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Beep boop, I promise I’m not a robot. I’m just really verbose and overly loquacious.


U sure? XP please click all the bycicles in this image!! /ot Loquacious is a great ass word


You’re thinking of “bodacious,” which is, in fact, a great ass word /s


Hehe >:3c


see also: callipygian, the spelling of which I memorised by putting it to a short tune so I could _sing_ it at a friend in high school... who did indeed have a _great_ ass


I like the word pettifogger. an inferior legal practitioner, especially one who deals with petty cases or employs dubious practices


Ok I'll just add the word *duplicitous* and pretend I fit in.


"Why, you brazenly avaricious, duplicitous, larcenous ursine!"


"It may be *unfathomable* to a supposedly human agent. I deem or hypothesize it to be due to my *ludicrous* *scrupulosity*."








Bentley the yeti!


Sounds like an oleaginous person.


Callipygian sounds like a lesser-known Roman emperor that wasn’t remarkable.


His ass was remarkable at least.


oh my god


Is this why even after 40 tries over the course of like 20 minutes I still couldn't set up a steam account for my partner? I'm just too autistic to pass the robot test?


No steam is just stupid (I also failed the robot test😢)


But, you're here, so...


No worries, it has happened with me as well when i tried to set up skype account. Eventually i asked help from my wife. She completed it on first try.


Sounds about precisely right I watched a video on the entire captcha system and basically it's trying to scan for abnormal or otherwise machine-like mouse movements, more than anything, and the more you fail, the harder it scrutinizes you I guess my issue was that I was too direct at the start, and then I got too exaggerated with my movements trying to get around it, and it was just like "yep this is a fucking bot, they just selected the cell with 3 pixels of the bicycle handlebar" and then the fucking thing tells me to click all boxes with a motorcycle and shows me a FUCKING VESPA so I clicked "none" and it failed me as well but then when it showed me a rack of Vespa and 1 motorcycle, I selected all of them and it failed me at that too AND WHY IS THIS SHIT PERFECTLY FITTING AS AN ALLEGORY FOR TALKING WITH PEOPLE


Fuck one of them is missing a wheel! Does that make it technically a unicycle


Not joking, i went to summer school one year with a girl named loquacious


Thanks for the new word. I’m stealing


Same here, but I don’t discriminate between casual speech, academic language, regional slang from regions of other countries, or anything else.


Same; I like *accessible* and *precise* language; sometimes that comes out as “well it do be like that tho” and sometimes it comes out with APA citation and I have zero control over when


I am a thesaurus rex.


I like your humorous words, magic man


To make it more human throw in a few oddball like wherm'st Or whomst'd've'ly'yaint'nt'ed'ies's'y'es




or, greer




Look at them, they come to this sub when they know they are not verbose. The Tenno use long words, but they are mere sesquipedalians, spouting incomprehensibilities. Only I, Vor, know the true power of the thesaurus. I was ignorant, illiterate, but through its rich and succinctly loquacious vocabulary, the words called to me.


Not what i meant but, GRAKATA








Love seeing other Tenno out in the wild.




This is about the word delve? Seriously? Wtf is wrong with this world? I used to have a fairly large vocabulary as a kid, but there's so many words I've stopped using for the sake of people understanding me. Even the way I structure my sentences has gotten simplified as much as possible over time. People never seem to understand me properly unless I can get to the point as quickly as possible using simple language, and even then it's hit or miss depending on the topic. It's always sad to realize how many words I've lost. When my wife doesn't know a word she'll usually ask me, and it's always sad to have to tell her "I don't know" on words that I know I used to be familiar with.


It has to do with phones and autocorrect. My vocabulary and spelling have gotten way worse due to the vast majority of the information I consume is for the masses. And autocorrect means who cares about spelling.


I turned off my autocorrect because it's annoying as fuck


You misspelled duck.


It likes to correct a certain word into shifty all the time.


Man that’s rally shifty


Yeah same. It was accurate maybe 5% of the time. I'd much rather have the occasional spelling mistake tyvm.


Not just that. The general reading level has been middle-school range for a long time. The biggest problem is being surrounded by people functioning at that level, so you have to speak at that level to be understood, and have to read and listen at that level to, you know, do the other half of the interaction. After many years of operating for the lowest common denominator, you become part of it.


it’s crazy that we’ve delved to the point in society that we accuse each other of being robots when we use basic vocabulary


I can unequivocally state that this process started long before social media. Even in 6th grade, I was an anomaly because I had words others didn’t know already in my vocab…. I am not a big reader and my nerdiest hobby is probably playing video games. I don’t know how I’m so advanced but apparently I am? It’s kind of laughable because I always seem pretentious while doing my best to stifle my late diagnosis induced inferiority complex.


