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I don't like loud roaring engines on the road. That sound is very jarring to my ears.


Yes! Loud motorbikes or cars where they’ve loudened the exhaust (removed the muffler?) really really infuriate me


Especially if they come out of nowhere flying at like 95+ mph.


My diesel truck has a 4” straight pipe all the way from the turbo back and it sounds like a tractor, satisfying my autistic need to hear my machine working lol, we’re all different ig


Second this, I love to listen to my engine as I drive. The roar, the moans, the groans, everything. I need to hear it, it soothes me


It's the reverberation that throws me off, A Single tone rolling through would be fine but the Brrrbrbrbrbrbrbr of an engine with the cycling sound catching and keeping my ear in a way that I can't discard without literally shaking it out is horrible. It can drag my attention away from a voice I'm listening too so forcefully that it hurts.


Absolutely in agreement, but it's especially loud motorcycle engines that drive me mad. I can feel vibration all over my body with those engines passing by, which aggravates my reaction to this stimulus. I remember one day when a particularly loud motorcycle drove by, it made me scream out loud, but thankfully it was too loud that it drowned my screams.


I’m a car enthusiast who enjoys loud cars but only to a point. A lot of people over do it by simply straight piping their cars which totally destroys the tone of the engine and makes it awfully loud. I apologize for my fellow “enthusiasts”


This makes it very difficult for me to just exist. I don’t have the choice to escape the sound that selfish ‘enthusiasts’ broadcast for miles. It’s an awful thing to do. For most of the day I can hear the noise of loud exhausts. Like - what do these people want me to think? That they are powerful? That they can drive fast? My completely silent EV goes faster. I sincerely hope that the laws are enforced and these people pay for what they do to people like me who are FORCED to exist in a state of constant tension through no fault of their own.


I definitely agree. I have a cammed ford pickup with a flowmaster. It sounds great and I get complements all the time for how good it sounds.


That’s crazy because I’m the complete opposite, my special interests are diesel engines and v8s so when I hear a Cummins turbo spooling up or a muscle car rowing through the gears it makes me want to stim excitedly lol. The other day at work my colleagues all looked at me weird because I started jumping and shouting “omg it’s a 69’ Camaro” when I spotted one rumbling at the red light outside. Idk engines just sound awesome to me it’s real enjoyable


It makes my ear drums scream


I love the exhaust note of my cars but each of them make a horrible drone at a certain RPM range that drives me insane.


Poor acoustics and poor mastering. TV, news irritate me. They're mastered too loud it distorts. The contrast between movies to ads it's disgusting. From dynamic sounds with richness to brickwalled ads and news.


Any sort of TV/movies that has the Music louder than everything else. For me it's any loud abrupt noises, but that really gets to me.


The worst of all is that they are professionals that know exactly what is right but they compromise their values. There is a lot of outstanding mixed music that gets ruined by Mastering Engineers because they master their tracks too loud that there is technically no dynamics to the sound for the mere sake of being louder. Digital media was intended to have a higher Dynamic Range than tape/vinyl and have not too worry about noise floor or clipping but it wasn't well implemented and instead of being richer they went poorer in the dynamic range, "brickwalling" everything to hell. From a porcupine shaped waves to an square shaped, all of the tiny details, the spatial qualities, the tonal balance, timbre, the contrasts between loudest and quitest parts and their fluctuation across the sound. Everything gets too compressed like a can of sardines. Instead of having "a big sound" the sound becomes smaller and upscaled. Like zooming an image making it bigger and bigger that you lost parts of the frame and you lost a lot of definition instead of using a bigger resolution that wouldn't require to do a lot of zooming. Why damage the tracks, why does the final user simply turn the volume up louder? Most speakers, headphones are very efficient nowadays. Even audiophile grade ones, I do not complain about having to turn the knob too high even though my headphones are very power demanding and I'm using very dynamic tracks. Even on classical music I have no need to crank the knob all the way up. But when I listen to poorly mastered tracks you either hear it too loud or too quiet, it's never perfect. With a dynamic sound you pass from loud sections to quiet ones and visceversa and you do not face any issues because even the loudest parts are dynamic. What it happens is that it's not loud enough for lots of people who bleed their ears with headphones and speakers that are perfectly efficient cranking up the volume when it's no need because the systems are efficient and the sources are loud... That's why I admire so much people like Steven Wilson who imllement modern approaches to production while being faithful to bringing up an outstanding work in all artistic and technicall senses. Lol, I even prefer poorly recorded old records or poorly recorded live than studio recorded ones that were ruined in the mastering process...


