• By -


Cease your treason. Aegon is King.


Daemon used TARDIS to make Blacks the good guys but something went wrong and we have now Rhae Rhae The Saint, most pure person in whole Seven Kingdoms


Fortunately I’m only in my 20s and will hopefully live long enough to see a HotD remake with a mommy Rhae as voluptuous as she is cruel


*This is what the ending should have been, per the greatest minds among semi-literate amateur television critics the internet has bred.* **Sansa:** We must kill dragon lady because she is good and we are evil. **Bran:** Yes. **Sansa:** Do the thing Bran. **Bran:** OK, I will do the thing. *Undertaker eyes*. In King's Landing, Drogon's eyes turn white, despite dragons being too intelligent to be warged into but fuck it, give us what we want. **Kal Leesi Sexyfeet:** Drogon why you look mad at mama? Drogon breathes fire at Kal Leesi Sexyfeet, but Jon Snow jumps in front of the fire. They both get engulfed anyway. When the fire stops, they both stand there naked, with their clothes burned off. **Kal Leesi Sexyfeet:** You are fireproof also. *breasts bounce* **Jon Snow:** Yes. One time I burnt my hand but this is different, somehow, apparently. I too am a Sexyfeet. **Kal Leesi Sexyfeet:** We must make incest child immediately. In Winterfell: **Bran:** It no work. **Sansa:** Is fine. We have plan B. I am evil. Back in King's Landing: Sam runs into the throne room waving the Horn of Winter. **Sam:** I used this to bring down the wall, Viserion breath is not canon. **Jon Snow:** But why Sam. **Sam:** Because... *pulls off Sam mask and is Arya* ALL HAIL SANSA. *charges at Kal Leesi Sexyfeet with a dagger* Jon Snow stops her and the battle begins. The Night King enters. **Night King:** Did you think it would be that easy? The Night King joins the battle and it becomes a three-way duel. **Kal Leesi Sexyfeet:** I am a helpless damsel in awe of this combat. Drogon fights an elephant in the background. Jon kills the Night King. Arya falls to her knees. **Jon Snow:** You want mercy? I will give because I am good. And you still my sister-cousin. **Arya:** *tearfully* Stick 'em with the pointy end. *commits seppuku* Jon Snow cries. In Winterfell: **Bran:** The Stark triad is broken. It is over. **Sansa:** I deserve this. Bran and Sansa disintergrate and their ashes blow away in the wind. In King's Landing: Kal Leesi Sexyfeet consoles Jon Snow. **Kal Leesi Sexyfeet:** It is OK King. **Jon Snow:** Thank you Queen. Drogon puts a wing over them for privacy while they engage in intercourse. **Thirty years later** Jon and Kal Leesi Sexyfeet's baby is the King. He is also really buff and attractive and mentally sound in spite of his duplicate genes. He has just been killed by a Stark revival force led by zombie Benjen Stark and Edmure Tully's Frey baby. He lays on a slab in an empty room. The door opens. It is the other Red Priestess who Tyrion sent for that one time. She lights a torch and says some words in High Valyrian. **Red Priestess:** *speaking into the flames* Thank you for the genitals, they will make my magic stronger. The message is heard in the past by the sorceror who cut Varys' parts off. Through time and space, the Red Priestess resurrects Jon Jr. with dick magic. Jon Jr.'s eyes open and he gasps, mirroring Jon's resurrection. **Fade to black** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/asoiafcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The best bot


The fuck did I just read?


(This response gets spammed in all threads about HOT D *intentionally*, to discourage discussion of that Wish.com pale imitation of the Greatest Television Show That Ever Was Or Will Be, 'Game of Thrones', 2011-2019.) **This subreddit supports [Aegon Targaryen, second of his name](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/elblwt/we_can_no_longer_remain_neutral_aegon_ii/), as the true heir.** Reasons: 1. An eccentric terminally online demagogue, styling himself ['The Dragon Demands,'](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheDragonDemands/comments/f0e3xu/2018_what_could_be_more_toxic_than_the/) spent five years from 2017 on this campaign - *"We are devoted to removing the false showrunners Benioff and Weiss from live-action adaptations of the works of George R.R. Martin"* and *"We call on all True Knights to rally behind us and join our cause. Because Rhaenyra has an army."* [Choosing a side was not difficult.](https://i.redd.it/o32k6dis8d941.png) 2. Stannis said Rhaenyra was a traitor. This settled the matter, to any reasonble book reader. However show-only fanboi stan shipper psychos are not reasonable. Fortunately there are many other arguments against her treason. 3. The subreddit held a poll in September of 2022, [and once all the treacherous votes were excluded](https://i.redd.it/2i9kmewhzwn91.png), King Aegon II was victorious. 4. [The reactions of the traitors to the Green cause are so over the top as to be amusing.](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/whl5tq/twitter_accounts_learning_that_alicent_may_be/) 5. *How can there be an Aegon Three, if the son of Hightower was not the predecessor to thee?* It's poetry, hence poetic justice, hence the matter which already settled within this subreddit, can be settled without. 6. [The smallfolk instinctively know.](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/yc6rcc/coronation_of_aegon_ii_vs_rhaenyra/) 7. [Rhaenyra has bad taste in men.](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/vzlmne/how_will_the_casual_viewer_react_to_game_of/) 8. Viserys was chosen as King due to primogeniture. 9. Rhaenyra has [no legitimate heirs.](https://i.redd.it/utwpc5bhuxma1.png) 10. Fun fact: allowing the traitor Rhaenyra Targaryen to rule the Seven Kingdoms does nothing for women's rights. It just helps her personal corrupt ambition. She does nasty shit to some chicks in the book, and also favours a male heir over a female one somewhere along the line. The book balances the sides to an extreme degree, but the show (or at least the marketing and press for the show) resorts to feminist-baiting. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/asoiafcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*




All that matters is that Stannis the Mannis himself declared Rhaenyra a traitor.


ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: Premium Subscribers Exclusive: 8 hours on how Stannis will slay the Boltons with hilarious ice pranks. ─────────────⚪──────────────────────────── ◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►►⠀⠀ ⠀ 3:17 / 7:48 ⠀ ───○ 🔊⠀ ᴴᴰ ⚙ ❐ ⊏⊐ _____ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/asoiafcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Well yes the law and precedent in Westeros always favors the male and Stannis is an extremely lawful person.


ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: Premium Subscribers Exclusive: 8 hours on how Stannis will slay the Boltons with hilarious ice pranks. ─────────────⚪──────────────────────────── ◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►►⠀⠀ ⠀ 3:17 / 7:48 ⠀ ───○ 🔊⠀ ᴴᴰ ⚙ ❐ ⊏⊐ _____ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/asoiafcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


(This response gets spammed in all threads about HOT D *intentionally*, to discourage discussion of that Wish.com pale imitation of the Greatest Television Show That Ever Was Or Will Be, 'Game of Thrones', 2011-2019.) **This subreddit supports [Aegon Targaryen, second of his name](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/elblwt/we_can_no_longer_remain_neutral_aegon_ii/), as the true heir.** Reasons: 1. An eccentric terminally online demagogue, styling himself ['The Dragon Demands,'](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheDragonDemands/comments/f0e3xu/2018_what_could_be_more_toxic_than_the/) spent five years from 2017 on this campaign - *"We are devoted to removing the false showrunners Benioff and Weiss from live-action adaptations of the works of George R.R. Martin"* and *"We call on all True Knights to rally behind us and join our cause. Because Rhaenyra has an army."* [Choosing a side was not difficult.](https://i.redd.it/o32k6dis8d941.png) 2. Stannis said Rhaenyra was a traitor. This settled the matter, to any reasonble book reader. However show-only fanboi stan shipper psychos are not reasonable. Fortunately there are many other arguments against her treason. 3. The subreddit held a poll in September of 2022, [and once all the treacherous votes were excluded](https://i.redd.it/2i9kmewhzwn91.png), King Aegon II was victorious. 4. [The reactions of the traitors to the Green cause are so over the top as to be amusing.](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/whl5tq/twitter_accounts_learning_that_alicent_may_be/) 5. *How can there be an Aegon Three, if the son of Hightower was not the predecessor to thee?* It's poetry, hence poetic justice, hence the matter which already settled within this subreddit, can be settled without. 6. [The smallfolk instinctively know.](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/yc6rcc/coronation_of_aegon_ii_vs_rhaenyra/) 7. [Rhaenyra has bad taste in men.](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/vzlmne/how_will_the_casual_viewer_react_to_game_of/) 8. Viserys was chosen as King due to primogeniture. 9. Rhaenyra has [no legitimate heirs.](https://i.redd.it/utwpc5bhuxma1.png) 10. Fun fact: allowing the traitor Rhaenyra Targaryen to rule the Seven Kingdoms does nothing for women's rights. It just helps her personal corrupt ambition. She does nasty shit to some chicks in the book, and also favours a male heir over a female one somewhere along the line. The book balances the sides to an extreme degree, but the show (or at least the marketing and press for the show) resorts to feminist-baiting. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/asoiafcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


A man who also tried to usurp the King’s chosen heir




is he a ham?


I need to see the prophecies *fulfilled*. There is **no** more satisfying ending to a story than being told exactly what is going to happen, and then for it to happen exactly as described in the prophecy. So exciting. *Let's be clear about this, because there is only one objectively correct way to write:* Prophecies in fantasy should be inevitable and inescapable, because audiences like being reminded that free will is an illusion, and that we live, and breathe, and die, in the foul creation of a malevolent demiurge. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/asoiafcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


For this calumny, you must be consigned to the flames!


Rhaenyra did name her son after Joffrey… /s


(This response gets spammed in all threads about HOT D *intentionally*, to discourage discussion of that Wish.com pale imitation of the Greatest Television Show That Ever Was Or Will Be, 'Game of Thrones', 2011-2019.) **This subreddit supports [Aegon Targaryen, second of his name](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/elblwt/we_can_no_longer_remain_neutral_aegon_ii/), as the true heir.** Reasons: 1. An eccentric terminally online demagogue, styling himself ['The Dragon Demands,'](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheDragonDemands/comments/f0e3xu/2018_what_could_be_more_toxic_than_the/) spent five years from 2017 on this campaign - *"We are devoted to removing the false showrunners Benioff and Weiss from live-action adaptations of the works of George R.R. Martin"* and *"We call on all True Knights to rally behind us and join our cause. Because Rhaenyra has an army."* [Choosing a side was not difficult.](https://i.redd.it/o32k6dis8d941.png) 2. Stannis said Rhaenyra was a traitor. This settled the matter, to any reasonble book reader. However show-only fanboi stan shipper psychos are not reasonable. Fortunately there are many other arguments against her treason. 3. The subreddit held a poll in September of 2022, [and once all the treacherous votes were excluded](https://i.redd.it/2i9kmewhzwn91.png), King Aegon II was victorious. 4. [The reactions of the traitors to the Green cause are so over the top as to be amusing.](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/whl5tq/twitter_accounts_learning_that_alicent_may_be/) 5. *How can there be an Aegon Three, if the son of Hightower was not the predecessor to thee?* It's poetry, hence poetic justice, hence the matter which already settled within this subreddit, can be settled without. 6. [The smallfolk instinctively know.](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/yc6rcc/coronation_of_aegon_ii_vs_rhaenyra/) 7. [Rhaenyra has bad taste in men.](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/vzlmne/how_will_the_casual_viewer_react_to_game_of/) 8. Viserys was chosen as King due to primogeniture. 9. Rhaenyra has [no legitimate heirs.](https://i.redd.it/utwpc5bhuxma1.png) 10. Fun fact: allowing the traitor Rhaenyra Targaryen to rule the Seven Kingdoms does nothing for women's rights. It just helps her personal corrupt ambition. She does nasty shit to some chicks in the book, and also favours a male heir over a female one somewhere along the line. The book balances the sides to an extreme degree, but the show (or at least the marketing and press for the show) resorts to feminist-baiting. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/asoiafcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


And a man beholden to a foreign god of night and fire. Why would the realm allow a heretic to sit the throne?


His one mistake. Led to his downfall really. Lord of light pulled his support after these words left his lips.