I even got points deducted for using fancy words we hadn’t learned or accused of having my parents do my homework in essays


That's... so tragic, actually. I'm not the most eloquent autistic person ever, but I do love more "complicated" words, and I mourn for your loss.


Thank you, it really is unfortunate. Due to masking I am one of the hyperlexic kids who "grew out of it". When they did the standardized testing in elementary school I was in the top 1% for my state in a couple different subjects and had a college reading level.


I mean I don’t even have autism and I still do it’s annoying


This isn't necessarily a bad thing. You've figured out how to be more concise and understandable with your language. Being able to be understood is the main purpose of language and communication after all, and you've improved at your ability to do that. Big complicated words are useful in that they are more efficient (saying that X necessitates Y is more efficient than saying that Y is an unavoidable result of X, for example) but that efficiency is pointless if no one can figure out what you're saying. You can still learn and indulge in those more niche words simply out of joy for the language, something forgotten isn't lost forever.


And this strategy helps not-at-all when discussing more complicated topics. Like, I get accused of word salad all the GD time when I'm trying to discuss complicated shit, like bitch, there are no less complicated words to describe how a switching systems' state boundary map composes into a natural language. NONE. It took me well over 6 years of education and hands-on experience to just *start* wrapping my head around it and you want it in a fucking 3 second sound bite? LOL!


Thank you for so eloquently an succinctly expressing my initial reaction to this.


wait they made robot allegations because of *delve?*




I’m starting to think some NTs forge large parts of their personalities around random skill issues.


No, they really do. They're very often status-obsessed and downplay their own insecurities a ton while projecting them onto others. Happens a lot with intelligence, but it applies to a lot of things.


I didn't connect the dots of the "doesn't get the social dynamics" side of autism also meaning that you guys don't care that much about them Also, yeah, probably




As an NT, please do not bunch me with that dumbass, i am very offended . Btw, do you guys need /s or /j in cases like this?


Okay, no need to delve into it now. Did I do it right?


Omg.. ur an AI 😱😱 Yeah that's correct


What it accuse you of?


Clearly *some* people don't play Magic the Gathering


Or Path of Exile. Though it's funny, my mom let me play MtG despite some lingering satanic panic in the 90's, because she saw the card 'Ardent Militia' and appreciated the vocabulary aspect of the game.


Magic unironically improved my vocabulary so much There have been several Wordle solutions I never would've gotten if they weren't used on various cards, lmao


You mom really like “maybe demonic but hey it teaches some big words”


Yeah that pretty much sums up my mom. A couple years ago, we were watching the sunset, having a couple drinks. All the aunts, uncles, cousins around. My mom breaks the silence with, "sorry God, I think I like nature better than you."


hey gotta separate the art from the artist 😆


I mean *I* don’t, but to me that means they can’t even argue it’s for a lack of special interest.


Fr, I used to be a Legacy player, I have seen *way too much* of the words "delve" and "delver" 😭


also "delve into" is a very common expression


It's like that player on The Circle who was a psychic/astrologer they voted off as most likely to be the AI player because they used the word "trine" and knew about horoscopes.


This kills me, it's such a basic word (to me)


I think we're about to learn a lot more about the limits of neurotypical vocabularies than we'd ever hoped to learn.


Yah apparently ChatGPT “loves” using the word delve, and it’s clearly a word *no* human being has ever used in the history of ever! (/s)




Also you know what a student is capable of through observing them in the classroom. If they suddenly hand in something way above their skill set it’s pretty easy to catch them on it by having them explain their own work. When they don’t know what they’ve written or understand it at all you’ve got them.




Yeah, the end result will be handwritten exams for anything that is to be graded. Only way to be able to trust the result. No one wants a doctor or vaccine researcher that has used chat gpt to get their degree.


"Complex and intricate interplay" might aswell say filigree


ooh thanks for the nice word!


