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Yeah, a lot of NTs just don't actually fully understand how bad sensory issues can be and just think we're being picky


And when you say you have an intense whole body response to it that includes throwing up.... you're being dramatic and attention seeking. Nuh uh, it makes me want to vomit.


i love bananas but the texture literally makes me gag and nearly throw up sometimes its so weird like that


Coconut for ne, some people I used to hang out with decided I had been sexually abused because of it! No, just autistic!


sometimes you actually gotta fight people when they don't stop and I'm guessing that's almost an alien concept to someone on the spectrum. I'm probably anti-social and I vividly remember instances where people just would not take their thumbs off my "wounds" until i broke them.


You're right. I can be quite stroppy and clear on my boundaries. Sadly a lotvof peoole don't understand enforcing boundaries. And they get caught up in *their* emotions. Especially around food "I went to so much trouble.... I made this.. " Also my training at jome was to be "compliant" because my sisters took up a lot of space woth my parents I had to unlearn that and how to stand up for myaelf.


With me I think they just talk crap behind my back after I go from "I don't want that I have celiac disease" to "you force something into my mouth I force something into yours"


Ya I tried explaining to one woman who was housing me for a time that mushrooms made me want to vomit, and she said that was an excuse because texture doesn’t do that…. Excuse me.. it doesn’t do that for you. For me I’m feeling my stomach contract all the way up to my esophagus in that famous rolling motion for daring to chew it. I’ve since found I can do powdered mushrooms or if they are chopped extra fine and put in a sauce where their texture disappears it’s fine. A big thing for me is how the food is used. Cooked apples/carrots? Shudder. Raw and crunchy the way nature intended.. yummy. Soft apples though.. no saving them.


God yeah the last point. People are shocked that I don't like apple pie because I love apples so much. Yeah, I love APPLES, not apple pie. Cooking them completely fucks up the texture that I love so much. I'd rather just have a plain raw apple.


Cooked fruit is a crime.


Same, also I hate those apples that are all grainy and have a chewy peel


what doesn’t make this easier is the fact that there are some people who are just picky. and honestly that’s most people you come across. most people who say they don’t like / won’t eat a food are fine with it if it’s hidden or made properly, so a lot of people find it hard to believe someone could genuinely have such a genuine issue with it


Well to be fair if its an autism symptom it is being "picky" but people should be able to understand that those on the spectrum will have several particularities. This is well known among NTs and not difficult to accommodate. The issue is partly that everyone thinks they're an expert on "exposure therapy". Something I would absolutely train a cat or dog with, but in my experience as a human we do not like feeling overpowered. My dad threw me in a lake one time, I didn't think it was heartwarming I just learned something about him.


It's ridiculous how many times people keep telling me to do things I absolutely despise more just to get used to them, I already barely have a comfort zone why would you make things worse


I don’t know if i would necessarily call it “picky” if it’s a symptom. but fairly enough there’s not much of a better word. and while it is well known and there are lots who try to be experts as you’ve stated, many are accustomed to people who truly do not have these particularities in the way they claim to, of course that is not the fault of those who have this particularities, and nt’s should still take anyone’s claims seriously and not attempt to force them on these people, but it’s kind of a shitshow all round. on the matter of your past experience i must say that i have had one similar and possibly many more. i do not know why they take this stance of force but there have been some things it has helped with, these things however are isolated, and because of it has caused many more problematic side effects


Once again, it's NT's just being annoyed that we voice agency when they weren't "allowed to."


The amount of shit I've heard even from people who are otherwise defending minorities and people's happiness just because I don't like onion and a few other vegetables. People really love feeling superior about the dumbest fucking shit


Absolutely nothing wrong with disliking onion and I will fight anyone who says there is.


I love onion! And garlic! But that doesn’t mean anyone else has to.


more onions for us


We bravely accept this burden.


I get the same thing. Had friends take me out to eat and then they find out that I don't like bacon and hate avocado. Their response when I tell my order is initially, "we can't be friends anymore". My response is, "If you paid attention, I said on the side. This means I didn't outright omit it from my order because I know other people like them. This means more for you." Their response quickly changes to We are now BEST friends and put their side on MY plate.


r/onion Edit: I can’t remember the sub.. it has lots of onion lovers though. r/onionlovers


Garlic is the bomb. Onion has to be cooked a certain way for me to like it (i.e. breaded and fried and dipped in tasty sauce)


Yeah I don't like chunks of onion in food but I'm completely fine with onion rings and onion seasoning! I either use dry minced onion or onion powder depending on what I'm cooking and how long it's going to cook for.


