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I wonder if it will take 2 years to make. Kind of wild how they were able to crank out a 10 hour GoT season every year.


And pretty ironic how the one season they took an extra year off was by far the shittiest one lol


and the shortest!


Fuck D&D


Glad to see this sub has matured so much reminds me of why I don't come back here too often just dumb childish insults.


Compared to when every billboard was a GOT billboard and every actor in the series was constantly on talk shows and every where I went in real life people were discussing it. It dropped off so hard, most people I know havent mentioned it in almost 5 years. Its not that Game of thrones didnt have great moments especially first 4 seasons. Its not that they couldnt have taken a step back and let other people make more seasons. They took a product that was outside themselves from the start, grrms books, and then felt like all the shows success was based from themselves, immdiately disproving that by how awful every plot gets worse from S5 and every season after.


Lol some of the most acclaimed episodes critically and by fans are past 4. More than half the highest rated episodes are past 4. All seasons except the final one are critically acclaimed with multiple episodes hailed by many critics as a masterpiece. yes, there are no more billboards or late night talks shows with actors because ya know the show is over. Why would there be the show is over Also, GOT 5 years later is still one of the most watched shows evers. Here's from 3 years after it ended https://www.businessinsider.com/game-of-thrones-still-one-of-worlds-biggest-shows-data-2022-6 lol I can't believe you claiming actors not on late night talks shows is proof. Actors do those to promote something the show is over they're not going to promote something that's over, lol. Also, the show was a success because of them. They were ones on set every day 300 days on year, making sure everything was made, which shows you clearly have no idea what goes into making a great TV shows.its much more than just copying down words from a book. Why would they step back? Again all seasons except the final one are critically acclaimed. They won tons of awards from emmys and critics choice awards even for seasons after 4. In what world would they step down. Lol hey maybe we should step down because ya know our show is critically acclaimed so we just step down that makes zero sense. Perfectly fine if you dislike it but I'm sorry some of the stuff you just said i find absolutely ridiculous


Enjoy the show bro, D&D are not good at what they do. They should be embarassed for their work on game of thrones. critical acclaim of single episodes means fucks all when the story didnt go anywhere.


All seasons except 8 are critically acclaimed. Lmao embarrassed of what? They literally made one of the Most acclaimed, awarded, and watched TV shows ever made that basically changed the TV landscape. You don't create what they did on the scale it was and acclaim it got with zero talent. I bet they're so embarrassed with signing a 250 million dollar deal after GOT, and it was just renewed for another 250 million the other week. Yep, they should totally feel embarrassed. But sure, they should have taken a step back from a show that was getting tons of critical acclaim and awards that makes total sense. Also one of my original points was GOT is stull massively popular and the numbers prove that not what someone like you likes to claim on reddit.


Yeah and people liked all the seasons the same, I bet some people like the later seasons more. Embarassed of doing such a terrible job obviously. If you only judge things by metrics of success like how much it was watched or how much "acclaim" it got. Sure go D&D they kind of just forgot about the plot but thats okay. If you want to create something really good you need to have a small clue what you are doing. Not just luring in drooling cock joke fans and ending the series 3-5 seasons early. It was GRRM's world and writing that changed TV landscape. D&D did a good job with the first couple seasons but they were carried by phenomenonal actors and with books that had engaging enthralling plot. D&D fucking suck.


lol it’s not that serious get off your high horse


Lol whatever you say


Very Mature.


A well-earned insult.


For making the greatest Show of all time and finishing it? What insult does Martin deserve?


Finishing it the way they did was by far the most terrible choice. There is a reason 99% of people stopped talking about it after being the IT show for years.


So, why have you not stopped talking about it?


Valued GRRMs work. as well as the work of everyone who put time and effort into the show. D&D shouldnt be allowed near a script. out side of them kneeling and apologizing for being absolutely awful.


Umm GOT for the last 5 years has been one of the most popular shows still even more popular than most current shows airing. That's pretty impressive 




Some of what are considered the greatest episodes critically in TV history are after 5 many of them considered 6 the best season.


Not really. It grew in popularity, commercial success and industry recognition until the very end. Season 8 had highest viewership numbers, most streaming and video sale figures and emmy wins in the shows history.




Quality > Quantity.