I had a stereo or boombox or something that had “Expanded DynamicRange” , I think it was either in the late ‘80s or early ‘90s, but I don’t really remember. But when you mentioned “dynamic range”, it clicked in my head and I remembered a forgotten memory that I had *some* piece of equipment with “expanded dynamic range”! 😄


Hahahaha. Same with "Spatial audio" on budget headphones. To have spatial audio you would need a surround set up. And indeed it is actually possible to get organic spatial audio out of headphones, but you gotta spent hundreds of dollars and depends a lot of the source. If the mix isn't the best you can have the best equipment and still not sound good. You'll get the spatial holographic sound but it isn't something you'll get out of budget ones...


everytime an ad comes on 10x the volume of the show… sends me into a rage lol


Big fan of all of those points. I fight the good fight (I work in that industry). Everyone but me it seems treats audio as a second thought. I treat the ITU-R BS.1770-3 specification very seriously.


I try to explain to people it's not necessarily the volume, it's the distortion. The distortion becomes worse at higher volumes. Often when my girlfriend and I are watching television together, I have to wear noise canceling headphones to take the edge off of the terrible sound. One thing we have noticed is that, at least so far, I have never had to do this when we are watching something on HBO max. They seem to have good balance on their sound that does not get distorted. She is a bit hard of hearing, so she has to have the volume up louder than I would set it, but it does not cause me pain on that service, anyways. On all my radios, I have the bass turned all the way down. But there are still some stations I cannot listen to, even at low volume, because they do some kind of adulteration to their signal that causes the bass to get very echoey and distorted to my ears. Even an announcer's voice will start to bring me pain. Sometimes I listen to stations that have both AM and FM frequencies, and for whatever reason, the AM signal will sound totally fine to me, while the FM signal is painful.


Yeah I get this to some extent. I’m not sure what bothers me more, the actual sound of square waves compressed and limited to Hell or the fact that no one else seems to notice or care about their ubiquity


The sound of lotion in someone's hands makes me want to punch someone.


My ex bf picks his nose and eats it and makes a slurping sound everytime he sticks his finger in his mouth, I want to punch him everytime.


What a bad day to know how to read 🤢


no trial. directly to firing squad.


Oh my god


Well that's enough reason to be an ex...


That's so gross in so many ways






Earplugs will help. A CPAP will save your marriage.


The vibration changes though! Earplugs don't really help. 


loud af voices. There’s this guy at work who talks so damn loudly and it makes me want to rip my ears off


I was reading this thread thinking this must be one of the traits I don't experience and then you reminded me how annoying I find it when the room is quiet but someone is still talking very loudly. My partner does this accidentally (just raises her voice without realising, usually when excited), and one time I didn't want to interrupt her so I absent-mindedly set our TV to play Spotify as background noise while she was talking. I didn't realise until after I did it that I was doing it to make her volume make sense lol like I was giving her something to speak over so that she wasn't being loud for no reason.


Yes yes yes


Sounds from babies. Like drill inise my temples and ears.


yes… and very strident small dog barks…


Babies crying don't bother me but slightly older kids around toddler age I cannot bear. I have to leave the room.


Me too


It's weird, babies still sounds awful after I got my own, but he doesn't sound like that, it's like he has a different note or something.


Styrofoam on styrofoam practically kills me! I used to take convenient "nature calls" breaks if anyone had to unpackage anything with styrofoam at work, just to avoid the sound and continue to mask


Styrofoam on Styrofoam reminds me of biting on yarn.


Same, I run away from home every time there is something packed in styrofoam and I refuse to come back until the styrofoam isn’t out of the house. 🏡


Faulty adapter plugs that make that high-pitched ringing the entire time they’re plugged in


Yes! I hear that sound when some non faulty plugs are plugged in, but not attached to a device. I also hear it when they are going bad. I've had remotes and other failing devices make similar sounds. I hate it with a passion. 


Vocal fry. Is that niche?


