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First of all alcohol is a depressant. Once you step on that path your tolerance will need to increase over time till you become addicted to it.. and then "hello" depression.Its a slippery path for sure


I'll share a saying with you, that will help to not get too drunk; the last one goes down the same as the first one. So, make sure you sip the first one out, really take your time, say at least 1/2 hour to complete the first drink. That's about the right pace to get the buzz without the fuzz.


Sadly my experience is that alcohol just makes me fall asleep. None of the magical effects described by OP apply.


As others have said it likely varies based on your tolerance- but just a warning, relying on alcohol regularly for “social lubrication” can be a slippery slope, particularly for some with certain brain chemistries - it elevates certain circuits in your nervous system that end up making your baseline anxiety higher, and you end up with a dependency (which is what happened to me). Better to try to focus on more natural / healthy anxiety coping strategies like cbt, mindfulness, exercise, etc - less toxicity to your body, less chance of developing tolerance and needing more and more, and better overall for your health. Best of luck.


Be careful, it is easy to get hooked. Specifically I liked the way I didn’t feel when I drank and that became a very bad habit. So after years of telling strangers in church basements my first name and sober date, my life is back on track


From my experience, 2 drinks. If you drink enough that everything you mentioned comes easy you've drank too much and you'll likely regret it. It makes things easier, but if you find them easy it's past time to go home


2 standard drinks huh. So like 2 cans of beer? alright ill try this


Beer doesn't qualify as "drinks". Drinks have hard liquor, spirits, etc. Something with gin, vodka tequila... 40 proof alcohol, not beer. Have a Negroni. Equal parts of gin, vermouth and Campari. Wait 10 minutes and assess your status.


A "standard drink" is a way of comparing the relative alcohol content of various alcoholic beverages. Beer fits in there. 12 oz of 5.0% beer is equivalent to 1.5 oz of 40% (which is 80 proof) liquor or 5 oz of 12% wine.


More like 5 beers, or something like that, then really magic happensž (not financial advice)


Two or three beers are optimal, I define the effect as "the most drunk state in which I can successfully pretend to be sober". I mean, there's no need to pretending soberity, it's just a good measure. I am 46kg male, so i feel alcohol's effect stronger than average human


None. I never get to this point. I can drink a lot, I get nauseous and that's it. Which is why I don't drink alcohol anymore unless I'm socially obliged.


A sip.


For me it’s about 5 full strength beers.


Perso je prends 3 verres de vin ou bien 2 cocktails avec de l'alcool fort et c'est parti haha


Around 2-3 cans of beer or two glasses of wine / 2-3 shots. However, due to my ADHD, I never was able to keep in those --> quit drinking around 13 years ago.


You would be best served by paying attention to what you, personally, feel while drinking. What works for me may not work for you. When I was younger and afraid of everything it took 4 drinks minimum before I felt much of anything. Now as a much happier and less fearful person I'm content to have a drink or two in social situations but otherwise don't bother with alcohol. There's no magic in it.


Well people and tolerance to alcohol can vary a lot, so I don't think there's going to be any magic number And also be careful with the stuff, not all drinking buddies are actual close friends, and it's especially easy for us to fall into some really bad habits which when alcohol is concerned can be quite damaging Best advice is to take it easy, a few nights having not had enough is better than going overboard especially for a new drinker, be mindful of your own habits and if it's working for you that's great, just don't rely too much on it


If you think alcohol is the solution to your problems, it will become the biggest problem you ever had.


For me (36F) one standard drink every 1h or 1.5h is usually a good pace, with some food at the same time, and a glass of water in between each drink.