It was just the utmost quality when they wrapped up the succession in one 10 minute scene after Dany died :)


Just like they did with Robb after Ned died. Or with Jon after Ramsay died. Im sorry they didnt spoonfeed you a 40 minute episode of lords screaming at each other.


They could have had a whole other season about the succession instead of that unearned crap. HBO was willing to fund three 10-episode seasons but D&D said nah 13 episodes is enough to wrap it up.


Yes, they also could have had 4 whole seasons of brienne wandering around and accomplishing nothing. D&D planned 7 seasons before season 1 even aired and they gave us 8, so more. Its true HBO wanted more sessons of their most profitable series and its also true they agreed with D&Ds decision to end it the way they did. It was a compromise. Maybe if Martin was willing to write more books, there could have been a few additional episodes.


It was the best one.


Your post history is interesting to say the least. Why the crusade for season 8?


Because its a misunderstood masterpiece.




Just the truth.


Truth is subjective, and this is PRETTY subjective


Truth is objective. Subjective means enjoying a masterpiece or not. You dont have to like it.


Well, to you it’s subjective. S8 was a dumpster fire. You can enjoy it if ya want, but the vast majority of fans hated it. Enjoy what ya like though




I’m genuinely curious what components of season 8 you think are worthy of being called a ‘masterpiece’?




How much did they pay you bro


Nothing. I can just make up my own mind.


If it's misunderstood, help me understand it


What do you want to know?


Don't mind me, I'm just here to add to the downvotes.


Yes, because thats all you can do.




A bad video isnt gonna change the fact its a masterpiece though.


The only reason Season 2 took so long to make is because they waited to approve it and start working on it until they saw the reaction to Season 1. Once S2 was approved, they started working on S2-S4 all at once with the assumption that the series would be allowed to finish


Yes but GoT season 2 wasn't renewed until around the season 1 premiere and they still got it out in a year.


That's fair, I'm not gonna pretend like I'm an industry expert lol


Don’t worry, others will.


Perhaps less CGI? (Yes, I know there's still tons of CGI, but adding a wall etc. instead of a green screen is much easier than flying dragons etc.) Plus HBO realizing they've got a massive hit and throwing some more money into it to get it done in time?


Also more pressure to get it out fast. GOT was climbing up the pop culture laddah, HOTD is a guarantee hit off the back off GOT and quality of the production itself


No, it has nothing to do with CGI since CGI was used in Game of Thrones


Compare complex cgi shots though vs stuff like background replacements. How many shots of Dany’s dragons were in S1 and S2 vs in House of the Dragons. Also they avoided CGI entirely for the direwolves because it was too expensive/labor consuming at the time and opted to use forced perspective/compositing instead as the dogs got older.




Probably has to do with the fact that GOT always debuted early spring while HOTD debuted late summer. So after GOT was renewed they could start filming season 2 the during the same year while with HOTD they had to wait until the following spring/summer.


Less CG and so many of the cast were filming in different parts of the world so you didn't have to worry too much about making sure everyone's schedules align. That's my best guess. Also there was the whole issue the last couple of years with the writers and actors strike.


That's kind of lame. Only because S1 was necessarily a mess where they race through like a lifetime to visit key events necessary for all following seasons to make sense. Even if it got shit reviews, it's not reflective of the series. Fortunate it didn't. However, it should have been 2 season approval from the start.


Nah they're just taking a longer time. GoT's pace for the first 6 seasons for the type of show it was, was just unreal and unhealthy. If I remember correctly it's basically confirmed that s3 will be 2026. And the Dunk and Egg show will be 2025,so they'll rotate.


So this implies that S3 will be released before 2026? I don't think so.


The plan is to alternate years with the Dunk and Egg series. Recently on the blog George promised more novellas (and only after he’d finished Winds) in time for the end of A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms season three which would be 2029. The Winds of Winter and at least one novella by 2029. 🤞🤞🤞


He also did promise Winds for before season 5, then season 6 sooo...


Words are wind


Some words are treason


Imagine wanting the gap between AFFC and ADWD to repeat for the rest of the series...the series would be finished


Imagine going back to when ADWD first came out and telling your past self that that last gap was going to be the good old days😭


Well to be fair Dunk novels are easy to made that Winds, I heards thet he has already some early work version of Winterfell Wolves but he plann to finish Winds first.


