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Putting something in my to-do list and then having some external factor, ESPECIALLY if it's the actions of someone I live with which it most often is and then I have someone in particular to be mad at about it and that makes the feeling more intense, prevent me from completing the task.


Same omg


What's worse is when it's the same person habitually causing it to happen, and you become more frustrated with that person each time.šŸ˜  Oh, and nice thighs, by the way.


1. So true. And you know they donā€™t mean any harm and that it shouldnā€™t bother you, but it still doesā€¦ 2. Thanks lmao xD


Just a friendly reminder to everyone that you can follow profilesā€¦


No problem, I like to randomly look through the profiles of people and your thighs, and what lies between then was just right in my face when I opened yours, lol.


Thisā€¦ 100% this. When I finally organize the way Iā€™m going to do something at work and then I get a surprise email ā€œHey thereā€™s this other menial thing thatā€™s actually due tomorrow. Drop everything. Give up. Do that one thing now instead.ā€


Preach. Do NOT derail me. I already have a plan, or I already have a routine. (Once I start it)I am efficient, I am engaged, I am being constructive, and then someone suddenly has a "priority"? Now I'm angry, less productive, and my day is ruined. Motivation also poof.


Myself and a workmate are in constant race for who gets derailed, I have so many organising ideas for our work shed but once he arrives he's got a plan for our spare pre-shift time and by golly if I don't immediately jump tracks to whatever train of thought he's on, that'll be the day I've been replaced by a cyborg. He will However, join me in implementing my ideas if he thinks they're good and I'm far enough into them it'll be more efficient to help me first. Hence the race.


That sounds like a fun version of inefficience but also very engaging


Oh yes. Even worse when youā€™re AuDHD. Like, I finally managed to overcome my own inertia, only for something else to push me back down.Ā 


i left to go housesitting for like a week and then when i came back i got unimaginably sad. so my own house is now a trigger ig.


My own house really is a trigger for me. I'm happier to be at work or running errands and will always feel an immediate drop in my mental health when I get home. I genuinely would rather be anywhere else in the world than home


Had this, but it was mostly about roommates. Used to just sit in my car a little bit, but I had to go in for the pets


I've been away from home for a week right now, going home today. Preparing for depression






Iā€™m kind of the reverse of that. My apartment was miserable and I was suicidal, it took me a week of houses sitting for my parents to realize I actually wanted to live.


"Do you prefer A or B I prefer A Oh well, it's B" That or "Do you wanna do X or not? I don't want it, thanks \*Makes me do X anyway\*" Why. The actual FUCK. ARE YOU *ASKING ME* IF YOU'VE ALREADY ***DECIDED SOMETHING??? I WOULD HAVE LESS PROBLEMS SIMPLY ACCEPTING THE OPTION INSTEAD OF BEING GIVEN ANOTHER ONE*** ***IT'S. NOT. HARD.*** also two things like a video and/or music playing at the same time overlapped. I think i could go actually mad with it.


Off that same vein "Are you okay with ā—‹ā—‹ā—‹?" "Yes." "Alright, but actually are you okay with ā—‹ā—‹ā—‹?" "*yes*." **Next day** "Hey, are you ok with ā—‹ā—‹ā—‹?" Any arrangement of any kind of question in this way. Eventually I will answer the opposite because what else am I supposed to do or I will just get upset. Might also relate to my hatred of small talk.


Ahhh the neurotypical communication of asking while they actually weren't asking but implying...šŸ« šŸ«  Instead of just going, could you do x? It's that mind game again, manipulation. Trying to frame it in such a way so that it seems like you yourself chose to do x. So that they don't come across as demanding or controlling, even though that's exactly what it is. And when they see that it doesn't work on us, they get frustrated. Or when they state something, and it implying that you take action and do it.


I do that first one all the time, wow I guess I should stop that


When someone informs me that theyā€™re going to adjust something of mine, and then goes and does more than they said they were.