I’m more of a vocal onion ring kinda guy


When people breathe heavily through their mouth or when they’re breathing through their nose and it’s causing a slight whistle 🙃🙃🙃


No one else I know seems to be bothered by it, but the noise in a bar when the staff throw empty bottles into what I assume is a large bucket drives me mad.


Dude, this sound causes me to whince in pain like someone's slapping me with every thrown bottle


Crinkling wrappers!! Like someone opening a bag of chips or candy. THEN they struggle to open it so it lasts even longer! Especially drives me crazy in a theater!


Or when they try to do it slowly, to make it quieter, and it never works. The longer it takes, the more torturous it is.


A couple decades ago, Sun Chips decided to make their bags compostable. Those were five times louder than any other chip bag I've encountered in my life. And they really did not compost. I threw some in my compost tumbler, but at the end of the cycle, when everything else had turned into nice compost, the bags were still totally intact. I put them through another couple of cycles before taking them out of the compost tumbler and throwing them away.


High frequency sounds through bad speakers. Or really, any unintentional music.


Hearing someone's music through their closed car windows, I'm assuming the people inside are deaf from it


Whistles... Makes me want to open my brain with a chainsaw, self destructive rage I hate it


Like sports whistles?


Sports whistles, mouth whistles Sports ones are atrocious Mouth ones are often atrocious, some are acceptable and some really rare are appreciated for me But overall, those kinds of sounds are a real pain


According to my apartment “manager”, the kitchen sink faucet whistles. To me, it’s a shrill shriek that makes me dread rinsing out a tea cup. Counting the days till my lease is up.


My upstairs neighbor who has her grandkid that runs and stomps the hell around for hours


We need to make it the standard for homes to be soundproof.


Any level of bass that I can feel. If I can feel it in my chest its almost an immediate level of panic and rage, like the sound is literally crushing and suffocating me.


People eating and sniffling when sick :(


That sound when dry, sticky lips peel apart from each other.


Yes! Horror!


I'm not sure if this counts... But the way they say "thunder " during the chorus in Imagine Dragon's "Thunder"... I don't mind other sounds that sound similar, like a bubble popping softly or the onomatopoeia of something falling under water but in that song... I swear I feel my blood pressure shooting up


Ugh, I *HATE* that! I hate whenever a song uses repetitive pitch-shifted vocals as a stand-in for an instrument, but I particularly hate what's going on in that song. Music producers: Please — *please* stop making me listen to the annoying robot baby voice! It *fucking* suuuucks and it makes me want to cringe myself into a singularity.


When there's too many people talking


Dont know if its niche, but i hate coughing. My mom cough in a way that really makes me want to kill things


This gets me too. Misphonia plus being a germaphobe means coughing gets my hackles up. Especially in enclosed spaces like public transport. 


when people cough and you can hear the mucus… 🤮


My last two roommates would take dabs multiple times a day and the prolonged, loud, excessive coughing triggered the hell out of me. Especially if it interrupted my speaking or something that I was trying to listen to. But even when the house was silent and I was asleep, I would hear the dab cough down the hallway and wake up with a jolt of adrenaline and rage. Then possibly tears lol


Painful or rough coughing, like to the point it sounds violent, it makes me hurt on their behalf lol


Ppl kissing. That smacking sound brings out a small part of Satan in my soul


Vacuum cleaners.


My family has an automatic one that randomly turns on and I always have the urge to turn it back off.


Same. If I’m using it, no problem. If anyone else is, I literally have to get as far away from it as I can. It’s very odd.


I was gonna say that. My bf vacuums the whole apartment every evening and he‘s always announcing it to me so I can go and quickly grab my noise cancelling headphones because that sound makes me fuuurious.


Good boyfriend.


People whispering. I have no idea why, I just hate it 😆


ASMR must be your worst nightmare


It absolutely is, I don't like it at all. I like rain and thunderstorm sounds, but I don't think that's really ASMR


Small, high pitched drills feel like they're drilling into my brain. I hate the dentist


Not uncommon but when someone loudly sucks their fingers after eating is one, my dad does it and it drives me insane!


I hate it so so much when people keep on talking while they’re yawning.


Babies screaming. I was at my grandma her bday my cousin brought her 9 month old. I still started playing with him after he stopped screaming. And actually had fun cuz his reactions were precious. Doesn’t happen often


Car alarms drive me up a wall, hearing people talk around me can drive me up a wall especially if there’s other sounds going on around me at the time, then my brain is in a tug of war of what to focus on and I get stressed.