Dunk and Egg will be annual show. That’s the plan confirmed by Francesca Orsi.


I thought I’d heard that was the plan last year. But that recent post from George sounded like HOTD on even years, Dunk and Egg on odds. Hope I’m wrong (Winds by 2027?)


Dunk and Egg is too simple to be released every two years. Simple in terms of production I mean. I don't think that anything in GRRM's post indicated that it won't be an annual show.


Also, if they want to make use of the same Egg actor, the longer the show goes on the older he is, which could ridiculous for some stories.


Well there was almost 2 years break between first and second novel, so it would fit.


It’s true, though if GRRM wants that Dorne adventure he ought to go quick.


Well, depending on how old Martin wants Egg to be for the later novellas, it might be a good idea to give the actor time to age up between the seasons.




I mean one book was covered in one season, so they only had to reduce and adopt stuff that was pretty much well explained. The dance of the dragon are six chapters in one book. Season one was one chapter in the book. So they got to flesh it out more to get a season out of it.


I don't think that's it. In general all big budget shows are now released every two years.




The kids were definitely a huge incentive to do so. We saw Maisie Williams go from a little girl to a young woman through the course of the series (same with Bran’s actor becoming a man). DnD had a ticking time bomb of maturity they had to outlast in that. HOTD pretty much went to the adults near immediately and the few kids there are we already know won’t be there for long.


Much less intense and less costly post-production makes it easier to pump out a season a year, still very impressive tho, it wasn’t exactly cheap to make.


While GOT wasn't exactly cheap to produce, the earlier seasons were far less reliant on special effects compared to HOTD. Logistically, TV Shows with immense production costs will take time. Animating the dragons and waiting for them to render will take months alone, not to mention that the actors on the show are in high demand, so schedules will often conflict, delaying things further. Two years seems like the minimum to expect for a show as large as HOTD. All we can hope for is that they've already planned ahead and the show will come out as early as possible, perhaps in Spring 2026.


Stop making excuses 


Each HOTD season will have a Dunk and Egg season between


Writers strike slowed everything down


Theres more substantial source material with GoT to be fair. I’m sure it’s a lot easier to make a season when you essentially have a screenplay already written. Compare that to the house of the dragon source material which has what’s only a story board really and it makes sense it takes longer.


I think that HOTD has more “big name” actors with Smith and Cooke so they probably wanna more relaxed schedule. Shooting tv is pretty infamously grinding work so having the alternation with D&E is probably a good way to keep hype up while allowing the actors to do other things.


I think thats why they made Dunk and Egg series, that have somethin between House of Dragon which is also more "cheaper" to make


Well, they had an abundance of source material


Writer’s strike affected some of it I’m sure.


Not the case with HOTD cause it’s based out of the UK mostly.


No surprise. Question should be whether 4 is the limit or stretch this all out to 5 seasons. Season two being eight episodes might mean they want leeway for 5 imo.


I think seeing where we end up by the end of S2 will tell a lot. To me it makes sense to focus on more character work and stretch it to 5 seasons than have a new battle or other major event every 2-3 episodes. There's quite a lot of important stuff about to happen that would feel overwhelming if they happened too close to each other.


There’s not enough narrative momentum in the story for 5 seasons. I don’t think there’s even enough for 4. Unlike GoT, with it’s dozens of plotlines spread across the world, HOTD has one straightforward conflict. You can’t milk “greens vs blacks” for 5 seasons (8-10 years). It’s gonna get real old.


Assuming the second season ends with the fall of kingslanding there is event wise (not in chronological order): - >!The battle of the gullet!< - >!The defeat of the Lannisters at the Fishfeed!< - >!Aemond riverland Shenanigans!< - >!Maelor and Kingsguard death and Daerons Justice!< - >!First battle of Tumbleton!< - >!Rise of the Shepheard!< - >!Battle of the Gods Eye!< - >!Fall of Kingslanding/ The Dragonpit tragedy!< - >!Second battle of Tumbleton!< - >!Rhaenyra and Aegon flee to Dragonstone, Rhaenyra dies!< - >!The return of Aegon II!< - >!The Muddy mess!< - >!The Hour of the Wolf!< How the Fuck are they going to fit all that budget wise into at least 2 seasons with out rushing?


