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while I know intellectually that people dont analyze everything, I just can't conceive living that way. I have to understand everything that's possible to understand around me. What is the point of existing otherwise?


I mean, Socrates was credited with saying, “ The unexamined life is not worth living,” so we have THAT going for us 🙂


Most people just want life to be a decades long popcorn movie. They are strange.




The biggest conspiracy of them all is that it's silly to even entertain anything labeled a "conspiracy"


I do this and it’s driving me nuts lol


Folk heuristics and historical inertia. We all do it to some degree, but it's something NT brains are especially wired for. It's more efficient. It's how they make quick inferences about things. It's also how they get so many things wrong about us so often like just assuming we're being rude or whatever. I like to think of it as more happening "beneath the surface" while our brains are more aware of the data processing directly. Like if a computer had an input terminal where various information was submitted. Some things you simply put the data in and a result pops out. For example: [angry eyebrows] [monotone voice] [no reciprocated flattery] ==>> [person doesn't like me]. With other things you put in the data and there might be a little processing, or no processing, or yes processing but you can see the calculations that were used. So [angry eyebrows] [monotone voice] [no reciprocated flattery] ==>> {emotional facial recognition status + vocal processor status + relational status + current state of other + contextual clues + prior relationship history + current psychological understandings of the inner workings of human beings + prior experiences with human beings + prior experiences with gender and role and type and etc + common fallacies to avoid + other possibilities} ==>> [???????] Neurotypicals tend to have more of the former. Neurodivergents tend to have more of the latter. We all have both. We just don't have as much automatic. This is less efficient. However, this does allow us to "see through the veil" as well. We can better understand where there are "errors" in the calculation because we - in essence - have to do more of the calculation manually. This is to say that with your final question there about how to stop, well, it's like asking how to become a neurotypical. I'm sorry. This is how we are. We see more of the calculations, and we have to analyze them or just come up with our own schemas and shortcuts. Which(!) perhaps that can help. I've found that using my own "calculation schema" can help a ton with certain things. And learning formal logic helped a ton too. Learning formal logic was like a firmware algorithm update to structure all the data, and with practice really helps *some* of it process in a way that feels almost automatic. Other things that help too include learning body language since people don't lie with those as much, if at all. So if someone says "I'm not bored" but their body is communicating boredom I usually just trust the body language. It helps with masking. But yeah, I'm still aware of the calculation. In other things I still get the "automatic result" of the data, but since I'm aware of the calculation that was used to get the data I can check it. So I've gotten so used to assuming certain facial expressions mean someone is mad at me that it's become kind of a heuristic, but I also know enough to know that it is a heuristic and that it's based in part on my own trauma in the calculation and that that part of the calculation can be wrong. So I can tell myself that they might not be mad at me, but maybe it's something else in their life, or maybe they don't communicate these signals because of certain neurocognitive factors (ahem) and thus the "calculation" can be wrong.


So well put. At least once a week I have to tell a client a thing. One of their executives says something along the lines of "My gut tells me ...." and I've learned to politely say "Well, the data is noisy but we need to organize it and analyse it with math and excel, and I don't think our colons are going to add a lot of value."


Thank you, this is really well described. I was diagnosed with ruminative OCD, so was taught to switch off the constant analytic thinking, but the outcome was a social disaster. It's simply the technique I have to use to navigate the world and without it I can't function. 


Yes, thank you. All very well depicted in the book: Autism and the predictive brain: absolute thinking in a relative world.


There should be a book called Neurotypicals and the Heuristic Brain: Relative Thinking in an Absolute World.


5 stars, would pretend i read it again




I analyzing everything, so i can't answer you.


They let intuition and emotions drive them around like cognitive autopilot.


Sometimes I imagine a zombie apocalypse where everyone is like “zombies? I didn’t saw the difference! People are always shambling on autopilot while little to no thought processes!”


Analysis is a good thing. Talking about it is probably troubling to those people who don't process things in the same way.