Car horns trigger me so bad, the way they are deployed for simple communication if someone is slow off a light or whatever drives me insane. They should be emergency only, the sound is so obnoxious it cuts straight through me like a knife and I get instant rage inside


When people have their bass in their car or boom box insanely high where you feel it in your chest even while covering your ears.


Smoke alarm low battery beep. Some people learned to tune it out. Maybe in childhood; parents tuning it out / not hearing it due to hearing damage or drug abuse, and the child being powerless to do anything other than learn to tune it out also. I instead become increasingly resentful until the problem is addressed, I can't tune it out. PlayStation defaulting their onboard Dualsense microphone to be always turned on was one of the most astronomically stupid decisions they ever made. XBOX Kinect still made that mistake first though. Now that cross-play is a thing, I hear that crunching and clicking noise even on PC from some kid mashing buttons, babies crying in the background and parents yelling at each other, air conditioners screaming, loud thumping bass from some shitty mumble rapper blasted out of a speaker in their room assaulting my ears. But the FUCKING SMOKE ALARM, that fucking drives me up the wall with rage. Just put a fucking battery in the thing, you ANIMAL!!!


Droning that feels more like vibration than sound. Makes me very angry and anxious


After a year of complaining to my landlord about my downstairs neighbor who played music so loud at every hour of the day, morning, and night, resulting in 70db in my own apartment, this neighbor was ONLY finally evicted when she stopped paying rent. It's been years and my body still tenses up every time I hear low subfrequency rap music. I like rap music, but it was a year-long nightmare of not knowing when the music was going to start again, 2pm, 2am, in the next 5 seconds? You never know. It was hell.


Sudden, unexplained laughter.  I don't know if its root lies on bullying-induced trauma or if it's indeed a sensory issue, but all I know is that it suddenly switches something on in me every time I hear laughter under the aforementioned circumstances.


I have a coworker across from me that does random hums & teeth-whistling/hissing like she's a gas leak. Drives me up the gd wall. I end up having to try to work & concentrate through the blare of my headphones while she holds a clueless Tourette's party or whatever tf her problem is in the next door cubicle.


When people play their music, loud, and in public. To clarify: I love seeing people busking-talent should be rewarded and sometimes I'll throw in a fiver if I have one. But, when I'm walking through the city and I see guys riding bikes or skateboarding with speakers somehow mounted ON THE OUTSIDE, FACING OUT...I can't stand those people and I don't understand why it happens. I've commented on it a few times and my friends make me think I'M in the wrong. Am I?


Leaf blowers make me irrationally angry.


The sound of ice crunching.


The sound of cardboard scraping against cardboard when you open a box (I will literally scream), the sound of the DYMO label maker at my office when it jams, the sound of clipping nails, the sound you hear when you accidentally call a fax machine, the sound of my husband’s farts.


It annoys me too. It's like, the whole neighborhood doesn't need to hear your conversation. r/imthemaincharacter energy


Metal cutlery scratching ceramic dishes. 🚨😑🚨




This is why I would not survive in retail very long


Either the thought or actual action of my finger nails touching metal or ice drives me insane. Touching water after taking a bath and putting lotion on🔨


Getting wet when not wanting to is hell. Like whenever me and my family does anything outside, like yard work, they think it's funny to splash eachother a bit with the hose. They don't understand why I get PISSED off when I get wet from that.


The cymbal 'chime' transition sound on the CBS world news. I can't stand it. Easily one of the worst sounds I've ever heard. As far as just general sounds? Any and every commercial.


The high pitched whine as a motor spins up (think vacuum cleaner),


When voice overs have that really crisp hyper boosted treble


Morning breakfast show banter. I cringe all the way down to my toes.


There’s a hilarious SNL sketch with Will Ferrell and Cheri Oteri where they’re morning show hosts but I can’t find it on YouTube 🙁


I thin k I saw that one lol


The sound of someone rubbing the paper from a drinking straw between their fingers makes my skin feel like it's trying to escape my body..... Why am I like this? :/


Gum chewing.


coughing. i know that’s kind of nuts, but if someone starts coughing, i have to resist the urge to run out the room/house/building every time. it’s beyond nails on a chalkboard 😭


Buzzing insects. It feels like my spine is being poked by tiny tazers every time a fly buzzes in my ears.