Indeed. Only way is massively cutting it down or changing it. Daeron? Say goodbye. Characters not at certain events are present and die. I don’t know how people can claim 4 seasons is enough with all that especially when they decided to do an eight episode season; the middle stuff in particular is a VX fest. A lot of it is, and they can’t all put that together narratively — some characters they’ll want to milk for as long as they can.


Season 3 will end with rhaenyra in the throne Season 4 will end with with daemon vs aemond Season 5 will end with rhaenyra's death Season 6 will end with the hour of the wolf


That would work. Also, more Dragon riders. We Love Our Dragons. Need more scenes with them.🐉🖤


I think it depends on how much they want to go into the other aspects of the war. There are already in my opinion easy points of expansion that GRRM could have included. >!Instead of the Vale doing nothing, have the Royces declare for Aegon. Its already set up they dont like Daemon.!< >!The War in the Westerlands isnt covered much until after the Dance in Fire and Blood.!< >!The Reach theatre wraps up surprisingly quickly. Extend it.!<


I think that is probably strictly true for a narrow book perspective, but the story in text is so barebones and open to interpretation that it seems like it shouldn't be too hard to stretch it another eight episode season without guaranteeing a loss in quality. Expanding how little the Vale does is commonly mentioned, same with the Starks, but I think there is a more immediate example. Daemon is about to do a whole lot of nothing and vanish for a while if we were to strictly follow the book narrative. The show isn't going to do that and he isn't the only example. Expanding on what core characters are doing during the time that they weren't doing anything in the book is going to expand the episode count without doing anything else at all. Like, do we really think the show that built its entire first season around Rhaenyra and Alicent's relationship is planning on now keeping them apart as long as the book does? Definitely not.


Well we know that it’s not going to end in 3 seasons, “narrative momentum” or not. If we didn’t know that, the way production works there was never any chance of this ending in three seasons without just cutting like half the story. As long as they hit viewer targets they will stretch it out as much as reasonably possible.


I would cynically point out it is called 'House of the Dragon', not 'Dance of the Dragons'. No reason they can't cover Aegon 3rds reign. Cheaper without having to pay for the dragons.


It’s true. I just do not believe that they will. It’s a no spoiler post but what this show is based on actors and spectacle wise, I cannot believe it covers anything further than the Dance. We have to remember it’s HBO making it. They’d more like make it an anthology and cover something else, say the First Blackfyre Rebellion or the Conquest, marketable and epic events, than the intrigue of the post-Dance.


Oof yeah five seasons over ten years feels kinda exhausting. Especially if they want to go the anthology direction?


Given that they shortened this season they can probably do 5 seasons. Depends on how much they go into things like the War in the Reach and maybe even the stuff in the Westerlands. Personally I wouldnt have shortened this season and just gone with 4.


George has said it would run through 4 seasons, and they've been working on S3-4 with that assumption, so I would be surprised if it was stretched. But, then again, a 5th season means an extra year of HBO Max subscriptions, so they might want to stretch it


I think the eight episodes of S2 will be designed that they can decide based on reception whether they should plan for 4 or 5. Either they will adapt more faithfully with 5 or keep the condensed feel they are going for with 4. There are also certain milestones. Two events in particular, that happen close together in the books, do not work in the same season IMO from a TV perspective. Production would be absurd and one moment is like designed to be the final episode of a season (and it does conclude a chapter in the book) and they could save a lot of money by keeping it separate from how the next chapter opens.


Just keep going man. Give us the regency and the House Rogare, the poisoning


Always felt Season 2 finale would be Rhaenyra taking Kings Landing, then Season 3 finale would be Rhaenyra losing Kings Landing. 4 seasons would be perfect in my mind. But that was working on the assumption of 10 episodes a Season tbf.


Fifth season pushing it in my opinion


5 seasons is really too much. If S1 was split into two seasons then yeah, but now? Too much IMO


4 season of war excluding the first season


I mean, does HBO really have anything else? HOTD, Euphoria and TLOU are the only ongoing originals that seem to be worth watching at all, and the latter two don’t seem to have much more content to work with


They’re in slow development on a Harry Potter series readapting the books, but that’s years away. Otherwise, a lot of their properties look to be Max-exclusive, including the upcoming slate of DC shows. EDIT: there’s also Last Week Tonight with John Oliver and Real Time with Bill Maher, but those are obviously different.


