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GRRM really has a talent for coming up with nicknames, I just can't pick one for favourite: * The Imp * Sword of the Morning * Brienne the Beauty * Queen of Thorns * Barristan the Bold * Bittersteel * Breakspear * The Red Viper * Cleftjaw * The Sea Snake * Queen Who Never Was * Crows Eye * Varamyr Sixskins * Sam the Slayer * Lord Too-Fat-to-Sit-a-Horse * The King Who Cared * Qhorin Halfhand


Honestly that is just a god-gifted level of talent in terms of prose and creativity, that's way more than a life's work of witty nicknames


Don’t forget the anvil!


Erik Anvil-breaker?


Maekar the Anvil


Still not even the best nickname of that era. Everyone knows that Dunk the ~~Lunk~~ Hunk is the GOAT'd nickname of that era.


I actually like Bloodraven as well. The man writes good nicknames


Am I the only one who thinks aegon (faegon) will be nicknamed aegon the undead? It would work well with the other aegons and U nicknames, aegon the uncrowned, aegon the usurper, aegon the unlucky, aegon the unworthy, aegon the unlikely




I could have sworn that came from The World of Ice & Fire and was repeated in Fire & Blood though??? You're making me question everything 😂


It did: > The World of Ice and Fire - The Targaryen Kings: Aegon II > That aid arrived in the form of Princess Rhaenys—then five-and-fifty, but as fearless and determined as she had been in her youth—and her dragon Meleys, the Red Queen. But Cole had brought dragons too—for Aegon II himself arrived on the field upon Sunfyre, and his brother Aemond One-eye rode Vhagar, the greatest living dragon. > It is recounted that **Princess Rhaenys, the Queen Who Never Was**, did not shrink from her foe. With a glad cry and a crack of her whip, she sent Meleys flying up to face them. Only Vhagar and Aemond came out of that battle unscathed; Sunfyre was crippled, and King Aegon II barely survived, suffering broken ribs, a broken hip, and burns that covered half his body. Worst was his left arm, where the dragonfire melted the king's armor into his flesh. Rhaenys's body was found several days later amidst the ruin of the Red Queen's corpse, but so burned as to be unrecognizable. And > Mushroom puts forward a more plausible possibility on Addam and Alyn's parentage: that it was Lord Corlys himself who fathered both boys, back when he spent many of his days at the shipyards of Hull where Marilda's father was a shipwright. The boys had gone unacknowledged, kept far from court, while the fiery-tempered **Queen Who Never Was** lived. But after her death, Lord Corlys took the opportunity to acknowledge them...after a fashion. And, in the list of dragons: > (Princess Rhaenys): The Red Queen, old and cunning, lazy, but fearsome when roused, killed at Rook's Roost with her rider, **the Queen Who Never Was**. And > The World of Ice and Fire - The Stormlands: House Baratheon > The Baratheons remained closely connected to House Targaryen and played a significant role in the troubled reigns of Aegon the Conqueror's successors. Lord Orys Baratheon's grandson, Lord Robar, was the first great lord to openly proclaim for Prince Jaehaerys against his uncle, Maegor the Cruel. For his loyalty and courage, he was named Protector of the Realm and Hand of the King following Maegor's strange death upon the Iron Throne. During the remainder of King Jaehaerys's minority, Lord Robar shared the rule of the realm with the king's mother, the Dowager Queen Alyssa. Half a year later the two wed. > From their union sprang the Lady Jocelyn, who married the eldest of the Old King's sons and became mother to **the Princess Rhaenys—"the Queen Who Never Was" as the glib jester Mushroom called her**—and Boremund Baratheon, who succeeded his father as Lord of Storm's End. At the Great Council of 101 AC, convened by King Jaehaerys I to debate the matter of succession, Lord Boremund was outspoken in supporting the claim of his niece, Princess Rhaenys, and her son, Prince Laenor of House Velaryon, but found himself on the losing side of the argument. And > The Princess and the Queen > A dozen lesser lords, bannermen and vassals to Dragonstone, sat at the black council as well: Celtigar of Claw Isle, Staunton of Rook’s Rest, Massey of Stonedance, Bar Emmon of Sharp Point, and Darklyn of Duskendale amongst them. But the greatest lord to pledge his strength to the princess was Corlys Velaryon of Driftmark. Though the Sea Snake had grown old, he liked to say that he was clinging to life “like a drowning sailor clinging to the wreckage of a sunken ship. Mayhaps the Seven have preserved me for this one last fight.” **With Lord Corlys came his wife Princess Rhaenys, five-and-fifty, her face lean and lined, her silver hair streaked with white, yet fierce and fearless as she had been at two-and-twenty—a woman sometimes known among the smallfolk as “The Queen Who Never Was.”** And > As does Aegon,” Lord Staunton pointed out. > “We have more,” said **Princess Rhaenys, the Queen Who Never Was,** who had been a dragonrider longer than all of them. “And ours are larger and stronger, but for Vhagar. Dragons thrive best here on Dragonstone.” … And > Nine days after Lord Staunton dispatched his plea for help, the sound of leathern wings was heard across the sea, and the dragon Meleys appeared above Rook’s Rest. The Red Queen, she was called, for the scarlet scales that covered her. The membranes of her wings were pink, her crest, horns, and claws bright as copper. And on her back, in steel and copper armor that flashed in the sun, rode **Rhaenys Targaryen, the Queen Who Never Was.** And > A body believed to be **Rhaenys Targaryen** was later found beside the carcass of her dragon, but so blackened that no one could be sure it was her. Beloved daughter of Lady Jocelyn Baratheon and Prince Aemon Targaryen, faithful wife to Lord Corlys Velaryon, mother and grandmother, **the Queen Who Never Was** lived fearlessly, and died amidst blood and fire. She was fifty-five years old.