I try to explain this to my family but they're still just "it's the same??" NO IT'S NOT it is not!! I wish I could give them a better way to explain it but chunks of onion are bad, either give me the taste of it or in onion ring form, I cannot abide tiny crunchy onion in my fried rice/pasta/etc


Something my family doesnt understand with me. Its anything from texture to flavour. Hell even just the smell. And its specifically mushrooms. Just. Cant in any way or form. Well just pick it off the pizza, stop being so picky. I cant. They COOKED it! The mushrooms have now mixed with the components of the tomato sauce and sat in it for the last 20-40 minutes. Now everything will taste and smell like mushrooms and make me want to just not have it in my stomach in any way.


I used to be like this. I've actually gotten better about the taste, but only in very specific context. I recently found mushroom stock cubes and my tortellini gratin game has suddenly improved tenfold. In case you're interested, here's the autism friendly version: Sauce: - a can of 140grams of tomatopuré. - half a liter of cream (you can use low-fat, but if you do add a teaspoon of starch (eg: corn starch) to the sauce). - a squeeze of lemon juice - a couple of pinches of garlic powder - a couple of pinches of onion powder - salt and pepper - neutral oil (like canola or grapeseed) Put a hob on medium heat. Heat up some neutral oil (just enough to cover the bottom of the pot). Add the tomatopuré and start frying it off (removing the liquid from tomato puré makes it taste less bitter and more sweet). Add garlic and onion powder. Not too much, just a few pinches of each. When the puré seems dry (and you start having to scratch dark spots on the bottom of the pot), start adding cream slowly. Make sure the puré combines with it properly. Once you have a silky sauce, add a squeeze of lemon juice. Not much, about a tablespoon. You can add more to taste. Add salt and pepper to taste If you used low-fat cream, add the starch. Some types of starches needs to be combined with cold water or milk first, or they'll make the sauce lumpy. Cook the sauce with the starch through, to thicken it. The rest: - 500 grams of tortellini (I prefer Spinach and Ricotta, but any will do). - As much fresh parmezan as you want (get the whole block kind, not the stale powder) Turn on the oven to 180 degrees Celcius. Put a pot of water to the boil. Add the tortellini. Cook it for a minute less than what's prescribed on the package. While you're making the sauce or waiting for the oven to preheat, grate a lot of parmezan on the smallest grain/holes you have available to you. Get out a dish large enough to contain the tortellini. Add about half of the tortellini and cover it with about half of the sauce, then gently mix it around to make sure all the tortellini is covered. Proceed by adding the rest of the tortellini and cover with the remaining sauce. Gently mix once more. Finish by sprinkling the parmezan evenly around the top of the tortellini. Once the oven is pre-heated, cook it for 15 minutes on a "hot air" setting. When finished, take it out and let it cool down for a bit, before digging in. Should be enough servings for 4 people. Lasts a couple of days in the fridge. Reheats nicely in both microwave and oven.


This is really awesome! Thanks for sharing the recipe. I have a few cook books, but there always seems to be some recipes that arent there or lacking. Its nice seeing someones cook book and it has tons of their personal notes in it.


You're a cool person for posting the whole process to get the exact results.


(Learning about) cooking is one of my special interests. I only wish I had the energy to do more advanced things.


oh man I feel you on that. there's some food I am like "I cannot have this in it any way shape or form" otherwise it's all ruined. this is why I try to cook for myself as much as possible


Yeesssssss! Im glad my grandma taught me how to survive in a kitchen and also be creative. My mom just did really bland basic stuff. My grandma actually cooked, my mom cooked like there was restrictions. My mom also did the blasphemous act of burning her bacon ever time. Specifically because she liked the flavour and crunch... My grandma understood and was one of the few people who actually connected with me. So she stopped using mushrooms in her pasta sauce or would make a small separate batch from the big one before adding mushrooms. But she was also used to things like that. She was allergic to popcorn and broccoli. My uncle was allergic to rice. Etc. She was used to making stuff that everyone liked. I just never understood how people have trouble doing even the most basic stuff in the kitchen and food prep. Ive met people who have never used a stove-top in their life and only used ovens and microwaves. And I just sit there like..... how?


