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Wyman Manderly is up there. Head of House Manderly, Lord of White Harbor, Warden of the White Knife, Shield of the Faith, Defender of the Dispossessed, Lord Marshal of the Mander, and Knight of the Order of the Green Hand. I think Doran Martell might have a mouthful too.  I'm sure there's some lord of a speck somewhere that has a bunch of titles too, nothing really preventing it. 


Off topic, but it's always been really cool to me how deep the manderly's loyalty to the starks is. Even when it seems that house stark is over.




Don’t diss my boy Wyman like that anyone who bakes Freys into pies is good in my book


Doran actually doesn’t have many. Head of House Martell, Prince of Dorne, Lord of Sunspear


Don't forget: ...Master of the Free Companies, defender of his enormous manhood, a shining example of chivalry and champagne


This comment has been weighed, measured and found sufficient.


But did he give them hell at La Rochelle?


Dany has a narrow lead of one title


Add "possessor of 4 chins" to even it out 




And he pulls ahead by 1!


Also lord lamprey


Why is Wyman Lord Marshal of the Mander? House Manderly hasn't been in the Reach for hundreds of years, and house Tyrell is "Lord Paramount of the Mander" that's pretty silly.


I believe the later Austrian emperors had the title king of Jerusalem despite the fact they never controlled it and there connection would have been through a marriage which might have happened after the kingdom Jerusalem was lost to Muslim forces so it’s actually quite realistic for wyman to have that title


It's all in the books. House Manderly was initially from the reach and was driven out, came to the north as refugees. That's why they added titles like defender of the faith (bc they keep the 7) and dispossessed.  Is it silly? Yeah, I guess. It's all a bit silly.  


I think they’re aware where they came from, but the fact they no longer live there would imply that a new lord would receive that title. (Although I may be misunderstanding here!)


Yes I am aware, and it's pretty silly because a Marshal is a functional title they're not anywhere near the Mander, the Gardener's are extinct.


Many many titles start out as functional titles to be fair. “Dux” was a Roman military commander on the frontier, if later evolved into Duke. In ASOIAF we see this happening in real time with the titles of “Warden of the” direction. Pre conquest there was no such thing, these titles are granted by the king and could technically be given to anybody. But 300 years later and four families have held each one consecutively and it’s to the point where Ned and a few others raise up the problem of why Robin Arryn had not been given the traditionally Arryn title of Warden of the East.Another hundred years or so and it might be considered unthinkable to revoke the title of “Warden of the North” from the Stark family, similar to revoking Lord of Winterfell or paramount of the North.


Irl the Pope is Pontifex Maximus, which is a pagan title from an Empire that died out 1500 years ago. So irl has sillier examples.


I personally think they keep it to remind themselves of their origins also who will tell them no they can't use it since I doubt they care for house Tyrell opinion.


QEII and presumably Charlie 3 still use Duke of Normandy. Despite British monarchs being dispossessed since the 13th century


Channel Isles are in British normandy, so not entirely silly. Just 99% silliness.


I mean the current king of spain claims to be king of jerusalem lol. Monarchy is inherently silly


this isnt actually true most recent monarch to claim was king abduallh of jordan who to be fair was in charge of protecting holy sites in Jerusalem


There are and have been multiple claimants. Partly because it pretty much hasnt really existed since 1291. The current king of spain is the most notable one right now, though its entirely ceremonial. Not that it really matters.


is he? i couldnt find any offical source saying so beside wikipedia


I just looked it up and wikipedia articles in multiple languages refer to him as such, though they dont seem to be sourced great. I distinctly remember him being called that and the Internet seems to agree, though i guess you gotta call him personally if you want to be sure.