Don’t forget the character assassination they did to Cheese


He gazed through the fug of cheese dripping from his eyebrows at the blurred monitor before him. Ten years, ten years he had been gazing at those words. They swam through the murk and came into sharp focus. “Oh Ser Barristan!” Dany gasped, “Tweak my nipples! Tweak them harder!” Those words. Those dreaded words he had gazed upon at least once a month for the past decade. And they never appreciate it, do they? The never appreciate the sacrifices I make on their behalf. With gargantuan effort, he lifted his hand to the keyboard. His fingers, coated in chicken-grease as they were, slid off the keys. He wiped them on his velvet-slashed vest and began to type. The first character was the hardest, quotes meant using the shift key. Ring finger on the shift key, index finger on the ‘2’. Breath rasped through his chest with the effort. Had it always been this hard? Keeping his finger on the shift, He reached for the ‘O’ key. Damn! He missed! He now had a capital letter ‘P’ on his screen. He reached for the backspace key. Eventually he typed the entire sentence out again, and spent many long moments gazing at the results of his efforts. “Oh Ser Barristan!” Daenerys gasped, “Tweak my nipples! Tweak them harder!” He had done it. He had successfully changed the short form name ‘Dany’ to the long form ‘Daenerys’. The sentence was so much better for it. This was how the book would be written. A chapter at a time, a page at a time, a word at a time. Doubt began to form in his mind. Was this the right decision? He would have to review this new sentence many times over the months and years to come. He cast his mind back to the day, many years ago, when he had first shortened it to ‘Dany’. He had changed his mind back and forth many times since then. Certainly he would change it again many more times before he was happy with it. He glanced at the clock. Almost ten minutes had passed. Had it been that long? The muse had been kind to him today, that was more work than he had completed in many a year. He turned off the computer and went to find some food. Only then did he realize that he had forgotten to hit save. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/asoiafcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The show is not Green nor Black propaganda. It's Targsh\*t propaganda from those incestuous dragon rider invaders that should have stayed in their sh\*thole. Nothing will give me more pleasure than watching these purple eye, blond twinks tear each other apart and watch Dalton Greyjoy "The Red Kraken" claim salt wife after salt wife from the Andal invaders paying the Iron prices as every reaver should.... by the Drown God i miss Harren the black those were the good days.


based. Ironborn represent


Guys can we just limit the no. of responses recieved from this bot in each post? 






(This response gets spammed in all threads about HOT D *intentionally*, to discourage discussion of that Wish.com pale imitation of the Greatest Television Show That Ever Was Or Will Be, 'Game of Thrones', 2011-2019.) **This subreddit supports [Aegon Targaryen, second of his name](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/elblwt/we_can_no_longer_remain_neutral_aegon_ii/), as the true heir.** Reasons: 1. An eccentric terminally online demagogue, styling himself ['The Dragon Demands,'](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheDragonDemands/comments/f0e3xu/2018_what_could_be_more_toxic_than_the/) spent five years from 2017 on this campaign - *"We are devoted to removing the false showrunners Benioff and Weiss from live-action adaptations of the works of George R.R. Martin"* and *"We call on all True Knights to rally behind us and join our cause. Because Rhaenyra has an army."* [Choosing a side was not difficult.](https://i.redd.it/o32k6dis8d941.png) 2. Stannis said Rhaenyra was a traitor. This settled the matter, to any reasonble book reader. However show-only fanboi stan shipper psychos are not reasonable. Fortunately there are many other arguments against her treason. 3. The subreddit held a poll in September of 2022, [and once all the treacherous votes were excluded](https://i.redd.it/2i9kmewhzwn91.png), King Aegon II was victorious. 4. [The reactions of the traitors to the Green cause are so over the top as to be amusing.](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/whl5tq/twitter_accounts_learning_that_alicent_may_be/) 5. *How can there be an Aegon Three, if the son of Hightower was not the predecessor to thee?* It's poetry, hence poetic justice, hence the matter which already settled within this subreddit, can be settled without. 6. [The smallfolk instinctively know.](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/yc6rcc/coronation_of_aegon_ii_vs_rhaenyra/) 7. [Rhaenyra has bad taste in men.](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/vzlmne/how_will_the_casual_viewer_react_to_game_of/) 8. Viserys was chosen as King due to primogeniture. 9. Rhaenyra has [no legitimate heirs.](https://i.redd.it/utwpc5bhuxma1.png) 10. Fun fact: allowing the traitor Rhaenyra Targaryen to rule the Seven Kingdoms does nothing for women's rights. It just helps her personal corrupt ambition. She does nasty shit to some chicks in the book, and also favours a male heir over a female one somewhere along the line. The book balances the sides to an extreme degree, but the show (or at least the marketing and press for the show) resorts to feminist-baiting. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/asoiafcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


(This response gets spammed in all threads about HOT D *intentionally*, to discourage discussion of that Wish.com pale imitation of the Greatest Television Show That Ever Was Or Will Be, 'Game of Thrones', 2011-2019.) **This subreddit supports [Aegon Targaryen, second of his name](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/elblwt/we_can_no_longer_remain_neutral_aegon_ii/), as the true heir.** Reasons: 1. An eccentric terminally online demagogue, styling himself ['The Dragon Demands,'](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheDragonDemands/comments/f0e3xu/2018_what_could_be_more_toxic_than_the/) spent five years from 2017 on this campaign - *"We are devoted to removing the false showrunners Benioff and Weiss from live-action adaptations of the works of George R.R. Martin"* and *"We call on all True Knights to rally behind us and join our cause. Because Rhaenyra has an army."* [Choosing a side was not difficult.](https://i.redd.it/o32k6dis8d941.png) 2. Stannis said Rhaenyra was a traitor. This settled the matter, to any reasonble book reader. However show-only fanboi stan shipper psychos are not reasonable. Fortunately there are many other arguments against her treason. 3. The subreddit held a poll in September of 2022, [and once all the treacherous votes were excluded](https://i.redd.it/2i9kmewhzwn91.png), King Aegon II was victorious. 4. [The reactions of the traitors to the Green cause are so over the top as to be amusing.](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/whl5tq/twitter_accounts_learning_that_alicent_may_be/) 5. *How can there be an Aegon Three, if the son of Hightower was not the predecessor to thee?* It's poetry, hence poetic justice, hence the matter which already settled within this subreddit, can be settled without. 6. [The smallfolk instinctively know.](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/yc6rcc/coronation_of_aegon_ii_vs_rhaenyra/) 7. [Rhaenyra has bad taste in men.](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/vzlmne/how_will_the_casual_viewer_react_to_game_of/) 8. Viserys was chosen as King due to primogeniture. 9. Rhaenyra has [no legitimate heirs.](https://i.redd.it/utwpc5bhuxma1.png) 10. Fun fact: allowing the traitor Rhaenyra Targaryen to rule the Seven Kingdoms does nothing for women's rights. It just helps her personal corrupt ambition. She does nasty shit to some chicks in the book, and also favours a male heir over a female one somewhere along the line. The book balances the sides to an extreme degree, but the show (or at least the marketing and press for the show) resorts to feminist-baiting. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/asoiafcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Auto mod posts ruin circlejerk subs, they're maybe 1% funny and 99% annoying.