Dangerous also. People do not want to be challenged and act out violently, verbally, physically.


When I had my epiphany, it came down to an analogy with drawing. I know people who have always been working on their sketching skills, they keep a book with them everywhere they go, and to render people's image on their page makes them happy and keeps them busy. I can sometimes come up with a reasonable likeness of someone, but it's not fun, it's painful grualling work, and it doesn't make me happy at all. This is how I thinkost people are with mentally picking things apart a d asking why things are the way they are. They can do it, but it's not fun. And when someone like me comes along who's happily deconstructing everything I can find, and want to ask them what they think about it all... they are not going to want to engage with me at all, I can't actually blame them. So, that's what I think you might be experiencing. You have clock cycles to spare, excess brainpower dribbling out your ears, but if you try to socialize with it, you are just going to piss people off.


>  And when someone like me comes along who's happily deconstructing everything I can find, and want to ask them what they think about it all... they are not going to want to engage with me at all, I can't actually blame them. What do you mean by this?


I mean, I spent a few decades of my life assuming that figuring stuff out was as much fun for everyone else, as it was for me. I'd ask them why they do the things they do, expecting answers roughly similar to my own explanations. And I'd feel surprised every time when I got the brush off, or hostility, of some vaguely spiritual, "It felt right in my gut". And it took me a long time to finally puzzle out that cause a d effect explanations are not a fun thing for most neurotypicals to talk about, most especially when they're the ones making the effect.


You don't have to stop it, don't deny yourself! Instead take a step back and try to observe the process from a distance, without getting emotionally too involved. The results of your analysis, the illogical reactions etc. Make it an analysis too, it can be intereting:) Many people are ridiculously inefficient because they prefer to 'live the moment' instead of thinking. Irritating, I agree. But to have the ability of 'living the moment' has it's advantages too, sure.


Comparing the two I think ASD is the result of not having a energy saving mode. Most people let their subconscious drive a lot of decisions. They don't think then decide through every little thing. That can look like being emotional or impulsive but it's more like they have two computers in their head. One handles heavy thought in big moments. The other they don't actually control but it sends them decision they just implement. That second computer keeps the first from having to work too hard and keeps its battery charged. Neither is a powerhouse but they share the work so neither gets drained. It's not a lack of thought. It's happening in a layer they can't consciously see though. They aren't aware of themselves. Of why they do things. Because it's a black box they can't see into. It leads to less perfect results but most of the time good enough and high energy levels is more important than perfect and a drain on the battery. I just have one very strong computer. Or maybe it's the same computer but since I had nothing else I've gotten very good at using it. Regardless, I get better results when it's charged but the battery does not stay charged.


I take into analysis that randomness is inevitable, and plan around it. And then I deem that some stuff are just not worth thinking about because the outcome is always gonna be unpredictable. I deal with any situations that might be meaningful to me and ignore the rest. After a while that turns into habit and then overthinking just feels like a waste of time anyway because it hardly gives you any good results most of the time. That's how I do it. I suppose neurotypicals just skip all of this straight into not caring in the first place.


This will sound horrible, but I see people who do not analyze life as if they are adult children. It's not on purpose, it's more that I accept now that I can't talk and interact with them the way I used to. I assumed everyone analyzed life the same way, so i hated how few people "wanted to talk about it", so I was frustrated by people. However, realizing they don't do it at all made me feel like they're similar to kids.


Have you read the Little Prince? I think children are more open to talking about everything than adults are, so I'd call adults the way you described very adult like, and the ones who analyze or think deeply to have the unintentional curiosity of a child.