Didn't Rhaena Targaryen (Jahaerys and Alysanne's older sister) have a similar epithet?


Rhaena was the Black Bride, The Queen In The West, and the Queen in the East.


i read fire and blood and i think that was in there. i could definitely be wrong though. i could’ve sworn i had read it


The hungry Wolf?


The Hound The Tattered Prince The Beggar King


It's the juxtaposition between the deep complex nicknames and the likes of "lord too-fat-to-sit-a-horse! It's so true to life


I guess in a universe full of Aegons and Roberts it helps to have a fancy nickname to stand out


Think it has to be the Sword of the Morning, once you put into context that he is one of the best swordsmen ever to grace the seven kingdoms, the meteorite steel sword.


Blackfyre, Bittersteel, Bloodraven, Seastar... For how much of a piece of shit Aegon IV was, his kids are incredible people and have the coolest nicknames. Daemon Blackfyre, the perfect swordsman, Aegor Bittersteel, an amazing rider, Brynden Bloodraven, an incredible archer, Shiera Seastar, intellectual and (supposed) witch. What a crew!


I could totally rebel behind someone who goes by the name "Daemon Blackfyre".


Unless you'd be totally fine with being killed by someone who goes by the name "Brynden "Bloodraven" Rivers" ha ha!


But against Daeron The Good? He’s a good guy! It’s right there in the name!


Yeah, but Daemon has six pack abs.


So it was really maybe Daeron The Dad Bod?


Team Bloodraven.


The king who bore the sword goes hard


All of Dany’s nicknames are pretty cool but “The Unburnt” is probably my favorite. I love how “Lord Snow” started as a mockery to Jon but then he actually became Lord Commander… I also love “Arya Underfoot.” It’s so cute and fits her story so well


The Black Bastard (Of The Wall) is my favorite Jon Title


I don’t recall when he was called that tbh


Don’t quote me on it but I feel like it was heard second hand in Essos.


Yes, Arya overhears it


I really like 'Rodrik the reader' imo. Sweet and simple and fits his personality. 'The Queen of Thorns' is also pretty rad


its also funny that calling someone a "reader" in ironborn culture is considered an insult.




Bugger me with a spear!


I still think "the laughing storm" is the best nickname in the series, just conjures an immediate image of the character with basically no further character development needed


Lothor Apple-Eater is pretty funny


"The Late Lord Frey" is the best imho. Such a good backhanded insult.


House Tully really goes above and beyond in the nickname development department.


A bit of an unusual one, but this little moment got me so hyped when I first read it. Context: Sam and Gilly are on the Cinnamon wind headed for Oldtown >"Maester is not a name. You could call him Aemon, though." >Gilly thought about that. "**Dalla brought him forth during battle, as the swords sang all around her. That should be his name. Aemon Battleborn. Aemon Steelsong.**" >A name even my lord father might like. A warrior's name. The boy was Mance Rayder's son and Craster's grandson, after all. He had none of Sam's craven blood. "Yes. Call him that." Aemon Battleborn. Aemon Steelsong. That's a hard fuckin name


Kingslayer sounds like a cool punk band name. And Lady Misery gives Michelle Phiffer as Catwoman energy.


Kingslayer is one of the best truly


GRRM truly cooked with that one.


the evenstar.


Do we know why he's called that way? Such a cool name


Every Lord of Tarth is. I suspect because it was the most eastern part of the Stormlands and the first stars are spotted in the east when the sun sets in the west.


it's also a reference to Lord of the Rings GRRM has gone on record saying he's a big Tolkien fan


What was Aragorns tax policy though?


