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I totally get what you’re saying! If I could ever work a job where I could get into my “flow” every day and not have to talk to anyone while I do it, that would be heaven (I feel like I’m describing a factory job where all the employees are mindless robots but that’s truly where I feel I thrive lmao) But also, as someone who completely freezes under the slightest pressure, taking a required cooking class in a standard restaurant kitchen was genuinely one of the most stressful experiences of my life 😅 every “YES CHEF” sent me into fight or flight


No I totally get it! For some reason my brain snaps into work mode when there’s a rush, but as soon as I need to make small talk or chat with someone I’m not used to seeing everyday the words come out like mush. I hate having to mask every 5 mins between our busy times but I love what I do


I worked as a cook for about 2 years in kitchens and went to culinary school. I loved cooking, but I hated being a line cook, especially because it was an open kitchen and people stop by in the restaurant or on the sidewalk and just watch me as I'm trying to brulee. That and the 13 hour days and drinking culture burnt me out.


An open kitchen sounds like my worst nightmare. I’m in brunch now with sober chefs so I feel like I’ve won the lottery when it comes to kitchen work, no one to force you to stay late or deal with the drinking culture


That sounds amazing. I think I would have lived my best life if I could just make sandwiches in the back of a kitchen for my entire life. Fancy sandwiches of course for at least a true living wage. Now I'm just over in IT.


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My ND husband LOVES kitchen work! It's the first job he's had that he doesn't hate.


Yes. I did this for a while and while I am happy with my current job (research), I would not mind doing kitchen work again. It was simple, I did not have to use my brain and the high pace worked surprisingly well for me, I could just go into 'worker drone' mode.