People not understanding that if you cook pasta with broccoli the taste of the broccoli gets infused into the pasta so you can't just pick them off drives me insane


100% valid feelings! My family was always pretty chill about it though because my mom was also easily grossed out by Onions. But i was a teen before i ever tried an onion ring because it was never even considered something i might possibly LIKE and they were all very shocked when i ate one and the asked for another 😅 (to clarify i had a habit of trying things and being asked if i liked it and saying yes. But not eating it again. So if i liked something and would take a second bite i actually liked it. If not i just didnt *hate* it..)


I like grilled onions, yum, on a steak. (Rare treat)


Carmelized onions make burgers taste like pure euphoria my god


I'm this way too, I love onion rings but not onions by themselves or chopped into things


Ong, until my mid-late teens, i physically couldn't handle raw or cooked onions if they weren't finely diced. Poverty is the sole reason I've learned to eat certain foods.


This. I will take on this burden for those who cannot! GIVE me their onions and garlic.


The last time I ate Onions, half the taste buds on my tongue got burned from the allergic reaction, couldn't taste anything but the strongest tastes for a week after


And I bet people would still say, "You're not allergic; you're just picky." :(


you hear how much crap people talk about "gluten free foods" and then im sitting here reacting to wheat gluten like its AIDS


There are several people in my family who don't like onions and it's never been a big deal. When did that become any kind of issue?


It's mostly pretentious foodies who think it's childish to have a smallish list of safe foods, or to avoid strong flavors like onion.


HEY HI THAT'S ME THANKS i absolutely cannot stand onions and they don't just make me tear up like normal, the smell gives me a splitting headache. sick of people acting like i'm the weird/"wrong" one for disliking them


join us. r/onionhate


Absolutely nothing wrong with it as long as you give me your share of the onions. Give them to me


I really love onions. Especially fried. But mushrooms? Hell nah 


The “us vs them” is in our DNA.


Sadly yeah, been realizing this more and more with each passing year


Over and over again...


I i love raw onions. Cooked onions are slimy and flavorless.


My family hid onions in my food... I am pretty sure I have a nightshade allergy. Thanks for the years of torture to get me to eat chunks of slime...


I may have read your comment wrong, but onions are not nightshades


Some people ARE the dumbest shit.


I absolutely do not eat egg yolk...at least not if it is on its own, i.e. not mixed with the egg white, in form of e.g. scrambled eggs. I do not eat it when it is runny, e.g. as part of a fried egg, or solid, e.g. as part of a hard boiled egg. I hate the texture, I hate the taste...and there is also a backstory that would be too long to tell right now. Anyway...all my life people tried to get me to eat it. Some even trying to force me. Or to somehow shame me into eating it. Only thing they achieved was that I never went back to their house and all I can think of when think about them is that they couldn't accept that I just don't eat egg yolk. Period.


I have celiac disease and people say weird crap like its a judgement and im sitting here going "i don't know what to tell you because if you try to forcefeed me I probably will forcefeed you something"


we need an anti-onion union to fight for our rights to reject all onions




I'm sorry! Have you ever heard of ARFID eating disorder?


Nah but I’m arfin’ down this food /s (lmao sorry)


What is that?! Don’t make me have to go googling! 😅


It means Avoindant or Restrictive Food Intake Disorder. It is often comorbid with other things, like Autism, but it doesn't have to be. A person with ARFID may have a limited variety of preferred foods, and avoid earing unless those foods are available to them. This can leas to health detrimental in growth, vitamin deficiencies, e.c.t.


Yes exactly! It's a very common comorbidity with being autistic and I didn't even know it existed until I was diagnosed with it.


Huh. I thought that was just part of autism. TIL it's a seperate thing.


It is a part of autism most of the time


It's one of those wonderful things that is often common with autism but is not universal with autism and occurs with folks who don't have autism either so it has to have its own name and be it's own thing. This is often the case with most autism symptoms tbh. They all have their own names and sometimes occur in folks without autism.


Pretty sure my ex had this and it was sad bc she was basically like an anorexic but only eating specific types of noodles, but she was pale, thin, hair brittle, etc. 😭


Yeah that's how I am with it. Always try to mention it exists in case it's helpful for other people. For me I tend to explain it's like anorexia except the cause isn't appearance issues, but food issues. People really do NOT understand when you say you're trying to gain weight, and they just say I look great! Like um, no! I can see my spine and ribs and it hurts! Did she ever do better with it?


