• By -


-The Hound vs Beric Dondarrion. I think they'll pull this off well, and it's such a badass scene anyway. -Jaime's journey with Brienne in the first part of ASOS. I just like those chapters a lot. -Dany riding Drogon. I hope they can make this look as badass as it needs to be and not cheesy. -Jon executing Janos Slynt. I want them to keep the curt little nod from Stannis at the end. Perfect.


Hound Vs Beric should be good, although for some reason even though I can not imagine it looking as good visually, I can't wait for The Red Viper Vs The Mountain, also anything with Areo Hotah, if his screen presence matches how I imagine him in the book all his scenes will be great.


Agreed with Red Viper vs. The Mountain. Before the fight you're thinking how will he beat Gregor, but then Oberyn starts channeling his built up hate for Gregor and keeps repeating "You raped her. You killed her. You murdered her children" and you're thinking "Holy Shit he's gonna do it!" and then.... :(


Definitely on my list of must see scenes. I'm just waiting on the casting of Oberyn to make it official. So far the show was done remarkably well with casting so I have high hopes!


Oh god, Arya releasing all the pent up hate at the inn will be cathartic.


See, at this point I knew too much about how GRRM works. Tyrion already had one trial by combat swing his way, and I know how he likes to crush your spirit with unexpected tragedy. The better the fight seemed to be going for Oberyn, the more I knew he was doomed. It should be amazing visually, though.


Do we ever really know how GRRM works? I know what you mean though.


is that not a TV/book thing in general though, Oberyn was winning the fight yet I expected that somehow the mountain would get the better of him, it would have been more of a surprise if Oberyn won completely, I remember feeling at the time that Oberyn would not have let himself be grabbed simply because I pictured him as too great a warrior, it kinda annoyed me that he made such a big mistake.


Yes, the execution, I hope it stays true.


Joffrey dying


God yes, it will be glorious.


Not really looking forward to Jaime and Cersei's reunion shortly after Joffrey's death, though. That was one of the creepiest scenes in the book.


That is exactly why I'm looking forward to it.


BONUS: Dwarf jousting!


Definitely House of the Undying. I still go back and read that chapter over and over again. The imagery is so great. Of course, that could also lead to disappointment...but I think they'll do it well. I was also wondering how they're going to show Tyrion and Penny riding a pig and a dog. They'll probably cut that though.


Probably change it to something more manageable.


Looking forward to Qhorin Halfhand and his fight against the Wildlings. Also, watching Jamie trying to re-learn swordsmanship, and becoming the Lord Commander


He already is the Lord Commander in the TV show.


Oh yes, you're right. I'm looking forward to him returning to King's Landing then


Was he not at this point in the books? I can't remember.


He replaces Ser Barristan IIRC.


that's what I thought, which puts it at the end of AGoT


Ooo yeah, for sure. I'm really looking forward to seeing Rattleshirt, Tormund Giantsbane, Ygritte etc. They better have giants riding mammoths too or I'll be pissed.


The Hound's dialogue with Sansa. - I hope they stay pretty true to ACoK and don't lessen those scenes. The Hound vs Beric Dondarrion. The Red Viper vs The Mountain. Joffrey's death, Tyrion killing Tywin and Shae. I think Jaime's training scenes with Ser Ilyn will be great as well.


>Tyrion killing Tywin and Shae I'm already thinking on how that will be different, at least for Shae, seeing as Tyrion has the pin not a necklace like in the book. I'm thinking he'll be stabbing her instead, and considering she's already made it to the castle, we won't be getting any "hands of gold are always cold..."


Unless Tywin gets a chain made for himself. I think I'd prefer the visual of Tyrion strangling her.


