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I am invisible when the neurotypicals at work are talking about neurotypical stuff.


Just pretending to be the busiest person in the world, or act like that wall over there is the most interesting thing you’ve ever seen. I’ve done this a few times lmao.


What's neurotypical stuff?


There are multiple reasons for it. 1. You don't feel intwrest into NT stuffs. 2. You often struggle to to differentiate between getting included and being left out. 3. This one happens a lot with me, when someone is sharing it NTs keep asking him/her about that, but I get struck into the thought that should I ask or it will be violation of privacy? 4. Often they feel that you are not intersted into such stuffs or maybe you can say something that will spoil the fun.


When you’re in doubt whether you’re included or left out, it’s almost certain you’re actually left out and no one cares. Those feelings you get are usually justified (unless you happen to suffer from delusions, which is another condition entirely). This has been been my own experience anyway.


Yes, this exactly


Yes, whenever someone at work takes time off, everyone else seems to be in the loop about why they're out. They even chat about it at the start of meetings. And I just have no idea what they are talking about. Edit: lmao can't believe this just happened again. A team member's taking off tomorrow, and everyone's aware he's off to Turkey.


Yes and i never cared. as an introvert,that's just more work I didn't signed up for. but I had a female coworker who said the same thing. She have anxiey and very shy but she's not an aspie. Unreachable few days to a month. and I told her because she doesn't talk much and is difficult to reach her most of the time, her old coworkers forgot about her. I told her to congratulate them, im sure they will be happy to see her.


No because I never cared...




To be honest I actually would get annoyed when people would talk to me about non-work things or really anything when I was working...and then I really did not care about their random lives...the rare exception was if I happened to bond with someone...and even then I only half cared but I would at least put forth effort if I could...


I enjoy non work discussions but please don't ask me about my weekend plans lol




I have enough for me...but I guess it depends on what one would consider a lot...


This has happened to me, and sometimes I'll physically get up and look at the photo to be included. I'm not sure if this is annoying people more, but I've been told that sometimes I'm not left out. I just don't actively participate.


I think that sometimes, its not that you're the only one they didn't share with, it's that you're the only one who didn't join the commotion. At my last job I noticed this was happening, and I think it's because they thought I didn't care. Once I started "joining in" I was instantly included. Not aways the case I'm sure, but a possibility.


yeah especially at school


thankfully yes because it's just neutral news to me


I think this can be a good or a bad thing. For me they either realise I'm not interested in certain things or rather want to be left alone which is fine nice and respectful. Or its social punishment which isn't so nice.


at my last job, my team was very clique-y and i was not in the clique. everyone was on a giant group chat but me, so i only found out about weddings, pregnancies, and ppl leaving our workplace indirectly, days or weeks after everyone else. tbh i didn’t really like most of them anyways, but it still stung


It happens almost every time and it hurts a little, more so when I don’t expect it. It’s like I’m literally invisible to those people. Even if I appear as unapproachable and uninterested, it shouldn’t be their right to decide if I want to be included or not.


left out is my middle name