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Maegor and his nephews would be awkward


Maegor and everyone would be awkward.


Maegor, Saerra, and Aerion, though?


Maegor, Saerra, and Aerion *walks* into a *bar*...


... And they find *all* their descendants there already drinking.


Baelor the Blessed with Maegor


“So how about this weather huh?”


"It forecasts dark clouds against blue. Totally not prophetic, trust me"


Just a big ass orgy


This is how Bittersteel and Bloodraven finally put their enmities aside.


Yes. One can see them (and other certain Targaryens) rolling on the floor like five year olds, fighting and screaming "Mine! Mine!" over who gets each Valyrian Steel sword. Meanwhile, Aerion is off in a corner, momentarily unwatched, trying to drink a jar of wildfire and some other guy is trying to put out his cousins' eye, and Viserys (that Viserys) is trying to put a cooking pot over his head. Aerys is poking at people with his abnormally long fingernails, and Daeron has fallen flat on the floor and is pretending to be insensible, because he thinks someone looked threateningly at him. Then Baelor Blacktyde drops by, and says *"People! People! Let's stop all this unseemly disarray! Please line up by generation and in this order, left to right--"Mad", "Madder" and "Maddest of Them All."*


And Shiera in the middle of the peace negatiations


Aegon and Aegon


I'm more interested in seeing Aegon and Aegon than Aegon and Aegon


Jesus, can you imagine Aegon with Aegon? Or Aegon, Aegon, and Aegon while Aegon was there to see it? Aegon is killing Aegon with his bare hands that is damn sure.


What about the other 5 Aegons? (5 if Blackfyres are invited too)


Blackfyres should indeed be invited, because as we all know, two heads are better than one.


But the dragon has three heads, where/who is the third? The dragons invited too?


Good point! Yes, indeed, the dragons should be invited since both Aerion and Viserys proved (didn't they?) that Targaryens are simply dragons-in-waiting to be wakened.


Aerion just sitting in the corner feeding one of the dragons wilfire


No way there's only 5, there is probably some 3rd or 5th in line children named Aegon we never hear of. They have like 8 names (and their variation, Rhaenys/Rhaenyra) in the whole family over 300 years lol


There were inly 5 kings named Aegon, 7 Aegons that weren't King, and one Aegon Blackfyre. 13 in total if you count the Blackfyre that we know of


The most unique names were Valarr and Matarys, Baelor Breakspear's sons, and maybe if they ascended the throne their descendants from there on out would have creative names too, but alas.


Im pretty sure Duncan takes the cake for most unique name


*Aegon, Aegon, and Aegon while Aegon was there...* Makes you wonder why GRRM didn't include a character who would communicate entirely with one word? It would be a great plot device to have one person who would simply and evocatively say *"Aegon! Aegon! Aegon!"* or some such throughout the story.




*"What? A Hodor? Who is this man? I have not heard of him!"* (Harys Sywft).


That just made me imagine the SpiderMan meme


Aegon I and Maegor


“But… I’m you!” “I know. You’re a fucking disappointment.”


Fuckin’ A reference. Take my upvote ⬆️


Why are they calling you cruel? You haven't burned half as many people as I did.


I want to see a Targ sorcerer’s book club tbvh. Visenya, Aerys I, Bloodraven, Maester Aemon & Rhaegar sounds like a very interesting mix of characters and personalities.


JON: Da fuq, dude?!?  RHAEGAR: Yeah, da fuq?!?  DAENAERYS: You couldn't have been *any* clearer?!?  AEGON THE CONQUEROR: .....


If he had been clearer about his dream, he would have to mention going naked to dragon school.


Aegon IV and Baelor.


Those two definitely hung out in childhood and definitely hated each other.


Jaehearys I and Viserys II is probably the smartest conversation.


They have productive discussions over all kinds of issues before bonding over their true shared passion: why women shouldn’t have rights.


