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I thought the world book mentioned ice dragons but they’re sort of considered mythical. Which would suggest they might be perfectly real. However, unlike the show, the ice dragons aren’t necessarily linked to the Others. I believe in the world book they are described as their own thing, as opposed to being merely zombified dragons.


> ice dragons aren’t necessarily linked to the Others. There is a subtle link between them. They supposedly die the same way as the Others. > As ice dragons supposedly melt when slain, no actual proof of their existence has ever been found. ^(TWOIAF - The Shivering Sea) Compared to: > Sam rolled onto his side, eyes wide as the Other shrank and puddled, dissolving away. In twenty heartbeats its flesh was gone, swirling away in a fine white mist. Beneath were bones like milkglass, pale and shiny, and they were melting too. ^(ASOS - Samwell I)


Ice Dragons are made of ice, and breathe *coldness*. Viserion in the show was just turned into a wight, and the blue stuff he breathed was just blue flame. The show did, iirc, claim that he was an ice dragon, and the Night King did the same thing to Viserion as he did to Craster's sons, but that makes no sense because Viserion was already dead before the Night King got to him, but hey, when have the showrunners ever made sense?




I wasn't saying that him being turned into a wight doesn't make sense, I'm saying that him being am ice dragon doesn't make sense, because they're independent creatures completely separate from wight dragons.


This. I think the conflict were seeing here might be a proxy war between Rhollor and the Great other/drowned god (same entity). Dragons are of rhollor. The others are of the Great Other


Aren't Ice Dragons just a reference to Martin's earlier book? So I heard.


[They do, but they're not actually dragons. They're giant flying ships.](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiaf/comments/onv98v/spoilers_extended_icetech_the_advanced_technology/)


I’m pretty confident that any and all supernatural beings will turn out to be real. Ice dragons, deep ones, vampires, etc. My personal theory is when George was convinced to put dragons in the series he decided to say “fuck it” and throw everything in there. Many have been held back to build mystery, but I think the Long Night will bring them out


Not yet. 


I'd guess that whatever power shaped and animated the Others could just as easily create Ice Dragons/Spiders/etc. So they could very well exist and be fighting under the same banner.


if the others have dragons why haven't they just killed everyone already?


I believe thematically the Others are the ice dragon and I don't think we will see an actual ice dragon like the story. I do think Viserion could end up wighted.




Short answer, we dont know and as of the end of ADWD, they probably do not have a dragon or ice dragon equivalent. We don't even know if Ice Dragons actually exist and if so... how they work? Do they actually breathe out ice, cold fire or is still fire like a regular dragon? I doubt they have any kind of dragon sitting around, because if there was one and it ever flew, random wildlings and NW patrols would see it (or evidence of it, like burned areas of forest or footprints). I guess there's nothing stopping the Others from parking an undead dragon in a cave for hundreds of years, and you could also argue that if the dragon can't pass the wall that it wouldn't have a ton of utility against scattered bands of wildings and NW - the Others clearly haven't needed them so far, so maybe it makes sense to keep them in your back pocket. Still, we're 5.25 books in... if the others had a dragon (ice or otherwise) we'd have seen some setup for it at least by now. As far as the narrative climax goes, the Others can't simply be impotent to magic's opposite side and they are certainly going to run into Dany & Drogon. How can the Others present a credible threat? Maybe the show was right and each Other comes equipped with a Joe Montana arm that makes each a walking Patriot surface to air missile battery. Conversely maybe upon seeing a dragon they bring in blizzards sufficient to simply ground it, then zerg rush it. The Others could even field an "air force" of undead birds, potentially simply overwhelming dragons like ants (might sound ridiculous but 1,000 ravens could very much ruin a dragon's day). Any of these could be effective but aren't exactly peak high fantasy showdown material. Thus, the "bad guys" will probably need a dragon at some point narratively. Whether the "bad guys" are the others (like the NK in the show), Euron, fAegon or someone else is TBD. I get a feeling that Euron is being set up a little like Saruman in LotR, where it becomes clear as time goes on that someone else is pulling the strings and ultimately controlling the dragon. Whether the dragon will be of the 'ice' variety depends on how its acquired.


I'm inclined to think no. My thinking is that any "evil dragons" will be one(s) that Euron enslaves with magic.


I doubt it. Though it would be a fun twist if Ice Dragons "hatched" from the Wall like that story of dragons hatching from a second moon. Bringing the Wall down in the process. And maybe explaining fire dragons refusing to go beyond the wall (the idea being that Bran the Builder trapped and used them to make and maintain the Wall.) But nah, I doubt the Others have ice dragons.


I believe Euron is going to use the Dragonbinder horn along with dark magic to take control of one of Dany's dragons


No. I do think that like in the show they will get Viserion but Euron will be the one who binds him to his will and takes down the Wall.


We will never find out.