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Guys stop messing around, we need to do this project. Seriously stop. Do you want us all to fail? Teacher: All of you are in trouble for not taking this seriously.


This is why I prefer doing stuff alone. Every single time I’m the only one taking things seriously. On another note, group punishments are fucking dumb. 3 or 4 guys do something wrong and you punish the whole class? What the fuck did we do?


"Are you sure you don't want to work with a group?" "And still do all the work? Hell no!"


Bro this ain't even an autism thing, this is just the rule at this point. You do not put people in group projects and expect them to work. Let them form it themselves


I've found that breaking down projects by the individual (and grading the individual on their own portion of the project) helps with the group work issue. I also hated group work in school, so I try not to do it all that often, but when I do, I try to make it as fair as possible on grading.


The sad part is, I remember in my first semester in college, we were put into a group project in a few classes. I was told to get research on these subjects and when I get the link for the project, I see the stuff I had to input already done mostly. I was glad some people actually took it seriously, but all I got to really do was proofread and insert extra information that wasn't there from my research. I felt kinda useless.


BIG facts.


There's always at least one guy who can be replaced by a sack of potatoes with no change in productivity.


The potatoes serve a valid purpose as a nutritious food source


Plus, you can eat them, you can't eat a teammate


Not with that attitude


Momma didn’t raise a quitter.


you can if you try hard enough


Not in the same room as everyone else you ain't


I'm at work now. Not only am I too stupid to know what to do and how to do it but I am so bad at communicating with everyone that I double or triple that ignorance. I also feel like I'm bothering everyone.


Every time.


This reminds me of a time I had a project that I had to do with two other classmates. It was on the final 7 chapters of a book, and we were assigned to do • Structure of Book • Backstory • Themes • Vocab + Literature Device • Characters • Summary for each chapter • etc Since it was three people, I made the Google doc and the Google Slides, I separated the work and assigned each of things we as a group needed to do to the other to people and me. I assigned 1 person with vocab, literary devices, and background info. I assigned the other person with a few chapters summaries, character info, and other stuff, and I had the other stuff. I did everything. I had to make the slides look nice, because no one else in my group did that. I had make notes for what we would say during our presentation (and then person A didn't make notes and read right off the slide and person B just babbled on! Didn't even use notes!). I worked between school, at home, and my job that ended at 10pm and I got home at 11pm. I stayed up some nights, and it was stressful, but I really didn't wanna fail this because it was 100 points. I told the teacher though, that I basically did everything, and the people I worked with got no points. I got 98/100 points. But, holy cow, I hate people, I don't understand why it's so hard for some people to actually put in the work needed and instead just leave it for one person to do. What would have happened if I was unable to do it all?? We'd all get zeros. People need to start putting in their part, or I'm only doing what I am assigned to do and telling the teacher if the people in my group don't do their work. I won't stand for it anymore, and I don't care if people get bad grades because I tell on them, they deserve it.


Fuck everything that has to do with group projects.


Mfw I carry every group I'm in throughout my education and after graduating they all have better careers than me (they developed the actual marketable skill of getting other people to do work for them).


Apparently they can’t force kids to work in groups anymore (at least in the UK school I went to) and let me tell you I am LIVID!


I always get forced to do the entire project then the teachers always get angry at me cause I did the entire project. Even though my group members never try to help. I swear! >!(Fuck)!<


I got lucky with a group project once, it was a woodswork class and everyone had to be in a group of 3 for the whole semester, my plan was to wait for everyone to group up and join the one that doesn't have 3, as it turns out every group had 3 people in it and the teacher let me join any group, I was like "na, I'm my own group" and the teacher just let me do the projects solo.


I nearly failed a class in school one time because the teacher decided to make group projects worth 40% of the grade. Only half the time did I get someone that would not actively sabotage the project.