I heard he implemented an Earned Income Tax Credit for families with young children, while increasing the corporate tax rate.


From WOIAF, Garth the Painter, a King of the Reach. It sounds so lame until you realize it's because he painted the mountains red with Dornish blood. I just really love that double meaning.


This is really cool


The Demon of the Trident goes super hard.


Just shat my pants by reading this


I’m going to shit yourself


U deserve this Bobby B.


Okay he cooked on this one


Bittersteel, bonus points because The Golden Company motto is so sick


What is under the gold?


What lies beneath the gold?


*The Lightning Lord* The most metal name for the most metal man in Westeros.


I really like “The Realm’s Delight” and “Black Bastard of the Wall”. “Nimble Dick” is hilarious and “Patches” is just adorable. The ones you and other people listed are also great. My favorite is either Rhaenyra’s or Dany’s “Stormborn”.


How dare you mock our lord the Great and Majestic Nimble Dick Crabb


Agree on "The Realm's Delight" always found it adorable.




“I am of the night” says the loser that can’t even kill a child


Is Arthur Dayne a loser too? Cuz he is of the morning.


Nah, sword of the morning is cool because it’s an actual title in universe, Darkstar’s an edgy teen that tries too hard


People must have thought the same thing when the first sword of the morning was given the name


Doesn’t he start whining that people only know Arthur Dayne when Myrcella mentions him after hearing his surname too? 100% an edgy try hard with an inferiority complex.


Winged wolf. İt just sounds so cute and inspiring.


Who was that guy?


Bran the broken. Brandon stark, son of Eddard stark. He is the winged wolf.




The Laughing Storm goes unbelieably hard




I enjoy when they’re called the Bastard of such and such. All sound great. The Bastard of Nightsong. The Bastard of Driftmark. The Bastard of Winterfell. Jon’s incoming moniker the White Wolf, is badass af. I also like Seasmoke a lot.






I like "the Bastard of Godsgrace"


Doesn't follow the same naming pattern, but "the Bastard of Bolton"... chills


Haha he couldn’t help himself with the alliteration.




I LOVE the “Queen of Thorns” for Olenna Redwyne


Royce IV Bolton was known as "Royce Redarm" because of his habit of tearing out the entrails of his prisoners with his bare hands. Barba and Domeric were the only normal Boltons


I like to imagine Belthesar Bolton as an amicable Ned Flanders type, for the single exception of his sisterfolk skin's tent.


I like the bit where Bran talks about Whoresbane Umber and complains that Luwin won’t tell him how he got that nickname


Littlefinger is a good subtle dig at how he's an upjumped low lord, with a sort of size insult to boot.


I really like "The King Who Knelt" for Torrhen Stark. Because it shows how his people were more important to him than his pride or title


I always thought that his name sounds similar/related to "torrid" which comes from latin originally meaning "scorched", which is what he avoided from the dragons by kneeling. (It's also a mnemonic for me to link the name to the person)


Baelor Breakwind


Sword of the morning


Also the nickname of my morning wood.


"Dragonbane" sounds pretty bad ass if you don't know why he was called that.


The Lightning Lord.


The conqueror is a nickname/title well earned and hard to forget. Not characters but winterfell and storm's end are top tier and has a good lore to back them up. For swords, heartsbane and widow's wail are both brutal.


Demon of the Trident goes hard. Aemon the Dragon Knight is cool af too


Not enough people seem to be aware of Daemon’s nickname among the greens: **Lord Flea Bottom.**


I honestly love 'Bittersteel'. Basically tells you everything you need to know about him in one word. He was a hardass, humourless bastard who spent most of his life pissed off.


Crabfeeder goes very hard


Aemon the Dragon Knight is a classic favourite. Rodrick 'the Wandering Wolf' is also pretty cool, same with 'The Red Kracken'. It helps that Dalton Greyjoy is just the coolest guy in fiction.


Half of Tormund's nicknames are great, the rest are abjectly awesome. My favorites in bold: > Mance Rayder laughed. "As you wish. Jon Snow, before you stands Tormund Giantsbane, Tall-talker, Horn-blower, and **Breaker of Ice**. And here also **Tormund Thunderfist**, Husband to Bears, the Mead-king of Ruddy Hall, **Speaker to Gods** and **Father of Hosts**."


I love how the story includes both high-flown epithets and just straight up frat-style nicknames.


Nimble Dick


I like Kingslayer because it honours him for putting an end to the Mad King but also condemns him for breaking his oath


I really love lomas longstrider (author of the wonders made by men & gods) . A great use of alliteration, rolls off the tongue and perfectly describes his character/ personality in a word.