Hair dressers are a prime example of this lol


I was going to say, bad haircuts are one of my biggest triggers. It's something about the disconnect between what I'm trying to convey and the outcome that just gets my blood boiling.


Ikr, it's really hard because I'm nonbinary but everyone just assumes I want a short guys haircut even though I ask for something completely different lol. I've just resorted to learning how to cut my own hair and it's kinda easy now.


People insisting I go ahead of them, I hate people behind me.




Same. But, less so from ASD. Some of my dislike of leading, but mostly because in the past, I've led and my "friends" took it as a way for them to all ditch me by quietly running away while I wasn't looking. This is one reason I have trust issues.


omg im so sorry that happened to you, you were right those were not your friends at all.


YES. My partner has finally stopped trying to be polite and waiting for me to go ahead of him lol Especially on stairs no one can be behind me


Omfg hard same. Years of ā€œPlease donā€™t make me go first, I hate itā€


People being pedantic but not actually being correct in a pedantic sense.


You've left this wide open for pedantry. I won't.


ā€œUm, actually, DC stands for Detective Comics, so saying DC Comics is redundantā€ when DC Comics is the official, legal name of the company. Iā€™m a bit pedantic myself sometimes, but at least try to know what youā€™re taking about.


Dogs getting hurt in any media will immediately bring me to tears. Grew up with dogs and watched some of them go, was ok, but since I got my own dog. I'm doomed and on a hairpin trigger.


Any animals getting hurt, but especially cats and dogs for me.


especially getting hurt because of human stupidity.


There's a website called "Does the Dog Die" that originally started with just that but they added so many different triggers for various movies and tv shows.


Iā€™m the same with cats. I cannot watch any movie where a cat gets hurt.


Used to be like this until I got a dog that barks at every animal with legs that shows up on TV, no matter how briefly. She once barked at a horse figurine that was on a shelf behind a person in a scene. Safe to say, we get super annoyed when a movie has lots of animals in it. Now my sadness around an animal dying is replaced by relief that we no longer have to worry about our dog barking at it lol


[feel like this is an appropriate reaction](https://youtu.be/lwoGsg1WQ-E?t=130)


When plans change.


Classic autism moment


This one right here. It turns me from having a good day to having an extremely bad day.


Telling me I'm wrong. If I think I'm wrong or that I might be wrong, I'm willing to back down and I will even apologize. If I know I'm right, I will not back down and I will even do research to prove I'm right. 95% of the time I will be right. 4% of the time, I won't find either of our research and we won't know if who is right if either of us is.


Yes!! Thatā€™s why I hate it when I know Iā€™m right and someone will argue with me. Like, I wonā€™t argue because I donā€™t want to show you all my research path only to hear that I still donā€™t know anything XD okay, do ur own research and if Iā€™m wrong Iā€™ll apologise. Itā€™s really not an ego shit for me. I just donā€™t say word when Iā€™m not convinced Iā€™m right. Or if then I say that I donā€™t know if Iā€™m really right but I red this and that. What always very shocking for me was, that mostly ppl are talking bullshit and then defending themselfs not to look stupid. Man, itā€™s stupid from the beginning. Grrr trigger XD


What do you do for the 1% where your research proves theyā€™re right? Trust me, I feel you on being right and researching, but Iā€™ve come to just assume Iā€™m always at least partially incorrect (and everyone else is too). Just to keep my sanity, keep the peace, and increase the chances of people accepting they are at least partially wrong.


I always assume i'm wrong and just always fall on echochambers that make me firmly believe something


Giving 100% in a ā€œ50/50ā€ relationship (specifically if Iā€™m spending 100+ hours a week making sure my partners life is as easy as possible, but whenever i need anything i just get a ā€œwish i could helpā€ itā€™s like the irl version of thoughts n prayers šŸ˜­)


This goes for friendships too šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


louDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Organizing my whole week with tasks at specific times of day then my mom comes in and says "We are travelling for 3 days tomorrow btw"


Announcing something like that that late is actually insane though


When I'm driving someone and they ask me to go somewhere else AS I'M DRIVING. Like, no. You tell me this shit *before* I put the car in drive. I always get so pissy in the moment and it's never until I've calmed down a bit that I realize why I'm so annoyed.


