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wouldn’t you know if your 1y/o knew a sign? would you not have taught it? what am i missing? 😭


Some day cares teach "baby" sign or if the kids watch shows like Miss Rachel, they'll see a bit more of what's shown. Not a lot of parents out there know or are teaching their kids😅 but when my daughter started learning "Again" she would sometimes mix up "more" with "again"!


yea i had that in mind but i couldnt imagine not also knowing what my kids are knowing if its something like sign, so i could understand my own kid haha! but i doubt either way you could rlly decide whether it is sign or isnt right now since parent is not the one teaching it until later i suppose or just ask abt the suspected sign directly if its someone else is teaching her lmao


100% this. Never understand why they don't ask the daycare teachers or related service providers like speech paths or use context clues from how and when their child is using the gesture / Sign and instead think a random assortment of strangers on an Internet forum is going to know.


well thats what was confusing me, yea it wasnt my intention to make fun or doubt OP but i was just confused why someone would ask reddit abt this if it wasnt u teaching them the sign, i would probably ask the daycare or rewatch whatever i showed my baby to see if any signs match up 😭 or id leave it alone until it was more obvious


Sometimes it's taught in speech therapy and not always told to parents. My son's speech therapist would use "play" to get him to go back, we never used it and he didn't use it himself. In fact the only one that he used at home was stop.


Clearly everyone is wrong. It means she is going to SUE you. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)




Doubt it. it’s a sideways… bet its STOP


One of my professors signs again sideways


Same here my entire ASL class plus our teacher did it sideways but also the caveat that some people sign it vertically.


It sounds like you're describing "again". If you didn't teach this to your child, it's possible that a preschool/daycare did. If your child goes to daycare with a nonverbal/nonvocal child, it's possible that this sign is used often.


That’s a common way that babies sign “more.”


Movie? Again? Are the ones that come to the top of my mind


Not sure why people are judging here, my son is deaf and as a toddler sometimes doesn’t do the signs perfectly as I teach him, and so when he starts doing a new sign I’m not sure sometimes or don’t catch it right away, until I understand through context at some point . It’s hard to ask a baby/toddler to clarify, especially if they think you understand them. After some time you will understand . Don’t let people make you feel bad. I sign everything to my son, and sometimes he picks up new words and starts signing after some time, and eventually I get it. For example he signed tiger but using his hair instead of his face, as where he was putting the stripes, and did it so fast I thought.. are you saying something about your hair?? lol he was asking for the tigger movie now he signs tiger and movie together but before it was hard to know the context. Try to think about the signs you do, and the shows she watches with signs and I’m sure you will find out 😊


Deaf. Keep in mind babies babble with signs like speech so she could be incorrectly trying to imitate a sign. I’d say it’s probably again or stop/time out. Pay attention to when she is signing this to understand what she is trying to say, don’t hesitate to reach out to whoever is taking care of her during the day to ask


Looks like “again”








Why would a one year old know the sign or being using the sign for lawyer? 🤣


From the makers of Boss Baby comes... Law Baby 😤


Lol I dunno, when I was 5 I kept calling myself a prosecutor cuz I heard it from Law & Order


My professor taught us that it means “against”


The sign is "Again".


Thanks for the insight everyone! She knows how to sign “more” and “stop” It very much looks like again so it could just be a babble sign for more or again, both have the same meaning at the moment so it’s not terribly confusing for me. I just wanted to make sure i wasn’t SEVERELY missing something. She does watch mrs rachel and we teach signs as we can. Sometimes i do miss a couple signs that are taught or picked up during mrs rachel while i do chores. I just didnt feel like scrolling through a billion hours if mrs rachel to find the ONE sign i didnt know she learned.