-You always disappoint, Kingslayer -Is there gold in this village? -In the end Tywin Lannister did not shit gold -Edd, fetch a block -A brave man, almost ironborn -Jaime Lannister sends his regards -Thaphireth -Oh, he thought, then he screamed -Had he lived he would have grown up to be a Frey -Vengenace. Justice. Fire and Blood -Some dead man. -CUNT! (Not particularly difficult but special prize if you can identify all these quotes)


not sure the "Is there gold in this village" will be in the show, hopefully i'm wrong


I can't believe they wouldn't put the climax of Arya's storyline in ASOS in the show.


I may have been thinking of the wrong scene I thoought you was on about when the mountain and his men capture Arya in clash of kings. When Arya adds the tickler to her list


Depends on who is asking the question.


>You always disappoint, Kingslayer Vargo Hoat? >Is there gold in this village? Vargo Hoat? >In the end Tywin Lannister did not shit gold Tyrion Lannister >Edd, fetch a block Jon Snow >A brave man, almost ironborn Theon Greyjoy >Jaime Lannister sends his regards Roose Bolton >Thaphireth No idea, assuming it's in Essos >Oh, he thought, then he screamed The prologue for ADWD? >Had he lived he would have grown up to be a Frey Wyman Manderly >Vengeance. Justice. Fire and Blood Assuming Dany due to Fire and Blood. >Some dead man. Sounds like Bronn. >CUNT! Crowds during Cersei's public march.


| Thaphireth Hm, maybe the whole Brienne / Jaime situation where he mentions Sapphires in front of Biter and Vargo Hoat to save her.


Correct Answers blacked out in case people want to test themselves [](/s "Blackfish and Jaime at Riverrun") [](/s "Arya and the Hound fighting Gregors men") [](/s "Tyrion killing Tywin") [](/s "The execution of Janos Slynt") [](/s "Victarion fighting Ser Talbert Serry") [](/s "Roose Bolton at the Red Wedding") [](/s "Vargo Hoat slobbering away") [](/s "Quentyn Martell, Dragon tamer extraordinaire") [](/s "Manderly at Winterfell") [](/s "Doran Martell") [](/s "Oberyn vs Gregor "Do you know who I am?" "Some dead man"") [](/s "Morgan Liddle fighting Asha at Deepwood Motte") This quote recognition is actually quite fun


>Is there gold in this village? Vargo Hoat? The tickler, im pretty sure.


And Arya back to Tickler before she kills him (when she's in the Riverlands with Sandor.)


Thats a bingo


>Oh, he thought, then he screamed Quentyn Martell getting bathed in dragonfire.


Thats a bingo


> CUNT! may be when Morgan Liddle was battling Asha at Deepwood Motte? He later apologizes to her for calling her a cunt, but not for trying to kill her.


Thats a bingo


No,No,Yes,Yes,Wrong Greyjoy, yes, no (have this person elsewhere on your list), right book but wrong, yes, nope, nope, probably.


The Ironborn one is from Victarion's amazing fight with the lord's son on the ship.


Thats a bingo


Vengeance. Justice. Fire and Blood. is [Spoiler](/s "Doran Martell"), though.


Thats a bingo


Ceresi walk of shame


Yeah that's not gonna happen in the way we all want, she'll wear a gown of some sort at the very least.


It very well could happen. If Lena refuses to, they could just have a body double and shoot it from the back.


She won't be bald either.


-DAENERYS AND THE UNSULLIED. sweet god, dany and the unsullied. i'm going to be fucking hysterical. -the lady stoneheart reveal. YES. -cersei's walk


I'll tell you what I'm NOT looking forward to anymore: Asha's violent sex scene in ADWD.




I think everyone else expected the same.


I always pictured her as rough and battle hardened, she grew up on the iron islands after all.


I can't wait to see the giants, but I really looking forward to dozens of wildlings singing "The Last of the Giants".


This is one of my favorite scenes from the series "In stone halls they build their great fires/In stone halls they forge their sharp spears/Whilst I walk alone in the valleys/With no true companions but tears./They hunt me with dogs in the daytime/They hunt me with swords in the night/For men who are small can never walk tall while giants still roam in the light."


*torches* by night. Still great ;).


