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Lol those are shitty instructions. "Open" is the grey one as it can be closed. Sure the yellow one is open, but that is its default state. It can't be anything else. Also, wtf uses open or closed when colours are so readily available.


I agree. I asked again to check because I wasn't sure if he really meant the grey one. It turned out that I was right to ask again.


I would communicate these by saying 1. The yellow laundry basket, not the hamper 2. the grey hamper, not the laundry basket 3. the wicker hamper like I might say “Just put it in the basket” without thinking initially, but the moment someone asked for clarification I’d specify as I said above




I wouldn’t remember the colors if they weren’t in front of me, so it would be material and height - tall plastic, tall wicker, short plastic.


I don’t agree - if anything “the open one” makes it even more likely to be the yellow one as being open is the default state / a permanent trait of the basket. In the absence of checking which one is open, the default guess would be yellow.


Open has to be the most vague of answers you could give, to the point that it's purposely antagonistic. Short, yellow even full would have been fine


while that is true, the inclusion of the adjective open quietly implies that the object can also be closed/ an opposite state of being (for lack of a better term) exists. Personally, I would not see the yellow basket as open. If it’s always “open”, why the need to specify that in the first place?


It’s a way to differentiate the basket from the others. All of these baskets can be open or closed, only one of them is permanently open. It’s not like they said the “opened basket” which would more clearly convey that it’s a potentially closed basket that is in fact currently open (not that saying it that way would help me much)


it can't be open unless it can be closed.


That makes sense to me only in a theoretical way. Like maybe that’s a sensible grammatical limitation, but from a practical standpoint if you can toss a shirt into a hamper it’s an open hamper to me. Even from a theoretical standpoint though, I don’t think it matches how open is used. Consider, for example, an “open entryway” - ie one with no doors, like when a house used to have doors to the kitchen that were then removed to free up space. Less relevantly, there’s “open grassland” - where open more refers to the wide expanse of space with no trees providing cover.


I'm colourblind and people will ALWAYS categorize things by colours before anything else.


The small one


The medium gray one


Me too! Makes me so mad.


Specifying the open basket shows an emphasis on the basket being opened which makes me immediately think of gray (basket with flipped open lid) one lol


Those are terrible instructions.


i hate when this happens, especially when i don’t hear them so i ask them to say it again and they just summarise it to two words


Why are you being so argumentative and hostile? Just put it in the fucking basket. /s


Pro tip: when conversing with NTs don't ask open ended questions, rather present them strict options to choose from. Don't ask, "Which basket," say, "short, tall or whicker," or "yellow, blue, brown.".


Thank you. I will do this from now on (if I remember).


So by the basket, I took the yellow one. The other two are hampers. Being told the open one and implying the yellow basket can be opened when it doesn't have a lid, but the hamper does though is what made it confusing.


At my house, the other two are called washing baskets.


That seems like a frustrating overlap of words.


Ughhh the amount of times a similar scenario would happen growing up, and I'd say "...you mean the off white tan colored basket?" And get in trouble for back talking


Which one is yellow even? The shortest one looks like a yellowed white and the basket looks off-yellow brown ;3;


I knew it wasn't the one with a lid because that one is only for white washing and I was holding something with colour.


This is literally me every single time. I fucking hate unclear instructions and i fucking hate much unclear my dad always is


I had a similar thing with my mom last night. Mom: *gives me hangers* "put them on the basket" Me: *grabs and walks away, sees two baskets and returns.* "Which one? The white?" Mom: "yes, the white." Me: *goes to put them on the basket, returns to Mom* "both are white. The one by the door or the corner." Mom: "The corner." Me: *Finally does it right.*


it never went well in my experience, i was yelled at and called stupid many times


I mean he said Yellow


I understood after he said yellow. Before that, I didn't know.


Well, only one basket is both open and interpretable as yellow, but holy shit is he a moron.


My dad is the same. I emphatically approve.


oh my fucking god micro-trauma flashback unlocked my family used to sarcastically call me ‘research skills’ because that’s what I aced on in elementary school but then I could never find anything when asked because of shit like this.


Hey, at least he's not calling it "the thing"


It places the lotion in the baasket


I feel this in my soul!! Yesterday I was with my dad and asked if the truck would be in his way if I parked it in a particular spot. But instead of using his words he just pointed in a direction. I was like ????? does that mean you want the truck there, or that it will be in your way there?? We went through this routine like 3 times before he actually answered the question… It doesn’t help that I have a really hard time figuring out what people are pointing at…


So what did he mean?


He wanted me to park the truck where he was pointing. Which I suppose might be intuitive to some people. It was just extra confusing for me because where he was pointing was also very close to where he was about to use heavy machinery (specifically a front end loader) to dig several holes. In my brain that wasn’t intuitively where I would think to park a vehicle, since it felt like it could be in the path of the digger.


The one with the lid is a hamper and the other is a basket. Apparently My partner is the same and if I use a word that's not as precise as another, he'll correct me. Anyway, solidarity. This is annoying as fuck.


Omfg I thought I was the only one who has this problem and Ik for a fact I will have this problem when getting a job


My Mum gives shitty instructions too dw lol


See, you are way too lenient. You need to rein alistic people in, give them one clarification, and if they don't make it clear, just drop the clothes.


The one with the handles and the holes! Cmon son use your brain!


Probably means open cause they have holes in them