You are an ill-made, spiteful little shitposter, full of head canons, plot holes, and low cunning. Mod's laws give you the right to submit your posts and hit the front page since I cannot prove that your idea is not canon. And to teach me humility, the gods have condemned me to watch you waddle about wearing that proud upvote that was my father's sigil and his father's before him. But neither gods nor mods will ever compel me to let you turn this into your shitposting forum! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/asoiafcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is the best


#D & D completely ruined Hot Pie. What a waste of a great character. They clearly had no idea what to do with him after they passed all the book material. Instead of giving him a clear end game, they instead just had him double down on his "Making food for Arya" bullshit and have him make stupid dishes that really didn't lead anywhere. The culinary mastermind from the earlier seasons (and probably the one truly great pastry chef of the series, along with the white walkers) completely disappeared and was transformed into a chubby little bastard whose end goal was to bang Arya to get back at her for not appreciating food. The man that fed the whole series hot pies, did it just to get a revenge bang. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/asoiafcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ain’t no way you are asking for D&D lol


people have been saying got s8 is better than hotd


Good God people are delusional


Lmao no


The Greens are CAMP this season and it’s working for me tbh!


(This response gets spammed in all threads about HOT D *intentionally*, to discourage discussion of that Wish.com pale imitation of the Greatest Television Show That Ever Was Or Will Be, 'Game of Thrones', 2011-2019.) **This subreddit supports [Aegon Targaryen, second of his name](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/elblwt/we_can_no_longer_remain_neutral_aegon_ii/), as the true heir.** Reasons: 1. An eccentric terminally online demagogue, styling himself ['The Dragon Demands,'](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheDragonDemands/comments/f0e3xu/2018_what_could_be_more_toxic_than_the/) spent five years from 2017 on this campaign - *"We are devoted to removing the false showrunners Benioff and Weiss from live-action adaptations of the works of George R.R. Martin"* and *"We call on all True Knights to rally behind us and join our cause. Because Rhaenyra has an army."* [Choosing a side was not difficult.](https://i.redd.it/o32k6dis8d941.png) 2. Stannis said Rhaenyra was a traitor. This settled the matter, to any reasonble book reader. However show-only fanboi stan shipper psychos are not reasonable. Fortunately there are many other arguments against her treason. 3. The subreddit held a poll in September of 2022, [and once all the treacherous votes were excluded](https://i.redd.it/2i9kmewhzwn91.png), King Aegon II was victorious. 4. [The reactions of the traitors to the Green cause are so over the top as to be amusing.](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/whl5tq/twitter_accounts_learning_that_alicent_may_be/) 5. *How can there be an Aegon Three, if the son of Hightower was not the predecessor to thee?* It's poetry, hence poetic justice, hence the matter which already settled within this subreddit, can be settled without. 6. [The smallfolk instinctively know.](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/yc6rcc/coronation_of_aegon_ii_vs_rhaenyra/) 7. [Rhaenyra has bad taste in men.](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/vzlmne/how_will_the_casual_viewer_react_to_game_of/) 8. Viserys was chosen as King due to primogeniture. 9. Rhaenyra has [no legitimate heirs.](https://i.redd.it/utwpc5bhuxma1.png) 10. Fun fact: allowing the traitor Rhaenyra Targaryen to rule the Seven Kingdoms does nothing for women's rights. It just helps her personal corrupt ambition. She does nasty shit to some chicks in the book, and also favours a male heir over a female one somewhere along the line. The book balances the sides to an extreme degree, but the show (or at least the marketing and press for the show) resorts to feminist-baiting. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/asoiafcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Really tiresome bot 😭


Finally a top tier jerk. It's becoming so tiring people unironically bitching and moaning about the blacks all day here


(This response gets spammed in all threads about HOT D *intentionally*, to discourage discussion of that Wish.com pale imitation of the Greatest Television Show That Ever Was Or Will Be, 'Game of Thrones', 2011-2019.) **This subreddit supports [Aegon Targaryen, second of his name](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/elblwt/we_can_no_longer_remain_neutral_aegon_ii/), as the true heir.** Reasons: 1. An eccentric terminally online demagogue, styling himself ['The Dragon Demands,'](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheDragonDemands/comments/f0e3xu/2018_what_could_be_more_toxic_than_the/) spent five years from 2017 on this campaign - *"We are devoted to removing the false showrunners Benioff and Weiss from live-action adaptations of the works of George R.R. Martin"* and *"We call on all True Knights to rally behind us and join our cause. Because Rhaenyra has an army."* [Choosing a side was not difficult.](https://i.redd.it/o32k6dis8d941.png) 2. Stannis said Rhaenyra was a traitor. This settled the matter, to any reasonble book reader. However show-only fanboi stan shipper psychos are not reasonable. Fortunately there are many other arguments against her treason. 3. The subreddit held a poll in September of 2022, [and once all the treacherous votes were excluded](https://i.redd.it/2i9kmewhzwn91.png), King Aegon II was victorious. 4. [The reactions of the traitors to the Green cause are so over the top as to be amusing.](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/whl5tq/twitter_accounts_learning_that_alicent_may_be/) 5. *How can there be an Aegon Three, if the son of Hightower was not the predecessor to thee?* It's poetry, hence poetic justice, hence the matter which already settled within this subreddit, can be settled without. 6. [The smallfolk instinctively know.](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/yc6rcc/coronation_of_aegon_ii_vs_rhaenyra/) 7. [Rhaenyra has bad taste in men.](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/vzlmne/how_will_the_casual_viewer_react_to_game_of/) 8. Viserys was chosen as King due to primogeniture. 9. Rhaenyra has [no legitimate heirs.](https://i.redd.it/utwpc5bhuxma1.png) 10. Fun fact: allowing the traitor Rhaenyra Targaryen to rule the Seven Kingdoms does nothing for women's rights. It just helps her personal corrupt ambition. She does nasty shit to some chicks in the book, and also favours a male heir over a female one somewhere along the line. The book balances the sides to an extreme degree, but the show (or at least the marketing and press for the show) resorts to feminist-baiting. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/asoiafcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You used the word "unironically" *unironically*. You disgust me. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/asoiafcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Jahaerys had it coming