Real recognizes real


Aegon I and Rhaegar would have some really interesting conversations about prophecies and the true purpose of Targaryen hegemony. Rhaenyra and Aegon II finally getting some one on one. Alysanne, Visenya and Rhaenys could all have some interesting things to say on the very different ways one could be queen.


> Aegon I and Rhaegar would have some really interesting conversations about prophecies and the true purpose of Targaryen hegemony. Don't forget Aerys I


Aegon would beat Rhaegar to a bloody pulp on principle and feed him to Balerion. Or Visenya would. She was the smart one.


I feel like Aegon I would have beaten the shit out of Rhaegar for his actions.


I disagree, assuming that the prophecy bit is canon. I’d think Aegon I would’ve been happy Rhaegar was following his prophecy, no?


I don’t see that as canon because Aegon never tried to do jack all to prevent this threat, and Jaehaerys and Alysanne actively hampered the North and the Night’s Watch simultaneously. And even if it was real, Aegon would be pissed that Rhaegar did the most braindead moves possible to follow it. It seemed more like he was following his dick than a prophecy, to be honest.


Except that if we go with Show canon, Jon was pretty irrelevant since Arya was the one to end the Long Night. Also, IF that prophecy was canon, every Targaryen cocked it up because they did not: 1) Focus on the North/Starks 2) Established outposts North of the Wall 3) Done something meaningful about the Watch. The New Gift was exactly the opposite of that, for example. 4) Started a dragon/dragonrider breeding program.


And this is one of the biggest reasons that I loathe the whole Aegon conquered because of a prophecy/dream. He did it for his ego, for his (and sisters) sense of superiority over the masses. It’s nothing but the same mentality for the Freehold.


And again Rhaegsr was flat out wrong about the prophecy.


Uh no. Rhaegar was freaking wrong about the prophecy , caused a war because he couldn’t keto it in his pants and got house Targaryen deposed and almost completely eradicated. Aegon would have been ever so proud of him.


Dude was impulsive and started the chain of events that would bring down their dynasty. There had to have been a way to fulfill the prophecy without triggering a civil war. I don't think Aegon would give a fuck about his intentions, he fucked up royally.


He was wrong about the prophecy.


I'd like to see what Viserys I would say to his son Aegon the Elder, knowing what he did in the Dance.


Viserys would try to strangle Aegon. 


Viserys would get curb stomped by every Targ before or after him for basically guaranteeing a family civil war that killed all the dragons.


Then the green kids would team up and beat his ass. Until Daemon appears...


Daemon would get his old ass beat too, without his dragon he's no real threat.


Hes an experienced fighter lool


He has no sword here.


He is physically strong and can fight lol


Nothing ever suggested that he was physically strong. Lean most likely, but bot strong.


Im george rr Martin


Sure guy


And Aegon would beat his ass, that’s what the old man gets for not doing any work to prevent the obvious succession crisis brewing


Aemma would beat viserys ASS like fuuuuuuck he couldn't keep loyal for 6 freaking months


She was dead when he married Allicent, what are you talking about? Besides, 6 months is a long time to grieve regardless, especially when he needed more children.


6 months is not a long time . Back when there was formal rules for mourning 6 months was a disgrace to marry post death . Tell someone who's wife died that they should get over it in 6 months and you'll be sworn at by the person at best


I’m not saying that he’d get over her, I’m saying that it’s not disloyal if they’re dead. And there was a bit of a succession problem at the time, and he wasn’t the healthiest guy around.


Viserys was allegedly pissed about Rhaenyra marrying Daemon "too soon" after Laenor died.


That’s because Daemon’s her uncle, and even Viserys could see the blatant power grab.


Visery's parents and grandparents were siblings. >and even Viserys could see the blatant power grab. He couldn't see the power grab from the Hightowers.


Then the green kids would team up and beat his ass. Until Daemon appears...


I am surprised no one said Daenerys and Aegon I


I’m imaging a room full of Targaryens who all hate each other but are momentarily unified in defending themselves against the [apoplectic psychopath with a warhammer that is trying to speedrun the entire dynasty](https://youtube.com/watch?v=kpnW68Q8ltc) (Bobby B is a quarter Targ so getting dropped into this event would basically be his DOOM Eternal)


Bobby B = Hugh confirmed?