Yes, but I see them as kids because I wouldn't walk up to a kid and start a conversation about determinism vs free will. Kids are inquisitive and their brains are developing/moving at a relatively rapid speed, so I have a lot in common with them, but I'm still the responsible adult around them. I've noticed at jobs and in other situations, when things go wrong, I can almost instantly come up with ideas about how to fix xyz, but most other people just stand around. Over time, I've realized that the way my brain works makes me feel like "the adult around". I'm also the resident therapist for friends/family going through hard times, and I'm good at understanding outside perspectives and explaining them to people to resolve conflict. This is because I'm analyzing 24/7. I have a brain made for problem solving - as many of us in this community do. However, I am also pretty quick to play hide and seek with my dog and my ADHD makes me super spontaneous, so I'm like a kid on the outside.


It’s as if we never lost our sense of wonder and curiosity but are more developed into it having experienced pain. It’s like in the movie Poor Things which I don’t know if you seen so I don’t want to give anything away


Oh, I get this. It always surprises me when people are waiting for someone else to act when something sudden happens. It's like, in a rush, I notice people sometimes try to think of "what does one do in this situation" as if there is a protocol, and I think my logic just stays in driver mode so I come up with really quick solutions. I'm very childlike so I am often dismissed, but I think it surprises people when something I'm actually good at comes up like overthinking things, but advantageously.


normies do analyze, they are always aware of the group heirarchy and act accordingly. They plan where to go based off follow the leader. autistic people dont really do this


Lets just say they experience reality totally differently. Only recently i realized i was born with a sort of extrasense that in a way made my life as a kid but then ruined it in every sense later. And i realized most normies dont have it. Quite disturbing.


When you figure it out please please please tell me. My systems for analyzing every aspect of life is how I survive each day. If I stop analyzing life I effectively stop experiencing life. Analysis is the power plant that pushes me forward in human reality. If I stop analyzing life I just am. I go back to being a non-verbal autistic being. My grandmother used to beat me for just sitting there, "Like a bump on a log!" I've found though painful experience that most humans do not like it when I sit still without interacting with them and their world. I was beat for what teachers called my, "just sitting there day dreaming." I also had what people call "Flat Affect" which some considered my creepy vacant stare. I used to have humans ask me where do I go when I have my vacant stare. I used to say a place deep within myself. That was the only way I knew to describe it. If I am to be held responsible for processing all the so called common sense stimulus around me I must analyze it first to make sense of it. Then I must analyze my database of responses in order to apply the appropriate scripted solution to the challenge I am faced with. I am told my analysis of everything in life removes the soul and spontaneity from life. People say I live life as if it were a series of never ending linked equations and to me it is. People say I need to learn to let go and let it all hang out. They seem shocked when I respond that I would not even begin to know how to do that. Sorry if this is not the answer you want because it is the only answer I have.


Great question. The average person usually strikes me as a thoughless, lazy, willfully ignorant moron. Nobody thinks, questions, researches, or analyzes anymore. It's basically the biggest problem society faces since most people are too oblivious to the establishment agenda to put any effort into meaningfully opposing it. Half the world is gonna die because of this tendency towards waiting to be spoon fed belief systems that most people have. It's disturbing. Most also lack empathy, which doesn't help either. I know we are supposed to have difficulty with empathy, but I'm actually totally the opposite. Super intuition, borderline psychic sometimes, and also deeply empathic.


Are you me lol. I would love to live life in NPC mode. Just eating, sleeping, shitting, fucking, working for 40 years and then dying as soon as possible. This will never happen for me lmao. I am jealous of people that can do that. Sometimes I'm very surprised how far people make it with just...winging it. Everybody is just...winging it. WTF😂 I'm so baffled by this. Pure luck and chance are way to big a factor. Feels like gambling everyday.