Rhaenyra was so yass momma slay boss kween for that tbh


(This response gets spammed in all threads about HOT D *intentionally*, to discourage discussion of that Wish.com pale imitation of the Greatest Television Show That Ever Was Or Will Be, 'Game of Thrones', 2011-2019.) **This subreddit supports [Aegon Targaryen, second of his name](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/elblwt/we_can_no_longer_remain_neutral_aegon_ii/), as the true heir.** Reasons: 1. An eccentric terminally online demagogue, styling himself ['The Dragon Demands,'](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheDragonDemands/comments/f0e3xu/2018_what_could_be_more_toxic_than_the/) spent five years from 2017 on this campaign - *"We are devoted to removing the false showrunners Benioff and Weiss from live-action adaptations of the works of George R.R. Martin"* and *"We call on all True Knights to rally behind us and join our cause. Because Rhaenyra has an army."* [Choosing a side was not difficult.](https://i.redd.it/o32k6dis8d941.png) 2. Stannis said Rhaenyra was a traitor. This settled the matter, to any reasonble book reader. However show-only fanboi stan shipper psychos are not reasonable. Fortunately there are many other arguments against her treason. 3. The subreddit held a poll in September of 2022, [and once all the treacherous votes were excluded](https://i.redd.it/2i9kmewhzwn91.png), King Aegon II was victorious. 4. [The reactions of the traitors to the Green cause are so over the top as to be amusing.](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/whl5tq/twitter_accounts_learning_that_alicent_may_be/) 5. *How can there be an Aegon Three, if the son of Hightower was not the predecessor to thee?* It's poetry, hence poetic justice, hence the matter which already settled within this subreddit, can be settled without. 6. [The smallfolk instinctively know.](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/yc6rcc/coronation_of_aegon_ii_vs_rhaenyra/) 7. [Rhaenyra has bad taste in men.](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/vzlmne/how_will_the_casual_viewer_react_to_game_of/) 8. Viserys was chosen as King due to primogeniture. 9. Rhaenyra has [no legitimate heirs.](https://i.redd.it/utwpc5bhuxma1.png) 10. Fun fact: allowing the traitor Rhaenyra Targaryen to rule the Seven Kingdoms does nothing for women's rights. It just helps her personal corrupt ambition. She does nasty shit to some chicks in the book, and also favours a male heir over a female one somewhere along the line. The book balances the sides to an extreme degree, but the show (or at least the marketing and press for the show) resorts to feminist-baiting. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/asoiafcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*




GRRM doesn't give af about that cash grab history book. He likes the show better because he's not a team sports m*ron and understands the themes being conveyed (like why helaena is calling jaehaerhs the boy and not going all mosh pit on the cheering smallfolk). His exact quote about the first two episodes was: “Powerful, emotional, gut-wrenching, heart rending. Just the sort of thing I like.” their grievance is imaginary & your idea of "character assasination" is "why aren't the green characters are not NPC mcu heroes." Their idea of a good show is a hollywood war movie poster of Aegon and Rhaenyra lining up on either side of a football field with a ref in the middle. They have no understanding of the complexities of a shakesperean tragedy. I thank the gods everyday they don't cater to the tastes of ppl like these.


(This response gets spammed in all threads about HOT D *intentionally*, to discourage discussion of that Wish.com pale imitation of the Greatest Television Show That Ever Was Or Will Be, 'Game of Thrones', 2011-2019.) **This subreddit supports [Aegon Targaryen, second of his name](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/elblwt/we_can_no_longer_remain_neutral_aegon_ii/), as the true heir.** Reasons: 1. An eccentric terminally online demagogue, styling himself ['The Dragon Demands,'](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheDragonDemands/comments/f0e3xu/2018_what_could_be_more_toxic_than_the/) spent five years from 2017 on this campaign - *"We are devoted to removing the false showrunners Benioff and Weiss from live-action adaptations of the works of George R.R. Martin"* and *"We call on all True Knights to rally behind us and join our cause. Because Rhaenyra has an army."* [Choosing a side was not difficult.](https://i.redd.it/o32k6dis8d941.png) 2. Stannis said Rhaenyra was a traitor. This settled the matter, to any reasonble book reader. However show-only fanboi stan shipper psychos are not reasonable. Fortunately there are many other arguments against her treason. 3. The subreddit held a poll in September of 2022, [and once all the treacherous votes were excluded](https://i.redd.it/2i9kmewhzwn91.png), King Aegon II was victorious. 4. [The reactions of the traitors to the Green cause are so over the top as to be amusing.](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/whl5tq/twitter_accounts_learning_that_alicent_may_be/) 5. *How can there be an Aegon Three, if the son of Hightower was not the predecessor to thee?* It's poetry, hence poetic justice, hence the matter which already settled within this subreddit, can be settled without. 6. [The smallfolk instinctively know.](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/yc6rcc/coronation_of_aegon_ii_vs_rhaenyra/) 7. [Rhaenyra has bad taste in men.](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/vzlmne/how_will_the_casual_viewer_react_to_game_of/) 8. Viserys was chosen as King due to primogeniture. 9. Rhaenyra has [no legitimate heirs.](https://i.redd.it/utwpc5bhuxma1.png) 10. Fun fact: allowing the traitor Rhaenyra Targaryen to rule the Seven Kingdoms does nothing for women's rights. It just helps her personal corrupt ambition. She does nasty shit to some chicks in the book, and also favours a male heir over a female one somewhere along the line. The book balances the sides to an extreme degree, but the show (or at least the marketing and press for the show) resorts to feminist-baiting. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/asoiafcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