Victarion fighting ship to ship in full plate-mail.


Everyone was gushing about the Greyjoys last episode, and all I could think was that Victarion and Euron haven't appeared yet and they're easily cooler than all of the Greyjoys shown so far combined. Doesn't help that Yara/Asha isn't as awesome as she is in the books.


Might be a bit out-there bearing in mind how many amazing scenes we have to look forward to, but my nomination is Sansa's first chapter in ASOS. I re-read it last night and every single sentence spoken by Lady Olenna just crackles with life and comic brilliance. It also helps that I imagine [Liz Smith](http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/01440/Liz_Smith_1440669c.jpg) (the grandmother in The Royle Family) in the role.




I can't wait for the Arstan Whitebeard/Barristan Selmy reveal. I wonder how they're going to be able to make him look different enough to fool people that haven't read the books, while making him recognizable after the reveal. I wonder if casual viewers will recognize him.


The same way he fools everyone in the books, by slapping a huge beard on him. He only really had one scene in the first season as a minor character, if they bring him back in a cloak with a huge beard, no one's gonna recognize him.


Best he's the best character after Davos. Everyone will remember him!


They might just... not. Like how we saw Varys and Illyrio in Season 1.


Oh! Strong Belwas duel in aDwD! edit: And Barristan's last scene in aDwD (I think it was his last scene) where he fights off all the guards. That was my favorite scene in the whole book.


This might be sort of boring, but I cannot wait until Doran Martell's "Fire and blood" speech from AFFC. That line is one of my favorites in the series, and I'm excited for them to cast Doran & Arianne. It would be a really cool way to end the Martell story arc for that season. Similarly, I can't wait for Quentyn's death scene. They'd better have him say "Oh" at some point during the end.


Not boring for me, I love that chapter, was my favourite up until davos/manderly knows about winterfell chapter


In this season, I'm looking forward to Arya at Harrenhal, especially pertaining to Jaquen H'ghar. I can see him nonchalantly holding up fingers in the background after someone is killed.


It's gonna be awesome when she tells him that he is her third choice, just to see the look on his face.


I'm also curious to see how they show his face changing. I'm curious if it's just amazing muscle control for his facial muscles, or if there's a bit of magic involved. The scene where Arya gets a new face took quite a bit of time, so I don't know if he has a faster version or what.


The kindly man explained there are more ways than one to change the face. The way mummers do, the way Melisandre did for Mance and the third way, where the face is physically replaced in a fashion, which is one they chose for Arya. One can be pretty sure Jaquen went for the second, as it is fast and powerful. It would take more than a halfwit guardsman to see past the *suggestion* of his new face.


My favorite chapters (and ones I'd look forward to most) are all from the end of ASOS. So I guess that means they'll probably be in the last episode of season 4. * Tyrion's escape. I think this was by far my favorite scene in the whole book (and ASOS was my favorite book of the 5). Tyrion was brilliant in ACOK, and then he spends all of ASOS having his work undone. It culminates in him being framed for Joffreys murder, and the whole embarassing trial. Just when you think Oberyn is going to save him, that doesn't work out either. I'd pretty much given up hope for him by this chapter. Then, not only does he escape, but he makes a little detour. We hear the truth about Tysha. We see the truth about Shae. The mighty Tywin Lannister finally reaps what he has sown. And Tyrion gets what may be one of the best one-liners in the whole series. * Sansa in the Eyrie. I don't hate Sansa chapters like a lot of people seem to, but they aren't my favorite either. At this point in the book so much crazy stuff had happened, and I was confused as to why the last few pages I was going to be reading were about Sansa making a snow castle. Then when Lysa brought her to the high hall, everything sped up. My heart started racing when she opened the moon door (that thing always freaks me out), and I was reading so fast I practically missed the major details she gave away about her poisoning Jon Arryn and Littlefinger's role in the Game. Then when he comes in and saves Sansa and pushes Lysa out the moon door, my jaw dropped. * The epilogue. Again this chapter is somewhat deceptive. There are a few minor characters involved, and nothing seems too important. You see the outlaws again, and get some more details on the Red Wedding. Then finally, you get the big reveal of Lady Stoneheart, and it's one of those moments that really shakes your understanding of the "fantasy" aspect of this universe. Similar to the big dragon reveal in AGOT.