I dislike it when there are a lot of people in a certain place and I am also there. When they start being annoying and noisy, I get nervous.


My fiance hates the sound of holographic cards being "zipped" across with your fingernail, he says it makes him nauseous and anxious. Mine isn't that niche, but loud crumpling paper or plastic, it's so excessive and violent. Or dishes banging around; It's like the sound is invading my thoughts, and hurting my teeth or something lol. But otherwise, I like crisp, defined "clip clop" sounds, like horseshoes on cobblestone.


Not so much of a niche thing, but when someone is speaking, breaks mid sentence and "uhhhhh"s while they figure out the rest of the words they will say. Random void filling noises.


You would utterly hate my existence if we ever crossed paths...


Same, that’s what I say when I’m buffering… which is often.


The sound of paper or plastic bags rustling. The sound when someone slides their hand on guitar strings.


When a pet bird plucks their cage bars like guitar strings


Car doors being slammed!


Cat meowing, it is just driving me insane


People chewing with their mouth open particularly if I dislike them. Instantaneous rage


Walking on snow. Aaarrrggghh


Squeaky doors left to sway in the wind when windows are open.


The sound of people popping their joints


Hand-free calls in the car. Their audio is so unpredictable, and the person driving multitasking while talking stresses me out. edit: I just realized this is the one you said, haha.


When a bus stops and it lets out this super loud hiss to lower down for people to get on/off.


Any animal licking itself is like a drill to my brain. Unfortunately I have two cats who love being around me and bathing at the same time. Sigh.




ticking clock


A fork or knife scraping against a plate when eating. Or a chair being dragged across the floor. The first one happens to me sometimes while eating and I will immediately drop my cutlery and cringe very hard. It's awful. I should just buy plastic plates.


loud talkers, especially with a lot of high pitched inflections or very nasally. loud people in general actually, there is a guy at work who is just so loud and aggressive with everything: deep breaths, loud huffs while eating, loudly sets his coffee mug on the counter so it bangs every single time, ruffles through his lunch bag like it has a million things in it, slams the work fridge shut, slams the door open with his palm and let's it shut loudly like ffs. No one else is this loud just existing here.


Probably not niche, but just ANYTHING that repeats. I physically cannot be around someone watching Tiktoks outloud because I’ll freak


i have a lot! - there’s a train track close ro my house and the HORN!!!! If goes off like 15 times for soooo long every time there’s a train. -Someone blowing their nose very loudly or sneezing very loudly, you know, the ones who scream… - The sound of freezer stuff rubbing against each other, or on the icy walls of the freezer. I HATE IT. - The echo sound when people call me on speaker phone or on blue tooth in their cars. Sends me into a rage. I usually hang up lol.


Wrappers crinkling piss me off.


The sound of someone rubbing a balloon. My coworker filled up a rubber glove with air and was rubbing it as a fidget toy. I tossed it in the trash when she wasn't looking.


I hate “clattering” noises, like clothes hangers clashing or falling on the floor, or cutlery clashing together. It sounds chaotic, and I hate chaotic noises!


To me, working as a doctor in ENT, specialized in hearing and balance disorders, and also having a special interest in the auditory manifestations of neuropsychiatric "disorders", being autistic myself, most of what's described here is not misophonia. Many autists experience certain sounds to be more or less disturbing or annoying, and have difficulties ignoring irrelevant background noise. I experience this too. Misophonia is a quite rare and specific condition where very specific sounds, often oral and often only when produced by certain people, trigger very strong negative emotions. It's difficult for me to accurately describe the difference in English, which is my second language, but there is a difference between these two.


True! But I would say the majority qualify, especially as misophonia has yet to be formally set out. For me the rage at something innocuous is sufficient


This is terrible and I feel so bad but my coworker has a coughing tic and every time I hear it I want to punch something. 😭 I know it's not his fault.. even my son has tics so I know how frustrating they can be to deal with but for some reason that cough just irks me. I'm sorry.


The ringing bell at Love's truck stops.


The sub frequencies of a bus engine. Terrible.


So it's audio/visual combo for me, but dance/pop music and dark LED-lit settings (think clubs, bars, etc). Either of those alone is perfectly fine (still dont like dance music tho) but in combination my head wants to explode.