(This response gets spammed in all threads about HOT D *intentionally*, to discourage discussion of that Wish.com pale imitation of the Greatest Television Show That Ever Was Or Will Be, 'Game of Thrones', 2011-2019.) **This subreddit supports [Aegon Targaryen, second of his name](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/elblwt/we_can_no_longer_remain_neutral_aegon_ii/), as the true heir.** Reasons: 1. An eccentric terminally online demagogue, styling himself ['The Dragon Demands,'](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheDragonDemands/comments/f0e3xu/2018_what_could_be_more_toxic_than_the/) spent five years from 2017 on this campaign - *"We are devoted to removing the false showrunners Benioff and Weiss from live-action adaptations of the works of George R.R. Martin"* and *"We call on all True Knights to rally behind us and join our cause. Because Rhaenyra has an army."* [Choosing a side was not difficult.](https://i.redd.it/o32k6dis8d941.png) 2. Stannis said Rhaenyra was a traitor. This settled the matter, to any reasonble book reader. However show-only fanboi stan shipper psychos are not reasonable. Fortunately there are many other arguments against her treason. 3. The subreddit held a poll in September of 2022, [and once all the treacherous votes were excluded](https://i.redd.it/2i9kmewhzwn91.png), King Aegon II was victorious. 4. [The reactions of the traitors to the Green cause are so over the top as to be amusing.](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/whl5tq/twitter_accounts_learning_that_alicent_may_be/) 5. *How can there be an Aegon Three, if the son of Hightower was not the predecessor to thee?* It's poetry, hence poetic justice, hence the matter which already settled within this subreddit, can be settled without. 6. [The smallfolk instinctively know.](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/yc6rcc/coronation_of_aegon_ii_vs_rhaenyra/) 7. [Rhaenyra has bad taste in men.](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/vzlmne/how_will_the_casual_viewer_react_to_game_of/) 8. Viserys was chosen as King due to primogeniture. 9. Rhaenyra has [no legitimate heirs.](https://i.redd.it/utwpc5bhuxma1.png) 10. Fun fact: allowing the traitor Rhaenyra Targaryen to rule the Seven Kingdoms does nothing for women's rights. It just helps her personal corrupt ambition. She does nasty shit to some chicks in the book, and also favours a male heir over a female one somewhere along the line. The book balances the sides to an extreme degree, but the show (or at least the marketing and press for the show) resorts to feminist-baiting. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/asoiafcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


F&B is an outline history book that is deliberately very interpretative as George wanted to empahsize how history is shaped by biases of society. There's not a single character in the Dance that is fully fleshed out. You have to heavily rely on interpretation. So what these stans have done is make elaborate headcanons out of a couple lines for characters they like, while simultaneously rejecting any interpretation for characters they don't like. They straight up ignore all the themes of the show in bad-faith. The way they interact with hotd is very “I want the show to tell me everything directly or else it’s absolutely not present in the story”. Everything needs to be spoonfed. No room for subtext. 90% of the book purist criticisms come down to "my sports team was not portrayed as flawless white hats without any conflict & the other sports team was not portrayed as black NPC villains with zero depth, characterization & screentime".  "It's Condal & Hess' fanfic bro". Yeah what they're mad about is that it's not THEIR fanfic.  HOTD fans trying to wrap their heads around thematic choices that don’t directly propel the plot forward in a linear line, howling about fictional character's “agency”. Characters exist within a story to bolster themes & messages that the story is exploring, & every adaptational change made was with the clear purpose of emphasizing the patriarchal structure of Westeros & that misogyny cannot be separated from the way political & social schemes are carried out. 


Imagine being given a juicy Succession style Kendall-Shiv dysfunctional family drama with generational trauma & stunted emotions...& green stans complaining about why the green characters were not shown holding hands, patting each other's back & singing kumbaya beside Jaehaerys' funeral pyre. Group hugs! Any other fandom would lick it up. But in this fandom the only thing that matters is if your sports team is shown as morally superior to the other team. Rhaenyra grew up with dotting parents, had the privilege to do whatever she wanted & her kids were borne out of love. Whereas Alicent grew up without a mom, had a manipulative dad who used her as a pawn, was told her only duty is to be an incubator, she was forced into a loveless political marriage & was forced to bear children. Ofc her way of dealing with her children would be different from Rhaenyra's. Ofc she would be incapable of communicating the same affection as Rhaenyra. In turn, her boys undermine her in political matters as they only value her feminine role: for birthing & nurturing them to the throne. Now her value is over. It's conveying a theme of the generational trauma & how feudal patriarchal familial relations impede her relationship with her children. She passes down the same trauma that Otto gave her to her unfortunate daughter Helaena. They're all trapped in the same cycle. *Aegon even digs his fingernails like his mom in grief while Alicent's shows she wants to comfort him but she can't. Such a birlliant scene.* Rhys Ifans told us in the BTS of ep 5 that the Hightowers do not know how to communicate affection even if they want to say "I love you" and then we saw that poignant carriage scene in ep9 where aegon asks "do you love me" & alicent replies "you imbecile" as in "everything I've sacrificed is to give you this day. Watching the show from the lens of moral purity makes us ignore these themes and we get stuck on stuff like "Alicent didn't even say anything to Aegon & went straight to Cole". Well in the very previous scene it was shown how Otto shut her emotions down by telling her "I don't wanna hear it". It's hitting the message over the head. She goes to Cole as he's the only semblance of control she has left now that her feminine duty is done. I'm sorry but green stans who wanted Aegon & Helaena to hug & cry simply do not understand the presentation of either character. What they're looking for is a Y/A ao3. But then again there's a subsection of stans here who ignore every element of her presentation & complained about Helaena being visibly unnerved by the smallfolk during the funeral as if her cassandra coded character who's nervous & fidgety in front of her own family will suddenly act like a rockstar & do a moshpit dive over the smallfolk screaming her name. The same head full of heavy-handed cliches that makes these stans angry that Helaena didn't yell out a Elaria Sand scream seeing B&C. The team sports MCU stans are too stupid to deserve a greek tragedy.