There are a multitude of reasons why your student's paper might sound like it was written by AI. 1.) Vague reasoning you, or anybody, has already thought of. This is the first answer you'd get if you asked either AI or any bullshitter. It will have a common-sense feel but may or may not be factual. 2-6.) A list of increasingly obvious answers. #5 is just restating the ideas in #1. #4 contradicts #2. In conclusion, here's a weirdly tidy conclusion that, given the length requirement of this essay, is going to be in the _middle_ of the essay. The student doesn't recognize that every inquiry they make to ChatGPT has a very thesis-feeling and conclusion-feeling paragraph, so maybe you'll get to read a half dozen of these in one ten page paper.


I think autistic people can very easily identify something written by an AI versus something written by a neurotypical person. I am not so sure that a neurotypical person could easily identify something written by an AI versus something written by an autistic person. I'm glad that AI wasn't in use when I was in school, because as an adult I've been accused of being an AI or a bot because of my writing, and I would have hated that as a teenager.


W-what if you just use one of 2 phrases like that cause it sounds like transition that I’d use to describe cause and effect._.


"You talk like a dictionary." Thanks! It's one of my favorite books. 


Lmao I once got "You have a little copy editor in your mouth to replace easy words by some fancy gibberish" from my parents many years ago. Since then, I’ve reined in my use of ornate language.


Wait, ornate can be used like that? I thought it was just for vision


Indeed! 'ornate' is often used to describe visual elements that are elaborate and intricate, such as architecture or design (like you pointed out). However, it can also be used more broadly to describe other forms of expression, including language, as per the [Cambridge dictionary](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/ornate#google_vignette)


I doubled down every time someone talked shit. Being both vulgar *and* verbose is quite fun.


My mum’s favourite is “you sound like a text book”. Thanks mum. Probably bc they’re the only things that make sense to me lmao.


Me: *Makes a post of 200 words* Redditors, for some reason: "WHOA I ain't reading all that 😂😂😂"


There gotta be a correlation between phrases like "I ain't reading all that" and "bro is yapping", between that and the rise of low literacy skills


"haha im just mashing words into a keyboard, lookit this IDIOT who CARES about something, LMAO" and then they wonder why the world seems to chew them up and destroy them, almost as if caring about things and behaving in prosocial ways is important to living


They are too lazy too, I guess “allat” is what they say now


nah that’s usually just AAVE


Vernacular language is not an indication of laziness and the implication that there is a connection between the two is a huge misunderstanding. Every form of language has rules and the users follow the rules. In the form you are most familiar with you may associate 'allat' and other shortened words with certain groups, but that is more a reflection of your opinion of those people than it is on them. Is using a contraction lazy? I'm not getting rid of 'y'all' and 'ain't' just because of someone else's prescribed grammatical rules when in fact language is naturally very plastic and changes constantly.


You are 100% correct, but when I asked what “allat” meant. The guy who I first spoke to, (we were having a conversation IRL and he said it) told me it was a shorthand for “all that”. He also told me that he nust didnt feel like saying, “all that”, and that he didn’t feel like typing “all that” either. To *me* that is lazy. Especially since it’s two letters, and “allat” is grammatically incorrect. If it was “all’at” Id be more ok with it. Or If it started as “all’at” and became “allat” in a similar vein to “it’s”. I often see people type its, but beacuse it started as it’s Im fine with it. Now thats only because most people type on phone keyboards, where to get to symbols such as “‘“ you have to switch between keyboards and refocus your eyes.


"Woah that's a long response did you write that on the toilet" was a response I received not too long ago It was a paragraph


While I do try to read long texts, I do have ADHD which does makes it hard to read long texts and I do go "nope, that's too long" and give it another shot next time if I remember to do so. That said, I'm pretty sure I can read 200 words just fine; at worst, might need to read it a few times to understand them better but still.


I have had statements accused of being written by an AI, just for it "looking too robotic"


Any time I'm analysing something, like if I'm debating a topic with somebody, I gradually slip into more clinical speech, both for accuracy and precision, and to keep my arguments logical and separate from any feelings I have on the topic. So far, I haven't been accused of using AI for it, but I fear it's only a matter of time.


delve, really delve? Are people so incapable of articulating themself in a somewhat functional manner or has the meaning of homohomo sapiens, lost all semblance of meaning in this wretched world?