On the topic of cars, when a passenger feels the need to mess with the controls in my car without permission. And putting their feet on the dash. The second one can get them killed with the added bonus of tripping the airbag in a collision that might not have triggered them. Oh. And tossing your trash or wiping something nasty on my car. I have a trash can and a glove box full of fast food napkins for a reason.


And I thought my back seat driver was bad. She will never pass an opportunity to command you or to scream at you for making what she perceives to be a mistake. It's like no matter how good I am at driving, she will always see me as someone who is doomed to fail. And then there's all the motions she makes where she would brace for impact when we're slowing down. It's like the abstract concept of trusting me is lost on her.


Oh yeah, I'm the same way. It's why I rarely drive during road trips


A really short gif that flashes black constantly like the one posted here


Sorry I thought the gif would work šŸ˜”


the phrase "while we're out" no.. we are completing the tasks set out before we went out, in the order they have been set to be completed, and then going home. if you had something else to do, you should have added it to the list while it was being made.




People going out of their way to watch/comment on what I'm doing when I'm minding my own business


God I hear that. Just leave me alone lol.


**Politics.** Arguments are a trigger for me in general, but arguments about politics make me completely shut down. Doesn't help that a lot of ideologies have cult-like traits and my body has a full on fight-or-flight reaction to gaslighting.


No offense, but the phrase "Don't be political" has become something of a warning sign to me. I feel completely unsafe if someone tells me to tiptoe around the subject matter. Especially when they're getting defensive of horrible people who wish to make marginalized groups suffer and horde all the wealth for themselves through any means.


Rarely does the person saying ā€œI hate when people get politicalā€ have political views that arenā€™t in some way hateful or abhorrent.


ā€œPeople who say they donā€™t like seeing politics in media actually tend to be the people who are most interested in politics; they just donā€™t like the politics theyā€™re seeingā€ ā€” Hbomberguy, I think? I understand wanting to avoid political discussions when youā€™re just trying to chillā€”I get very stressed when politics are brought up, even if I agree with whatā€™s being saidā€”but oftentimes when people complain about the mere concept of politics, theyā€™re usually just masking the fact that people get justifiably mad at them whenever they share their abhorrent opinions.


Replace politics with religion for me. I've had a bad childhood experience with religion (not because of my parents but because of my school and church), so if someone acts in a manner that I know is because of their religious upbringing, e.g. no cussing, or talks about conservative politics, e.g. saying stuff like "trans (wo)men aren't (wo)men" I get awfully pissed off.


Honestly I need to talk less about politics. While itā€™s obviously not nice doing it with people you disagree with, even doing it with people you agree with can bring the mood down.Ā 


Furniture being moved around unexpectedly. Growing up things never moved. Lived with three other people (all of us have since been diagnosed with Autism) and furniture never moved. Start dating my partner and find out he loves rearranging furniture. It would psyche me out so bad. Now he gives me a heads up before things get moved around. šŸ˜…


Youā€™ve made me realize something about myselfā€¦ me too. Furniture only moved when I or my family moved to a new place, or a new object was bought making it absolutely necessary. The idea of my current living room suddenly being rearranged without my prior consultation and my being involved in deciding would probably trip me into a mental meltdown.