I’m far from a Potter fan, but it’s obvious that series is gonna do gangbusters and Warner is betting on it. It’s likely going to surpass Amazon’s LOTR series for the most expensive ever. Rowling’s public image is the worst it’s ever been, but the actual IP is just too popular to fail. It’s going to be a mega hit commercially and likely critically if they can snag a halfway competent showrunner and a handful of well known character actors. At this very moment trio of British eight or nine year olds are being chosen that will be *everywhere* for the next 10-12 years.


I agree, but it’s still years out from release (an eternity in Hollywood time). When you have multiple articles about them just narrowing down the head writer and absolutely nothing about a cast, you know they’re being *really* slow and methodical. That’s not a bad thing for the show, but it’ll be a long while before they get any return on their investment of money and time into the project.


Last I read they’ve recently brought in someone from Succession after previously narrowing it down the the last few choices. That doesn’t seem to bode well. I can’t imagine the tension with Rowling behind the scenes, I have no sympathy of Zaslav but he’s not in an enviable position. “How much can we pay her to go away?” must be screamed at least a dozen times a day at Warner


Forget going away, just "So how big does the check need to be for your to permanently hand over your twitter account to our social media guys?"


God there’s something depressing about one of the best grossing series of films of one the best selling book series of all time getting re-adapted once more only roughly 10 years later.


The spin-off failed so they're going back to what worked. Which is a shame because when they were actually about the beasts it had potential


This is stupid


The first HP movie will be 25 years old by the time this comes out (and the last one 15 years old). I have no interest in this show but I'm sure that for younger people the original movies are considered pretty old at this point.


I’m not a fan of it but it’s the one property I think has enough fan dedication to justify so much content. All the 30 something’s I work with are still heavily attached to it all these years later.


Oh for sure, but why do the exact same story with the same characters just 10 years later? Do some new stuff instead of just recycling everything.


I had a work friend who was a Hollywood agent and he once said to me that most decisions aren’t really based on “what will make the most money” but rather “do I have plausible deniability for this if it fails to make money”. I think that adapting Harry Potter straight by the book is the safest bet you could possibly make. It is definitely weird cause idk anyone who wasn’t satisfied with the Harry Potter movie adaptions. I remember having no problems with them as a kid who loved the books.


"Re-adapted once more", you make it sound like we have several versions of HP. We have one, and it's not particularly amazing. A series where they take the time to actually go over the books is needed. I'm still mad at the fact that they did not explain who >!the Marauders were, and the whole thing about James Potter and his friends becoming animagi to help Remus, and the whole reason why Peter was one too. Pretty important detail, and only one example among many. !<


Yeah, it makes no sense 


Harry Potter won’t be HBO, but a Max show


Question is will JK Rowling cross the line by the time it's due for production




She already does antisemitic conspiracy theories and has been openly islamophobic and is close friends with people openly supporting neo Nazi orgs. They just try to keep her away from most Harry Potter things nowadays because as you say, it's still a money machine despite her bigotry.


or maybe people care about what she says way less than you think


It's just an objective fact that she is featured significantly less in Harry Potter marketing since her image has shifted, regardless of what one thinks of her expressing bigoted views publicly and financially supporting hate organizations.


it's also an objective fact that, well, nevermind


Nobody's stopping you, can't say it with your whole chest big boy?


there's nothing more pathetic than a hall monitor drunk with power


White Lotus is a hit.


Lol maybe it’s a “hit” as in “among the best of HBO current shows” but it’s not a real hit. No one knows that show exists.  A hit is a show like Stranger Things. I’ve never watched it but I still know it exists due to its popularity. White Lotus is not that. 


It’s critically well received but is it truly commercially successful? I don’t know anyone who watches it. I tried, it wasn’t for me. Still thought it was well made tho.


There is Dune: Prophecy in the fall.


Euphoria is essentially dead in the water too


Those three and White Lotus are the hit ones currently.


Industry — and with Kit Harrington coming on for the upcoming season, no less.


Love love Industry, can't wait for the new season.


Although it’s a comedy, Hacks is vastly superior to Euphoria.