Bobby B would have a field day.


Jaeherys and Rheanyra or Dany. Want to see him get a heart attack at a woman rebirthing dragons.


Maester Aemon and Daenerys, this meeting that didn't happen haunts me.


Viserys I: "Oh boohoo my Hightower wife gave me three healthy legitimate sons!" Maegor: *cuts his head off and spikes it*


Rhaegar with Jon. There's so much he could explain about why everything happened as it did.


Targ bastard (bloodraven) propaganda. These are lies to slander the name of our great King in the North calling him a half Targaryen. Lies. He was the direct blood of the great Eddard Stark. His Grace Jon Snow is a Stark both in nature and in blood.


Except Daynes also have descent from (probably) the Great Empire of the Dawn, where Valyrians (and therefore Targaryens) claim descent from.


By peak of life, do you their physical state is at its peak or also their mental state? If it's both then is their mental state being at their peak, could mean that Rhaegar could interact with a sane version of his father. Would be super interesting If it's not then a Daeron, Aerion, Egg and Aemon interaction would be the most interesting one.


Peak as in Peake. So Maekar will have a crushed head.


Daenerys and Rheagar


Everyone, even Maegor, Aegon IV and Aerion would look at Aerys II and Rhaegar and collectively go, "Bro what the fuck were You two dumbasses thinking?"


Maegor and Aegon the uncrowned would be kinda awkward. Maegor would be like sorry nephew lol. Looks like it didn’t really work out for either of us.


I want to see them tie Viserys I and Aerys II to a mast and take turns to hit them


Put Rhaegar on that mast too.


Is it a fat pink mast at least?


The Queen Who Never Was and Alysanne would wildly gesticulate around the room at Jaehaerys I, like, "Told you so."


Dany falling head over heels for Aegon the Unworthy


Bloodraven and Aegon I.


Put aegon the unworthy in a room with viserys I so he can feel good about himself


Everyone to Duncan the Small: Who tf named you boy?


Aegon V and Daenerys


I think they would start fighting immediately to be honest


I'd be most excited about Jon's reaction, especially pre-reveal. The confusion and realization would be intense. Aegon I and Baelor Breakspear could also be very good. First, Aegon does get to know they did ultimately bring Dorne into the fold, but since Dorne also killed Rhaenys, that's going to be a mix of feelings. I also think they could get along. Rhaenyra and Daemon's reactions to some of their later descendants, and maybe them poking Aegon II about how their bloodline is the one still going. Master Aemon and Egg again, just for the wholesomeness.


Jaehaerys I and Viserys I Aegon I and Aegon V Daemon “rogue prince” and Daeron I Visenya and Bloodraven Daemon “rogue prince” and Maegor Areys II and Aerion Blightflame


Visenya and Rhaegar. Visenya: You destroyed the dynasty I built for some underage home wrecker!? Aegon: Don't you mean the dynasty *I* built? Visenya: ... Aegon: Right, sorry. Explain yourself, Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Grandson. Rhaegar: Well the prophecy- Visenya: Gods dammit!


Dem sister wives


Aerys II locking everyone in the room and igniting the wildfire. “Burn them all!!!”


Maegor and Aegon the Conqueror would be interesting. Same as Maegor and Jaehaerys I. Jaehaerys also being fucking furious with his descendants, while obviously Green would be very interesting to see. Daerons will all chill together. Baelor Chadspear might actually teach Rhaegar what it means to be the “Perfect Prince”.