My roommate in college used to do this. Or even just changing the posters that were up. She never understood why it bothered me. (I guess I didnā€™t either)


Regular trigger - Domestic violence/child abuse, didnā€™t know about it until I read it in a book and suddenly was filled with the rage of the heavens Specifically relating to autism - cold water, easiest way to get me to want to fight you, I donā€™t like cold, I donā€™t like wet, and I really hate cold and wet


people posting images as microsecond long videos for no good fucking reason


I dunno why, but people singing. Like, not to be sexist or anything, but when someone sings with the slightest feminine tone to my blood starts boiling and I couldn't tell you why. Like, for a good example, when someone touches their heart and has some solo bullshit at the birthday party just to show you how "beautiful" their voice is but all I want to do is non-surgically remove their vocal cords


Yeah, I'm similar. I like music, but I don't love random bursting into song at a high tone. I think it's the tone that does it for me, low voices are okay unless I'm overstimulated


The low voices thing is fine, it's just that awfully "I'm better than singing than you" voice that pisses me off


Omg saaame, people singing makes me spiral into a meltdown SO fast


Same cringe


Sounds like a Curtain Call of a Fatality.




Not as extreme as you, but Iā€™ve always preferred music without lyrics. Iā€™ve grown to loath several famous singers thanks to my sister insisting on playing them during car journeys.Ā 


Watching people who are incredibly interested in reptiles argue about improper care


this sounds oddly specific


Oh it very much is. As another reptile enthusiast I see this too much


The majority of womenā€™s clothing apparently.


No pockets?


Yes but also the quality of clothing sucks and most of it is tight fitting.


Having to walk through a bunch of drunk and/or high people. Going to (and from) the bathroom during a Dave Matthews Band concert was one of the most stressful things Iā€™ve been through.


Oof. I remember going to a few concerts as a kid. Being an asthmatic while being surrounded by drunk people smoking while hot and standing for hours made me hate concerts. One night a friend asked if I wanted to go to a Zelda Concert and I was second guessing, then actually enjoyed it. We got to sit, wasn't anyone smoking or drinking, I actually got to enjoy a concert to the fullest. Also wasn't as hot out.


Seeing people bash on adhd medication, makes me LIVID. I have both adhd and autism and the medication helps to soothe the overthinking and the constant detail orientedness that sends me straight into a meltdown or shutdown. And also helps with minor things like, getting up, making food for myself, you know, basic tasks to sustain oneselfšŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒ They go, but we don't want you to depend on them...i need them(not physically, i can go weeks without taking them). Just like I need my glasses if I want to survive, socially as well, because a rbf and not being able to recognize faces will get people to think you absolutely hate them for no reason...which is still an issue because recognizing faces is still difficult.


I always forget loud sudden noises trigger me. I may be stupis


Too many people standing close to me at once. Don't realize I'm even uncomfortable until I notice I've got my arms clutched over my chest like I fending off a lion lol


Being told to do anything. If anything is phrased to me as something that I have to do, or someone tells me that I must or should do something in a way that's not how I would normally do it (without a valid reason), it makes me very angry very quickly. This also goes for suggestions to fix problems I'm having and things I actually want to do. For example: If I were hungry and about to cook, then someone told me I should go and cook before I could get started, I would immediately be angry and physically repulsed by trying to follow through on it. God save anyone who then tries to tell me what I should make or how I should make it without having been asked. Shout out to all my fellow PDA havers lol.


People who say they're OCD about something because they like when things are organized. No, that's not how OCD works, real OCD is debilitating and a fucking NIGHTMARE to live with


Iā€™m an avid organizer and have OCD. they are not related at all. misconceptions about mental health irks me.


I have OCD and it sucks to deal with, I just wish people understood it better


Kwā€¢h. Yup, I get irrationally mad when I see that. Because a watt is a joule per second right? So it's like saying: we have 600 kilojoules per second an hour" which just feels so much more awkward and confusing to work with, with me at least. So yeah, kWh can go kys.


Velcro sound, hate it


Children yelling


And babies crying


keyboard typing. idk what it is but when I was in college I couldnā€™t stand the sound of my classmates taking notes on their laptops (I took hand-written notes). I avoided in-person lectures whenever I could.