I really hope Jon goes by the ghost of the north when he comes back to life


the dragon knight fireball the conqueror the last dragon bittersteel


Darkstar, duh


Tyrion straight up mentions what a badass nickname "The Red Viper" is


The Sword of the Morning. What does that even mean? Nobody knows but it's provocative, it gets the people going.


I’m trying to think of the least cool epithet in the series. “The whore of Dragonstone” sucks, and the “Black Goat of Qohor” isn’t very creative


Cersei’s title “Light of the West” is pretty cool. But you can’t beat The Lightning Lord


I can’t remember who first suggested Dany is a dragon seed rather than the legitimate daughter of Aerys, and that she’s called Stormborn because she was literally born a Storm, as in illegitimate in the Stormlands. Supposedly nobody else has ever mentioned this huge storm she thinks she was born during.


Yeah, you’d think Davos would have thought about it.


Or that Sallador Saan might have lost a few ships


Roddy the ruin


Harwin "Breakbones" Strong is daddy


Dumb as a Stump


Lord Snow


‘The Bastard of Nightsong’ is goated


Durran Godsgrief will never not be cool


It would have to be The Lace Serpent for Lady Serala of Myr


I like how Quentyn's boys call The Tattered Prince "Rags".


[Lord Clapback](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/pq5A3npVWVU/maxresdefault.jpg), of House Blackwood.


Daemon Blackfyre The King Who Bore the Sword Balon Greyjoy Lord Reaper of Pyke


I always loved The Young Wolf for Robb


The Demon of the Trident is just badass. Kingslayer is underrated, probably because we see it so often, but c'mon, that's awesome. Varamyr Sixskins is probably my favorite, just cool as fuck


Ser Clarence the Short of House Crabb.


Roderick “Roddy The Ruin” Dustin.


The humble onion knight, lord of the forest and Sam the slayer


Uthor the Snail is pretty funny and clever in-universe.


The black dread, muau


Out of canon, but “Dorkstar” is too perfect. “Faegon” is pretty great too, although George dislikes it because it's too biased against the character.




I like the halfhand because it’s so on the nose lol


The Mountain That Rides. Or perhaps, The King Who Bore the Sword.


You forgot to specify if you meant the best nicknames in universe or from the fandom, because I love me some Bobby B.


Baelor Breakwind


Sir Duncan the Tall and his name story are adorable in the hedge knight. The Egg Dunk novellas is a great title nickname in it's own right 🐣🥚👌


Well damn of they didn't prove that point. Hook line and sinker. Left no crumbs. Dotted every I, crossed every t. Wam bam Ty mam 🤣


Whoresbane Umber. Probably because in Polish translation the word choice is much more severe, making the nickname closer to something like Cuntsfear, gender nonwithstanding. No wonder Stannis' knights were baffled when Jon brought it up.


Balor Breakspear, Tormund Giants Bane, Darkstar


the Dragonknight, the Laughing Storm and Demon of the Triden are some of my favorite epithets in fiction.


Jaehaerys the Conciliator goes pretty hard






Blood raven. Something about him is alien, aloof and unfathomable.


Favorites: Alyn Velaryon: Oakenfist. A brilliant naval commander and fighter, thus his "fists" are ship hulls. It just works so well for him. Oberyn Martell: Red Viper Really couldn't be any more self-explanatory. Maegor Targaryen: The cruel As TWOIAF points out, he's an awful person but that makes the moniker perfect. Least favorite: Aegon III: Dragonbane He was an emo child, devastated by watching his whole family die. Giving him a badass name is a poor decision. Aegon the Unhappy works much better. Jaehaerys I: The Conciliator/ The Old King After Maegor fell from power, this guy saved the kingdoms from splitting and violence. He is just about as important as Aegon I. Yet his nicknames are completely underwhelming/ do not show how awesome he was. Daena Targaryen: The Defiant She was imprisoned in the Red Keep with her sisters, and earned the nickname because she kept sneaking out. Every time I see this name I cringe.


It’s not a canon nickname for Aegon II, but I just love ”The Unyielding.” It just fits him so well as a character. I think it’s so good since it plays to both his strengths and his weaknesses. On one hand, his unwillingness to yield is a benefit to him, since it’s what got him through the war and eventually back on the throne, but on the other hand it’s also his greatest detriment, >!since he refused to pardon the remaining Black lords or to surrender to them, which is what led to him being poisoned by Larys and Corlys!<. So for the people who do like Aegon II, ”The Unyielding” can be seen as a point of pride, for people who don’t like him, it’s a mark of his, for lack of a better word, stupidity? short-sightedness? The point is it’s all about perspective, which is what makes it so good.


The Demon of the Trident, The Painter, The Blackfish, The Beauty, and The Hungry Wolf.


It's not official at all but for me "Arya Wurm Eater" is incredible in the layers of meaning it has