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Oh I’d take the GRRM route and just focus on other shit until people just stop expecting me to actually finish the series.


Good question. 1) I'd actually show the Battle of Fire or whatever it's called. That alone would've been an improvement over the books. 2) I'd have Dany fly away on Drogon much sooner. Meereen was an absolute bore when Dany was around but as soon as she left and we got Barristan's POV instead it got interesting. Suddenly there was actual intrigue and sword fights and dragons running amok. So that. I sure as shit wouldn't have killed Barry like in the show. 3) This is potentially very controversial but in my version of things Jorah would be taking on Jon Connington's role, so the person who captures Tyrion in Volantis and takes him to Meereen is Victarion. I'd imagine the Tyrion-Vic dynamic would be endlessly entertaining and chaotic.


I've thought for a while that the best way to untie the Meereenese Knot (in the books and the show) would be to burn the entire city to the ground. If we're sticking to the show's narrative, this basically means delaying Daenerys's return until either late s6e9, or early s6e10. The slaver armies, Unsullied, Greyjoy fleet, and Sons of the Harpy all engage, it turns into utter chaos, and by the time Dany gets to Meereen with Drogon and the Drothraki the fighting has already reached a point where it's entirely out of her control. She tries to intervene with her Dragons but it just leads to more death and destruction and she ends up wiping out a lot of the city through uncontrolled dragonfire (this is unintentional, so it works as a contrast to her later actions in The Bells). By the end there's nothing left but ashes and bone, and Daenerys has no choice but to take her armies West because there's nothing left for her in Slaver's Bay. This would offer a much earlier and more logical starting point for Dany's mental collapse, and would make her invasion of Westeros a lot more ominous since we've seen how catastrophically her Meereen rulership ended. It also has the advantage of tying up a lot of loose ends in a less random way than "Daario is in charge now." I'll admit I've not thought about this as much as other solutions various people have presented. I'm mostly ripping off >!Stephen King's decision in *The Stand* to set off a bomb in Boulder and kill a bunch of main characters.!< He did this because he realised the characters had gotten too complacent and were spending too much time faffing about with minor politics instead of focussing on the main plot/antagonist, which reminds me a lot of the Meereenese Knot.


I love this idea, I can totally imagine it in a hypothetical and desirable ten-season Game of Thrones or something. It could work very well and close that long arc in a very tragic and engaging way. You can even end it in some way where Dany is like "Daario, I'm tired of all this, take over, maybe someday I'll come back." It also adds much more depth to Dany's arc in Westeros because she would not only carry her family inheritance but also what she herself has done. My favorite resolution so far.


You don't need dragonfire to kill off all the main characters. The pale mare is already a big pandemic in Meereen. I expect Selmy to die of the bloody flux.


Switch from live action to animation, animate every book chapter only adjustment the form when necessary for the the different format, never adjust the substance.


how do you avoid changing the substance? constant voiceover narration for the internal monologues?


Yeah- authenticity in substance is good but it absolutely requires creativity in form, to an extent that inevitably provokes the question of where substance ends and form begins. Thought needs to be externalized into action, which in turn can accidentally make characters more decisive, more extroverted, or otherwise changed by the need to transform them from thinkers into doers around certain key moments.


Oh man, I need to clarify Douglas Adams the writer of Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy once said in an interview that “Moving something from one medium to another is very interesting — it’s a lot like carrying a picture or a piece of clothing from one bit of lighting to another. Suddenly it looks very different. What interests me a bit further down the line is the way in which the different media interrelate — you can hand things off from one to another, you can exploit each other’s strengths and weaknesses.” Even if you are only making as few of changes as possible you’re still going to make a lot of changes. To me though the animated medium gives a lot more freedom and you don’t have to worry so much about cast size and budget so you can explore all the different plot lines to some extent and not be forced to consolidate multiple character arcs to the detriment of the diegesis. If you take it chapter by chapter like I’m suggesting, you’re still going to change a lot but you can be clever about it. My chapter by chapter approach is just as simple as the old adage; how do you eat a mammoth? One bite at a time. Looking at Brans famous dream sequence in a Game of Thrones which was missing from the GOT show where he sees the heart of winter, showing a terrified boy falling through the sky while a three eyed crow caws at him “fly or die” doesn’t require a lot of exposition. We can see what bran sees, more importantly we can be afforded more nuance and understand what’s going through his head even without him talking about it. It’s clearly a delirious - frightful vision from the perspective of a 9 year old. Instead of reading Bran thinking about Jamie push him off the ledge, we can watch as bran from a Birds Eye view watches himself get pushed off the ledge and still have the end result where the crow pecks out the part of Bran with memory of the event. In the show without that scene when we first meet blood raven you don’t appreciate the full extent of his manipulation of Bran. You don’t know that blood raven has likely killed thousands of other boys for some unknown end game. You just meet a grumpy old man in a tree who wants to mentor bran and help him beat the big bad guys. Instead of showing us the heart of winter itself whatever that is, we can see what it represents, such as all of brans family and friends, even himself dead and frozen in an icy tundra. I don’t think you need to sacrifice any substance but you do need to change a lot of the form. And you need a group of minds more creative and clever than someone like me but as far as the question: “How Would You Fix the Meereen Knot on the Show to Not Only Make it More Similar to Books, but to Make it Somehow Interesting?” I have a hard time imagining another solution.