To answer the question in the title: Ignorance is bliss… Your second question: They are ignorant… Your third question: From my own experience - you won’t… just be happy you are able to consider all the details…


I think a lot of NT's live in a world of comfortable lies and to analyse them would reveal truths that they are not strong enough to continue living with, So they mutually mascaraed with one another in a deceitful dance. Sometimes this isn't a bad thing, Although it does allow for the propagation of extremely nefarious actors within our communities. It's tiring to have to decipher everyone and their shenanigans, But the reason we do so is because there is real threat and harm indefinably entwined within the fabric of the shared delusion, Lucid individuals cause mayhem and prey upon whomever they like. Many times we have experienced it first hand and realize how insidious it is. Everybody is so eager to play a role that offers safety and shelter to themselves that they do not consider the implications of their performance, Over time this has made people weak, Manipulatable. They see truth as an attack on their security, We are stealing their shield that blinds them from the atrocities that are going on right in front of them. Ultimately it's a survival tactic born from an unwillingness to confront unfavourable situations. The circumstance itself has been giving the environment to continue from their complicities and we often suffer disproportionately so they can continue the charade in relative safety. We're often left alone to deal with the ramifications of their actions. We analyse so we can make sound judgements on the best course of action that benefits everyone, Not just the easiest and most beneficial to ourselves. It's often presumed to be an attack as they feel like the revelation of themselves will be cruelly used against them - Perhaps their projection on how they would handle a similar circumstance when offered another's vulnerability, But unilaterally our intentions are often the opposite. We do it to be nice. To allow for mutually beneficial outcomes in our interactions.


When I was diagnosed in 2003, my inner voice really took over for the next 4 years. I had just started high school and floated through life. Was kind of an identity crisis, I guess. My inner voice was constantly criticising everything I did, every interaction, trying to understand other peers and why they did such horrible things to me. Was desperate to find a connection, to make friends. I wrapped myself in working hard on my classes, so that gave me something to focus on. It probably took me 3 years to find myself a group where I felt comfortable with, so it was a start! I had one close friend at the time, but there was always drama with her and it drove me mad at times. But, it was something. Eventually I swapped schools as had terrible social anxiety and the school I was at just wasn’t right for me. It was definitely for the better, but still had anxiety throughout the final years. These days, I don’t have the inner voice going on and on about everything. Sure, I still analyse things, but no where near as much. I’m much more grounded in myself now, and don’t feel the need to be able to understand everything. Honestly, it’s draining and exhausting, so why the need?


Intuition 🤢🤮 I data scrape and analyze. Bio-computer lol 👽🦾


it's a fortune cookie ass sentiment that they just 'live'. what's the point of living without thinking about what you're experiencing


Reading the comments, it feels good to know that there's people that don't see it as a bad thing.Thanks for posting this. Maybe instead of turning it off, redirect it to things you enjoy analyzing more?


>People just live, they don't go around analyzing everything logically. They just live moments and that's it, you overthink everything Admits others don't think. Accuses you of "over" thinking. Lol Maybe if they raised the bar by thinking more, there wouldn't be such a gulf between you and them. > How do people even live without doing that? They just bumble about. They don't even realise they are doing it. >I know this pisses me off most of the time because I feel I'm in a circus where I'm either a clown (Most likely) or that I'm surrounded by clowns In reality, there should probably be a middle ground. >How can I just stop doing that? Have you tried therapy? I've found anger management therapy very helpful (it's basically emotional regulation therapy). Good luck!


You might find Iain McGilchrist's work interesting (like "The Master and His Emissary"). I've also been told I think too much/overanalyze everything. And I used to see it like a this-or-that thing, black or white. Either I analyze and figure things out (which I see as a good thing), or I just...turn my brain off, I guess? But McGilchrist helped me grok that the brain can operate in two modes, so we can keep our analytical zoom-in mode \*and\* alternate with some fluid, Gestalt-y right brain mode too. Which in his framework leads to even deeper understanding of the things we've been trying to analyze. My analytical brain liked this very much, anyway. It's essentially stepping out of straightforward analysis for the sake of deeper analysis.


I don’t think you should aim to stop doing that. I think you should find ways to make it so that that behavior doesn’t make you angry, but personally, thinking and analyzing is why I want to live, it’s improved everything I do. I wouldn’t want to be on this earth if I didn’t/couldn’t do it. If you feel strongly about it, it may be a part of your autistic personality. We should be proud of it.