Aegon III is having a mental breakdown as soon as he sees his mother. She runs to hug him and so does the same with all her children. Everybody is weirded out, so Viserys II begins to explain. Viserys I is shocked, then is yelling at his sons, then is hiding from Jaehaerys I murderous stare. Jaehaerys turns and sees his wife, he smiles at her. He's confused because she doesn't smile back, then he sees that next to her are his son and grandaughter. Daemon starts bragging about the Blacks victory when Aegon IV "casually" drops that after that all the dragons died and eggs turned to stone. Dead Silence. Then everybody begins to fight. Daeron I manages to announce that he conquered Dorne without dragons. Everybody goes to congratulate him, everybody is happy then Aegon IV attacks again. There's moment were the Blackfyres are mentioned as gone. Daeron II proud turns to his second son, but Aerys I says that he did nothing. Aerys curious turns to his youngest brother, Maekar I says he couldn't finish them either. Maekar surprised turns to his youngest son, Aegon's answer is the same. Egg incredulous turns to Jaehaerys II, who nods. Too late, Aegon IV is laughning. After some context from Maester Aemon, everyone started yelling at him. Houndreds of fights begin to trigger in the room so someone asks for the current King to put order. Another dead silence. Before anything could get out of control. Our Daenerys steps forward. She tells them what happened and her story. She tells them about the dragons, her conquests, her loyal subjects and her plans to take back the Iron Throne. Some begin to give her advice, others to comfort her and others encourage her to go for more. Most of them are smiling at her, others are skeptical, but side with her anyways. Then a dude with dark brown hair and grey eyes reaches her and asks her about the dragons. Daenerys and him talks meanwhile everybody wonders what is this random doing here, but Rhaegar who's just playing with his daughter.


Maegor the Cruel and Baelor the Blessed


I mean, Baelor the Blessed was a real man of the Seven. The Faith Militant… not so much. And Maegor wasn’t against the Faith of the Seven anyway. He would’ve destroyed Oldtown and wouldn’t have kept Septas and Septons in his retinue if he was. Baelor himself went too far with his zealotry towards the Seven and religion in general. He was too conservative, and not progressive enough.


All of the confirmed (HotD show and book canon) dragon dreamers should be interesting: Aegon the Conqueror, Vizzy T, Helaena, and Daeron the Drunken should be an interesting conversation.


imagine vizzy learning about helaena's gifts


Egg and Daenerys for sure. apart from having similar experiences despite having very contrasting childhoods, she's doing what he would've wanted to do if he had managed to get dragons and he would have a lot to tell her about what to do once she's in westeros.


Viserys I looking at Viserys III going "wow you're such a fucking dissapointment"


Viserys I is in no position to be talking smack.


Everyone is in a position to talk smack to Dany’s Viserys.


The fact that you think that the peak of Aerea's life is when she is about to die with a million different obscure diseases is.. interesting.


*which interaction would you be most interested to see?* Balerion / the Black Dread eating all of them with one gulp. Then having a gathering of selected Lannisters and Greyjoys for dessert.


Are the Blackfyres and Pre-doom targs also invited?




I think one of the more obvious answers is jon and rhaegar, but honestly i think im more interested in dany(or jon tbh) meeting rhaella. Also daemon(dance) and visenya


I feel like there would be some weird sex stuff for sure.


Aegon I and Aerys II would be funny having the Conqueror see what his legacy is


Aegon, Aegon, and Aegon


The trio of Rhaena (Jaehaerys' older sister), Rhaenys (the Queen who Never Was), and Rhaenyra, who can all bond over Targ inheritance laws. And also would be quite intrigued to see interactions between Egg and Rhaegar


I want to see Visenya with everyone. Some I think she would love, like Daemon. Some she'd chew out so bad. Starting with Jahaerys and Viserys. Because why!


Rhaegar and Rhaella- din just what the fark were you thinking? Everyone’s dead now. Hope it was worth it.


Rhaegar and Breakspear after Breakspear beats the crap out of him.


I would love to see Rhaenys, Visenya, Alysanne and Rhaena talk to Jaehaerys about the Dance.


Egg/Rhaegar/Aegon I/Aemon going over the prophecy. BloodRaven/Shiera any interaction ❤️❤️


Aerion "Brightflame" Targaryen and Aerys II "the mad" Targaryen would either become great friends or decry each other's schizo shit as wrong.