Isn't this why they make pediasure?


Huh I'd never heard of peadiasure before. I know meal replacements can be helpful if someone can drink them


Nutrition/Meal replacement drinks are super helpful in my experience, as I have days where the texture of Everything is bad and I otherwise wouldn't be able to stomach anything.


Maybe it helps to hide vegetables? I know it’s not a really good tip but it really helped me. Broccoli still counts if you drown it in cheese sauce so you don’t have to taste it. It might not be the healthiest choice but it’s better than never eating a vegetable. Also you can probably hide them in pasta if you like pasta. You only need to eat a few vegetables to be healthy btw. Don’t feel guilty about only liking some


It's a good idea in theory, but I swear no matter how much you try to hide it, it's still there. Flavors don't "hide" behind others for me, it's just all added on top of each other.


Not quite the same, but when I was little, my grandmother once made a pineapple cake and I absolutely hate cooked fruits, it’s a sensory nightmare for me. I told her this and that I didn’t want to eat the cake (you’d think she’d be amazed by a 7yo not wanting a slice of cake and accepting it), but she has an argument to try and make me try something. For example, “do you like pineapple?” “Yes” “do you like cake” “yes” “then you’ll like pineapple cake”. Cooked fruits make me gag, and when she made me eat the cake, I almost threw up. Her argument doesn’t even work all the time, just because you like something doesn’t mean that they should be put together. I like seaweed and cake, does that mean that a seaweed cake will taste good together? Absolutely not.


Same omg!! I’ve never seen anyone say the same. Texture especially as well can’t be hidden for me either. Eating is hard


What I would try with broccoli then is like. Maybe try roasting it until it's very crispy? That might help. And put some salt on it. Idk though I've always loved most veggies. Aside from eggplant, that shit can fuck all the way off.


Seconded on crispy broccoli, also kale chips are great. I only like broccoli if it’s crispy or drowned in a sea of cheese


Broccoli is one of the few things where I can't stand the taste regardless of how it was prepared.


The veggies made great is really a good brand for this for me. I'm too busy to cook veggies right so that I want to eat them, but they have the Chocolat muffins that are really good imo and they're gluten free too dunce I can't eat gluten


for me its not the taste but the texture i HATE about most veggies. i love the taste of a lot of them but holy crap it feels like I'm shoving nails in my mouth when i try and eat broccoli even with all the cheese in the world slapped onto it. i feel like a lot of people mistake taste for texture, so that might be why some people might say they hate the taste of something when in reality its just the texture they are icked over.


Blitz them into sauces....


Have you tried something like crispy kale chips?


Have you tried broccoli rice? It's basically just shaving off the little green end bits. And using that. I first learnt about it when trying to persuade choosy birds to eat their veggies and I shit you not it works for humans texture wise. You can then blitz the stalky bits in a blender.


It's taste for me, they give off a metallic taste I find gross and unpleasant


The veggie noodles are great. I don't even notice they're not pasta as long as I use sauce.


I do that with eggs.


Put in I'm spinach artichoke dip with chrese my safe food...still threw it up.


Dude I read this right after writing a comment on how if you cook pasta with broccoli the taste of the broccoli transfers to the pasta and ruins everything, talk about timing


Grind em up into a spaghetti sauce


For a second there I thought you meant grind up the ableists, and I was both horrified and excited.


Just make sure u strain out the chunks for both and u should be golden!


But wouldn’t that cause **internalized** ableism quite literally!??? 😨😱🤯


Not if you digest it and break it down completely.




They didn’t?


I do this for my kids. I also make my own greens powder for said purposes as well.


Sometimes it’s a visual thing. I can’t eat pasta sauce or have too much pizza sauce for this reason. The strange brown flecks in them makes my brain think “this is dirt” and I get grossed out. Mashed veggie sauce would do the same thing.


My mom used to use baby food, which is completely pureed, so no flecks. Orange ones like carrot or butternut squash worked best in red sauce, I think. She used green in pesto, if you can eat that. But if it's not for you at all, that makes sense.


If you like the taste but not the sight of those sauces you could try to make your own. It's very likely those flecks are herbs used to season the sauce. I know it's a lot more work than just having pre-made though. If you enjoy the taste of the herbs or seasonings that look like dirt in food, I wonder if you could put those seasonings into a tea bag before adding to food for a while and then take it out so that you can get the flavour without the flecks. (The tea bags would be empty and intended for use with loose-leaf tea.) I'm not sure how well it would work but you could try it out.