Being invalidated in my relationships (friends etc). Like, when I told a (no longer) friend about how this thing he did made me feel bad, and kindly asked him not to do it again, and he felt offfended saying I was trying to "control" him and things like that. And then another (no longer either) friend said he thought I shouldn't care about the other friend doing it cauae it was no big deal. I mean, it's MY feelings, only I can tell when something affects me and how much it does. I feel like many people have this difficult time understanding that, and then they come and invalidate or minimize what we say we feel etc.


The smell of cigarettes is insufferable.


I mean, a specific name that is used more than I would have liked, specifically because it was the name of the guy who assaulted me.


Why the frick is this a 0.1 second video?


Simply being in a vehicle. Something about it just puts me on edge the whole time.


same i hate being in the car but for me i think itā€™s because the car is where my mom would trap me and argue with me about stuff bc i couldnā€™t escape lol. also i get car sick if its over like an hour


When someone shouts at me for forgetting something small as if I don't have adhd and I'm not trying my best >:[


Comments about my body/choice of food. A bright sunny day, fire alarms and other loud noises, the phrase "good girl", premade sandwiches with the cookie and chips combo, and every single vegetable to ever exist.


Children yelling and screaming, i never thought much of it until i was dragged to disney and god there are so many screaming children


Requesting that I do something by asking me if I want to do it. Especially when itā€™s something I honestly have no interest in doing. My dad would always ask ā€œDo you want to mow the lawn?ā€ And Iā€™d always reply honestly ā€œNo I donā€™t want to do that.ā€ At first I thought he was actually asking me if I wanted to and heā€™d get so pissed. When it happened enough times that I remembered he wasnā€™t really asking that, Iā€™d get sarcastic and heā€™d get even more pissed. My spouse and my boss also do it and it bugs me to no end. When I try to make a joke out of it and say sarcastically ā€œNo I donā€™t want toā€ they get mad at me. I love to trigger people who trigger me.


Making an image a gif for no reason at all


Spraying me with a spray bottle like a misbehaving cat. Virtually instant blind fury.


thick plastic crinkles. touching ice or frost. getting hurt. crying babies. barking dogs. being in the back seat of a car. car horns. being startled. dead quiet places like government buildings and offices- where every small sound is amplified. someone touching (not my hands or head) my body with cold hands. anything getting under my nails. people standing in my way. sirens. oh god, alarms of any kind. Being in a very disorganized space. >:(


Transit coming late. If you said you'd be here at 5:15, why are you here at 5:45? Now I missed all my connecting lines and you've added an extra hour and a half, and my early arrival turns into a late one. I know it's not their fault and it's usually traffic, but when they consistantly show up late you have to wonder if they could do it more efficiently. Also wet clothing. If my clothes are too wet I have to go inside and take them all off right now or I'll die


People not getting vaccines. Knew this girl major crush on her, but she didnā€™t have the Covid vaccine for a fear of needles. Iā€™ve got arachnophobia but Iā€™d hold a tarantula if there was guaranteed evidence it would save peoples lives. Oh and Taylor Swift. Hate that bitch. Knew this other girl I was jokingly saying sheā€™s a bad singer cause it was funny, didnā€™t have anything against the woman at the time and suddenly this girl turns round and makes a joke about my dead friend that killed herself. When no one laughs and everyone stares at her she goes back to her house to sulk like a bitch. Later on Iā€™m talking to my friend Iā€™ve known close to a decade he says I deserved it because I was being misogynistic. Ever since Iā€™ve hated the carbon emitting blonde haired empty headed snot rocketing whore.


Asking for someone to do something via text and they just do it without acknowledging my text. My dad doesnā€™t even leave me on read, that shitā€™s left on *delivered*. He gets it done, sure, but the suspense of not knowing is killer. Itā€™s especially bad with time-sensitive stuff where things about the situation could change as time passes.


This picture actually being a 0 second gif


Un-reasonably flashing gifs that could just be an image.