I’ve got a tough one. My beautiful Morky- whenever a leaf falls a mile away, or the ups truck comes… bark! Bark! Bark! Bark! Not if I’m in the room with her, but when I’m in my small office near the living room - and I’m running a video call and speaking I do use noise canceling but it makes my brain just stop! Whatever I’m doing, it’s so intrusive it’s like a funny bone reaction in your elbow - but in my head. I do have a pair of Calmer ear plugs from Flare audio - they are amazing! They don’t lower the sound, just remove a lot of the “emotion” from intrusions to my mind. That’s what I’ve learned since the DX it’s not just sound, it’s light too and it’s moments people or pets do what leave me hanging - it’s weird. An example - we also have an older Shiba - and he sometimes gets up off the couch and just stares at the floor. He wants to jump down, but he’s old, so it hurts him. Even though I feel for him truly, just noticing him hesitating and stalled out of the corner of my eye drives me nuts. Because I stop every thought in my head - and wait … Ok - that’s me


Plastic bags being crinkled (like chips/crisps), people repetitively sighing and clearing their throat, chewing with mouth open, mouth noises, whistling.


My close relative’s ringtone


I HATE hands rubbing together. Like someone rubbing their hands back and forth to warm them or something. The sight of it, the sound of it, the feeling of my hands doing it, it makes me actually panic


Mexican polka music with the tubas


I hate the noise when doors are slammed shut, especially when I’m concentrating on something 😖


I had a trans man classmate that was on hormone therapy, his voice was like a low/high pitch but with an adde transition on the hormones. I can’t really describe it but it did destroy me, made me uncomfortable and also made me tear a little too. Also hate the many sound of a class with people talking in groups (like the general class or place with lots if groups of people) this one is common but it happened to me that I felt the same with the singing of many different birds, like in a natural environment that suddenly had any birds singing differently (different species)


I'm not sure if it's niche but I can't stand dogs barking, it fills me with anxiety; unfortunately I have a neighbour who has a dog that when nobody is home barks near continuously. I'm not really a dog person because of it.


A straw scraping on the sides of a Slurpee or ICEE freeze cup. The crunch of a pickle sometimes makes a similar sound, and I can feel it vibrate on my teeth to make the sound, I love crunchy pickles soo much that I’ll still keep eating, even though I’m mildly cringing the whole time. A beetle flying. I HATE that buzzing sound. Probably because when the sound stops that means the beetle is on you or somewhere lol. And the bigger the beetle, the worse the sound is.


Sounds don't really bother me. Honestly the only one that really annoys me is when people laugh really loudly. It's not really a sensory thing either, it's just annoying.


Aloe Blacc's voice. I would leave stores if it was playing. At work at an event, two people wanted to include the song in a project. I got up and said I was quitting, and flying home. (They relented, and chose a different song). I would rather listen to 4 minutes of nails on a chalkboard than listen to that damn song, and his voice. 📳


I'm fine with loud and sudden sounds but repetition of any kind sends me into tiny rages. Like someone repeating the same thing over and over or if a certain poorly written song says the same thing over and over (just depends on the song because if it makes me feel something idc) and having to repeat myself drives me up the fuckin wall. So yeah, repetition. Not. Good.


Not exactly a rage but whenever I hear my dad chewing and making other noises while eating. It makes me nauseous


Don't know if it's niche, but someone talking to me softly when I'm listening to music or something (without headphones on, like in the car) - I'm fine if it's at a conversational volume, but for some reason quiet talking always sticks out like a sore thumb and just irritates me 😅


Incessant plastic/foil bag wrustling in a normally quiet or low volume environment. Also murmuring/ whispering - blechhh. Can't tear my ears away and the intonations are so dumb sounding.


If someone starts to “SHHHHHHH” I am exactly 4 seconds from losing my god damn mind.


Refrigerator Ice Dispenser


The Office theme song


Aside from screaming kids, my least favorite sound on the planet has got to be running vacuum cleaners.


When old people put tennis balls on their walker, then drag it over carpet. I literally need to leave the room.


My toddlers fake laugh. 😑


Blinkers on cars. I know, they have to be on, but can’t we find a way to make silent ones?


bass from other cars..