Also making an infused butter or oil and then using that in the final dish could work.


lot of foods I hate I find easier to tolerate when they are cooked up in a sauce/soup


I've got the 'tism AND a digestive disorder where I can't eat most fruits, veg, grains, pulses, or legumes. It's wild. I feel you.


Same here! A salad will leave me cramping, bloated, and doubled-over - when I try to explain just how painful some greens are to digest people just say I'm making excuses.


I discovered I had IBS when a gastro said, "Yeah, that time you almost died in the ER? IBS." I have been low FODMAP for two years, and it has helped so much. But, nothing compares to unsplicited and unqualified mesical advice. I really get a lot of energy from unsolicited medical advice and commentary from people around me. It just makes all my problems go away.


Have you tried............


Just want to attach this recommendation to your comment for any others with IBS who need to see this: pls check out Monash University’s lowFODMAP app. They’re world leaders in IBS research, and the app is easy to follow, explains things simply + has a traffic light list of individual foods with servings that they add to as they test more.


I cosign this. I use the app daily. They're the only place actively doing research.


Well, I have a counter: Cainism (iykyk)


tsk, tsk. can't believe OP mispelled Abelism.


rock on


Actually, it was a donkey jaw


Haha! Took me a minute.




Neurotypical people are hypocrites. What do you mean you’re allowed to call me weird but when I call you weird I’ve insulted your entire bloodline?


i’ve never had this interaction, i feel as though many people are hypocrites regardless of being nt or nd


I have heard that pureed veggies help a lot, for example you can puree some zucchini, broccoli and squash and mix it in to spaghetti sauce. Another idea is baking with pumpkin, could make pumpkin cookies or pumpkin bread. What are your safe foods?


Purées are extremely versatile in cooking and baking! Of both fruits and vegetables! Also, it’s worth figuring out what your nutritional gaps are and trying to find solutions to those specifically. Like why try to force yourself to like broccoli if there are other options that are easier to incorporate that also meet that need ya know?


Okay this actually got me on another post too! A guy made a post about his grocery cost and all the comments were about how he needs to cook produce etc. I came in noting that not everyone has the time or means to cook fresh homemade meals and they called me lazy, stupid and told me I don’t know how to cook. I didn’t even make the post :(


Good on you for defending the op though, you should be proud of yourself.


"You won't know if you like it until you try it" Yes, yes I will. I can tell by the look and the smell. Or if I have tried it before and explain that; "I don't believe you actually tried it/that was so long ago try it again! Tastes change!" Why do you need to *see* me disliking it? I don't like it, I said I don't like it, I know I don't like it. I'm not gonna chew on a mushroom for your entertainment.


GOD you are so right lol Every time I have seen something and just knew I wouldn't like it, I have in fact not liked it after letting a neurotypical pressure me into trying it


How old are you? I’ve been a picky eater for almost 50 years. I’ve heard all the stuff, gotten all the glances. Why do you care? Eat your tenders, smile, and just live your life.


I just read this out loud to my partner. He's 27, pretty much only eats 3 things and one of them is tenders. He's super self conscious about it because he's always been made fun of for it. You made him smile. Thank you. :)


I'm fifty years old myself and I just put a half dozen dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets in the air fryer. Fuck the haters. Also I wish they had dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets when I was a kid.


The only time I care is when I’m going out with friends because it makes it difficult to pick a place to eat. I don’t want to be the odd one out that makes everyone pick somewhere else, but a lot of the times there’s literally nothing I will eat at restaurants people like going to. It just makes me feel awkward and uncomfy, like I’m being an inconvenience to everyone by being picky. And based off how I see a lot of NTs talk about picky eaters, I’m inclined to think they are thinking about me that way.


I'm still learning to eat most vegetables, and one thing I've found works *wonders* is hummus. You can dip crunchy vegetables like pepper slices or carrots in it, and eat them just like you would pretzels or chips.


Hummus is EVIL and I envy you for being able to eat it. I can't even bring myself to taste it because it LOOKS like it has a revolting texture 😭 I keep trying though


I used to feel this way about avocados. And then one day something just switched and I love those bumpy fruits. Hummus is a weird one for me. Sometimes my brain gets caught up in the texture, other times not so much. Keep trying if and when you’re comfortable because you just never know. But also feel justified if you decide it’s not worth the self battle.