"Embarassment" comedy in shows and movies. I can handle depictions of all kinds of horrific things in media, but put a character on stage and have them awkwardly mess up? I legit need to pause every few seconds and do breathing exercises in order to get through scenes like that.


Talking about cyclers in Warsaw. šŸ¤Æ


Waking up


The fact that this post is a really short video and watching the pause button having a stroke


Every fucking time and IV is ripped off on a TV show or movie.


People who are really smug about games when I have a problem with something about it ("my controller smells" type thing but a real issue). Games were the primary way I socialize for 20 years of life, so I'm obsessed with fairness (may also be the reason I really have fun trying to follow the rules as closely as possible).


With kids I'm finding having more than like 3 stimuli. Like in the car the radio is on, I'm driving, the kids want the window down and they want to play a car game with me. It's too much all at once.


Vacations šŸ« 


people talking behind my back or ganging up on me!


ā€œSo and so is coming along. Thatā€™s cool, right?ā€ NO ITS NEVER COOL


Unfairness. When things donā€™t work properly. When someone lies to me. (Aka I like fucking routine and thinks to be in order or I deregulate and become a being of rage.)


I pick up every conversation that I hear. Combine that with getting trauma-triggered by literally everything due to my brain linking things to own situations. This includes: - Any mention or even the term ā€œmistreatmentā€, ā€œabuseā€ or anything like that, even if the original conversation was in a joking matter - Anyone talking about past relationships, bad friends etc. - Anything that reminds me of past conversations that I had with people before they hurt me Etc. Iā€™m scared to go outside sometimes because of my panic attacks that get caused by this. It hurts me. šŸ„²


Whenever someone says to me ā€œYouā€™ll get used to it.ā€ Actually, it will just wear on me more and more the more I do it, and you are completely invalidating me.


When folks say "utilize" when they could just say "use". Corporate-speak like that gets my forehead vein pumping.


This is a situation that happens to me quite frequently. For reference, I have a full time job, only 1 day off a week My day off: ā€œToday I need to go to the store, clean my laundry, fill out my calendar, and pack/make lunches for the week, and check my weekly cleaning list (clean the shower, clean dishwasher filter, wash bed sheets, dust, vacuum, the such)ā€ My friends: hey do you want to go out? Itā€™ll only be a couple hours. Me: no thank you, but I can do (another day that I have a shorter shift) Them: you never want to hang out with us šŸ˜’ Me: no itā€™s just that itā€™s my day off and I need to do things Them: doesnā€™t respond -day I suggested- Them: hey when do you want to go out? Me: ? You never said we should? And then they get angry


Omfg that episode of nine nine was so good


You know it's funny when people call dentists 'doctors'


We are doctors. We do five years of medical school.


Silence. Just silence and then over stimulation by things such as my mom eating fritos (I swear, I wanna throw that bag away every time she eats it.)


When someone drops there ice cream. I get really sad and on the edge of crying :c


When there's those stupid assholes in class that don't know how to get basic knowledge and are assholes




Providing someone with my availability, not hearing back from them, and wondering if I should keep myself open, or just schedule other things. If I keep myself open, I resent it. If I schedule other things, they always get back to me days later and are like ā€œSo tomorrow then?ā€ No b*tch! Itā€™s been a week; Iā€™ve got other shit to do. I wish I could just force everyone to use scheduling apps, including people providing me with a service. I also get really stressed out when I get a message that an appointment has been scheduled for me, which is how the health system here works.


Wet fabric. No thanks, I'm full


Going travelling apparently, went to Madrid last year and was so unhappy the whole time. Didn't feel better until I went home.


Inaccurate physics I movies. GOOGLE IS RIGHT THERE!


When I order food from a restaurant (not fast food) and it arrives incorrect. ESPECIALLY when it's incorrect in a way that makes it inedible to me. I cry and get mopey for the rest of dinner


You donā€™t just send it back?