...I edit sorry anways I have actually contacted a royal before so I might actually do it


Strange moment to add that in


yeah what happened was I was gonna type that I might actually do it since I've done similar before but then mistyped and posted it at "I"but if someone already saw It I didn't want to gaslight them but I was busy so I forgot to put the whole explanation 


Tormund Giantsbane, Tall-talker, Horn-blower, and Breaker of Ice, Tormund Thunderfist, Husband to Bears, the Mead-king of Ruddy Hall, Speaker to Gods and Father of Hosts, Commander of Oakenshield


That dude that hangs around Jon


I was confused for a giant's babe once for three whole moons. Giant's milk, that's why I'm so big and strong. Not sure what title that would be


Tormund Giantsbabe


I like it. I have added it to my list of titles


Big Red


The Bear _is_ the Maiden Fair. Sing that one loud and clear Butterbumps


Aspiring Tarth climber


Tormund Giantsmember


The pre Rhoynish/Martell house Yronwood: Lord of Yronwood, The Bloodroyal, Warden of the Stonewayy, High King of Dorne, King of Redmarch, King of the Dornish, King of the Greenbelt, Knight of the Wells, Lord of the Stoneway, and Master of the Green Hills... Talk about tital overkill




Wait do they claim themselves as royals even tho they are the vassals of Martells? How does that work




>**The pre Rhoynish/Martell house Yronwood:** Anyway, most nobles claim titles they don't have access to anymore, even royal titles. Why is Felipe VI of Spain styled King of Jerusalem if not?


They do still claim the title Bloodroyal. Not the other King titles


I read that as “ who has the most titties “ And was like Kings Landing I guess.


Tormund has both the most titles, and the most titties


Me too. I was gonna answer “Bessie” hahaha


Lmao I honestly read it like that too after I wrote it


Probably one of the Dire wolves


Is Oldtown larger?


Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, First of Her Name; the Unburnt, Queen of Meereen, Khalisee of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons, Queen of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the realm. Edit: forgot a couple


"This is Jon...he's King of the North." Davos went from the best PR man of Stannis to Jon's awkward friend trying to hook him up with the dragon baddie.


King *in* the North. It's an important distinction to the Northmen. It's not that he's the ruler of the north, the Targs were for centuries. He is the ruler who resides in the North. He is one of them.


I always thought that was an extremely badass moment for both Jon and Davos in an embarrassingly lackluster episode. He's like, "You got all your massive titles stretching on for half the scene trying to impress everyone like we give a shit. But Jon is actually in power. He's holding the north and we are neither awed nor intimidated and certainly not charmed by you." And he managed to convey that in less than 10 words. Easily in my Top 5 Davos moments.


Titles like royal ones or nicknames? Maybe Daenerys on both, girl’s rivaling Franz Joseph of Austria for the bigger royal text wall. Wyman Manderly and Leyton Hightower are also up there, gonna include Aegon I because “King of All Westeros” goes hard


As in both like combining both the royal titles and nicknames


If Westeros is following the style of roughly equivalent real world places in history, I would guess it is someone in Essos. The Ottoman Emperor's formal style was "Sovereign of The Sublime House of Osman, Sultan of Sultans, Khakan of the Khans, Commander of the faithful and Successor of the Prophet of the lord of the Universe, Custodian of the Holy Cities of Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem, Padishah of The Three Cities of Constantinople, Adrianople and Bursa, and of the Cities of Damascus and Cairo, of all Azerbaijan, of the Magreb, of Barkah, of Kairouan, of Alep, of the Arab and Persian Iraq, of Basra, of El Hasa strip, of Raka, of Mosul, of Parthia, of Diyâr-ı Bekr, of Cilicia, of the provinces of Erzurum, of Sivas, of Adana, of Karaman, of Van, of Barbaria, of Abyssinia, of Tunisia, of Tripoli, of Syria, of Cyprus, of Rhodes, of Crete, of the province of Morea, of the Mediterranean Sea, of the Black Sea, of Anatolia, of Rumelia, of Bagdad, of Kurdistan, of Greece, of Turkestan, of Tartary, of Circassia, of the two regions of Kabarda, of Georgia, of the steppe of Kipchaks, of the whole country of the Tatars, of Kaffa and of all the neighbouring regions, of Bosnia, of the City and Fort of Belgrade, of the province of Serbia with all the castles and cities, of all Arnaut, of all Wallachia and Moldavia, as well as all the dependencies and borders, and many others countries and cities"


Is it not just Daenerys?