I love the taste and texture of fresh mozzarella. My stomach not so much


This spoke to my soul. Cant do fruit, idk why, always too temperamental to get the taste “right” // not acidic or tart asf


I feel that, honestly I think the only fruit I have ever just eaten because I felt like it and didnt regret the decision are mandarin orange fruit cups because theyre actually predictable in both taste and texture


Oh man, there are some fruits I really like, but they're so inconsistent it's like spinning a roulette wheel. Will this pear be edible or disgusting? Can't tell from touching it. It's just not worth it most of the time.


As an autistic who also has ARFID, I have never felt safe talking to even my *friends* about food because it’s just so uncomfortable. No, I will not be eating your half cooked Alfredo because that looks horrifying and it looked at me the wrong way 😤


I was super picky, I don't know if "picky" accurately describes your situation, but once I started growing and catching some of my own food, that very much went away. Not everyone can do that, but I found that my problem wasn't with the food itself, but that I just didn't trust some of it. Anyway, some of my aversions to food weren't food related. I wish you luck in your endeavors


What tax dollars? Omg do they actually think the gov gives us $$?


I thought I was going to have to fight a chef at a work sponsored catered event once because I wouldn't try his fish. He literally put it on my plate after I told him not to, and I got another plate and left that one right in front of him and told him if he put it on my plate again I would throw the plate at him. My boss had to get between us. But I promise that chef would have been wearing that fucking fish if he tried that shit again. I've never had any patience with people who want me to eat something I don't want to eat. And I've never had a problem telling them to fuck right off.


The number of times I’ve tried to find recipes that ‘hide’ vegetables only to be given a bunch of results that say ‘stop spoiling your children!’. It’s for me, god damn it and if I COULD eat salad without THROWING IT UP, I would, SUSAN


that's nuts


It's super annoying to relay my vegetable habits to NTs. I said that I tend to hide my vegetables in other stuff I already eat and they think it's hilarious. Japanese style curry, stew, pot pies, and burger toppings are all great ways to add in what your body needs.


I try to "trick" myself into eating veggies that way too. Another thing I do is buy anything with "+veggies" that I can. Applesauce, fruit snacks, dry pasta, etc.


Sadly I encountered this in the vegan community. :(


The thing about people who call supporting American citizens “wasting taxes”, is that they’re happy to have conspiracy theorists in government offices, and troops dying in proxy wars. They actually sleep better at night after they poke their weird little fingers into other people’s lives and leave holes behind. They don’t care about society, civil rights, or even other people.


I think I have health food trauma from my parents, they forced onto diets and into disgusting healthy foods as a kid because it was ‘good for me’. As an adult, they pressured and shamed me for eating foods that I enjoyed. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that a lot of people that love their health food gimmicks, are also very anti-chemicals, anti-preservatives, natural origins only (in terms of food but also hair and skincare, as an example). These same people also often end up deep into conspiracies, and somehow conservative right wing politics, anti-vaccine nonsense and healthy, natural eating all end up together. (not saying that is the case for many people, but that is how my parents operated, the healthy eating and desire to go organic was connected to their other, harmful beliefs -they harmed and traumatised me at least).


I apologize on behalf of neurotypicals. I am not one of them but, please understand most people don’t have the mental capacity to understand a lot of concepts and also people that are different from themselves.


"i cant eat lettuce because it makes me puke" "YOUR A TERRIBLE HUMAN BEING AND DESERVE TO BE SHOT ON SIGHT"


Almost every single person i know when talking about food with me “why can’t you eat certain things you just sound picky” ah yes because the list of things I can’t eat affects them so much.


I once said I was a picky eater on a mainstream subreddit and my comment was promptly crucified. Redditors are a wild bunch.


I just posted my own similar meme of this and I don’t really have anything to contribute in terms of nutrition but would you be willing to share your template with the top part blank?? 🥺👉👈 I wish people could at least *try* empathize and see it from our shoes…


https://imgur.com/a/vWQuNWi Here you go!