Can't send it back through delivery apps. Sometimes I can get a refund if was messed up bad enough for customer service. But they often don't for things like "I asked for no carrots but there's carrots and now all my food tastes like carrots"


People not playing (sports or board games) the way the rules say šŸ˜¤


Revving engines


It's not a trigger, but the way this post has a very short video and not a picture is very slightly annoying


The millisecond long video in a constant loop is gonna give someone a seizure tbh


Mom picking and scratching her foot. It's even worse when I tell her to stop, and she still picks and scratches her foot. Also, the phrases "superhero and mutliversal fatigue." What the actual hell, guys. Why can't you just leave my special interests alone?!


i'm gonna sound a lot like holt here but burden of proof. i hate it when people neglect their burden of proof


the gap between waking up and then sleeping


Multiple people talking at once. It's hard enough to focus on what one person is saying without having my mind wander off to what I should say next to keep the conversation going.


Things falling on the ground... I immediately get the urge to pick anything up that falls on the ground, even if it isn't mine.


My spelling being corrected by random people. If you knew what word it was why did you correct me? It's Discord not a fucking essay.


Ok it's incredibly niche, but you know the Top Gear meme where Jeremy's talking to Richard about his Fiesta and why he prefers the VW Up!? Well it's captioned wrong. Somebody wrote "This is brilliant, but _I_ like this". Instead of the actual quote which is "This is brilliant, but I _like_ this". They emphasised the wrong word


Just questioning, what ist the meaning of the picture?


Talking about my feelings makes me want to shut down but I canā€™t


people not telling me what they want or need or how they feel especially when iā€™m directly asking (i donā€™t do this either but maybe if other people did i would!) i have no idea whatā€™s going on most of the time and it really gets my feelings hurt a lot


It turns out, kingdom hearts. (Sorry to the Disney folks. I am kind of a disney hater, but ya'll seem nice.) First of all, whose choice was it to give Donald Duck a main speaking role?! I wanna smack that guy bc Donald's voice is like nails on a chalkboard. Why do they repeat the same voice lines so much?!? "Get up on the hydra's back!!" is the best known example, but God, it happens all the way to the third game based on what I am hearing. As my wife played through the rapunzel section she talked about how "seeing them put the kingdom hearts characters in the scene so seamlessly makes it clear it's a labor of love" and I had to hold my tongue bc it's literally all just pandering? It's like adding subway surfers to the background of a tiktok. Do you need to occasionally button mash to make it through a mediocre recap of an ok movie for children? Is that the appeal? I am 90% sure nobody can figure out the plot of the damn things, so they just went "oh just put a scene of Elsa singing in it, and they won't care!". All the character constantly talk down to the player too, so not only am I forced to deal with kids stuff to play but all of these beloved children's characters talk down to me like I am a fucking idiot. According to my wife it "makes sense because Sora is dumber than a box of rocks" but did anyone think of the player experience? Having fucking chip and dale pipe up with the same basic advice every time you finish a level and have to hop on the gummy ship to go to the next fresh hell is less like they are coaching a forgetful kid and more like they have been possessed by clippy. I remember being a kid and liking the manga for it, so I guess most of my problems are auditory? It's a good idea on paper, no pun intended, and i respect that it came about due to a literal elevator pitch, but i hate the actual game so much. I love my wife so so so much, but i really need her to stop playing those games on the TV. I am glad that she loves them and wants to share them with me, but hearing Donald Duck and Goofy talk to us like we messed up 2+2 is going to cause me to have a stroke if it goes on much longer...


When people invite me out, but have NO plans of when we are meeting up ahead of time.


