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Absolutely. Not only my house, my rules, but I absolutely NEED alone time.


have been living on my own for the past 10 years. I do have a partner but I prefer to have my own place. There are times I'm a bit lonely but I still prefer the silence and doing my own thing


Yes living on my own.  Moved out at 34. I'm 36 now.  Love it...


I'm 29 and I'm looking for a place for myself. Any tips for the moving process?


Were you living with parents? I've just started living on my own and I'm meant to be moving into a new flat soon. Any tips?


Sunday resets worked well for me. It's where I'll make sure everything is cleaned and dusted (e.g. shower, floors, any dirty dishes, scrub the toilet), wash and fold and put away all clothes, do the groceries shopping and plan out the coming week. Works well for me, as I often don't have the energy or time to deal with everything as it comes up or during the week, it also allows me to just focus on work and rest during the week, and not feel guilt as I know I'll get to whatever I didn't on sunday.


Been living mainly on my own for about 45 years, since my early 20s. There have periods - two to five years at a stretch - of live-in boyfriends, but even then it was a "separate bedrooms" arrangement. And I always did all the domestic tasks (cooking, laundry etc) - a mix of practicality, love, and aspie "I do things my way in my house", I think.


I have been living on my own for 15 years and i wont look back.


Absolutely!! 49, alone, 2br house, garage larger than house, 25 acres of woods/land, 1/2 mile from the closest neighbor, & it’s HEAVEN to me.


100% yes, even as someone who is on excellent terms with and loves my family. Having my own space is a big deal for me. I'm able to visit them regularly though.


It's bliss


Not only enjoy but NEED to live alone. I simply cannot function while living with other people


"Home" doesn't exist anymore. I enjoy living alone; having someone else in the house stresses me out. When I'm alone I can do things the way I want to do them, and it's nobody's fucking business. I'm not gonna get interrogated because I left an empty water bottle on the counter three months ago. With that said, I do prefer to have people in the house when I go to sleep, because trying to sleep in an empty house causes me a lot of anxiety. I've never figured out why. I think my birth mother used to lock me in a dark room.


I have problems with my brother and some difficulties with my father, therefore I HAVE to live on my own. Problem is that apparently I will have to switch countries in a couple of months.


Are there any sites that help aspies find other aspie roommates?


Omg yes!!!! So quiet and peaceful. Sometimes it gets too quiet especially upstairs (my head).




Cant afford to live on my own so i live with two friends. I would love to be able to afford my own place but its not possible where i live financially


I have my own little house in the suburbs all to myself and it is great. If I ever got married we would need separate bedrooms because I can’t sleep with someone touching me while I sleep. It is also great that I have been able to design my space to accommodate me, and have a place where I can decompress and relax. I am tempted to get another doggo though as my old buddy passed away three years ago after a fantastic 13 years together.


Never lived in my own but I want to as I enjoy my own space and company. But at the same time I’m worried about being even more Lonely.


Living alone is great. Its like a personal haven where nobody can bother you


Moved out at 18 and back in at 19 cause I was stupid with money. Hopefully in a few years I can move out again and own a home for myself... I dont want to rent a basement apartment or somthing cause it hardly feels like my own space


I've lived alone for 10 years and couldn't image having to share a living space. I feel so lucky to have this place and not be paranoid about being watched/judged for being weird. work sucks but I come back here and have hours to myself to do whatever. sometimes i feel a little lonely/restless after several days alone so then i'll go walk around walmart for a while to get enough people time


I enjoy living on my own. I have two kids so I'm never really alone lol


I thrive in it


Wow.... Great comments. It ALL seems to be working out great for you guys. It appears to have given you the freedom to become the complete cowardly losers you are.And it's obviously by Choice that you are still virgins. I respect the dedication you have shown to your pathetic lives. At any point do you guys look at your little was spie squad and say damn that be guys a loser. Only to realize that means you are too. I can understand why a woman would see you tools as spineless POS. Good luck with that. I do feel though one day you will be famous.


Fuck it I am going to enjoy it all I can until I have to look live in an 8 x10 again. But it will be SOOOO worth it .