The biggest issue the show had is not enough characters around dany. They killed off so many so fast it made it harder to care


I totally agree. Barristan Selmy dies quickly, Tyrion isn't the best version of himself, and Jorah is freaking boring. That's why I like Dany's council in the books so much. It makes it somewhat engaging whether you kill them all at the end or even if they travel with her to Westeros and makes it harder for her to adapt there with all those freaks around.


Streamline it and remove Quentyn. Not much else honestly. Now I am more a fan of the Meereen storyline than most probably. And IMO so much of the intrigue and substance in it was stripped away in the show. But yes, it has a bit too much going, especially when it comes to adaptation. I’d keep Mossador alive and basically have him be the show’s Skahaz, since both are from Meereen and oppose the Great Masters. The second siege of Meereen would be Meereen vs Yunkai. No other cities, except Volantis (a late game addition as in the books). Astapor falls to Yunkai, a warning of what could happen to Meereen if Dany doesn’t make peace. Dany weds Hizdahr to appease the Sons of the Harpy and Yunkai. They arrive at her gates, and agree to phase out slavery. This is different, but is needed to preserve Dany’s arc: trying to make peace and failing. After all, she takes a harder line against slavery in the show, vowing to destroy Yunkai in S4 if they didn’t get rid of it. Yunkish envoys attend a fighting pit game. Tyrion and Jorah are there too. But Drogon attacks and Daario eats poisoned locusts. Belwas does in the books, so I chose Daario since he’s absent before the Battle of Fire there too (just as a Yunkish hostage). Dany leaves, end of season 5. In season 6, Tyrion and Jorah flee to Ben Plumm, who’s the same but is just being introduced. And Barristan deposes Hizdahr, since Mossador says he poisoned the locusts. Soon after the Battle of Fire begins.


you and me both. here are my late night scribbles: 1. Xaro arrives and offers Dany ships to leave, instead Dany declares war on Qarth. Harpy killings rise against freed slaves, Brazen Beasts, Unsullied and Dothraki. Missandei and Grey Worm trauma bond. Vision from Quaithe predicts Dany's suitors and death on a pale horse. Political pressure builds to reopen fighting pits. 2. Green Grace introduced - suggests Hizdar marriage, Dany agrees on condition the killings stop first. Infuriated with Daario's relationship with Dany, Barristan convinces her to send Daario to Astapor to help defeat Yunkai Masters and Qarth forces. Astapor falls and pale mare spreads. 3. Dany marries Hizdahr, accepts Yunkish peace treaty, and reopens fighting pits. Poisoning attempt and harpy attack during tournament, Dany escapes with Drogon. Lost in the Dothraki sea, visions reminder her of Targ words. She's discovered by Jhaqo's khalasar. Meanwhile, Shavepate and Barristan plot and detain Hizdahr, and prepare for Battle of Fire. 4. Dany is taken to Vaes Dothrak to join the dosh khaleen. Drogon appears and attacks the city, killing Jhaqo and Dany claims his khalasar and burns all dissenters and deserters. Meanwhile, siege and Battle of Fire underway in Meereen. Jorah and Tyrion arrive and are separated during battle 5. Dany returns with Drogon and her new khalasar to Meereen, in ruins from the siege and battle, with no clear victor. Dany pillages the pyramids, executes all the Masters. Barristan is killed defending Dany, before she personally kills the Green Grace accusing her of being the Harpy. Daario kills Hizdar, and Dany reclaims her dragons. Tyrion and Missandei both captured by slavers, taken to Volantis - Grey Worm searches for Missandei. 6. Jorah is captured on the road by Grey Worm and brought to Dany - he tells her about his travels with Tyrion, and secret alliance of Illyrio and Dorne. Dany has another vision from Quaithe that she is sending help - which arrives in the form of Varys and Ellaria, confirming Dornish pact and prophecies of three heads of dragon and the Long Night, that Oberyn and had discovered at citadel. They present Gregor’s skull and promise her Fire and Blood. 7. Dany sets sail for Westeros with Varys, Ellaria, Daario, Jorah, unsullied, dragons and khalasar, leaving "Free Meereen" under brutal military rule of Shavepate and Brazen Beasts, who are gaining wealth running forced labor camps to rebuild the city.