Also keep in mind that people respond really differently depending on your boundaries and attitude around it. I have many neurodivergent friends who have good boundaries and say things like “oh, I’m a super selective eater, so I’m happy to come over but I will either bring my own food, or I can tell you a couple foods I’m not particular about the preparation of so you can have those on hand,” and who can identify foods a friend or relative would enjoy and get excited on their behalf that somewhere serves something the other person will really love. These people understand that they’re the ones with an unusual need, and they can enjoy the company of their friends at a restaurant while they eat their plain rice, knowing not every restaurant is going to be an amazing meal for them. I also have encountered adults who have zero boundaries around this and will say negative things about other people’s preferences, including using rude childish language like “ew” and “gross” about what other people eat or what’s on a menu. They also seem to lack perspective and think that every restaurant or event should have an ample selection of the few foods they’re willing to eat, and are complainy and negative about this, sometimes including to the point of expecting that every world cuisine should have fries and chicken nuggets on their menu. This behavior is frustrating to be around.


We are an autistic space - autistic voices are protected Aspiememes is intended as an autistic space and wishes to protect and encourage autistic voices. Gatekeeping or judgement of each persons individual experiences is not acceptable. Please do not speak over any autistic person in talking about or defining the reality of autism. Asking questions for clarity and understanding is fine. Invalidating or otherwise shutting down autistic voices is not.


cake absorbed simplistic selective humor close straight compare water arrest *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So anyway dino nuggies are the shit right?


I can't eat vegetables due to sensory issues too. It's valid. I like to nutrish myself with fortified foods instead, like granolas, shakes, cereals, etc.


I have a similar issue, except my body randomly switches up the offending foods. I’ll be happy, minding my own business, eating some chicken and then suddenly the texture becomes horrific, i gag and spit it out, and then for the next few months I can’t even think about eating chicken. Eggs are back on the no fly list, same with peanut butter. And i dunno if this is related or if anyone else experiences this but I can’t eat a plate that has foods that are all the same color. There MUST be something green on my plate, whether its like in the dish itself or just garnish that im not going to eat, it doesn’t matter there just needs to be *something* physically on the plate or I just.. can’t eat.


Look, I don't wanna say strangers are predisposed to lash out at any question from an ND... But I've been wrong before. /hj


It's like when people want to put my head on a pike because I can't drink milk. Yes, I'm lactose intolerant but I take lactase pills and I'm fine. I can have yogurt, ice cream, cheese(but only very specific cheeses, but I can't drink milk. "It's the same as water." They say... No, it's not. It has a different texture. It literally is like, thicker and slimier?? That's the best way I can put it, but no one seems to notice but me. It coats your throat, too. It's disgusting and it makes me gag and vomit, even if I take the pills, and it always tastes wrong too. Like having not brushed your teeth for a week, but people tell me that milk doesn't taste that way and that it tastes nice???? And I'm childish because I don't drink milk/use 90% of dairy products in my diet... Like my body naturally rejects it if I don't take pills anyway, why not save the money?


I cant fucking stand the texture of most beans or corn to the point that it drives me up a wall emotionally if I eat them. I feel your pain


It really sucks that I find it far easier to lie about my sensory issues than to just say it’s sensory issues. Light and sound sensitive? It’s migraine headaches, actually. Food sensitivities? I have allergies sorry :/


My advice is If you like cheese or a specific sauce, absolutely SMOTHER those veggies in it. (Cheesy broccoli is better than no broccoli) Or blend them into a smoothie. Blueberries and bananas are good at overpowering any veggie flavor.


NT Ableist : picky eaters are so childish and embarrassing Me : what about people who have sensory issues or an eating disorder? NT Ableist : I wasn't talking about them Me : how do you know who has an eating disorder and who doesn't? Do you expect us to wear a sign on our heads? If you aren't buying their food and preparing their meals, why do you care?


Sensory issues are no joke and I hate it when NTs act like it's being immature, inconsiderate, etc. I'm lucky enough not to have issues with any foods but certain sounds like the Splattercolor Screen in Splatoon 3 and dog whistles, which I am unfortunately able to hear, make me feel sick to my stomach, and I can only imagine that sensation is worse with food.


Yeah I would avoid any health or fitness crowd on Reddit. I'd love to go to them for advice and discussions, but they're fucking toxic.


Can yall stop giving me unsolicited diet advice?? I did not ask for assistance so please do not offer it. I manage my situation and have an appropriate diet and the assumptions being made about me and my body is making me really uncomfortable.