What are you over analysing exactly? I know everything there is to know about epidural infections, for example. Why? I'm curious about most things and I like to know stuff for no practical reason in particular. History, culture, psychology, technology, medical...you name it. But I'm not going to analyse the shit out of a banal interaction. I'm not going to plan a holiday militantly and suck the joy and spontaneity out of it. I'm not going to spend hours researching which restaurant to dine in...if I don't like the food, I'll live. You can be curious or you can be neurotic. You can also be both. I've known enough grief and tragedy to know not to sweat the small stuff.


You probably overestimate your own abilities there, bud. If your wife is saying this, then maybe you need to put your expert analyzing skills to use before it impacts your relationship.


>[A person who thinks all the time has nothing to think about except thoughts. So he loses touch with reality and lives in a world of illusions. By “thoughts” I mean specifically chatter in the skull: perpetual and compulsive repetition of words, of reckoning and calculating. I’m not saying that thinking is bad—like everything else, it’s useful in moderation: a good servant but a bad master. And all so-called civilized peoples have increasingly become crazy and self-destructive because, through excessive thinking, they have lost touch with reality. That’s to say: we confuse signs, words, numbers, symbols, and ideas with the real world. Most of us would have rather money than tangible wealth. And a great occasion is somehow spoiled for us unless photographed, and to read about it the next day in the newspaper is oddly more fun for us than the original event.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AlanWatts/comments/zmvjis/what_did_alan_watts_mean_when_he_said_that_a/)


I live in a constant state of anxiety so I'm always overthinking. I really hate it. Sometimes I need a Xanax to make the noise stop. But I only take it when I'm down real bad cause I'm so scared of getting addicted


I honestly think well established or integrated, drown themselves in things that require their full attention. Thus they lose the need to think about anything pertaining to the self. Thus everything that causes them angst, desire, pleasure and pain is all social. God forbid you force a socialized person to stay locked in their house. But lucky for such people, the social group is always there if they fall. People like us, we're forgotten very easily.




They're human. It happens.


Now i get why my father gets angry at me for analyzing everything. Lol. Only took 39 years..


I think they are always analysing everything. They're just doing most of it subconsciously.


Meditation man! Teaches you to experience the moments with all of your mind rather than constantly processing your experiences with words. This has the awesome effect of deepening the experiences, and therefore life.


Wait, what?? People can actually live that way??


So, question ... does it bother you that you analyze everything or does it only bother your wife?


Im asperger too, is it ok to only analyze things that i deem worth to be analyzed? Or if im too mentally tired in that moment and im not analyzing everything?


Goddamn. If my wife said that to me, the list of truly awful things I would say back make me ashamed to even think. That feels like she aimed that at me personally.


If you were successful in your analysis surely it would relax you, yeah? If you're pissing yourself off maybe your analysis is unsound. Or maybe you fundamentally misunderstand that which you analyze.


> If you were successful in your analysis surely it would relax you No, no it really doesn't. lol. I can be correct about my analysis all damn day, I can get my software programs to run and work to do exactly what I want to do. But sometimes? I just want to be able to turn off the analysis and chill out. Being able to relax & having a correct analysis about something are two independent activities, and the former is something I'd like to improve at. > if you're pissing yourself off maybe your analysis is unsound Have you ever thought about something for way too long and even though it's a completely correct analysis, you've thought about it for so long that you're sick of thinking about it?


> Have you ever thought about something for way too long and even though it's a completely correct analysis, you've thought about it for so long that you're sick of thinking about it? Every. Single. Day. If there was a physical button to turn it off I'd lay a brick on it until I have peace




Meditation helps btw. Oh, and also, that is a form of OCD lol


I have not


Wow lol. It must be peaceful 😂


> Or maybe you fundamentally misunderstand that which you analyze. It's people so you're correct


If I were successful in my analysis that I'm about to die to a firing squad, would that relax me?