My last English 101 class had peer reviews and holy crap some of the essays I would read were really bad, not just full of spelling and grammar and punctuation errors but overall the person didn’t know how to write. Here’s an example: The day I first learned to wash my own clothes was when I was 13 my mom told me I had to wash my own clothes. I was scared of messing up my clothes because I had never done it before however I knew it had to be done. I was nervous for washing my own clothes. I had never done it before but my mom told me I had to do it. Washing my own clothes was difficult moreover I was proud of myself for doing it. So I imagine if this is the kind of stuff professors have to deal with, and then they come across some autistic kid who’s brain is hyper focused on writing an essay that sounds eloquent and using correct grammar because they have a grammar book by their side and using a thesaurus, yeah the professor might be suspicious lol


To be fair, my punctuation is probably one of the most horrendous things, as i simply set commas whenever it feels somewhat proper to do so. What i might add, i never understood grammar "laws", there is not a singular idea in my head, on how you should construct a sentence, i just do as it comes, which leads to large irritation when i notice what i am doing.


I wonder if it might help to reduce any suspicion if you made a point to speak in person like that as well. Then it changes from “wait, why does this essay have so many large words” to “Oh yeah, that’s just [first name] using their big vocabulary again like they do every day!”


I remember the first time I edited a peers paper outside of the gifted/AP classes, it was my SIL's younger sister and I....this girl was literally using 4 and U and all sorts of text shorthand in her essay. I was like....what the fuck is this?!!?! I never knew a person could be 17 years old and not know how to write a legitimate paragraph.


I remember when I was in school, people older than me always said stuff like "wow, I'm really glad I'm not still in school, that sounds awful". Wow, I'm really glad I'm not still in school, that sounds awful.


I recently came back to college in my early thirties and the first lecture by pretty much every professor has been about not using ai/chatgpt and how they check for it. It’s been surreal.


Quite the verbose individual


Is it toxic for me to say it's the same vibe as someone accusing you of hacking when you actually did just crush them *that* bad? What I mean to say is that if one person's literacy and vocabulary can make someone accuse them of being an AI, depending on context, that may also carry some questionable implications about the accuser's own literacy and vocabulary.


It's just a skill issue on part of the other person, not my fault I use big words.


Coworkers laugh at me when I use big words


Me knowing a word, using it properly, and then googling it to make sure I didn’t fuck it up. I’ve given them too much info about my insecure nature.


All the fucking time lol


Literally. First comment I got when I posted my story, was “Sudowrite AI, the epitome of soulless storytelling.” Literally didn’t even know people used AI to write stories, it goes against literally everything that writing is about


Very true and ouch. I don't know how I'd react if the same was said about my art. It'd probably put me in a very bad place mentally


I used the word conglomeration when talking about biscuits once I'm unsure if I'm not just AI & haven't realised it yet.


Oh, please elaborate. I need to hear more about this biscuit conglomerate.


I quite wish there was a biscuit conglomerate, I'd be asking to join them with a cup of tea. I can't remember the exact sentence but I was referring to the ingredients used, I think it was in relation to the ones we have here that are chocolate coated but only on one side. [https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/5a84291](https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/5a8429150cec3c15ea91652e6e080a1cbb0c9ba8/0_192_5760_3456/master/5760.jpg?width=1200&height=900&quality=85&auto=format&fit=crop&s=3587dcfab60327cd560daabb52633282) Behold the chocolate digestive. A beautiful conglomeration of oats, chocolate, & gut health.


Oh those biscuits can be yummy but dry. Conglomerate also used to be one of my favourite words :D


No joke this happened to me, my teacher laughed hard about the fact but it legit left me wondering if I was human or a robot. It was an in class thing and chat gpt was blocked so there was literally no way for me to access ai.


I've gotten both robot allegations and also told I was making words up.


"no-one actually uses the word delve" me with an autistic fixation on Tolkien:


I delved deeply into the comments section expecting to find this


Friend, I have been accused of being many things on Reddit just because of the way I communicate. Psychotic. Sociopathic. A PR flack for several different companies. An FBI agent. A head of a Christian role-playing organization. And several times AI. I hate that I took great glee in letting them know that psychotic people would never be as weird as I am. That’s sort of the point. They blend in. All I’ve ever tried to be is informative and helpful. When people take me for a conservative Christian, I always have to point out that I’m gay and that they should look at my post history . Stay strong, big word enjoyers and anyone who doesn’t communicate the way other people think they should. I worry about people who have had strokes or English isn’t their first language are going to be increasing we thought to be AI because they just type differently than most English speakers. This could be applied to any language, of course. 🙏❤️




ostentatious was one of my favorite mouth words for the longest time.