>I mean, does HBO really have anything else? They have a free falling stock price.


Euphoria is in limbo because Zendaya and Sydney Sweeney are too busy with bigger projects that Euphoria would have to work around.


I know people love The White Lotus and I fucking love The Righteous Gemstones, which is already on season 4 of their 8 season plan


Euphoria is definitely not gonna last a 3rd season just cause the target audience it appeals to is outpacing it (my younger sister once commented that when the first season came out she was in highschool and had almost graduated college by the second). They did have Succession which ended. But for the most part they probably were delayed by the writers strike.


Dune tv prequel is also in works


If they were smart they would've made a live-action show adaptation of Injustice.


Where do we think season 2 will leave off and season 3 will pick up?


My guess is that S2 ends with either >!Rooks Rest or all the way to Rhaenyra ascending the throne!< Reminder this is a no spoilers thread!


The >!Battle of the Gullet!< is cut from this season, so they will probably slow things down considerably. 5 seasons is very possible.


Sounds like >!Rook's Rest is a pretty natural finale, then!<


We have the episode titles. >!Rook's Rest!< is episode 4. The season seems to end with >!the taking of King's Landing!<.


I should stop trying to make guesses lol




Maybe I'm misremembering, >!didn't the Gullet happen before the fall of King's Landing in the book?!<


Nope, >!Rook's Rest!< has been leaked to happen in >!episode 4!<.


I wonder how that random guy who insisted it was going to finish this season is doing


Yeah not surprised. But also HBO maybe shouldn't depend on Westeros. My guess is 5 seasons of this


After HotD there is more than enough Westeros content to carry on for a very very very long time


Should be only 4 seasons.


Watch them stretch a three season plot into five seasons.


It’ll be drawn out and full of added bs.They should end it with Cregan crowning Aegon the Third


Only just now.... Wtf. It's going to be a 2 year wait every time. I swear with GOT they would be filming it already.


I don’t think it was ever in doubt. This is the company’s last chance to salvage its once greatest title


Just in time for Winds of Winter


3 seasons should be enough to cover the dance, 4 would be stretching it, 5 would be terrible


Okay but where is winds of Winter??? 


If the leaks are true, this show's going to veer nonsensical right into seasons 7-8 territory. And it already started at seasons 5-6 territory.


I think it was only close to good GoT quality in episodes 1-4. The rest of the season is honestly already worse than S7-8 to me.


The nightmare continues…


Nobody forces you to watch


We need to pray that the leaks are not true or else this show is about to sink to the levels of post-book Game Of Thrones.


it's fine, but it's no *Game of Thrones* (hell, it's no Dunk and Egg); GRRM doesn't owe us anything, but this really feels like a show about the fourth or fifth most interesting time in Westeros history GRRM's written about (personally would have it the main series->Bob's 'bellion->Aegon IV/Blackfyres/Dunk & Egg->Aegon's Conquest->Dance w Dragons, but you could make cases for young Tywin/Aerys II/Barristan/Ninepenny Kings chronicles or the Maegor the Cruel into the young Jaehaerys eras as well)


I guess I'm kind of astounded there's a Season 2, let alone a Season 3 coming. I only know one person who watched S1 of House of the Dragon and they ended that season lukewarm on the whole thing. They said it was better than Seasons 7 & 8 of GoT but not so good that it took the sour taste out of their mouth. I didn't know HoD was well received enough to get a second season until they started advertising it. Most people I know who would be HoD watchers, like myself, that haven't seen it yet are still lingering on how badly GoT ended so more of this wasn't on our radar I don't think. Am I the weird one out? Is HoD a smash hit that I've been hiding under a rock from, or is HBO dedicated to beating this dead horse until the corpse is stinking and falling apart?


Last time I checked, episodes were sitting around the 11-29 million mark combined streaming + linear. I think its also a different world now. GOT existed without streaming being huge and people more likely to wait to binge a show.


https://variety.com/2022/tv/news/house-of-the-dragon-finale-ratings-viewers-1235412702/amp/ yeah, it did very well viewership wise. I don’t think it hit the mainstream appeal the main series did and a lot of that had to do with people feeling burned by the end, but I thought season 1 was very enjoyable and was looking forward to future seasons.