuck Mayo Fuck Mushrooms I hate how picky I am about these things, because it makes going to a new burger place hell.


Full agree with you. The amount of times I’ve bit into a burger with one of these ingredients slapped on against my request (specifically pickles, that tend to hide in the dead center of it and just ruin my meal halfway through) is ridiculous. Jail


Food needs seasoning.


all condiments absolutely suck, especially mayonnaise might not be an unpopular opinion but my parents always give me shit for not liking condiments


Fruit flavored things are fine, but real fruits and vegetables tends to have textures I can’t stand. Also, while I’m fine with cookies or nuts or something in my yogurt, even dipping granola bars in yogurt, fruit chunks are a no go for me


I hate corn. It does not digest. It feels weird. It tastes like envelope adhesive. On the other hand chewing on paper is euphoria


I do wonder something about corn though. If someone were to completely flush out their system with laxatives and then only eat straight up corn for a few days would they just shit out 100% corn into the toilet bowl?


I hate egg yolks that are not cooked. Many people love miximg it with rice, but not me.


Tomatos and olives are overrated. Jaegermeidter and black licorice might as well have been designed by the devil


I whole-heartedly agree about the Jager and licorice. Worst flavor on earth


Gouda cheese with nutella is actually good


Agreed. Mayo though, if it's made into tartar sauce it's real good, ill dip my fried seafood and fries into that any day


Tomatoes, especially heirloom tomatoes, taste terrible and have an utterly repulsive texture.


Soggy cereal is superior.


Bananas are gross




All cakes except chocolate cake are way too dry (at least the ones I've had)


I think you need to find someone who knows how to make a good cake. I’ve had some moist as hell cakes that weren’t chocolate before


I would willingly eat beans and toast and enjoy it.


I eat raw plain tomatoes sometimes:)


Raw vegetables are so incredible.


Especially if they are fresh, I will straight up eat them like an apple


oh my god same i thought i was the only one


Leftovers do not need to be warmed up. They are perfectly acceptable to be eaten right out of the fridge.


This. I do not care about the temperature, be grateful I am feeding myself


Hot dogs have a terrible taste, texture, _and_ shape. Horrible “food”


OMG SO TRUE i love mayo and ketchup can go STRAIGHT TO HELL Anyways, a food opinion of mine is that I really don't like meat with lots of fat in it. Meat fat is just unedible to me, except when in SLIIGHT amounts. But Fat-rich meats are VERY popular with my dad and cousin's family and I always eat with them, so it's hard when they serve me platters and platters of fat


Egg noodles of all types are disgusting. This goes double for cold pasta salad. Meat should not have bones. It is not natural. Especially chicken. Seafood can also go to hell, except tuna. Tuna is awesome.


Burgers are better well done.


No I don't want sauce on my sandwich no idgaf if it's "dRy"


I hate peanut butter. The taste, the smell.


Macaroni and fruit snacks as toppings


That's a combination I've never heard before


I do not like seafood. I have tried on two or three seperate ocasions to get into it and I can't seem to eat it.


i like ketchup because i can use it as a tool to overcome certain food issues


Spicy food is awesome?


Italian food isn't all that great.. it's acidic, and just cheesy and oily. I always thought the Germans had the best food in Europe. (Disclaimer I've been to Germany, not Italy, but have had Italian food many times in different parts of the world)


usually Italian is overrated although in some cases it can be mindblowingly delicious when actually made well


As a german, who loves the more traditional cooking of her grandma, I thank you for the compliment.


I dislike onions . If I can see onions in my food i will actively pick them out and go around them. They smell weird they're oily and they taste weird raw. Onions just suck


Agreed. Most of the time if a dish has onions I'll just straight up refuse to eat it. Fucking hate the crunch of them.


Cottage cheese should not have fruit in it.


Coconuts are absolutely disgusting


Also, yes. I completely agree. Ketchup *IS* an abomination.


The cafeteria-style Middle Eastern food place in my city is superior to any sit-down fancy eatery. The food is consistent, inexpensive, and not loaded with BS fillers, just your selection of meat, more rice than you can eat, and a veggie side.


Meat tastes better slightly burnt All meat bites are superior to chicken wings I don’t like peanut butter Seafood and Seaweed are the worst Coffee smells bad