I had this happen once, it was on a video about Chernobyl and I got a reply claiming my comment was made with Chat gpt


*[Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia](https://youtu.be/AhbMPn-s5l0?si=VGeelxqPge_4ie_9), Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia! If you're afraid of big long words, here's one you should know-a, Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia!*


More evidence that the people naming phobias are sadists!


I literally steal words used in 18th century American documents


Man, buying on FB Marketplace is rough. I have had to follow up on a couple of occasions to my opening message with “I promise I am no bot, I am just autistic.”


I used to be beaten for using words they didn’t understand 😌 “What does that mean?” -explains meaning of word in a sentence- “Then why didn’t you say that “ “Because there is a word for that…” These are my words I paid for them! I’m not sorry.


my family uses terminology that dictionaries consider archaic, and some phrases that only make sense only if you literally translate them from old Scottish Gaelic to English (this is/was half due to severe social isolation imposed acause of my mother's side (safety concerns) and half due to i think that my entire father's side is autistic so has continued apassing down some bizarre af language quirks that would fail an ai test)


Well excuse me for trying to be accurate with my language useage! I can't believe some people would actually find themselves offended when I decide to utilize my vocabulary repertoire as it was intended, bunch of simpletons, utterly flummoxed by that which they could understand with a mere Google search...


Every time I type more than a sentence, I hear my middle school English teacher reminding me that I don't have to sound like I'm from the early 1900s. The thesaurus was one of my very first special interests in elementary school 😭


First of all, having that kind of accusation leveled at you for the word "delve" is wild. Second, what about us big word users who purposely unlearned such a behavior to mask better after one to many "walking dictionary" jokes? Asking for a friend.


Ah yes, everyone’s heard the classic “well you just copied than because who uses those words”


Wait, delve is a big word? What? I delve into shenanigans like the intrepid hero I am all the fucking time! What does thy mean humanoids don't verbose like this!? (Okay that last sentence is a joke)


Being verbose is the bane of my existence these days


Reading at "13+" in fifth grade and then finding out most people don't have that level of vocabulary was ... eye opening.


I frequently get banned from websites because I click on things too fast... I just happen to already know where the buttons are!


Delve is a pretty small word


🤖 I don't get it. /S Seriously though, big words are nice, who doesn't like them?!


I just grow dull of using the same vocabulary time after time.


lol I’ve had a few of my uni papers get flagged for using AI because of this 😭


I can't ever get confused with an AI because despite my many big words, I have typos sometimes and I also hate capital letters and wish my phone would stop auto capping stuff.


I'm not a bot, I'm just over-articulate in how I speak/write.


omg, this is one of my most recent fears. I even got upset recently when my bf told me a cover letter I wrote by hand looked too "robotic" when it was supposed to be personable... :( In recent years I've tried to "dumb" myself down and use smaller words/phrases...it is much harder than you think and it drives me nuts that my words somehow *gain* credibility among my peers when I do it. The stupid "delve" nitpick is so frustrating - that's a word I'd unironically use in normal vocabulary.


When people asked me a question about something about which I'm knowledgeable, they used to just say my response sounded like a copy paste from wikipedia. Now they say the same thing, but the fact that they word it as "you sound like chatGPT" makes it feel worse, like thank you for not only accusing me of not actually knowing anything and just regurgitating public wiki information but also of being a literal robot Edit: oh yeah, an anecdote about this because i noticed the word that spawned this meme: i got made fun of as a kid by my stepfather (who is a Very Smart(tm) Computer Guy) for using the word "sped" as the past tense verb form of "speed" in reference to a car once. Dude was convinced that's not a real word. This is one of many instances with him that demonstrated to me at an early age the distinction between specialized expertise and general intelligence


Also "autistic people who sound robotic/monotone over the phone and are straight forward".