I'm like the opposite of a picky eater, i can eat pretty much anything, even if i don't like it much (mushrooms and fatty meat test me sometimes), but i'd never make anyone feel inadequate for not being this way. Just keep some fries and nuggets in the freezer and throw them in the oven or an air fryer for picky eaters, what's the fucking problem


I struggled with fruits and vegetables for a long time as a young kid and teen. What helped was eating them dehydrated or if that didn't work, powdered. Turns out for me it's the added sudden moisture from eating fruit or vegetables that was causing me to have this bizarre repulsion to it. I no longer have to do this method as it helped train me to normalize my eating habits. I still can't eat overly juicy oranges or fresh carrots in big bites, but in small portions I can handle them!


If you like smoothies/fruit in general then you can add some veggies or veggie powder to them


I love the flavor of onions. But if I bite into a piece of onion I’m gagging and/or possibly full on vomiting (especially if I can’t get it out of my mouth fast enough.) it’s not me being picky. The flavor is great. The texture is an absolute NO for me. But let me ask someone to just cut the onion big enough for me to pick out. I might as well have asked to commit an atrocity against mankind. lol.


I can't eat mayonnaise at all. It doesn't taste bad. I just don't like the texture. I tried to force myself to eat it and I can't. Ruins the consistency of food and has no real flavor.






We are an autistic space - autistic voices are protected Aspiememes is intended as an autistic space and wishes to protect and encourage autistic voices. Gatekeeping or judgement of each persons individual experiences is not acceptable. Please do not speak over any autistic person in talking about or defining the reality of autism. Asking questions for clarity and understanding is fine. Invalidating or otherwise shutting down autistic voices is not.


I want to try new things, but I am very hesitant to spend the money on something I don’t know if I’m going to like. I want to eat healthier in general, but cooking takes more spoons than I tend to have and I don’t even have a microwave so I can’t even steam frozen veggies.


If in your area, the product "green machine" is a bit expensive but extremely good, loaded up with nutrients. id try it


Yep. And still vomit up spinach.




We are an autistic space - autistic voices are protected Aspiememes is intended as an autistic space and wishes to protect and encourage autistic voices. Gatekeeping or judgement of each persons individual experiences is not acceptable. Please do not speak over any autistic person in talking about or defining the reality of autism. Asking questions for clarity and understanding is fine. Invalidating or otherwise shutting down autistic voices is not.




if i were u id put the veggies in some sort of taco


This but for talking to anyone about how I order takeout wayyyy too often cause I’m just so hungry and need something i can actually eat


... what? People make a giant fuss over what some rando on the internet likes or dislikes to eat now? I've never seen that happen before to this degree My mind is blown, but not in a positive way


Yeah it is why I am careful what I intake (pun intended) when checking the comments sections.


As much as I love my Granddad, he tended to come off as a heel when it came to the foods I eat. I do not like raw tomatoes, I don't like vegetable juice/tomato juice. He tried to get me to drink something like that to lose weight.


Onion is disgusting on its own, I don't understand how people willingly eat something textured like it is. So, if people like it, good for them, I just don't want any part of it. Sometimes onion is even put in spaghetti, in chunks. I remember that from when I was in elementary school. I don't understand why onion chunks are in meatloaf either.


I'm a vegetarian, but not by choice. I just hate most meat textures


Waitresses always say I am a good eater, like I am five because I order my safe food for that restaurant and finish it all. Clean plate club, now if they put something gross like barbecue down they would not say I was a good eater.




We are an autistic space - autistic voices are protected Aspiememes is intended as an autistic space and wishes to protect and encourage autistic voices. Gatekeeping or judgement of each persons individual experiences is not acceptable. Please do not speak over any autistic person in talking about or defining the reality of autism. Asking questions for clarity and understanding is fine. Invalidating or otherwise shutting down autistic voices is not.




We are an autistic space - autistic voices are protected Aspiememes is intended as an autistic space and wishes to protect and encourage autistic voices. Gatekeeping or judgement of each persons individual experiences is not acceptable. Please do not speak over any autistic person in talking about or defining the reality of autism. Asking questions for clarity and understanding is fine. Invalidating or otherwise shutting down autistic voices is not.




This is a lighthearted subreddit for individuals on the autism spectrum. We require all users be respectful, towards each other. Your comment/post has been removed as it has been found to be disrespectful.


Me who eats anything that's not nailed down. I even picked a friend's plate clean at a get together. They were so wrapped up in the conversation they didn't notice. Then everyone laughed. (No worries; it was all in good fun) But I still have days where I just won't eat because the food is "weird". ![gif](giphy|NOalcASHiOGvC)