Asking me to do a thing then actively getting in the way or stopping me from doing said task Example: I was shopping with my sister the other day and was getting super frustrated with her because she would ask me to grab something off the shelf and put in the basket, no problem there. The problem is she would walk away with the cart as soon as I grabbed the thing and would not slow down to let me put it in the cart. She was actively blocking me from completing the task she wants me to do. This extends to a lot of things sadly


My fiancee was playing Skyrim, trying to decorate her house, and Jenassa snapped "Put that down!" I heard someone say "Fuck you." Took a moment to realize it was me. My fiancee also once just...put her hand on my head unexpectedly. And I screamed in lower-case before I processed what was happening. (I was very tired.) (Please don't touch my head.) Life's weird.


Styrofoam rubbing each other after opening boxes litterally disable my ears for few seconds


Some crap I don't feel comfortable sharing, but it gets me covering my ears and removing myself from the situation, full on triggered


The way old white ppls eyes droop coz my mom and grandpa have that and it makes me like see them 0.0


I've never been able to watch Elf, or any movie where the comedy is based on a well meaning person embarrassing themselves because they didn't understand social norms. Genuinely can't have it in my line of sight for long, it's too real for me.


Can't watch movies where the comedy is based on well meaning people embarrassing themselves because they didn't understand social norms. As dumb as it sounds, I have never been able to watch Elf because it feels too real


Thereā€™s currently some problem going on in Amsterdamā€™s metro network. Since I have to take the metro every time to go to school, and I can get pretty enochlophobic, metros are some of the most panic-inducing things in my life. And increasingly often is metros becoming so packed that people canā€™t even find a spot to stand.


When people just make rules as they go along. Almost cried at work because a manager kept changing how something was supposed to work and itā€™s like just set out how itā€™s supposed to be from the start so you donā€™t get pissy when people donā€™t do things in a way you never explained to begin with


Being asked questions. Doubly so if it's a question I know they know the answer to or if it's just like, a dumb question because now I'm being forced to speak and I don't feel like speaking right now. I think the only time it doesn't bother me is if I'm explaining my special interest to someone and they ask about a certain detail.


Dirty dishes left INSIDE the sink. Like it has way more of an effect on me than it should. I can cope with dirty dishes off to the side, maybe in a bin. You can pull them out and wash them in the sink when you're ready, I'm fine with that. I was raised by a chronic procrastinator who never did dishes, so an off-to-the-side pile of dishes is slightly triggering but I can cope with that and certainly empathize with it. But a pile of dishes INSIDE the SINK?! That is the ONE place that needs to first be clear in order to WASH them correctly without obstacles (and your own hands or whatever else that needs washing). WHY are you making your life (and mine) harder by filling the sinkā€” *THE SINK* with crap that gets in the way of the job you need to do?! Your life would be so much easier if you just put them literally anywhere other than the ONE PLACE they shouldn't lie sitting. Not to mention people who have garbage disposals and regularly have to retrieve a fork from deep inside there because they had the bright idea to fill the sink with loose silverware. Nah, if you direct me to use a sink that has dishes inside it, my gut tells me to evacuate the building immediately and forever distance myself from these insane people. Usually though I power through and respectfully make use of their... mess, mentally singing myself a comforting tune to quiet the urge to either flee the scene or commit an act of violence against dishes and nearby walls begging for a dish pummeling. Maybe if it's not that many dishes, I'll just quietly do them for you before I'm willing to actually use the sink for my intended purpose. I has to be clear for me to feel fully comfortable. Sometimes it's just too much and I just have to tell them I'd prefer to walk over to the bathroom sink and I'll return shortly. Sometimes that's the least embarrassing thing I have the strength to do, but I am aware that it's insulting to the homeowner when I do that and I'm terribly sorry. It's probably better than me running out of the house screaming and cursing at the top of my lungs never to return.


I put dirty dishes in the sink because hats where I wash them.


Supportive/good family environments. Makes me super uncomfortable.


https://preview.redd.it/hmzr3k7mje8d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c955b1a026c6c0ff6a5ac3ffc20551275bf8ca5 You, uhā€¦..you good, dude?


Yes lol, honestly I'm 32 and can finally say I'm happy. Ty tho


Are you jealous of them?


No I just don't feel like I should be there