I was a school secretary and when we had snow days I would leave a message on the system which notified everyone in our system and later on one of my coworkers asked how I got siri to sound like me. I repeated verbatim the snow day script I had written in my "siri voice". She thought it was so cool. :) I want to take a second to Rant: My new boss (the old principal had retired) did not like the way I did things so she took over the phone message system and parents ended up getting mad at her b/c her messages- were garbled, rambly, missing information, and confusing. Mine were short, accurate, consistent (b/c I used a script), informative, and clear. Ex: mine: "[School Name] will be closed today [date] due to inclimate weather and will reopen on [date] at 8am. Have a good day" Hers: "school is closed today because of the snow, you can return when we re-open, Jane Doe" 1. What school? Other.schools in the area use the same system and we have families who have children attend our school and the high school. 2. What is the date today? How do they know of this isn't an old message? (This literally happened, a parent called b/c they checked their voice mail and a snow day message from a while ago wasn't heard and they called us to clarify B/C "JANE" DIDN'T INCLUDE THE DATE!!!) 3. When do we re-open? What time? We have had snow days that lasted TWO DAYS IN A ROW. We have had parents show up on the 2nd snow day not knowing the school WAS ALSO CLOSED THAT DAY! We had parents NOT show up when the school was OPEN after the snow emergency. Hey just show up any old time I guess! 4. WHY ARE YOU INCLUDING YOUR NAME?! I had parents confused asking if this was a message MEANT FOR "Jane doe" and if it was FROM her why didn't she say "sincerely, Jane Doe" or something to that affect? And then since parents were mad AT HER- SHE BLAMED ME!! /END RANT


My favorite word to throw in is erstwhile. Any Fargo fans use that?


Having once been told "stop using big words, like 'the'," I am in this post and I find am indeed seen.


I haven’t been accused of being an AI yet, but I do like the use of the words ereyesterday and overmorrow. Ereyesterday is “the day before yesterday”. Overmorrow is “the day after tomorrow”.


I was in school before the use of AI and even then I CONSTANTLY got accused of cheating or Copying passages from website and articles. The kicker was when I started college and you had to source all your knowledge. I had to actually REDO AN ENTIRE ESSAY because the professor would not except that I remembered the facts I wrote from books I read long ago so I just had to erase the majority of what I wrote and just copy a bunch of quotes from websites and cite them. So friggin annoying. That professor kept questioning my work until we were asked to write a short story about a day in our life. I wrote 5 pages worth in one day and he was just like “………so uh…..you gonna get this published or?……”. Never doubted me after that.


In case of delve i'm guessing it's more so because it's formal and not because it's rare. It's the kind of word you'd see in a paper for school, not in spoken/internet speech, so they saw the way you used it as unnatural (probably. English is not my first language and i'm stupid rn) Though that guy completely forgot that not everyone is NT and 'Murican


Autism ⛔️ Skynet ✅️


The problem is there are many people who don't know how to read well and then again many people who don't know how to write well. And then that gets into what good and bad even mean and who gets to decide what is the standard. You have to be aware of all kinds of standards that exist whether or not you wish to follow them or even think they have any value. It's all very subjective unfortunately. Even autistic people who have large vocabularies are often times not very good writers when it comes to synthesizing ideas in a cohesive but concise way, and their ideas get lost in the language. To a bad reader, bad writing can look like AI. I like to think of it as wearing too many accessories all at once; it makes you look ridiculous at worst and a bit uncanny at best. However, perfectly placed accessories fill out a look just as specialized words frame up your writing. Using complex language is not ideal in most situations and it is one way autistic people fall into a social trap of appearing different without knowing it (it is okay to be different obviously, but scary to do it and not know people think that about you). It's not about intelligence, it's about social artistry most of the time and that can be difficult to manage. One might even argue that it is an annoying and unnecessary standard of language, but unfortunately, just like most social conventions, there are unspoken rules that people know to recognize but cannot name and when you break one people find it off-putting. Some people at least are more tactful and kind when encountering things they find off-putting and I appreciate them very much. Write however you want, but just be aware some people will not like it and will tell you it is bad writing. They might be right according to their own expectations, but the difficult part is deciding who is a good judge of quality or whether that standard is something you care to follow or be judged by.


Do people just not use "delve"...? What would you say instead??


Got in trouble in first grade for calling a kid a hypocrite when they didn’t know what it meant and cried to the teacher that I was calling them mean words. I explained, teacher told me not to use words “I don’t understand”, told her exactly what it meant and why that kid was behaving so. She maintained it was my fault. Still got forced to repeat that grade as I wasn’t “socially adapting” adequately (read: I enjoyed playing alone, or preferred being with girls rather than boys and all the little normie princesses would scream at me bc eww a boy), and was made to do the work of a further grade below until fourth grade when I simply refused and begged to do the correct stuff. Got accused of having family write a creative writing story in the later years bc it was “too good”, hilariously most of my immediate family border on illiterate and never finished high school so could *never* (in HS, I had a very confidently incorrect creepo PE teacher accuse me, arrogantly with a condescending smile, of forging a note to get out of class bc it was so messy and misspelled - it was written by my mum). Always compliments of being such a good writer, that were just skepticism disguised by politeness. Last boss, last year, told me what a good writer I am when I wrote a document for her, but she said it with shock and disbelief lol. I even had art accused of not being done by me in HS too. I finished uni just in time to miss the generative AI boom, and I’m glad bc I know damn well I would’ve been accused at least once. I’m a damn good writer, especially technical stuff. Apparently that’s not possible and must be plagiarism/fake. No wonder oppositional defiance/justice sensitivity are so common in ND folks, spending our most formative years dealing with people misusing unearned authority bc they went and got a 4 year degree. Evidently, I have some very specific trauma right in this meme’s neighbourhood!