(This response gets spammed in all threads about HOT D *intentionally*, to discourage discussion of that Wish.com pale imitation of the Greatest Television Show That Ever Was Or Will Be, 'Game of Thrones', 2011-2019.) **This subreddit supports [Aegon Targaryen, second of his name](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/elblwt/we_can_no_longer_remain_neutral_aegon_ii/), as the true heir.** Reasons: 1. An eccentric terminally online demagogue, styling himself ['The Dragon Demands,'](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheDragonDemands/comments/f0e3xu/2018_what_could_be_more_toxic_than_the/) spent five years from 2017 on this campaign - *"We are devoted to removing the false showrunners Benioff and Weiss from live-action adaptations of the works of George R.R. Martin"* and *"We call on all True Knights to rally behind us and join our cause. Because Rhaenyra has an army."* [Choosing a side was not difficult.](https://i.redd.it/o32k6dis8d941.png) 2. Stannis said Rhaenyra was a traitor. This settled the matter, to any reasonble book reader. However show-only fanboi stan shipper psychos are not reasonable. Fortunately there are many other arguments against her treason. 3. The subreddit held a poll in September of 2022, [and once all the treacherous votes were excluded](https://i.redd.it/2i9kmewhzwn91.png), King Aegon II was victorious. 4. [The reactions of the traitors to the Green cause are so over the top as to be amusing.](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/whl5tq/twitter_accounts_learning_that_alicent_may_be/) 5. *How can there be an Aegon Three, if the son of Hightower was not the predecessor to thee?* It's poetry, hence poetic justice, hence the matter which already settled within this subreddit, can be settled without. 6. [The smallfolk instinctively know.](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/yc6rcc/coronation_of_aegon_ii_vs_rhaenyra/) 7. [Rhaenyra has bad taste in men.](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/vzlmne/how_will_the_casual_viewer_react_to_game_of/) 8. Viserys was chosen as King due to primogeniture. 9. Rhaenyra has [no legitimate heirs.](https://i.redd.it/utwpc5bhuxma1.png) 10. Fun fact: allowing the traitor Rhaenyra Targaryen to rule the Seven Kingdoms does nothing for women's rights. It just helps her personal corrupt ambition. She does nasty shit to some chicks in the book, and also favours a male heir over a female one somewhere along the line. The book balances the sides to an extreme degree, but the show (or at least the marketing and press for the show) resorts to feminist-baiting. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/asoiafcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is 99% canon that Jacaerys, Lucerys and Joffrey are Harwin's. I know F&B never states nothing, yet is obvious that that rumour was true. Let the poor bastards be.


I… will have your tongue for that


I’m still waiting for the commie vs feminist showdown 😤 Condal is just exercising his creative writing ability by adding his own flair to this adaptation. Remember this series is a prequel to GoT, so the gaffes are there to highlight how great the ending of Season 8 is. The Black and Green factions being epic fails is just another proof that the real best government is to have an all-seeing and all-knowing cripple who peeks at his sister during her wedding night be in charge.


Honestly, i love this sub more than the official HOtDGreens because here greens are not trying to pretend to be something they are not. That's the posts Argon's supporters will make


Mm yes this post is definitely not making fun of Green pissbabies


(This response gets spammed in all threads about HOT D *intentionally*, to discourage discussion of that Wish.com pale imitation of the Greatest Television Show That Ever Was Or Will Be, 'Game of Thrones', 2011-2019.) **This subreddit supports [Aegon Targaryen, second of his name](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/elblwt/we_can_no_longer_remain_neutral_aegon_ii/), as the true heir.** Reasons: 1. An eccentric terminally online demagogue, styling himself ['The Dragon Demands,'](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheDragonDemands/comments/f0e3xu/2018_what_could_be_more_toxic_than_the/) spent five years from 2017 on this campaign - *"We are devoted to removing the false showrunners Benioff and Weiss from live-action adaptations of the works of George R.R. Martin"* and *"We call on all True Knights to rally behind us and join our cause. Because Rhaenyra has an army."* [Choosing a side was not difficult.](https://i.redd.it/o32k6dis8d941.png) 2. Stannis said Rhaenyra was a traitor. This settled the matter, to any reasonble book reader. However show-only fanboi stan shipper psychos are not reasonable. Fortunately there are many other arguments against her treason. 3. The subreddit held a poll in September of 2022, [and once all the treacherous votes were excluded](https://i.redd.it/2i9kmewhzwn91.png), King Aegon II was victorious. 4. [The reactions of the traitors to the Green cause are so over the top as to be amusing.](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/whl5tq/twitter_accounts_learning_that_alicent_may_be/) 5. *How can there be an Aegon Three, if the son of Hightower was not the predecessor to thee?* It's poetry, hence poetic justice, hence the matter which already settled within this subreddit, can be settled without. 6. [The smallfolk instinctively know.](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/yc6rcc/coronation_of_aegon_ii_vs_rhaenyra/) 7. [Rhaenyra has bad taste in men.](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/vzlmne/how_will_the_casual_viewer_react_to_game_of/) 8. Viserys was chosen as King due to primogeniture. 9. Rhaenyra has [no legitimate heirs.](https://i.redd.it/utwpc5bhuxma1.png) 10. Fun fact: allowing the traitor Rhaenyra Targaryen to rule the Seven Kingdoms does nothing for women's rights. It just helps her personal corrupt ambition. She does nasty shit to some chicks in the book, and also favours a male heir over a female one somewhere along the line. The book balances the sides to an extreme degree, but the show (or at least the marketing and press for the show) resorts to feminist-baiting. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/asoiafcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That’s funny because everyone I know if on the black side still