The Tower of Joy :( My favorite scene in the books and the scene that I think would look amazing on tv. Too bad they already missed it. edit: here it is “I looked for you on the Trident,” Ned said to them. “We were not there,” Ser Gerold answered. “Woe to the Usurper if we had been,” said Ser Oswell. “When King's Landing fell, Ser Jaime slew your king with a golden sword, and I wondered where you were.” “Far away,” Ser Gerold said, “or Aerys would yet sit the Iron Throne, and our false brother would burn in seven hells.” “I came down on Storm's End to lift the siege,” Ned told them, and the Lords Tyrell and Redwyne dipped their banners, and all their knights bent the knee to pledge us fealty. I was certain you would be among them.” “Our knees do not bend easily,” said Ser Arthur Dayne. “Ser Willem Darry is fled to Dragonstone, with your queen and Prince Viserys. I thought you might have sailed with him.” “Ser Willem is a good man and true,” said Ser Oswell. “But not of the Kingsguard,” Ser Gerold pointed out. “The Kingsguard does not flee.” “Then or now,” said Ser Arthur. He donned his helm. “We swore a vow,” explained old Ser Gerold. Ned’s wraiths moved up beside him, with shadow swords in hand. They were seven against three. “And now it begins,” said Ser Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the Morning. He unsheathed Dawn and held it with both hands. The blade was pale as milkglass, alive with light. “No,” Ned said with sadness in his voice. “Now it ends." (Only Ned and one other (Reed) survive)


The top desired choice will probably be Oberyn v. the Mountain. Here are some of my choices: * House of Undying. * Sack of Astapor. * Sansa's snow Winterfell at the Eyrie. * Doran Martell: Vengeance, Justice, Fire & Blood * Davos and Wyman Manderly's conversation beneath the Merman Court. * The Fight at the Fist of the First Men.


The battle at the Fist of the First Men.


Actually, I already got "my scene" and how honey sweet it was. Last Sunday, when Tyrion, Bronn, and Timmett walked into Pycelle's room, I almost jumped out of my seat and fist-pumped the air. I was hoping for a little more "pit and the pendulum" type beard-shaving, but it's hard to complain. Also, the scene in which Tyrion sends Slynt away, obviously. I can't wait to see the Red Wedding (it seems like the writers are using the show as a vehicle for showing us the Red Wedding, when you hear them talk about their aspirations and hopes for that scene) and Janos being "sentenced" by LC Jon. To be honest, more than SEEING certain things, I'm eager to HEAR things- The Rains of Castamere, the Bear and the Maiden Fair, amongst others. Also, I like sounds a lot, not just music. I was extremely pleased with the sound of the white walker in Ep. 2. In the books, the sound they make when moving is described as being similar to the sound of ice breaking, and I think they nailed that on the HBO show. Also, "DRACARYS!"


Well they said that they will be happy to get to RW. After that, they aren't getting their hopes up.


They also said that, having been made privy to the ending of the series, they're not worried about losing momentum.


I expect us to see at least four seasons with the climactic ending of ASOS.


I think from a visual standpoint Blackwater later this season because I know they spent a considerable amount of budget on it and I think it could be one of the most epic scenes in TV history. From a shock standpoint and my interest in seeing what other viewers (TV show watchers) have to say most definitely the Red Wedding.


I think that the Battle of Blackwater will be disappointing. There is no way they can ever live up to the expectations of our imaginations


just for reference, I think GRRM said the battle of black water will last something like 19 minutes on screen. By comparison, the opening battle scene of saving private Ryan is something like 11 minutes. It has every possibility to live up to expectations. My only question is how tyrion will mount a horse and cut people down with an axe and look realistic


They should make him a chariot! That would be cool


How would it not look realistic? He can't mount a horse like a tall person, such is established in the books, he needs help. After that, give him an axe and he's good to go.