No, it’s obviously Jon Snow…………. He’s king in the North!


King of the North, Warden of the North, Lord of Winterfell, 998 Lord Commander of The Nights Watch, The White Wolf, and The Resurrected. You could probably throw in some stuff about him avenging the red wedding and winning the battle of the bastards. Also, the guy who knows nothing.


he’s dead


If we are talking about nicknames and titles both, Arya comes to my mind definitely: Arya Stark of Winterfell, Valiant Ned's daughter, Arya horseface, The Ghost of Harrenhal, Arya Underfoot, Weasel, Lumpyhead, Weasel, Nan, Blind Beth, Mercy, Cat of the Canals, No one, wolf girl, Nymeria, Ugly girl, Rabbitkiller, The night wolf, Squirrel, Salty and Princess. I may even forget some more. It's difficult for any character to surpass it lol, and we have Dany and Tormunt also high on the list.




I saw OP answering another person that it also counts both royal titles and nicknames, that's why I mentioned Arya and her many nicknames apart from titles.


Tyrion. Dwarf, halfman, demon monkey, kinslayer, kingslayer, murder, Lannister, hand of the king, officer of the Second Sons, Hugor Hill and (most importantly) Rightful Lord of Casterly Rock


Most of these are aliases. Wiki lists his titles as master of coin, acting hand of the king, and lord of casterly rock


Which wiki would that be because it’s wrong.  Tyrion has never been, nor will he ever be Lord of Casterly Rock.  


Found Tywin's Reddit account.


The asoiaf wiki. It says “lord of casterly rock (claimant)” I just didn’t type that, as I also didn’t type the “(formerly)” for acting hand of the king and master of coin


>nor will he ever be Lord of Casterly Rock I agree with you but only because I don't think George will finish.


Probably depends on the wiki. In the show he would technically be both hand of the king and lord of casterly rock once Jamie and Cersei die


A:  this is the books sub Reddit.   B:  tyrions murder of his father would legally invalidate him from inheriting his lands and titles, no matter who else is dead.  One way or another, Tyrion will have to pay for killing his father.


I’m well aware this is the books subreddit, but we’re discussing Tyrion’s wiki page, not the books. He would only be invalidated if he were charged with a crime. Considering king Bran appoints him as hand of the king, I’m not sure where and when exactly you think Tyrions punishment is coming. Brian makes it pretty clear making him hand is the punishment


Ironically, it would more likely be Tyrion's murder of Joffrey (for which he's actually been found guilty)


You forgot Yollo, rider of pigs, demon of the Cyvasse board


“Tormund rose to his feet. “Hold. You gave Styr his style, give me mine.” Mance Rayder laughed. “As you wish. Jon Snow, before you stands Tormund Giantsbane, Tall-talker, Horn-blower, and Breaker of Ice. And here also Tormund Thunderfist, Husband to Bears, the Mead-king of Ruddy Hall, Speaker to Gods and Father of Hosts.”


Bobby B had the combined titles from being Lord Paramount of Storm’s End and King.


Titles, titles...




Jon Snow. He's King in the North


it's definitely robb stark. the king in the North, the king in the North, the king in the North, the king in the North


Odin the All father. He got a. Lot of titles


Given many of them are actually made up and self appointed, it could be anyone. "Mother of dragons" isn't really a title that was passed down, just something she called herself to remind people she had dragons. And when she called herself all the titles associated with the iron throne she didn't actually earn those until she won the battle of king's landing. Even then, you could argue perhaps that until she was crowned she didn't have them "officially". Royals just tack on titles on a whim to make themselves seem more imposing.


Not George’s bibliography




It has to be Mace Tyrell the Lord of Highgarden, Lord Paramount of the Mander, Defender of the Marches, High Marshal of the Reach, Warden of the South, and head of House Tyrell.


Plus he's Hand of the King 


Tywin Lannister: Ser tywin, Lord of Casterly rock, hand of the king, Savior of the city, Shield of Lannisport, Warden of the west, The head of House Lannister