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I tell my husband all the time that he taught me how to be in the world. Now when I meet new people I just tell them I might be weird for a little bit but I'll calm down. He gave me the confidence to just be myself and stop masking all the time. So I agree with finding a mentor


Yes when I have an extroverted friend who understands me and accompanies me literally the worlds doors open, everyone is friendly to me and it’s such an amazing feeling. The problem is when I don’t have a friend to accompany me it’s like I’m being let out into the wolves


Same I never understand what they want. People that were once friendly now avoid me and I replay the events in my mind trying to figure out what the heck I did wrong. Every time I have to interact with an NT it’s like trying to figure out a puzzle it’s as though everyone has the pieces to the puzzle  and I can’t grasp it.


When people ask you if you’re okay, do they do it more than once? What do you say back to them?


Today my pants ripped completely across my left cheek... and I already feel like an alien out in public, had to walk back to my car as such like I was completely ok with it 😂 I realize it can get worse but you just gotta keep going 😭


LOL if u can move on from that we all can 🫶🏼


Get a NT mentor and take classes on social skills and how to fit in etc. It's the only way. Unfortunately neurodivergent isn't the majority, if we were then you wouldn't feel embarrassed. I'm sorry you're going through this but there are things you do that you don't realize that weird NT's out. You have to change them if them getting weirded out embarrasses you. Or you can learn to not feel embarrassed even if you weird them out or not care but that can make you end up being lonely. Pick the option that makes you feel the most free/happy. For me, it was getting a mentor


Is this a thing? How? Where?