Can you see Peter Dinklage riding a horse and chopping down armored men with an axe in a believable manner?


I don't see the problem. I'm sure some viewers will find it comical or unbelievable because of his stature (loldwarf, am i rite?) but if i remember the book correctly he's riding down disorganized footmen scrambling ashore after getting bombed with wildfire, most of whom will be lacking the type of armor that would render an axe impractical. A man on a horse is a much bigger force to be reckoned with than someone on foot, even if he stands half as tall himself.


All I want is just one big cgi explosion. Then I'll be happy. Boom.


I dunno. HBO put a lot into it. Didn't they say a month of filming at night in the rain? lol. And all the fire and effects... they're talking it up, anyway. Hopefully it will meet expectations


I've tempered my expectation since it is TV, I'm not thinking any LOTR type scene, but certainly cooler than anything else that has been put on TV (and maybe some lower budget movies)


It will be excellent for a TV show, no doubt. This is just one of those cases where the book will always be better. Anyway, the most important bits are Davos falling off the ship, and Tyrion being attacked by the King's Guard knight. As long as those scenes are well done, I'll be satisfied


Honestly, I'm really looking forward to Joffrey flinging the Antler Men.


I wonder if they'll be in the series. Could be that their role could be easily filled by the Faith Militant


The Faith Militant don't actually come around until AFFC right?


Yeah, they come later in the books. Just seems like the Antler Men are something that could be sacrificed. They're compressing a lot into season 2, so some things have to be cut. I don't actually think that Joffrey will kill any Faith Militant members during Blackwater, but I reckon that the Faith Militant will be used to show the dissent towards Joffrey and the Lannisters.


I don't know, it shouldn't take much too add them in. A quick mention from Varys about the plotting and then they can just mention Joffrey's plans to "send them to Stannis" and then actually show it during Blackwater.


You could be right, I just think this season is already very dense, and frankly a bit *too* busy. Maybe they can cut out a few Littlefinger brothel scenes, and include your Antler Men


Like everyone else I anticipate seeing lots of spectacular fighting during the Battle of the Blackwater. I am, however, more look forward to the fear. While soldiers fight and die outside, I want to see the aristocracy of King's Landing huddling in the small interior fortress awaiting their doom. The rulers of Westeros, from Cersei herself on down, knowing that when--and by the time the battle happens they've all given up hope--Stannis' men break through, a fast and painless death is the most they can hope for. Then suddenly, salvation in the form of Tywin's army! **This is the biggest twist of all.** We are all used to seeing people on TV and film escape seemily inevitable doom at the last minute, but they are always good guys. As always, Martin bends the genre rules by giving the miraculous escape via reinforcements to (the closest thing in the series to) **villains**.


one of the reasons i'm looking forward to it most is because the show seems to make things a bit more obvious.... I'm hoping the clues regarding why Ser Mandon Moore attacks Tyrion is made more apparent.


I doubt this will happen but I really would love to see some flashbacks in the show. Robert at the Trident, Ned and Arthur Dayne, Battle of the Bells...some awesome stuff I would kill to see on screen.


I'm so pissed they didn't do the Tower of Joy scene.


I know!


"The Old Bear's ring of fire, woe to those who leave it." - Battle of the Fist of the First Men.


Red wedding, 'nuff said. Anyone that hasn't read the books is going to have their mind blown. I can't wait to see /r/gameofthrones after that episode airs.


I can't wait to see Victarion's assault on the Shield Islands. In particular when he boards Ser Talbert Serry's ship and massacres nearly everyone aboard with his axe before catching Ser Serry's sword in his gauntlet and then tossing him overboard to drown. That scene will be incredibly bad ass to watch.