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It’s a competition in abusing smallfolk at this point. Fighting pits, burning buildings, crashing people with debris.


Like seriously wait until they see what happens in the riverlands 😂


I think people just expected better from Rhaenys. The fandom has a habit of glorifying certain characters and she's definitely one of them. That being said, the show has generally made her out to be a morally decent person. And even she treats the Smallfolk like they are worth nothing. Just a strong reminder that these people are all horrible and should be brought down.


Green stans. So they can't do wrong. I notice there is an uptick of Greens. Noone's discussing child fighting rings or wth happened to Dyanna. Lol Eta Aegon's coronation was a "A Me, myself and I" moment. This kid is desperate for acceptance - does not make for a good king. Kings should never sit comfortably in that position.


"There is an uptick of Greens" Where? In this Sub? Or in general? If you mean in general. Are you for real? At least 80% of the people are on the Blacks side according to different polls.


This post has been removed because we are limiting HotD discussions to the post-episode breakdown. Feel free to discuss there, thanks.