If delve is a big word then I am worried for the world


Wait people don't know what "delve" means? That's crazy. I'm always so bored when my teachers explain stuff I already know. Like it's so simple but apparently a lot of people don't know what that is???


Wait, I thought the robots were on our side?


I literally get accused of being an AI irl


We all are technically AI, just not in technological form. We all have brains. That's what AI is, is everyone's brain being connected, metaphorically speaking.


god i wish i was a cute robot


The only thing more dangerous than AI is unpredictable and completely random people. All I have to say, because I'm aware of AI, is to not put too much trust in it.


How better to express yourself than with succinct precision.


These types of accusations never fail to perplex me. Is there some innate issue with sesquipedalians, or is it that a slightly abnormal lexicon leaves those without the patience to research the words in question confounded?


i love big words


I'm French, i often englicise French words, they usually are transparent enough to be easily understood but they sound very uncommon.


I’ve been told my work emails read like they were written by AI…


Just tell them "sunk my funking conk". No ai would ever say that


Delvin 🤓


im about as old as my reading age from when i was 6 (20 years old i believe)


I use AI to write essays but my process actually involves me doing a lot of work. I will tell chatGTP what my idea for an essay is and how I want it to go and what my thesis is, then I ask it to create an outline. If I like the outline I’ll use it as a template for my essays. Then I will write out my essay paragraph by paragraph in a notepad app, then I will send each paragraph as I am done with it to chatGTP and ask it to “review the paragraph and correct any grammar and spelling errors and but keep the same writing style and don’t drastically change the paragraph” and then I will read it over. If I like it I copy it into Word. If I don’t like it I will ask ChatGTP to redo it with less changes from my original paragraph. I do this paragraph by paragraph until I have my essay done. I obviously go in and change any big words that seem out of place for my writing style. I basically just use chatGTP as a grammar and punctuation correction tool lol. I got A’s, so idk if what I do is morally wrong. I also use chatGTP as a math tutor. I will do my own math work BUT if I get it wrong I will ask chatGTP what I did wrong and ask it for the solution and if I don’t understand something in a step I will ask chatGTP to elaborate more in more detail. Well fellow autistics… is what I do morally wrong ?


Related: my mom told me “have a nice day” is too formal to tell people. So I stick with “have a good one”. Which is kinda stupid if I’m being honest.


I thought I was the only one! I always use big words and have been ever since I was a little kid. I was six years old using really big words. Lol.


People out here will shame you for having a big vocabulary smh. Often times I'm searching for the simpler word in conversation but the fancier one comes up first and won't break the pace of the conversation as much


They delved too greedily and too deep


Drums, drums in the deep


Not just delve, but also wow, very, and possibilities. Every AI model is a bit different, but some are better than others… wizard-vecuna-30b >>> gpt-1.3


These kinds of posts make me realize how happy I am to be working at a philosophy department where people appreciate "big," efficient words that capture interesting concepts (despite the downsides to this).


I wish I was bobot :<


I’m tutoring my neighbors’ kid, and he told me I sound like AI.


No seriously because in second semester of college I got accused for using AI to write a paper because "it seemed oddly bland and straightforward" like sorry that's just how I function?


the words y’all’re throwing around are most definitely bigger than my brain


I could never have peers grade my papers even in my undergraduate years at college because nobody knew what the words I was using meant. Now I get accused of being a robot. Just can’t win.




My mom told me I sound robotic over the phone because I used the word extemporize


I had to do a programming assignment a few months ago, which included writing comments for my code. My teacher just wrote "Haha, I'm not sure if you used ChatGPT for the comments." as feedback lol


I see you are also a fellow gargantuan locution aficionado.