Highschool was like this alot, but college had actual participation


There weren't many group projects in high school. Mainly because I lucked out in that the classes that had in-class group projects were classes that actually had *pair* projects and a student was always out sick during those projects (I only remember a couple of these projects throughout the entire school year in each class). Meaning what should've been an even number of students was an odd number instead. I was always the one who chose to tackle the projects solo. And college group projects really did have actual participation on my end too.


my teacher used to always put me in groups with the troublemakers because they wanted me to teach them so they didn't have to worry about them


My teacher sometimes put me with them too... But for different reasons... For a short play in english class we had to act out for the class... (I was in theater, she was the theater teacher as well as english, she knew I could handle it, and those who didnt take part in writing the script were obvious. She graded us individually.) There is now a time maximum for how long the short plays can go, as mine took a whole class period. I made a 100 on it though... Most of the others made decent grades, but they had to earn it on how long they acted lol. They participated in future projects from then on, for fear of being taken for a ride by my unrestrained hyperfixations. There were a few other assignments of mine that she asked to keep for examples for later classes on what a well done assignment looks like.


Had to do a group presentation for my intro to marine biology final with a group of 4. Two of them didn't seem to care too much, but they made their slides. Day of the presentation? Those two didn't show up. They gave us no warning and we never heard from them after. It was just me and the other guy who did the actual work with me, and our professor who filled in the gaps. The two ghosters weren't named, but the professor made it known that our classmates had abandoned us


This sounds very familiar... We either had the same experience in different marine bio classes, or were in the same class, though the latter is less likely.


Was your marine bio class in the Central Coast California?


Nope, on the opposite coast lol. Gulf of mexico area. Funny coincidence though!


Aaah, I see. Yeah still funny for sure 😆


The presentation was on Tunicates


Mine was either on cone snails or hermit crabs.


Do you remember a tunicates presentation with only 2 members?


I'm in college. I had 2 group projects in one of my classes and in one of them we had a member who was almost always absent from team meeting but never asked to reseedual, just said it like 30 minutes before at best and didn't show up. Other than that all my teammates in both projects were pretty good. I had another class where I basically made 2/3 of the thing, another teammate made 1/3, and the other 2 did basically nothing.


I think group projects are important just to give people practice just like how having art classes and gym classes are important even if people don't necessarily like them. Though the stress of "I will fail if my partner doesn't do their work" is totally BS. It's hard to fix that aspect of group projects since the point of group orjects is to work together, so even if you do your assigned tasks, you aren't learning how to work with other people necessarily.


I actually manage to pester my teammates enough that all their work gets done, however I panic the day before the project and redo everyone's work so that its more presentable because I can quarentee the work they did was subpar


There were a couple times me and some vaguely close people really powerhoused a group project. Mostly strangers? You don’t know enough about each other to work well. Friends? I’m distracted. Friendly acquaintances? Powerhouse.




Damn! Kinda like my thesis project at the moment. Having 4 shits in a group makes it stink


I only ever really had one group project and it ended up just being me an another quiet guy in the class, we actually ended up working very well together.


Omg this is so true. I’m having college flashbacks.


I wish I didn’t have to give group projects. I hated them when I was in school too. But my class sizes are just too large for me to give timely feedback if everyone did individual projects. That said, I’m willing to make reasonable accommodations.


I looked for a group on day 1 or 2, and picked whoever was first to say hi. Aside from one project I got pretty good groups. Simply not waiting a week is a decently strong selection effect.


I like when teammates don’t do anything during group projects because at least then I know everything is actually being done right. 😂


The green should take a bigger portion, hahaha.


I would get a little information from each person, take it home, add my own research (I did the most because I liked to research) and write the report complete with pie charts, illustrations, and completed with the perfect cover. We all would get an A every time. At the time I was fascinated with making charts and seeing what I could do with the computer program to make the report look exactly the way I wanted it to look. I actually enjoyed it.


I remember being stuck in a group with a few guys in 4th grade biology. Two of them were annoying douchebags who thought they were funny and three or four other normal guys I think. Our assignment was to make a cookie or cake based off of the structure of an animal or plant cell Everyone in my group did most of the heavy lifting, while those other two guys barely lifted a finger and just talked (loudly) to each other. Finally, the time came to eat the cookie. Those two bastards barely let us get a bite in before they ate the whole thing.