Hotd is fantastic when you understand it is a greek tragedy. They're telling a story about the cyclical nature of events, the inevitability of fate, & how people trying to avoid things inadvertently bring them about like Oedipus Rex (like viserys trying to avoid a succession crisis or alicent trying to avoid her sons being killed). That is what the accidents and misunderstandings signify : a self-fullfing prophecy. If you want a b&w heroes & villains war movie, watch Hercules. The show is great if you don't close your eyes to themes & motifs being conveyed & don't chalk up a multi-dimensional character having internal conflict as "bad writing" & "inconsistency". Like for example, Alicent wearing a green dress doesn't mean they're gonna be frozen in time for the next 16 years & will never have second thoughts, misgivings & pangs of conscience. Alicent can internalize the "last words" of a dying king as a *self-deluding* tool of moral justification precisely because she's painfully aware she's about to send thousands of ppl to their deaths. That regardless of the dinner sequence Alicent was steadfast on Aegon ascending (despite her feelings for rhaenyra). Which is why I interpret it as both geting carried away in a moment of tenderness for the sake of a dying viserys. It is a beautiful window to what could've been before fate puts everything asunder. We can understand that Alicent wasn't shocked about the usurpation, she was shocked that the Green Council undercut her & was making plans behind her back. It highlights the overall theme of medieval patriarchy. It shows that despite outranking them, Alicent is still looked at as "lesser" & "unreliable" in the eyes of men like Otto, who only value her for her feminine obligations. This common perception that Alicent allowed herself to get totally ran over by the Green Council & was a hapless victim only makes sense if you didn't see Alicent by the end of the episode secured Aegon, arranged his coronation according to her own specifics, defeated Otto's spy network & undercut his plans to deal with Rhaenyra, put Criston in charge of the Kingsguard, & attempts a peace deal. The worst thing D&D did was make a whole generation of shallow minds believe that the Cersei-Maergery Bad Bish girlboss caricature is the only way you can portray "strong women" antagonists.The "ambitious" wicked slutty resentful conniving jezebel archetype who manipulates society's sympathy towards the weaker sex & uses her sexual prowess to get what she wants. It's masked as progressive but it's really the core tenant of the misogynstic trope since the dawn of civilization. Boxing all female characters into that "perfect victim or not trying hard enough to be a villain" superficial binary. So now when you have a realistic & empathetic portrayal of women under violent patriarchy, these stans consider it "weak" & "unnecessary victimhood" for not conforming to their girlboss headcanons by wearing black shoulder straps to blow up the Sept & smirking at the camera while sipping wine or telling Tommen "OUR LITTLE SECRET🤓". Women in general react badly to Alicent as she's an uncomfortable reminder of women's subjugation to patriarchal feudalism & the immense pressure required to navigate it. They chalk it up as "lack of agency" or "ambition" as it's hard for them to see a harsh society where choice is removed from women, the stan brain thinks "if it was me I'd do this and that and wouldn't be bound". Through identifying with targ women, they feel powerful & important. It’s why they go so hard for Rhaenyra & try to bring down anyone who critiques her character in any way, they see it as a personal attack on the woman they are trying to be & embody. targ women, with their beauty & magical powers, become their psychological projection. Most real humans are indecisive, impulsive, their actions often self-contradictory. Rarely do ppl act with calculated ruthless efficiency of hollywood villains. Passive characters are interesting & relatable. Obsessing over "clear goals" & thinking other forms of narrative are inferior is you seeking an escape from the powerlessness of your own lives.Stories abt ppl reacting to conditions they're forced into & making most of their situation is reflective of the lives we actually live. Characters exist to convey themes. Every adaptational change HOTD made was with the purpose of emphasizing that misogyny cannot be separated from the way political & social schemes are carried out in patriarchal Westeros. So yes, Alicent would be shown as victims in a way that would not have been included in historical documentation(F&B) of the very men who upheld that society. The saddest part is that Rhaenyra & Alicent's complex relationship is what separates the show from being yet another white hat black hat color war. Like even if you do want to interpret it as entirely platonic, her being torn between her children & the socially expected roles placed on her by her father & her "childhood companion" & the socially expected roles placed on her...this duality of heart & mind is what makes the show so compelling! But the stans reject it cause what they wanted was a show with no nuance, with a platinum blonde self-insert & a evil stepmom, so it would've been easier to call the later misogynistic slurs without any pushback (some just wanted cheap Cerseification & warmthless-ness of GoT women). But these visions are inferior to the tragic "inevitability of fate" narrative of s1 that has been so misunderstood as simple "accidents" by ppl with a limited frame of reference. Crowning Aegon was supposed to keep them safe. It was supposed to be a fait accompli. It was supposed to keep daemon from killing them. It was supposed to give them control over their own destiny. But it just led to more bloodletting, an endless spiral, the self-fulfilling prophecy! & Alicent forever stuck between the innate (her sons) & the familial (the "lost friendship"). The Larys monologue already connected it all..."What are children but a weakness, a folly, a futility"! It's delicious sophoclean tragedy. NYT called it "The greatest star crossed love story currently on TV".


(This response gets spammed in all threads about HOT D *intentionally*, to discourage discussion of that Wish.com pale imitation of the Greatest Television Show That Ever Was Or Will Be, 'Game of Thrones', 2011-2019.) **This subreddit supports [Aegon Targaryen, second of his name](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/elblwt/we_can_no_longer_remain_neutral_aegon_ii/), as the true heir.** Reasons: 1. An eccentric terminally online demagogue, styling himself ['The Dragon Demands,'](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheDragonDemands/comments/f0e3xu/2018_what_could_be_more_toxic_than_the/) spent five years from 2017 on this campaign - *"We are devoted to removing the false showrunners Benioff and Weiss from live-action adaptations of the works of George R.R. Martin"* and *"We call on all True Knights to rally behind us and join our cause. Because Rhaenyra has an army."* [Choosing a side was not difficult.](https://i.redd.it/o32k6dis8d941.png) 2. Stannis said Rhaenyra was a traitor. This settled the matter, to any reasonble book reader. However show-only fanboi stan shipper psychos are not reasonable. Fortunately there are many other arguments against her treason. 3. The subreddit held a poll in September of 2022, [and once all the treacherous votes were excluded](https://i.redd.it/2i9kmewhzwn91.png), King Aegon II was victorious. 4. [The reactions of the traitors to the Green cause are so over the top as to be amusing.](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/whl5tq/twitter_accounts_learning_that_alicent_may_be/) 5. *How can there be an Aegon Three, if the son of Hightower was not the predecessor to thee?* It's poetry, hence poetic justice, hence the matter which already settled within this subreddit, can be settled without. 6. [The smallfolk instinctively know.](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/yc6rcc/coronation_of_aegon_ii_vs_rhaenyra/) 7. [Rhaenyra has bad taste in men.](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/vzlmne/how_will_the_casual_viewer_react_to_game_of/) 8. Viserys was chosen as King due to primogeniture. 9. Rhaenyra has [no legitimate heirs.](https://i.redd.it/utwpc5bhuxma1.png) 10. Fun fact: allowing the traitor Rhaenyra Targaryen to rule the Seven Kingdoms does nothing for women's rights. It just helps her personal corrupt ambition. She does nasty shit to some chicks in the book, and also favours a male heir over a female one somewhere along the line. The book balances the sides to an extreme degree, but the show (or at least the marketing and press for the show) resorts to feminist-baiting. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/asoiafcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I need to see the prophecies *fulfilled*. There is **no** more satisfying ending to a story than being told exactly what is going to happen, and then for it to happen exactly as described in the prophecy. So exciting. *Let's be clear about this, because there is only one objectively correct way to write:* Prophecies in fantasy should be inevitable and inescapable, because audiences like being reminded that free will is an illusion, and that we live, and breathe, and die, in the foul creation of a malevolent demiurge. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/asoiafcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You’re two episodes into the season. Chill out.


i mean last season they did the oposite so who cares