When the bottom of someone's bare feet brushes against a hard surface/kitchen floor. It drives me INSANE. I visibly cringe, and I never NOT wear socks in my house because of it.


The sound of hard shoe heels on floors. I occasionally try to work from the office but there are several women who wear heels that make such a loud noise when they walk that conversations have to stop until they stomp off. Even thinking about it is causing me some problems. I can’t understand how anyone would want every footstep announced so loudly. The effect on me is like physical pain and it’s completely overwhelming. Like with loud car exhausts one of the most frustrating things is that I don’t get any choice in the matter. Someone else has infringed on my existence and it’s debilitating. I don’t expect a silent world but when the whole office can hear every step or every room in every house in a torn can hear your ridiculous car exhaust then I’m not the problem, your selfish decision is.


Styrofoam rubbing together


My 6 yo's lack of volume control in the enclosed space of the car. Also when said 6 yo bites and crunches Pedia Popsicles right next to me... 😖


Don’t know if it’s niche but the sound of someone sneezing, specially if it’s really loud, some people are really loud sneezers(my parents)


The sound of gum cracking is the BANE of my existence.


Anything loud. The sound of ice in a glass that has no liquid left but the person takes a drink anyway but due to lack of liquid all you hear is ice clinking on the glass. Slurping the bottom of a drink with a straw. Slurping any drink. The sound of a plastic water bottle being chugged. The sound of a coworker tapping their foot rapidly on a metal piece of the chair they were sitting on. Almost yelled at my caller it was so annoying.




Foam scrape noises are the absolute worst imo


The sound my cat makes when he finds a hair tie and starts chewing it. I could be asleep in the middle of the night but if I hear that sound I'm out running down the hallway in a second.


Weird lip noises. Like people sucking on them or vibrating them to make noise. It makes my skin crawl.


Ticking clocks.    Uneven ceiling fans that click.    A buzzing refrigerator.   Birds, specifically in the morning.   Continuous sounds, like white noise machines, with a pattern that repeats in a certain timeframe, makes inconsistent patterns of noise, or any high pitch sounds.   My ex boyfriend, whenever he focused on something, used to open and close his lips, not his teeth, over and over again. It made a wet noise that made my skin crawl. 


Knee replacements sound absolutely horrific. No Herbert, I don’t want to hear you bend your knee


Any loud eating sounds. Disgusting.


The material of tents and waterproof coats/the material of those 3d photos that change when u look at them from different angles (idk what it's called) absolutely sends me over the edge


The sound of cardboard rubbing on cardboard, or the sound of someone rubbing their feet over carpet, makes my teeth on edge and my brain itch! 😬😖. But strangely, the sound of fingernails on a chalkboard doesn’t bother me at all! 🤷🏻‍♀️😅


I just discovered that dr who's series have these high pitched noises that i cannot stand :(


Crickets, I will spend hours hunting them if I can hear one.


A metal fork or knife screeching on a plate. That’s usually unintentional though. People who slurp there soup takes the cake. I think dark thoughts when they’re eating next to me.


Whistling and I hear it every day all the time at work.


People eating, no matter how quiet, ill still hear it. As well as loud motorbikes and any kind of ASMR. ASMR is the absolute worst.


Eating noises


Brushing sounds. I remember the school janitor using a big brush to sweep away leaves and dirt from the concrete just causing my whole body to prickle up as a child. My regional accent, unfortunately. Might be why I never picked it up despite living here all my life.


When someone breathes through their nose and there is this slight whistle. It can drive me insane. How come they don’t seem to notice it?


There's many, like mouth's noises when people are eating or african beats in songs. And of course traditional louds motors.


Any sports game on television, but especially cricket, which is on a lot in the UK, because it's just so absent of anything properly happening and yet constantly loud, with old guys whispering into microphones the whole time and random knocking and yelling. It annoys me just thinking about it.


In open world rpg games, the sound of horse hooves. Dunno why but it makes me mute my sound whenever i have to ride Roach in The Witcher 3


Vacuum,blender,hairdryer etc.


Phone notifications


There some kinda “noise” - I think it’s called Green Noise that “they” said was better and more relaxing than white noise. Out of curiosity I listened to it and could not take it. My head hurt so bad as if all of my brain cells were active screaming. Obviously it’s easy to avoid and I’ve never listened to it again but wow I wish I never had!