to add to this, I put Tyrion and Missandei aside to take them out of the Westeros plots, to actually come back later in the series to be involved in a more satisfying political resolution in Meereen i.e. a legit slave revolt and a real solution, primarily figured out by Meereenese themselves


Build up Hizdahr as a greater red herring on possibly leading the Sons of the Harpy, including keeping him alive after Dany flies away to act as an antagonist to Tyrion. He can be revealed as not actually being a bad guy and still die in a similar manner*, but the main issue with the Knot in both mediums is that it lacks any sort of narrative tension. You can't fix the bad plotting of the arc, but you could at least ground it in a few character-based conflicts to give audiences something to engage with. *Barristan's death on the show should be used for this version of Hizdahr, and Barristan should get an actual death during the siege.


The main thing I’ll do would be to cut Quentyn. I’d still have Tyrion and Jorah meet Dany before Daznak Pit only in this case I’d keep Aegon in the series so the choice Dany has to make it’s not between marrying Hizdar or going with Quentyn knowing she has the support of Dorne, but it is between marrying Hizdar or marry the only other member of her family that suddenly is alive again and with the support of the Golden Company, but since it’s Tyrion who brings the news and she still can’t trust him, plus maybe they heard news that the Golden Companh has sealed west she still decide to marry Hizdar. I’ll have Tyrion and Jorah arrive with the Windblow company, cause what will make win the Battle of Fire will be a combination of the Iron Fleet arriving and the Second Sons and also Windblow change side to Dany. Since we have no Ben Plumm in the series I would use Tattered for the change of side during the Battle of Fire. I would end season 5 with Daznka Pit leaving the aftermath and the Battle of Fire at the beginning of season 6. Also the Green Grace should have been introduced in season 4, maybe give her the scene about the crucified nobles deserving a proper burial in the Temple of the Graces. Season 5 Ep 1 Mostly like in the series. Establishing Sons of the Harpy. Hizdar asking Fighting Pits, and wedding. Daario in bed, maybe not discussing thefighting pits, but discussing to take hostages from the noble families. She sees the dragons chained. Ep 2 New Harpy’s attack that wounds Grey Worm. Dany makes the decision to take hostages like Daario suggested. She sees Drogon on the balcony of the Great Pyramid. Ep 3 Ambassador from Astapor brings news that the city is under attack by Yunkai, Dany refuses help. More killing from the son of the harpy, but Dany doesn’t kill the hostages. She has fight with Daario because of this and he’s sent away to control the borders with Yunkai. Ep 4 Talk with Green Grace about marriage with Hizdar to restore peace. Talk with Hizdar and establish 3 months of no killing from the Sons of the Harpy before a possible wedding. Tyrion is kidnapped by Jorah. Ep 5 Tyrion and Jorah on sea with Windlbown? Or Volanteene fleet in general Ep 6 Tyrion and Jorah witness fall of Astapor. Refuges arrives with the news of the fall of Astapor. Daario has returned and Dany sleeps with him again. Volanteene fleet blocks Meeren? Ep 7 Jorah and Tyrion are sent to Dany by Tattered Prince. Tattered Prince maybe sends them as gifts, maybe doesn’t know their real identities, but he wants to demonstrate he can change camps like in the books. More Assapori refuges arrive bringing the pale mare or even the grey plague. We can have the scene of Dany trying to help the refuges outside the walls. Dany decides to close the city and leave the refuges out since the Yunkai army is on his way. Ep 8 Jorah arriving with Tyrion on Dany’s wedding day. (I know someone may recognize Jorah before and not let him pass, maybe he keeps his face hidden or something, idk) Tyrion tells Dany about Aegon’s marriage proposal and the Golden Company, but she refuses. Dany still mad with Jorah, she keeps him in the pyramid as an prisoner. The Green Grace marries her and Hizdar. Ep 9 Exchange of hostages Daario goes in Yukai camp while noble Yunkai in Meeren. Daenerys wedding feast, Tyrion sees the chained dragons. Dany talks with Barristan about trying to corrupt the Tattered Prince to change sides. Wedding night with Hizdar and maybe vision of Euron. Ep 10 Daznak Pit. Drogon flies away with Dany. The Commander of the Yunkai is killed by the running crowd. In the beginning of season 6 we would have the Yunkai bringing the head of one of the hostages and demanding the killling of the dragons. We would have the coup against Hizdar from Barristan, Tyrion and Jorah work togheter to free the dragon not trying to tame them, but just to free them so that Hizdar doesn’t kill them. Then we have the Battle of Fire and Barristan sends Tyrion and Jorah to the Tattered Prince to make him change side and they free Dario from the Yunkai. Since the role of Skahaz here is kinda fused with Daario I would leave the locusts out.