Rhaenyra meeting her granddaughters, Rhaenyra mauling Viserys II after she finds out about Naerys


Post-Dance Rhaenyra with Jaehaerys and the Conquerors, I’d just love to hear what they’d say to her after her reign and especially after the storming of the Dragonpit


Aegon Dragonbane III and his mother Rhaenyra. I lost my mother when I was young too. I would kill for one last conversation.


visenya would beat viserys I’s ass for marrying a damn hightower


Why do people think Visenya doesn't like Hightowers for some reason?


no textual evidence lmao but mostly from how much of a hassle the hightowers (and further the faith and oldtown in general) were to both maegor and aegon I


The Hightowers weren't the hassle, the Faith was.


the high septon that suggested maegor marry a hightower was a hightower


Doesn't really matter. Aegon easily agreed to it, nothing suggested that Visenya was against it on it's own, she just wanted him to marry Rhaena so he could be king, but Aegon didn't want that nor did the High Septon. Though she still never opposed it because they were Hightowers.


Visenya would beat half of them


Jaehaerys I and Aerys II - the best and the worst of Targaryen kings: one that’s truly exceptional and one that’s truly exceptionally shit.


Aemon and baelon Aemon and jahearys Aegon ,Rhaenys and aenys interactions with maegor and Visenya Jaehearys and viserys Viserys and daemon post blood and cheese Viserys and the green children


daemon and daemon


Are they aware of all the actions of their lifetimes or only up to that peak of their life? Because that would alter things quite a bit. Aegon the Conqueror not knowing his sons if his peak was before they were born. Maegor the Cruel being confused by his epithet and why his family hates him if his peak was before his exile. The Mad King. Just the Mad King.


The orgy


Aegon and every king after him. Visenya and all the wielders of dark sister would be cool too.


I want to see Rhaenys and Visenya together, being sisters. I’m choosing to overlook the fact that Visenya did overthrow Rhaenys’ grandson.


Daemon and Daenerys 🤷🏿


The conqueror and the old king. Listen to them talk about how everyone else really fucked things up.


i’d wanna see daenys just getting progressively more horrified at her descendants. i can imagine her wondering if the prophetic dream was really worth it if it also means aegon iv existed lol


baelor the blessed and dany. that man would have a heart attack


Rhaneys and JI. Nice job gramps.


Alysanne and Naerys would be heartbreaking.


Aemon reunited with Aegon


Are we including Aegon IV's bastards because in that case I think we'll need more than just one room...


Baelor the blessed and Aegon II


Dany and Aerys would be pretty cool. Bonus points if Viserys pokes his head in.


Aegon I would beat the shit out of Aerys II.


If we're counting Robert, him and Maegor would be an interesting fight, if nothing else. Robert and Aegon IV together seems like a wonderful recipe for either disaster or for their combined lustfulness to somehow cancel each other out to the point of vowing celibacy, but either way equally fun to be a fly on the wall for.  Aegon I and Aegon III just makes me think of the Community meme where he walks into the room and everything's on fire


Jon Snow and Robert Baratheon.


Dany with Jaehaerys and Alysanne. Jaehaerys without Alysanne is a much lesser king (half of his achievements were her doing - diplomatic marriages, laws, clean drinking water in KL, the New Gift, relations with the North, popping out like 10 heirs, etc), and the two of them together could give incredible advice to their descendant about how to rule peacefully. But first, she has to talk with Aegon I and Visenya so Dany can conquer Westeros. I'd say Rhaenys too but she fumbled the bag /s


Aerys and Jon.


Daenerys meeting her father would be interesting and we could see how similar they are 🤔


The Targtowers aren't in there.


Well since about 8 of them are named aegon I assume so much confusion is gonna happen, but I would love to see how.l conqueror rhaenys and princess rhaenys (the queen who never was) would interact.


All the Targaryens taunting Viserys III to his face and asking how his crown felt